Call 7 zip from ssis - sql-server-2016

I have written a SSIS package to unzip all the zip files in a given folder using 7 zip. I have used a for each loop container and script task.
7 zip is installed on my laptop. In the script I have given the location of 7 zip executable on my laptop.
Package works fine.
When I deploy my package it doesn't work.
What is standard practise. Do I need to install 7 zip on the sql server where I am going to install this package.
How does it work with Github.


How to install Nuget package on Server without internet connection or local repo?

I have a build server that does not have internet access and I want to install this package on it.
I have downloaded nuget.exe and copied it to the server and added it to my PATH and also copied the nuget package above to the server and tried to install with nuget install
But the install fails with
Unable to load the service index for source
Is there a way to simply install a nupkg file without a repo? The server is Windows Server 2012 R2.
I am assuming you are using NuGet 3 since this used to work in NuGet 2.
Disabling all your online package sources should allow you to install a NuGet package locally.
So you can either change your %APPDATA%\NuGet\NuGet.Config file so it has no package sources. Or you could use the -source parameter, specifying a package source that works offline, when calling install so the online package source is not used.
I was in the wrong folder when I ran the command. I needed to be one folder above and then specify the folder as the source. Worked.
nuget install -source C:\NugetDownloads -OutputDirectory E:\Nuget

Organizing "elmah.sqlservercompact" nuget package

I installed both the elmah.mvc and elmah.sqlservercompact (package link) nuget packages. This gets elmah to log to Sql Server Compact.
Problem is it copies a large number of files from the _bin_deployableAssemblies folder, on every build.
How do I change this to deploy/copy only if file has changed, like I can do for other resources?
Seems when I install the SqlServerCe package manually, it doesn't add all those binaries to the build file.

Windows 8 Metro style App installation

I have x86 tablet running Windows 8 Pro and i am trying to install appx package created in RTM on it , i ran as administrator everything
but application is not getting installed and I am getting error
"The term "Add-AppxPackage"is not recognized as a name of cmdlet , function script file or operable program"
Is there nay solution to above problem ?
Have you installed a Windows Store developer license on the target machine? See this link:
After that you should be able to install your package. I've never done my installs with the appx binary. When you do a build of your app, the output should contain an appx file plus a folder with the name of your app. The way I do my installs is to copy the folder to the target machine. Inside the folder is a powershell script that you can run to install the app. The script is called 'Add-AppDevPackage.ps1' and I believe you need to run it from an elevated (admin) Powershell console.
Edit: are you running the command like this:
(or use whatever name you script is, and note the dot slash in front)

During build/deploy, how do I get around Nuget packages that only copied files?

I have an MVC3 project to which I added the Twitter.Bootstrap.Less Nuget package.
To my knowledge, all this did was copy the appropriate JavaScript / LESS files into their appropriate directories.
However, when I now run this through my build/deploy process onto my dev server, MSBuild doesn't copy the /Content/less folder to my production server as part of deployment package.
My build server doesn't have an internet connection, so unfortunately using NuGet without committing packages to source control isn't an option.
How do I get MSBuild to deploy these files? Or do I need to copy the files, uninstall the nuget package, and manually copy them back in?
You could setup your own internal NuGet package source. That would be internal to your network and mean the build server could pickup the NuGet packages without an internet connection.
E.g. On the server, copy the packages you need to a folder and setup a package feed to that folder for the build server to use.

.NET 4 SDK Does not install Bootstrapper directory

I have a problem on our Jenkins CI server.
I've install Windows 7 .NET 4 SDK on it but for some reason it did not install the Bootstrapper directory.
In my local machine I have Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\V7.0a\Bootstrapper but on the server machine it have Windows\V7.1 but it does not have the Bootstrapper directory.
Any ideas?
Thank you,
I've finally solve this problem by simply coping the files from my machines to the CI server.
It's not ideal but it works.