Use OptaPlanner directly from another Script (without API) - optaplanner

is it for using OptaPlanner required, that the tool is available with a domain as example, or is it also possible to use the features directly from another script?


Sesame server support for SPIN

I am new to SPIN, I read the documentation and I looked up some examples but I would like to start working with it.
I saw some tools from for SPIN but I've been working with openrdf-sesame server for a while and I would like to stick with it.
I read the documentation from
and I saw that there is a beta version of the SpinSail in the API... but I could not find anywhere on the website specified that the openrdf-sesame.war server has a SPIN processor or not.
Is it possible to use SPIN functionalities (adding rules, adding constraints, making inferences etc) with sesame's quadstore? If yes, then how?
All you need to do is use the Workbench to create a new repository, and making sure that you pick a repository type that includes SPIN reasoning (there's a dropdown menu, the options with SPIN support should be fairly obvious). In other words it works similarly to how you create repositories with other types of reasoning support.

Cytoscape graph builder (drag-and-drop new nodes)

I am looking to use Cytoscape.js to build an interactive web based graph builder. Is it possible to handle a drop event to create a new node or link? If not, what options, if any exist for interactive graph building using the API? It looks like I may be able to use the click event or the radial menu plugin to do something like this but I'm interested in other options. Are there any good examples out there of doing something like this?
Cytoscape.js has an extension API that can be used to create reusable components like you suggest. There are several existing extensions which you can use in addition to the documentation as examples.
It seems someone has made a similar extension, but it’s straightfoward to create your own using any of the documented API functions.
We’re working to streamline the extension writing and submission process so it’s easier to share your extensions with others in v2.3.

Functional and performance testing for the "Finacle - Infosys" core banking system using IBM Rational

I am trying to evaluate the capabilities of the below IBM Rational tools to handle functional testing automation and performance testing for the "Finacle - Infosys" core banking system.
IBM Rational Functional Tester (RFT)
IBM Rational Performance Tester (RPT)
Also, I would like to confirm whether any additional components are required to be added for both tools to support my testing needs (e.g. plugin to test web services or handling Oracle NCA JInitiator ... etc.).
Appreciate your kind help and support.
Note: I apologize for posting the question twice on the "Software Quality Assurance and Testing" and the main "StackOverFlow" sites.
Rational Functional Tester(RFT) is a Functional/GUI Testing/Automation tool.
I am not sure about the application you are using however RFT provides a very good support for Html /Java /.Net /Win based applications (to name a few)
I am giving a brief description on what RFT can do and then you can decide if it meets your requirement for functional testing or automation.
RFT can be installed on an Eclipse IDE or Visual Studio IDE or Both and you can use whatever you are comfortable with.
RFT provides you the capability to create your test scripts using a Recorder which simply records the action you perform on your application , capturing the objects you interacted all along and saving the object map. You can create Verification points (data verfication point , property verification point etc) or use Datapool to run some tests with different sets of data.
The script thus generated can be further fine-tuned if required post recording also.
Once you have a script ready you can playback the script and then RFT would start executing the actions the script contains, RFT would use the object map to determine the properties and the hierachy of the object to find the controls and perform actions on them. It may also use the saved verification points if any, to verify any data/property . Or may use the datapool to data-drive the script.
Another way you could use RFT is by harnessing the power of descriptive programming (you would require some basic Java/VB skills).
Using descriptive programming you would essentially create the script on your own without using the recorder. You could use the find() api provided by RFT to find objects and then perform actions / verfication test etc. When using descriptive scripting we would usually unbind ourselves from the object map as we are defining what to find and where to find etc.
Also a combination of two can be used where you can use some objects from the object map and some can be found using the find() api. This would entirely depend on your the kind of test case you want to write and type of application you are automating/testing.
You could also use Simplified scripting which records a script in plain english like format and also allows capturing of application visuals enabling a user to modify a script even if the application is offline using the captured visuals.
As checked and confirmed with IBM representatives and according to IBM Portal (Link Here), the use of both Rational Performance Tester (RPT) and Rational Functional Tester (RFT) should be supported.
We will have a project running to conduct both functional testing automation and performance testing for the "Finacle - Infosys" core banking system during the coming 12 months, after-which I can post any updates on this question of mine.

Is it possible to inject code from script into running rails app

Assume I have a running ruby on rails app.
I’m creating classes (db-models) defined by a description provided at runtime.
Right now, I’m using the rails app (via browser) to trigger the code generation — and therefore the app “knows” about its new classes.
But, is it possible to inject code from scripts executed inside the rails app directory?
$ [path/to/app] rails s
$ [path/to/app] script/apply_schema
Since RoR supports many helpers for both generating tables, columns etc. I do not see why you want to do this using script injection. this would not only be a very weird way of inputting and rendering data but it would also create quite a security risk.
Then comes my second question (in runtime) how would you define authentication? since you are trying to inject code?
I would advise using the SQL helpers to create/update/destroy attributes. this is based on a much used and effective architecture. also using relations makes you able to build quite alot while still remaining in the "safe" environment RoR offers.
If you want to try a framework wich offers data injection on runtime try Meteor

Maya API - Create plugin to import various Models

I am trying to create a plugin in Maya API that will basically have a menu inside of Maya and I will be able to load in a different character head depending on which button was pressed.
This is my first time with the Maya API so I am quite unfamiliar.
Any ideas on how to import models like this using the API?
Thanks so much!
I recommend using MEL as a start, instead of the Maya API.
MEL Commands you should look at are file to import files into your scene (e.g. heads), and probably all UI related commands to create a simple window.
As Byron mentioned, MEL or Python scripting would be a (dramatically) simpler solution than using the API. There is one key difference between what you will be able to accomplish using the API compared to a script:
Using the OpenMayaUI modules, you can insert your "head selection UI" directly into the existing menus in Maya.
Using a script, you are restricted to a floating ui window that can be docked in certain places in Maya's UI (This is not technically true, however it is far easier to utilize scripts in this manner rather than trying to force your script into the UI). Furthermore, creating a button for the script to be launched in Maya requires users of the script to take an extra step. It cannot be "installed" into Maya for them (Again, not technically true, but most users prefer shelf buttons as opposed to menus in the UI). See Autodesk Documentation: Creating a shelf button for a script for more information on that.
I see no reason that a script will not suffice for a simple head swap action, but if you wish to use this as an exercise in learning the API then I can give you a few pointers:
First of all, all non-API Maya commands can be accessed in both a script and using the API for a plugin. Since this "Plugin" does not require any API modules other than those needed for adding the Plugin directly to the UI, you can mockup the entire functionality using a script.
In other words, you can use "import maya.cmds as cmds" in both a script and a plugin, and the actual functionality you desire is available entirely using that module. Therefore, I would advise you make a script that performs the actions you want first, then work on converting that script into a plugin. Creating a command plugin that achieves this result should be fairly simple once you already have a script that works. Then, all you need to do is use the UI API modules to add your menu to the existing Maya UI.
Once your script is complete, here is a link to Autodesk's tutorial on creating a command plugin: Autodesk Python API Documentation
And this cgsociety discussion contains a lot of useful tips of getting your UI inside of Maya's (the discussion is about c++, but the same concepts apply to python plugins): C++ Add Menu to Maya's Main Menu Bar
I've taken to assuming this will all be done using Python, since scripts and plugins can both be programmed in that language. It's also what I use- I've never delved into the c++ API. Anyways, I hope this helps! Good luck :)