Compile with angular 8 instead of the 9 - angular8

I recently installed Angular 9. I would like to experiment by trying to compile my project with Angular 8.
Is it possible to choose the version with which to compile? Since I previously had Angular 8? Thanks in advance.

In your tsconfig.json file, add:
"angularCompilerOptions": {
"enableIvy": false

I also have this issues before few days i got the error something like "my angular version is 8.0.2 but my angular cli is 9.0" so that it will not able to compile the code.
Then i change the whole project in angular 9
I also try with changing the version name or all but it not works.


Laravel with JetStream and LiveWire not rendering (Tailwind)

I started a new project in Laravel 8 with Jetstream and LiveWire.
It seems everything ok, but I'm not able to show correctly the auth pages.
I created a new laravel project.
I installed the jetstream package with LiveWire
This is the result of login page:
The css is not working.
After days of workaround on this issue, I found the problem.
After npm run dev, the console display the following line:
You have enabled the JIT engine which is currently in preview.
Documentation Here
For now I changed mode: 'JIT' to mode: '' in file tailwind.config.js
The project seems to work.

Missing things after uppgrade to RN57

I have a project made in react-native version 0.55.4. I'm in proccess of migrating this project to react-native 0.57.1. This is going well, but I'm having a little problem with some things that are missing, but only in release version.
In my settings window, I have some fields with their values. Most of field's labels and texts are from i18n RN library. The values are retrieved/stored using redux-persist. This was working fine before migrating. Also, everything works fine in debug version....the problem only occours in release version, but I got no errors in console during release build.
I'm compiling using SDK version 27 (the same I was using before).
Build platform is windows.
Solved. Problem was native-base version 2.8.0. Dowgraded to 2.7.2 and worked again.

Angular 6 migration PWA not working

I have recently migrated my app to Angular 6, it was working fine in angular 5, I faced a lot of issues but anyhow I resolved them, but PWA I am not able to migrate, in angular 5 PWA was working fine, but in 6 Giving below error ...
when I am running
command ng add #angular/PWA its showing error
**Error **
target is not defined for the specified project
Please help how to migrate or add PWA in Angular 6
This was already answered in the comment, but since this was the correct solution here's again what to do:
ng add #angular/pwa --project *project-name*
The above command adds the #angular/service-worker package to your project.
Source: Adding a service worker to your project

How to setup Typescript for Ionic v2 in IntelliJ IDEA

Ionic has recently upgraded to version 2 which is well-supported with TypeScript.
I'm now using IntelliJ IDEA to work with it, but don't know how to setup TypeScript to work with them.
So, how to set-up the ionic project in version 2 to work with TypeScript?
With the latest ionic#beta you can do ionic start myapp --v2 --ts to download the Typescript version of the starter.

Issue with building Apache cordova app for wp8 on win 8 desktop

I am trying to build a simple app using Apache cordova. Things went well for android. However when I try to add the wp8 platform on my win 8 notebook, It show the following error:
Creating Cordova-WP8 Project:
App Name : abc
Namespace :
Path : C:\Development\abc\platforms\wp8
CREATE SUCCESS : C:\Development\abc\platforms\wp8
ERROR: Could not find 'create.js' in 'bin' folder, aborting..
Could someone please point out what I am doing wrong!
Check and see if you have all the system requirement to add and build cordova project
Sometime if the proper sdk set up is not present this error may occur.It happened in my case.