I am trying to create a filter which depends on the current global_step of the training but I am failing to do so properly.
First, I cannot use tf.train.get_or_create_global_step() in the code below because it will throw
ValueError: Variable global_step already exists, disallowed. Did you mean to set reuse=True or reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE in VarScope? Originally defined at:
This is why I tried fetching the scope with tf.get_default_graph().get_name_scope() and within that context I was able to "get" the global step:
def filter_examples(example):
scope = tf.get_default_graph().get_name_scope()
with tf.variable_scope(scope, reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE):
current_step = tf.train.get_or_create_global_step()
subtokens_by_step = tf.floor(current_step / curriculum_step_update)
max_subtokens = min_subtokens + curriculum_step_size * tf.cast(subtokens_by_step, dtype=tf.int32)
return tf.size(example['targets']) <= max_subtokens
dataset = dataset.filter(filter_examples)
The problem with this is that it does not seem to work as I expected. From what I am observing, the current_step in the code above seems to be 0 all the time (I don't know that, just based on my observations I assume that).
The only thing that seems to make a difference, and it sounds weird, is restarting the training. I think, also based on observations, in that case current_step will be the actual current step of the training at this point. But the value itself won't update as the training continues.
If there a way to get the actual value of the current step and use it in my filter like above?
Tensorflow 1.12.1
As we discussed in the comments, having and updating your own counter might be an alternative to using the global_step variable. The counter variable could be updated as follows:
op = tf.assign_add(counter, 1)
with tf.control_dependencies(op):
# Some operation here before which the counter should be updated
Using tf.control_dependencies allows to "attach" the update of counter to a path within the computational graph. You can then use the counter variable wherever you need it.
If you use variables inside datasets you need to reinitilize iterators in tf 1.x.
iterator = tf.compat.v1.make_initializable_iterator(dataset)
init = iterator.initializer
tensors = iterator.get_next()
with tf.compat.v1.Session() as sess:
for epoch in range(num_epochs):
for example in range(num_examples):
tensor_vals = sess.run(tensors)
In my TensorFlow code I want my network to take inputs from one of the two StagingArea objects depending upon whether I want to do training or testing.
A part of the graph construction code I wrote is as follows :
with tf.device("/gpu:0"):
for i in range(numgpus):
with tf.variable_scope(tf.get_variable_scope(), reuse=i>0) as vscope:
with tf.device('/gpu:{}'.format(i)):
with tf.name_scope('GPU-Tower-{}'.format(i)) as scope:
phase = tf.get_variable("phase", [], initializer=tf.zeros_initializer(),dtype=tf.uint8, trainable=False)
phaseassigntest = phase.assign(1)
phaseassigntrain = phase.assign(0)
phasetest = tf.equal(phase, 0)
is_training = tf.cond(phasetest, lambda: tf.constant(True), lambda: tf.constant(False))
trainstagingarea = tf.contrib.staging.StagingArea([tf.float32, tf.int32], shapes=[[trainbatchsize, 3, 221, 221], [trainbatchsize]], capacity=20)
putoptrain = trainstagingarea.put(train_iterator.get_next())
getoptrain = trainstagingarea.get()
trainclearop = trainstagingarea.clear()
trainsizeop = trainstagingarea.size()
valstagingarea = tf.contrib.staging.StagingArea([tf.float32, tf.int32], shapes=[[valbatchsize, 3, 221, 221], [valbatchsize]], capacity=20)
putopval = valstagingarea.put(val_iterator.get_next())
getopval = valstagingarea.get()
valclearop = valstagingarea.clear()
valsizeop = valstagingarea.size()
#elem = valgetop[i]
elem = tf.cond(is_training,lambda: traingetop[i],lambda: valgetop[i])
img = elem[0]
label = elem[1]
labelonehot = tf.one_hot(label, depth=numclasses)
net, networksummaries = overfeataccurate(img,numclasses=numclasses, phase=is_training)
I have used tf.cond to make sure that the network is fed by one of the two StagingArea objects. One is meant for training and the other one is meant for validation.
