Snakemake multiple input files with expand but no repetitions - input

I'm new to snakemake and I don't know how to figure out this problem.
I've got my rule which has two inputs:
rule test
f1 is in [A{1}$, A{2}£, B{1}€, B{2}¥]
f2 is in [C{1}, C{2}]
The numbers are wildcards that come from an expand call. I need to find a way to pass to the file f1 and f2 a pair of files that match exactly with the number. For example:
f1 = A1
f2 = C1
f1 = B1
f2 = C1
I have to avoid combinations such as:
f1 = A1
f2 = C2
I would create a function that makes this kind of matches between the files, but the same should manage the input_file1 and the input_file2 at the same time. I thought to make a function that creates a dictionary with the different allowed combinations but how would I "iterate" over it during the expand?

Assuming rule test gives you in output a file named {f1}.{f2}.txt, then you need some mechanism that correctly pairs f1 and f2 and create a list of {f1}.{f2}.txt files.
How you create this list is up to you, expand is just a convenience function for that but maybe in this case you may want to avoid it.
Here's a super simple example:
fin1 = ['A1$', 'A2£', 'B1€', 'B2¥']
fin2 = ['C1', 'C2']
outfiles = []
for x in fin1:
for y in fin2:
## Here you pair f1 and f2. This is a very trivial way of doing it:
if y[1] in x:
outfiles.append('%s.%s.txt' % (x, y))
f1 = '|'.join([re.escape(x) for x in fin1]),
f2 = '|'.join([re.escape(x) for x in fin2]),
rule all:
rule test:
input_f1 = '{f1}.txt',
input_f2 = '{f2}.txt',
cat {input} > {output}
This pipeline will execute the following commands
cat A2£.txt C2.txt > A2£.C2.txt
cat A1$.txt C1.txt > A1$.C1.txt
cat B1€.txt C1.txt > B1€.C1.txt
cat B2¥.txt C2.txt > B2¥.C2.txt
If you touch the starting input files with touch 'A1$.txt' 'A2£.txt' 'B1€.txt' 'B2¥.txt' 'C1.txt' 'C2.txt' you should be able to run this example.


chain/dependency of some rules by wildcards

I have a particular use case for which I have not found the solution in the Snakemake documentation.
Let's say in a given pipeline I have a portion with 3 rules a, b and c which will run for N samples.
Those rules handle large amount of data and for reasons of local storage limits I do not want those rules to execute at the same time. For instance rule a produces the large amount of data then rule c compresses and export the results.
So what I am looking for is a way to chain those 3 rules for 1 sample/wildcard, and only then execute those 3 rules for the next sample. All of this to make sure the local space is available.
I agree that this is problem that Snakemake still has no solution for. However you may have a workaround.
rule all:
input: expand("a{sample}", sample=[1, 2, 3])
rule a:
input: "b{sample}"
output: "a{sample}"
rule b:
input: "c{sample}"
output: "b{sample}"
rule c:
lambda wildcards: f"a{wildcards.sample-1}"
output: "c{sample}"
That means that the rule c for sample 2 wouldn't start before the output for rule a for sample 1 is ready. You need to add a pseudo output a0 though or make the lambda more complicated.
So building on Dmitry Kuzminov's answer, the following can work (both with numbers as samples and strings).
The execution order will be a3 > b3 > a1 > b1 > a2 > b2.
I used a different sample order to show it can be made different from the sample list.
samples = [1, 2, 3]
sample_order = [3, 1, 2]
def get_previous(wildcards):
if wildcards.sample != sample_order[0]: # if different from a3 in this case
previous_sample = sample_order[sample_order.index(wildcards.sample) - 1]
return f'b_out_{previous_sample}'
else: # if is the first sample in the order i.e. a3
return #here put dummy file always present e.g. the file containing those rules or the Snakemake
rule all:
expand("b_out_{S}", S=sample)
rule a:
rule b:

