Is it possible to inject code from script into running rails app - ruby-on-rails-3

Assume I have a running ruby on rails app.
I’m creating classes (db-models) defined by a description provided at runtime.
Right now, I’m using the rails app (via browser) to trigger the code generation — and therefore the app “knows” about its new classes.
But, is it possible to inject code from scripts executed inside the rails app directory?
$ [path/to/app] rails s
$ [path/to/app] script/apply_schema

Since RoR supports many helpers for both generating tables, columns etc. I do not see why you want to do this using script injection. this would not only be a very weird way of inputting and rendering data but it would also create quite a security risk.
Then comes my second question (in runtime) how would you define authentication? since you are trying to inject code?
I would advise using the SQL helpers to create/update/destroy attributes. this is based on a much used and effective architecture. also using relations makes you able to build quite alot while still remaining in the "safe" environment RoR offers.
If you want to try a framework wich offers data injection on runtime try Meteor


best practice - upgrade dojo/dijit to dojo2 application

We have a legacy PHP/Zend application built with dojo/dijit and dojox/mobile. We want to start to remodel the application using DOJO2. Much of the existing UI is already in the form of dijit AJAX pulls against server code.
We've been through the dojo2 tutorials, as well as become fond of webstorm.
As folks do such migrations, is it most often done as a new, dojo2 application that makes pulls against legacy (existing) server code, or is it more common to point webstorm's 'dist' directory to the existing application's javascript folder and create 'stub' server pages that just include the new DOJO2 code.
Or does it not really matter?
We're just looking to see what is the most common path forward with DOJO2 while minimizing the mucking that goes on with Zend's module routers, and don't want to start down a path that has some unknown 'gotchas'.
Dojo 2 follows a reactive architecture and has a different build path to legacy Dojo. You may find it easier to re-write each php page's TS/JS code at a time to use Dojo 2. I'm afraid I am not familiar with Zend so cannot provide specific advice for this.

Another instance of symfony2 for API

I'm developing medium/large project and currently I will have to write API for it.
Project is currently on 2.2.11 because it don't need to be on the newest version and because of many installed modules it's hard to not crash something or module integrity can be broken.
I have found symfony rest edition which looks pretty nice. The question is, installing another instance of symfony2 (with DB from my project) only for API is good practise? Or doing it in my current symfony instance is better option?
It's not bad, many instances can be plugged to the same DB.
As you will share entities between those 2 instances, you should isolate them in a bundle that is embedded by the 2 instances, and versioned apart each instance. So that entities and repositories are shared and synchronized between the 2 projects.
You should check out dependencies of the symfony-rest-edition and try requiring them in your project. It's quite possible that you can get most of the components in one project, without having to duplicate code or adding deployment stages.
For example, the master branch of FOSRestBundle supports Symfony ~2.2, see composer.json.
And globally, having duplicate code is not good. It's better to have everything in one project rather than dividing it. What if you'd have to change an entity or introduce new business logic? You'd have to make the change in two projects instead of one, or subdividing the codebase.