Now, when I try to execute the graph as follows, I do not get any result and infact the code just hangs and I have to kill the process.
with tf.Session(graph=g,config=config) as sess:
for i in range(20):
writer = tf.summary.FileWriter('.', graph=tf.get_default_graph())
epoch = 0
iter = 0
print("Performing Validation")
saver = tf.train.Saver()
time_init = time.time()
while True:
[val_accu, _, summaries] = sess.run([towervalidation, towervalidationupdateop,validation_summary_op])
when instead of tf.cond() I directly assign elem = valgetop[i], the code works just fine.
Am I missing something over here ?
What is the right way to feed my network based on whether I want to do training or testing ?
NOTE The error does not go away even if I set numgpus to 1.
Your problem
What you think tf.cond does
Based on the flag, execute what is required to put either traingetop[i] or valgetop[i] into your elem tensor.
What tf.cond actually does
Executes what is required to get both traingetop[i] and valgetop[i], then passes one of them into your elem tensor.
The reason it is hanging forever is because it's waiting for an element to be added to your training staging area (so that it can get that element and discard it). You're forgiven for not realising this is what it's doing; it's actually very counter-intuitive. The documentation is awfully unclear on how to deal with this.
Recommended Solution (by Tensorflow documentation)
If you really need the queues to be in the same graph, then you need to make two copies of your ENTIRE graph, one that is fed by your training staging area, and one that is fed by your validation staging area. Then you just use the relevant tensor in your sess.run call. I recommend creating a function that takes a queue output tensor, and returns a model_output tensor. Now you have a train_time_output tensor and a validation_time_output tensor, and you can choose which one you want to execute in your sess.run.
You need to make sure that you aren't actually creating new variables to go along with these new ops. To do that take a look at the latest documentation on variables. It looks like they've simplified it from v0.12, and it essentially boils down to using tf.get_variable instead of tf.Variable to create your variables.
My preferred work around
Although that is the recommended solution (AFAIK), it is extremely unsatisfying to me; you're creating a whole other set of operations on the graph that just happen to use the same weights. It seems like there's a lot of potential for programmer error by abusing the separation between train time and test/validation time (resulting in the model acting unexpectedly different at these times). Worse; it doesn't solve the problem of tf.cond demanding the values for inputs to both branches, it just forces you to copy your whole graph, which is not always possible.
I prefer to just not have my queues in the graph like that, and treat the model as a function which can be fed an example without caring where it's from. That is, I would instantiate the model with a tf.placeholder as the input, and at execution time I would use feed_dict to actually provide the value. It would function something like this
#inside main training loop
if time_to_train:
example = sess.run(traingettop)
example = sess.run(valgettop)
result = sess.run(model_output, {input_placeholder: example})
It's very useful to note that you can use the feed_dict to feed any value for any tensor anywhere in your model. So, you can change any model definition that, due to tf.cond would always require an input, like:
a = tf.constant(some_value)
b = tf.placeholder(tf.float32)
flag = tf.placeholder(tf.bool, [])
one_of_them = tf.cond(flag, a, b)
model_output = build_graph(one_of_them)
Into a definition that doesn't, like:
a = tf.constant(some_value)
model_output = build_graph(a)
Remembering that you can always overwrite what a is at execution time:
# In main training loop,
sess.run(train_op, {a: some_other_value})
This essentially pushes the conditional into native python land. In your code you might end up with something like:
if condition_satisfied:
sess.run(train_op, {a:some_other_value})
Performance concerns
If you are using tensorflow on a single machine, then there is practically no performance cost to this solution, as the numpy array/s put into the example python variable are actually still stored on the GPU.
If you are using tensorflow in a distributed fashion, then this solution would kill your performance; it would require sending the example from whatever machine it's on to the master so that it can send it back.
I was trying out programming with tensorflow and I came across this function:
global_step = tf.contrib.framework.get_global_step()
Could anyone explain to me what exactly is happening here? I found this explanation in tensorflow's documentation, but it wasn't very clear to me.
global_step: An integer Variable representing the step counter to increment for each model training run. Can easily be created/incremented in TensorFlow via the get_global_step() function.
where get_global_step returns the global tensor.
Thank you very much!
It returns the global_step variable.
