How to convert date from decimal to date - sql

I have this in my Excel file that I receive : 1/1/1980 2:34:52 PM and after importing it's now stored as 29221.6075462963.
The database field is a nvarchar (200). I need a query that just shows exactly like excel : 1/1/1980 2:34:52 PM.
I am using SQL server 17.

In general, you can use something like this:
select dateadd(second,
floor((v.edt - floor(v.edt)) * 60*60*24),
dateadd(day, floor(v.edt), '1899-12-30')
from (values (29221.6075462963)) v(edt);


How can I have the right format of time with SQL Server?

Hello I have this column :
6/19/2019 3:10:12 PM
I wanted just to extract the time so I used the following query :
select try_parse([date1] as time using 'en-US') from myTable
But the problem is I got this :
whereas I would like to just have this :
How can I solve this ?
Thank you very much !
You can use FORMAT:
SELECT FORMAT(try_parse([date1] as datetime using 'en-US'), 'HH:mm:ss') from myTable;
You can try
SELECT convert(varchar(max), try_parse('6/19/2019 3:10:12 PM' AS time USING 'en-US'), 108)
FROM mytable;
if you want the result as a string for displaying purposes. (But you shouldn't store a date/time as string. Use the proper data types.)

SQL Server Query: Convert to dd/mm/yyyy from datetime

I'm querying a max datetime to bring in the most recent record from another table surrounding a common ID coloumn. I would like to however format this datetime in the standard UK dd/mm/yyyy format. How would I do so? I just cant seem to get this...
Here is my code:
(SELECT TOP 1 MemberPayments.CoverFinishDay
Members LEFT JOIN MemberPayments
ON Members.MemberID = MemberPayments.MemberID
AND CoverFinishDay = (
SELECT MAX(CoverFinishDay)
FROM MemberPayments
WHERE Members.MemberID = MemberPayments.MemberID
CoverFinishDay is stored in standard american datetime. currently the query works, just in the wrong format. I need the output in dd/mm/yyyy
This will help you:
This is for SQL Sever
If you are using SQL Server 2012 you can convert any date using FORMAT function. In your case you can do like this:
SELECT FORMAT (MemberPayments.CoverFinishDay, 'd', 'en-GB')
For mor info you can access the page:

Converting a numeric value to date time

I am working in SQL Server 2012. My date column in a data set looks like this: 41547. The column is in nvarchar (255). I want to convert it to something like this: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss (Example: 2013-09-14 12:23:23.98933090). But I can not do this. I am using following code:
select convert(datetime, date_column, 6)
But this is giving following error:
Msg 241, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 Conversion failed when converting
date and/or time from character string.
What am I doing wrong?
Your date is actually a numeric value (float or integer), stored in a char column. So, you need to convert it to a numerical value (in this case, to float) first, like:
select convert(datetime, CONVERT(float,date_column))
A value of 41547.5 will result in:
`2013-10-02 12:00:00`
The style argument, in your case 6 is only necessary when converting from or to char-types. In this case it is not needed and will be ignored.
NB: The float value is the number of days since 1900-01-01.
e.g. select convert(datetime, CONVERT(float,9.0)) => 1900-01-10 00:00:00; the same as select dateadd(day,9.0,'1900-01-01') would.
The decimal part of the number also equates to days; so 0.5 is half a day / 12 hours.
e.g. select convert(datetime, CONVERT(float,.5)) => 1900-01-01 12:00:00. (Here our comparison to dateadd doesn't make sense, since that only deals with integers rather than floats).
There is an easier way to do it as well.
select convert(date,cast (date_Column+ 19000000 as nvarchar(10)))
as date_Column_Formated
from table_Name
I have just found the way to do this.
First I have to covert the nvarchar to int then I have to convert it to date time. I have used following code:
Select convert(datetime, (convert (int, [date_column])), 6) as 'convertedDateTime' from mytable
6 format is: "dd mon yy"
Like this: SELECT convert(datetime, '23 OCT 16', 6)
Other formats will cause your error

Parsing date in sql query

I am using SQL Server 2005.
My Trade_Date column is of datatype datetime.
It has values as: 2/12/2013 11:59:00 PM , 2/13/2013 11:59:00 PM
i.e. different dates with time.
I want to compare date [only date] in where clause.
I am trying with following query:
select *
from foclosing
where CONVERT(varchar(11), Trade_Date) like '2/12/2013 %'
select *
from foclosing
where Trade_Date = CONVERT(datetime, '2/12/2013')
but both of these queries are not working.
What can be the issue?
select * from foclosing
where Trade_Date >= '20130212' AND Trade_Date < '20130213'
Use yyyymmdd which is safe for SQL Server
Don't apply functions to columns, then compare (your 1st query)See mistake 2 here:
Don't compare locale-based dates as varchar (your 1st query)
Trade_Date has a time element which is why your 2nd query fails
In summary, a date conversion should not be used for examples like this: datetime is a range

How to convert date and time in SQL Server

I have the following columns in a table:
Signed_In_Date Signed_Out_Time
11/1/2005 12:00:00 am 11/1/2005 10:27:00PM
I would like to convert them to the following output:
Signed_In_Date Signed_Out_Time
11/1/2005 10:27:00PM
Is there a function or conversion code in SQL Server that would do it?
Assuming that the columns you're referring to are DATETIME columns, I would use the code below:
Date Only
Time Only
You can see the queries in action / play with them here.
For Sign_In_Date Use
select CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),'11/1/2005 10:27:00PM',108)
For Sing_Out_Time
declare #time time
set #time=cast('11/1/2005 10:27:00PM' as Time)
select convert(varchar(10),#time,100)
try that :
select CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),Signed_Out_Time,108) ,-- 108 is d/M/yyyy if you want mm/dd/yyy you should use 101
You can use CONVERT to change datetime format to your own desirable format:
SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),Signed_In_Date,101) as 'Signed_In_Date',
CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),Signed_Out_Time,108) as 'Signed_Out_Time';
For more date format, go over this link: