Which information do I need to extract data from OneDrive via Microsoft's Graph API? - api

I want to connect to the Microsofts Graph API to extract some data from OneDrive.
My question is: What information do I need to do so?
I definitely need an API key, but which permissions, etc.?
Thank you already in advance for your help!

Here is sample query to get user`s oneDrive data:
Requred permission are Files.Read.All(reading), Files.ReadWrite.All(read/write)
You need to register endpoint in AzureAD, see howto:


Connecting to an API using Power Bi

I am trying to connect to an API using Power BI. I am doing this by clicking on the Get Data then choosing Web, typing the URL address of the site. It comes with the list of API links created when I drill to any of them I cannot see anything. Is this the correct way of doing it? Many Thanks for your help
For querying REST APIs, that's the correct way of doing it yes. But in your case, it might be an issue with the API itself or that you need more details in the query? It's hard to troubleshoot without vieweing the API documentations.
If you then press on Advanced, you can then include further details for your request if needed.
I will include some screenshots below of how to choose the Web connector.

OneDrive Custom Metadata on Files

I would like to store some additional metadata with documents that I am uploading to OneDrive (Business) using the OneDrive API, for example type of document, some additional information to search on , ...
Does anyone know if this is possible at this time? I noticed the following URL
But only support for OneDrive Personal??
To create a new facet, the OneDrive team needs to be informed via mail ?
Before a new custom facet can be used, you need to define its schema and register it with OneDrive. To register your custom facet, contact OneDrive Facet Registration and provide your client_id and schema definition JSON.
Best regards,
Reviving a post a bit later because my search found this question. I am going through custom facet registration at present. It is necessary to email the OneDrive team, and as part of that I needed to confirm in my reply that this was indeed only for OneDrive personal, not business / Sharepoint.
The e-mail link is shown in the OneDrive dev docs:

Has anyone integrated the Rome2rio travel widget onto their site?

Iam looking to integrate the Rome2rio as a widget onto my travel portal. Any help is appreciated.
yes i have just registered to get API key from rome2rio and read the documentation of API here documentation
below are the two ways of calling either XML or json whatever you want in responce

Connecting Google Adwords with QlikView 11 without using the QVSource Connector

I'm working on a project to connect Google Adwords with QlikView 11, i want to know if there's another way to do that without using the QVSource Connector which is not free.
I did some research and i found Adwords API, but i don't know how to use it.
If you have an idea please help me.
Thank you,
You need OAuth2 to authenticate against Adwords. Qlikview support only very simple authentication method (against web sites). Also QV doesn't support data in JSON format.
For this reasons you are unable to connect to Adwords directly from QV. You will need some tool/service that connect and extract the data in format the QV can load.
QVSource is working on this principle. Taking the authentication, extraction and transformation (if needed) of the data to csv format.
So you need to go with QVSource or write an app that will "link" QV with Adwords.

How do I upload a photo / image to LinkedIn via API?

LinkedIn has a /share API endpoint which accepts a link and a message. The link is afterwards expanded to an OpenGraph card and that gives you a way to stick an image preview in there, but it seems there's no other way to upload an image/picture to LinkedIn feed like you can do in the web app itself.
Is there a way, private API, undocumented endpoint or some other way to do that?
Creating a rich media share is done in two steps. First, the media is uploaded to LinkedIn's media platform. Then, a personal or organization share referencing that media is created.
This URL might be help you.
No. You need to give us the URL and we'll scrape it (or pull it from our cache).