As far as I understand, this variable is used to keep track of the current (global) training step, i.e. when you pass it to optimizers, they will increment it everytime they do an update on the parameters.
From the definition of tf.train.Optimizer.minimize() you can see how this works:
global_step: Optional Variable to increment by one after the variables have been updated.
One other use case is to save a checkpoint:
saver.save(sess, FLAGS.train_dir, global_step=step)
You need to define it before you can call this function. i.e.: global_step = tf.Variable(0, name="global_step", trainable=False)
If you have multiple trainings within the same session, this variable will be incremented by all optimizers.
I am trying to save the latest LSTM State from training to be reused during the prediction stage later. The problem I am encountering is that in the TF LSTM model the State is passed around from one training iteration to next via a combination of a placeholder and a numpy array -- neither of which seems to be included in the Graph by default when the session is saved.
To work around this, I am creating a dedicated TF variable to hold the latest version of the state so as to add it to the Session graph, like so:
# latest State from last training iteration:
_, y, ostate, smm = sess.run([train_step, Y, H, summaries], feed_dict=feed_dict)
# now add to TF variable:
savedState = tf.Variable(ostate, dtype=tf.float32, name='savedState')
save_path = saver.save(sess, pathModel + '/my_model.ckpt')
This seems to add the savedState variable to the saved session graph well, and is easily recoverable later with the rest of the Session.
The problem though, is that the only way I have managed to actually use that variable later in the restored Session, is that if I initialize all variables in the session AFTER I recover it (which seems to reset all trained variables, including the weights/biases/etc.!). If I initialize variables first and THEN recover the session (which works fine in terms of preserving the trained varialbes), then I am getting an error that I'm trying to access an uninitialized variable.
I know there is a way to initialize a specific individual varialbe (which i am using while saving it originally) but the problem is that when we recover them, we refer to them by name as strings, we don't just pass the variable itself?!
# This produces an error 'trying to use an uninitialized varialbe
gInit = tf.global_variables_initializer().run()
new_saver = tf.train.import_meta_graph(pathModel + 'my_model.ckpt.meta')
new_saver.restore(sess, pathModel + 'my_model.ckpt')
fullState = sess.run('savedState:0')
What is the right way to get this done? As a workaround, I am currently saving the State to CSV just as a numpy array and then recover it the same way. It works OK, but clearly not the cleanest solution given that every other aspect of saving/restoring the TF session works perfectly.
Any suggestions appreciated!
Here's the code that works well, as described in the accepted answer below:
# make sure to define the State variable before the Saver variable:
savedState = tf.get_variable('savedState', shape=[BATCHSIZE, CELL_SIZE * LAYERS])
saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=1)
# last training iteration:
_, y, ostate, smm = sess.run([train_step, Y, H, summaries], feed_dict=feed_dict)
# now save the State and the whole model:
assignOp = tf.assign(savedState, ostate)
save_path = saver.save(sess, pathModel + '/my_model.ckpt')
# later on, in some other program, recover the model and the State:
# make sure to initialize all variables BEFORE recovering the model!
gInit = tf.global_variables_initializer().run()
local_saver = tf.train.import_meta_graph(pathModel + 'my_model.ckpt.meta')
local_saver.restore(sess, pathModel + 'my_model.ckpt')
# recover the state from training and get its last dimension
fullState = sess.run('savedState:0')
h = fullState[-1]
h = np.reshape(h, [1, -1])
I haven't tested yet whether this approach unintentionally initializes any other variables in the saved Session, but don't see why it should, since we only run the specific one.
The issue is that creating a new tf.Variable after the Saver was constructed means that the Saver has no knowledge of the new variable. It still gets saved in the metagraph, but not saved in the checkpoint:
import tensorflow as tf
with tf.Graph().as_default():
var_a = tf.get_variable("a", shape=[])
saver = tf.train.Saver()
var_b = tf.get_variable("b", shape=[])
print(saver._var_list) # [<tf.Variable 'a:0' shape=() dtype=float32_ref>]
initializer = tf.global_variables_initializer()
with tf.Session() as session:
saver.save(session, "/tmp/model", global_step=0)
with tf.Graph().as_default():
new_saver = tf.train.import_meta_graph("/tmp/model-0.meta")
print(saver._var_list) # [<tf.Variable 'a:0' shape=() dtype=float32_ref>]
with tf.Session() as session:
new_saver.restore(session, "/tmp/model-0") # Only var_a gets restored!