Manage templates in large SPA with Ember.js and ASP.NET MVC

I am converting a good old ASP.Net website to a single page application using Ember.js in a ASP.NET Web API project.
All the devs of my team and myself are pretty new to javascript. We spent the last 2 weeks learning the basis and comparing SPA frameworks. I apologize in advance if my question sounds stupid :)
All the Ember tutorials I have found so far included all Handlebars templates into one single file. I assumed it would be pretty obvious to split them into separates files (*.hbs) when the time would come, but it's not. I might be totally missing something here, but I found about 4 ways to get my templates back when I need them. I'd like to know which method you would recommend:
Concatenate and then inject all the template files when the app loads. I could write some C# code on the server-side that concatenates all the templates files into a single one when the app loads (i.e. each time a visitor enter the app). It seems odd to me, in terms of processing, but also because the generated HTML file will be pretty heavy.
Load each template dynamically via Ajax when I need it. Pretty much what is done here. I kinda like this solution even though I haven't tried it yet. It makes sense to me to get asynchronously a template when I need it instead of loading the entire app on the first load.
Use the Bundling mechanism of Asp.Net MVC. I found stuff like csharp-ember-handlebars to precompile the templates on the server-side and return them as a single javascript file. It works-ish but I feel like the precompiled file will become pretty heavy as I add new templates.
Use Grunt with the plugin grunt-ember-handlebars to precompile the templates. I'm not familiar with Grunt but if I understand well all the devs working on the project will have to install Node.js + Grunt + learn how to use a command prompt + remember to run the command before each commit (if they modified a template). This is not obvious for the web designers. And adding grunt to the build actions will require the entire dev team (working on other projects) to have grunt on their machine (not acceptable).
I need to find a simple and elegant solution to address this issue. My project is in a solution with 35 other projects and I cannot add too much complexity to the build, neither depend on unstable libraries. Maybe I have been too optimistic when I thought I could use Ember for my project. Any suggestion would be welcome!
Your #3 is the most ideal (and common) way that I've seen applications handle templates. With a compiled and minified template file you really don't have to worry to much about performance problems in regards to adding new templates, especially if you take advantage of caching.
One benefit to having the templates compiled and available off-the-bat is that users only need to Download Your Resources Once™, as apposed to downloading resources for each subsequent page load. This leads to a fantastic user experience.

Flash Builder 4.5 for PHP does not generate CRUD php classes for services while the previous version did?

I recently upgraded to Flash Builder 4.5 for PHP since I’m working on a big PHP/Flex project and thought that it would be easier to integrate the two.
What do you know? The feature that generate the php class to feed a flex/PHP service trough AMF is appears to be missing!
Time to downgrade or am I overlooking something?
I believe it's still there, but that feature should only be used for building a test application. It breaks a lot of best practices such as creating the connection in the class (it should be injected or retrieved from an outside class that manages the DB) and it puts the database definition info in the class (username, password, etc.). I believe that when you use that feature that a popup tells you that it is not intended for production use. When building a service class it is best to define your classes based off of the functionality you need to provide.

Web application programming using objective-c?

Just say you have a quite large and complicated desktop application written in objective-c/cocoa written properly in MVC. You then wish to replace the V and C so that it is a web application?
Is there anything like Tomcat but for objective c? The closest thing I can think of is somehow convert the Model code into an apache module to load in apache?
Obviously I could embed some sort of HTTP server and write a whole pile of code to manage sessions and requests and responses and so on, but might there be a simpler way?
You can leave the server almost as-is. I'd run it as a daemon in the background.
I'd split the controller part. One part of it resides on the server as a connection between HTTP requests and the daemon.
You could run a self-made http server.
You could build it into a Apache module as you mentioned.
You could access your controller through CGI. This is the easiest option as I see it.
The second part of the controller is written in Javascript in the browser, exchanging data with the server and updating the GUI.
The view part is written completely in javascript.
You could - if you want - leave out the controller on the server and make the model understand HTTP requests.
For the Controller / View part consider using a framework.
jQuery for only a light interface. (Or a similar framework.)
I haven't yet found a framework that leaves all the model stuff to the server. Maybe you can use SproutCore or Cappuccino accordingly.
SproutCore, the full-backed MVC framework that is used by Apple. (Think so at least.)
Cappuccino, another full-backed MVC framework.
Have you looked at Cappuccino?
I have not used but have heard many good things about it.
There is a new web development platform for Objective-C/Cocoa called Bombax. It sounds like exactly what you're looking for (it is designed to allow you to write entire web applications in Objective-C). Perhaps you could even combine it with Cappuccino. You can check it out at
The closest you'll probably come to Objective-C web frameworks are either SOPE, or GNUStep, neither of which I have used, but ran across when I was deciding if I wanted to use Rails or something written in Objective-C for my web stuff. There's also ARJDatabase, which is kind of like Core Data, but not source compatible.
The bottom line is, unless you were very careful about how you wrote your code (i.e. wrote it with GNUStep in mind, didn't use anything Apple specific) you're probably going to have to do quite a bit of work anyway. And if you used Core Data at all, there's no way I know of to reuse that outside of a Mac App. And since it's not setup to be used my multiple simultaneous users, you wouldn't want to use that in a web app anyway. Bottom line, I went with Rails.
There is Frothkit - but it appears not to have been updated for a year.