in snakemake, for two inputs, expand pairwise combination of a vector

I am new to Snakemake and have a problem in Snakemake expand function.
First, I need to have a group of combinations and use them as base to expand another vector upon them with pair-wise elements combinations of it.
Lets say the set for the pairwise combination is
I get the partial group as follows:
part_group1 = expand("TEMPDIR/{setA}_{setB}_", setA = config["setA"], setB = config["setB"]
Then, (if that is OK), I used this partial group, to expand another set with its pairwise combinations. But I am not sure how to expand pairwise combinations of setC as seen below. It is obviously not correct; just written to clarify the question. Also, how to input the name of the expanded estimator from shell?
rule get_performance:
xdata1 = TEMPDIR + part_group1 +"{setC}.rda"
xdata2 = TEMPDIR + part_group1 +"{setC}.rda"
estimator1= {estimator}
results = TEMPDIR + "result_" + part_group1 +{estimator}_{setC}_{setC}.txt"
Rfile = FunctionDIR + "function.{estimator}.R"
"Rscript {params.Rfile} {input.xdata1} {input.xdata12} {input.estimator1} "
The expand function will return a list of the product of the variables used. For example, if
expand("TEMPDIR/{setA}_{setB}_", setA = config["setA"], setB = config["setB"]
will give you:
Your question is not very clear on what you want to achieve but I'll have a guess.
If you want to make pairwise combinations of setC:
import itertools
combiC=list(itertools.combinations(setC, 2))
for c in combiC:
the you (probably) want the files:
rule all:
input: expand(TEMPDIR + "/result_{A}_{B}_estim{estimator}_combi{C}.txt",A=setA, B=setB, estimator=estimators, C=combiList)
I'm putting some words like "estim" and "combi" not to confuse the wildcards here. I do not know what the list or set "estimators" is supposed to be but I suppose you have declared it above.
Then your rule get_performance:
rule get_performance:
xdata1 = TEMPDIR + "/{A}_{B}_{firstC}.rda",
xdata2 = TEMPDIR + "/{A}_{B}_{secondC}.rda"
TEMPDIR + "/result_{A}_{B}_estim{estimator}_combi{firstC}_{secondC}.txt"
Rfile = FunctionDIR + "/function.{estimator}.R"
"Rscript {params.Rfile} {input.xdata1} {input.xdata2} {input.estimator} {output.results}"
Again, this is a guess since you haven't defined all the necessary items.

Two variables with inconsistent names as input for a Snakemake rule

How can I pair up input data for rules in snakemake if the naming isn't consistent and they are all in the same folder?
For example if I want to use each pair of samples as input for each rule:
PT1 T5
S6 T7
S1 T20
In this example I would want to have 3 pairs PT1 & T5, S6 & T7, S1 & T20 so to start with, I would want to create 3 folders:
And then perform an analysis with manta and output the results into these 3 folders accordingly.
In the following pipeline I want the GERMLINE sample to be the first element in each line (PT1, S6, S1) and TUMOR the second one (T5, T7, T20).
rule all:
expand("/{samples_g}vs{samples_t}", samples_g = GERMLINE, samples_t = TUMOR),
expand("/{samples_g}vs{samples_t}/", samples_g = GERMLINE, samples_t = TUMOR),
# Create folders
rule folders:
output: "./{samples_g}vs{samples_t}"
shell: "mkdir {output}"
# Manta configuration
rule manta_config:
g = BAMPATH + "/{samples_g}.bam",
t = BAMPATH + "/{samples_t}.bam"
wf = "{samples_g}vs{samples_t}/"
ref = IND,
out_dir = "{samples_g}vs{samples_t}/"
"python --normalBam {input.g} --tumorBam {input.t} --referenceFasta {params.ref} --runDir {params.out_dir} "
Could I do it by using as an input a .txt containing the pairs and then use a loop? If so how should I do it? Otherwise how could it be done?
You can generate the list of input or output files "manually" using any appropriate python code. For instance, you could proceed as follows to generate the first of your input lists:
In [1]: GERMLINE = ("PT1", "S6", "S1")
In [2]: TUMOR = ("T5", "T7", "T20")
In [3]: ["/{}vs{}".format(sample_g, sample_t) for (sample_g, sample_t) in zip(GERMLINE, TUMOR)]
Out[3]: ['/PT1vsT5', '/S6vsT7', '/S1vsT20']
So this would be applied as follows:
rule all:
["/{}vs{}".format(sample_g, sample_t) for (sample_g, sample_t) in zip(GERMLINE, TUMOR)],
["/{}vs{}/".format(sample_g, sample_t) for (sample_g, sample_t) in zip(GERMLINE, TUMOR)],
(Note that I put sample_g and sample_t in singular form, as it sounded more logical in this context, where those variable represent individual sample names, and not lists of several samples)

Generate passwords from list in pairs of two

I've recently found an old TrueCrypt volume file of mine, but after an hour of trying out different passwords I haven't found the right one. I know for a fact that I used a combination of old passwords, but it would take a very long time to try all combinations by hand. I've tried different programs (such as Crunch) to construct a wordlist, but all they do is to generate combinations of every single entry in the .txt-file.
So my question is: does anyone know of a program that could combine all the entries in the file, but only in pairs of two?
For example:
String 1 = hello
String 2 = bye
output =
Under windows, the following command will combine all combinations of two passwords into a new file, using a plain text file as input with line-seperated passwords.
for /F "tokens=*" %i in (passwords.txt) do #(
for /F "tokens=*" %j in (passwords.txt) do
#echo %i%j
)>> combinations.txt
Sample wordlist: cat list.txt
Script: cat
words = []
file = open('list.txt', 'r')
for word in file.readlines():
words.append(word.replace('\n', ''))
#i - 1 is to prevent extending past the end of the list on last try
for i in range(len(words) - 1):
#i + 1 is to prevent "wordword"
for j in range(i + 1, len(words)):
print words[i] + words[j]
print words[j] + words[i]
Output: python