I've annotated the quick reproduction of your issue above with the variables that the Saver knows about.
Now, the solution is relatively easy. I would suggest creating the Variable before the Saver, then using tf.assign to update its value (make sure you run the op returned by tf.assign). The assigned value will be saved in checkpoints and restored just like other variables.
This could be handled better by the Saver as a special case when None is passed to its var_list constructor argument (i.e. it could pick up new variables automatically). Feel free to open a feature request on Github for this.
In this is tutorial code from TensorFlow website,
could anyone help explain what does global_step mean?
I found on the Tensorflow website written that global step is used count training steps, but I don't quite get what exactly it means.
Also, what does the number 0 mean when setting up global_step?
def training(loss,learning_rate):
optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate)
# Why 0 as the first parameter of the global_step tf.Variable?
global_step = tf.Variable(0, name='global_step',trainable=False)
train_op = optimizer.minimize(loss, global_step=global_step)
return train_op
According to Tensorflow doc global_step: increment by one after the variables have been updated. Does that mean after one update global_step becomes 1?
global_step refers to the number of batches seen by the graph. Every time a batch is provided, the weights are updated in the direction that minimizes the loss. global_step just keeps track of the number of batches seen so far. When it is passed in the minimize() argument list, the variable is increased by one. Have a look at optimizer.minimize().
You can get the global_step value using tf.train.global_step().
Also handy are the utility methods tf.train.get_global_step or tf.train.get_or_create_global_step.
0 is the initial value of the global step in this context.
The global_step Variable holds the total number of steps during training across the tasks (each step index will occur only on a single task).
A timeline created by global_step helps us understand know where we are in
the grand scheme, from each of the tasks separately. For instance, the loss and accuracy could be plotted against global_step on Tensorboard.
show you a vivid sample below:
train_op = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate=LEARNING_RATE).minimize(loss_tensor,global_step=tf.train.create_global_step())
with tf.Session() as sess:
tf.logging.log_every_n(tf.logging.INFO,"np.mean(loss_evl)= %f at step %d",100,np.mean(loss_evl),sess.run(tf.train.get_global_step()))
corresponding print
INFO:tensorflow:np.mean(loss_evl)= 1.396970 at step 1
INFO:tensorflow:np.mean(loss_evl)= 1.221397 at step 101
INFO:tensorflow:np.mean(loss_evl)= 1.061688 at step 201
There are networks, e.g. GANs, that may need two (or more) different steps. Training a GANs with the WGAN specification requires that the steps on the discriminator (or critic) D are more than the ones done on the generator G. In that case, it is usefull to declare different global_steps variables.
Example: (G_lossand D_loss are the loss of the generator and the discriminator)
G_global_step = tf.Variable(0, name='G_global_step', trainable=False)
D_global_step = tf.Variable(0, name='D_global_step', trainable=False)
minimizer = tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer(learning_rate=0.00005)
G_solver = minimizer.minimize(G_loss, var_list=params, global_step=G_global_step)
D_solver = minimizer.minimize(D_loss, var_list=params, global_step=D_global_step)
I'm saving my session state like so:
self._saver = tf.saver()
self._saver.save(self._session, '/network', global_step=self._time)
When I later restore I want to get the value of the global_step for the checkpoint I restore from. This is in order to set some hyper parameters from it.
The hacky way to do this would be to run through and parse the file names in the checkpoint directory. But surly there has to be a better, built in way to do this?
General pattern is to have a global_step variable to keep track of steps
global_step = tf.Variable(0, name='global_step', trainable=False)
train_op = optimizer.minimize(loss, global_step=global_step)
Then you can save with
saver.save(sess, save_path, global_step=global_step)
When you restore, the value of global_step is restored as well
This is a bit of a hack, but the other answers did not work for me at all
ckpt = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(checkpoint_dir)
#Extract from checkpoint filename
step = int(os.path.basename(ckpt.model_checkpoint_path).split('-')[1])
Update 9/2017
I'm not sure if this started working due to updates, but the following method seems to be effective in getting global_step to update and load properly:
Create two ops. One to hold global_step and another to increment it:
global_step = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False, name='global_step')
increment_global_step = tf.assign_add(global_step,1,
name = 'increment_global_step')
Now in your training loop run the increment op every time you run your training op.
If you ever want to retrieve you global step value as an integer at any point, just use the following command after loading the model:
This can be useful for creating filenames or calculating what your current epoch is without having a second tensorflow Variable for holding that value. For instance, calculating the current epoch on loading would be something like:
loaded_epoch = sess.run(global_step)//(batch_size*num_train_records)
I had the same issue as Lawrence Du, I could not find a way to get the global_step by restoring the model. So I applied his hack to the inception v3 training code in the Tensorflow/models github repo I'm using. The code below also contains a fix related to the pretrained_model_checkpoint_path.
If you have a better solution, or know what I'm missing please leave a comment!
In any case, this code works for me:
# When not restoring start at 0
last_step = 0
if FLAGS.pretrained_model_checkpoint_path:
# A model consists of three files, use the base name of the model in
# the checkpoint path. E.g. my-model-path/model.ckpt-291500
# Because we need to give the base name you can't assert (will always fail)
# assert tf.gfile.Exists(FLAGS.pretrained_model_checkpoint_path)
variables_to_restore = tf.get_collection(
restorer = tf.train.Saver(variables_to_restore)
restorer.restore(sess, FLAGS.pretrained_model_checkpoint_path)
print('%s: Pre-trained model restored from %s' %
(datetime.now(), FLAGS.pretrained_model_checkpoint_path))
# HACK : global step is not restored for some unknown reason
last_step = int(os.path.basename(FLAGS.pretrained_model_checkpoint_path).split('-')[1])
# assign to global step
for step in range(last_step + 1, FLAGS.max_steps):
You can use the global_step variable to keep track of steps, but if in your code, you are initializing or assigning this value to another step variable, it may not be consistent.
For instance, you define your global_step using:
global_step = tf.Variable(0, name='global_step', trainable=False)
Assign to your training operation:
train_op = optimizer.minimize(loss, global_step=global_step)
Save in your checkpoint:
saver.save(sess, checkpoint_path, global_step=global_step)
And restore from your checkpoint:
saver.restore(sess, checkpoint_path)
the value of global_step is restored as well but if you are assigning it to another variable, say step, then you must do something like:
step = global_step.eval(session=sess)
The variable step, contains the last saved global_step in the checkpoint.
It will be nice to also define the global_step from graph than as zero variable (as earlier defined):
global_step = tf.train.get_or_create_global_step()
This will get your last global_step if exist or create one if not.
As tensorflow variable (will be evaluated in the session)
global_step = tf.train.get_or_create_global_step()
# use global_step variable to calculate your hyperparameter
# this variable will be evaluated later in the session
saver = tf.train.Saver()
with tf.Session() as sess:
# restore all variables from checkpoint
saver.restore(sess, checkpoint_path)
# than init table and local variables and start training/evaluation ...
Or: As numpy integer (without any session):
reader = tf.train.NewCheckpointReader(absolute_checkpoint_path)
global_step = reader.get_tensor('global_step')
Long Answer
There are at least two ways retrieving the global from a checkpoint. As tensorflow variable or as numpy integer. Parsing the filename will not work, if the global_step was not provided as a parameter in the save method of the Saver. For pretrained models see the remark at the end of the answer.
As Tensorflow variable
If you need the global_step variable to calculate some hyperparameters you can just use tf.train.get_or_create_global_step(). This will return a tensorflow variable. Because the variable will be evaluated later in the session you can only use tensorflow operations to calculate your hyperparameters. So e.g.: max(global_step, 100) will not work. You have to use tensorflow equivalent tf.maximum(global_step, 100) that can be evaluated later in the session.