Plotting a function directly from a text file

Is there a way to plot a function based on values from a text file?
I know how to define a function in gnuplot and then plot it but that is not what I need.
I have a table with constants for functions that are updated regularly. When this update happens I want to be able to run a script that draws a figure with this new curve. Since there are quite few figures to draw I want to automate the procedure.
Here is an example table with constants:
location a b c
1 1 3 4
There are two ways I see to solve the problem but I do not know if and how they can be implemented.
I can then use awk to produce the string: f(x)=1(x)**2+3(x)+4, write it to a file and somehow make gnuplot read this new file and plot on a certain x range.
or use awk inside gnuplot something like f(x) = awk /1/ {print "f(x)="$2 etc., or use awk directly in the plot command.
I any case, I'm stuck and have not found a solution to this problem online, do you have any suggestions?
Another possibilty to have a somewhat generic version for this, you can do the following:
Assume, the parameters are stored in a file parameters.dat with the first line containing the variable names and all others the parameter sets, like
location a b c
1 1 3 4
The script file looks like this:
file = 'parameters.dat'
par_names = system('head -1 '.file)
par_cnt = words(par_names)
# which parameter set to choose
par_line_num = 2
# select the respective string
par_line = system(sprintf('head -%d ', par_line_num).file.' | tail -1')
par_string = ''
do for [i=1:par_cnt] {
eval(word(par_names, i).' = '.word(par_line, i))
f(x) = a*x**2 + b*x + c
plot f(x) title sprintf('location = %d', location)
This question (gnuplot store one number from data file into variable) had some hints for me in the first answer.
In my case I have a file which contains parameters for a parabola. I have saved the parameters in gnuplot variables. Then I plot the function containing the parameter variables for each timestep.
datafile = "parabola.txt"
set terminal pngcairo size 1000,500
set xrange [-100:100]
set yrange [-100:100]
titletext(timepar, apar, cpar) = sprintf("In timestep %d we have parameter a = %f, parameter c = %f", timepar, apar, cpar)
do for [step=1:400] {
set output sprintf("parabola%04d.png", step)
# read parameters from file, where the first line is the header, thus the +1
a=system("awk '{ if (NR == " . step . "+1) printf \"%f\", $1}' " . datafile)
c=system("awk '{ if (NR == " . step . "+1) printf \"%f\", $2}' " . datafile)
# convert parameters to numeric format
set title titletext(step, a, c)
plot c+a*x**2
This gives a series of png files called parabola0001.png,
…, each showing a parabola with the parameters read from the file called parabola.txt. The title contains the parameters of the given time step.
For understanding the gnuplot system() function you have to know that:
stuff inside double quotes is not parsed by gnuplot
the dot is for concatenating strings in gnuplot
the double quotes for the awk printf command have to be escaped, to hide them from gnuplot parser
To test this gnuplot script, save it into a file with an arbitrary name, e.g. parabolaplot.gplot and make it executable (chmad a+x parabolaplot.gplot). The parabola.txt file can be created with
awk 'BEGIN {for (i=1; i<=1000; i++) printf "%f\t%f\n", i/200, i/100}' > parabola.txt
awk '/1/ {print "plot "$2"*x**2+"$3"*x+"$4}' | gnuplot -persist
Will select the line and plot it
This was/is another question about how to extract specific values into variables with gnuplot (maybe it would be worth to create a Wiki entry about this topic).
There is no need for using awk, you can do this simply with gnuplot only (hence platform-independent), even with gnuplot 4.6.0 (March 2012).
You can do a stats (check help stats) and assign the values to variables.
Data: SO15007620_Parameters.txt
location a b c
1 1 3 4
2 -1 2 3
3 2 1 -1
Script: (works with gnuplot 4.6.0, March 2012)
### read parameters from separate file into variables
FILE = "SO15007620_Parameters.txt"
myLine = 1 # line index 0-based
stats FILE u (a=$2, b=$3, c=$4) every ::myLine::myLine nooutput
f(x) = a*x**2 + b*x + c
plot f(x) w l lc rgb "red" ti sprintf("f(x) = %gx^2 + %gx + %g", a,b,c)
### end of script