Within the session you can initialize the global step variable with a checkpoint using saver.restore(sess, checkpoint_path)
global_step = tf.train.get_or_create_global_step()
# use global_step variable to calculate your hyperparameter
# this variable will be evaluated later in the session
hyper_parameter = tf.maximum(global_step, 100)
saver = tf.train.Saver()
with tf.Session() as sess:
# restore all variables from checkpoint
saver.restore(sess, checkpoint_path)
# than init table and local variables and start training/evaluation ...
# for verification you can print the global step and your hyper parameter
print(sess.run([global_step, hyper_parameter]))
Or: As numpy integer (without session)
If you need the global step variable as scalar without starting a session you can also read this variable directly from your checkpoint file(s). You just need a NewCheckpointReader. Because of a bug in older tensorflow versions you should convert the path of the checkpoint file to an absolute path. With the reader you can get all the tensors of the model as numpy variables.
The name of the global step variable is a constant string tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_STEP defined as 'global_step'.
absolute_checkpoint_path = os.path.abspath(checkpoint_path)
reader = tf.train.NewCheckpointReader(absolute_checkpoint_path)
global_step = reader.get_tensor(tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_STEP)
Remark to pretrained models: In most pretrained models that are available online the global step is reset to zero. So, these models can be used to initialize the model parameters for finetuning without overwrite the global step.
The current 0.10rc0 version seems to be different, there's no tf.saver() any more. Now it's tf.train.Saver(). Also, the save command adds info onto save_path filename for the global_step, so we can't just call restore on the same save_path since that not the actual save file.
The easiest way I see right now is to use the SessionManager along with a saver like this:
my_checkpoint_dir = "/tmp/checkpoint_dir"
# make a saver to use with SessionManager for restoring
saver = tf.train.Saver()
# Build an initialization operation to run below.
init = tf.initialize_all_variables()
# use a SessionManager to help with automatic variable restoration
sm = tf.train.SessionManager()
# try to find the latest checkpoint in my_checkpoint_dir, then create a session with that restored
# if no such checkpoint, then call the init_op after creating a new session
sess = sm.prepare_session("", init_op=init, saver=saver, checkpoint_dir=my_checkpoint_dir))
That's it. Now you have a session that's either restored from the my_checkpoint_dir (make sure that directory exists before calling this), or if there's no checkpoint there then it creates a new session and calls the init_op to initialize your variables.
When you want to save, you just save to any name you want in that directory and pass the global_step in. Here's an example where I save the step variable in a loop as the global_step, so it comes back to that point if you kill the program and restart it so it restores the checkpoint:
checkpoint_path = os.path.join(my_checkpoint_dir, 'model.ckpt')
saver.save(sess, checkpoint_path, global_step=step)
This creates files in my_checkpoint_dir like "model.ckpt-1000" where 1000 is the global_step passed in. If it keeps running, then you get more like "model.ckpt-2000". The SessionManager above picks up the latest one of these when the program is restarted. The checkpoint_path can be whatever file name you want, as long as it's in the checkpoint_dir. The save() will create that file with the global_step appended (as shown above). It also creates a "checkpoint" index file, which is how the SessionManager then finds the latest save checkpoint.
just note my solution on global step saving and restore.
global_step = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False, name='global_step')
saver.save(sess, model_path + model_name, global_step=_global_step)
if os.path.exists(model_path):
saver.restore(sess, tf.train.latest_checkpoint(model_path))
print("Model restore finished, current globle step: %d" % global_step.eval())
The reason that a variable is not restored as expected is most likely due to the fact that it was created after your tf.Saver() object was created.
The place where you create the tf.Saver() object matters when you don't explicitly specify a var_list, or specify None for var_list. The expected behavior for many programmers is that all variables in the graph are saved when the save() method is called, but this is not the case, and it should perhaps be documented as such. A snapshot of all variables in the graph is saved at the time of object creation.
Unless you're having any performance issues, it's safest to create the saver object right when you decide to save your progress. Otherwise, make sure to create the saver object after you create all your variables.
Also, the global_step that is passed to saver.save(sess, save_path, global_step=global_step) is merely a counter used for creating the filename and has nothing to do with whether it will be restored as a global_step variable. This is a parameter misnomer IMO since if you're saving your progress at the end of each epoch, it's probably best to pass your epoch number for this parameter.