Using tf.cond() to feed my graph for training and validation - tensorflow

In my TensorFlow code I want my network to take inputs from one of the two StagingArea objects depending upon whether I want to do training or testing.
A part of the graph construction code I wrote is as follows :
with tf.device("/gpu:0"):
for i in range(numgpus):
with tf.variable_scope(tf.get_variable_scope(), reuse=i>0) as vscope:
with tf.device('/gpu:{}'.format(i)):
with tf.name_scope('GPU-Tower-{}'.format(i)) as scope:
phase = tf.get_variable("phase", [], initializer=tf.zeros_initializer(),dtype=tf.uint8, trainable=False)
phaseassigntest = phase.assign(1)
phaseassigntrain = phase.assign(0)
phasetest = tf.equal(phase, 0)
is_training = tf.cond(phasetest, lambda: tf.constant(True), lambda: tf.constant(False))
trainstagingarea = tf.contrib.staging.StagingArea([tf.float32, tf.int32], shapes=[[trainbatchsize, 3, 221, 221], [trainbatchsize]], capacity=20)
putoptrain = trainstagingarea.put(train_iterator.get_next())
getoptrain = trainstagingarea.get()
trainclearop = trainstagingarea.clear()
trainsizeop = trainstagingarea.size()
valstagingarea = tf.contrib.staging.StagingArea([tf.float32, tf.int32], shapes=[[valbatchsize, 3, 221, 221], [valbatchsize]], capacity=20)
putopval = valstagingarea.put(val_iterator.get_next())
getopval = valstagingarea.get()
valclearop = valstagingarea.clear()
valsizeop = valstagingarea.size()
#elem = valgetop[i]
elem = tf.cond(is_training,lambda: traingetop[i],lambda: valgetop[i])
img = elem[0]
label = elem[1]
labelonehot = tf.one_hot(label, depth=numclasses)
net, networksummaries = overfeataccurate(img,numclasses=numclasses, phase=is_training)
I have used tf.cond to make sure that the network is fed by one of the two StagingArea objects. One is meant for training and the other one is meant for validation.
Now, when I try to execute the graph as follows, I do not get any result and infact the code just hangs and I have to kill the process.
with tf.Session(graph=g,config=config) as sess:
for i in range(20):
writer = tf.summary.FileWriter('.', graph=tf.get_default_graph())
epoch = 0
iter = 0
print("Performing Validation")
saver = tf.train.Saver()
time_init = time.time()
while True:
[val_accu, _, summaries] =[towervalidation, towervalidationupdateop,validation_summary_op])
when instead of tf.cond() I directly assign elem = valgetop[i], the code works just fine.
Am I missing something over here ?
What is the right way to feed my network based on whether I want to do training or testing ?
NOTE The error does not go away even if I set numgpus to 1.

Your problem
What you think tf.cond does
Based on the flag, execute what is required to put either traingetop[i] or valgetop[i] into your elem tensor.
What tf.cond actually does
Executes what is required to get both traingetop[i] and valgetop[i], then passes one of them into your elem tensor.
The reason it is hanging forever is because it's waiting for an element to be added to your training staging area (so that it can get that element and discard it). You're forgiven for not realising this is what it's doing; it's actually very counter-intuitive. The documentation is awfully unclear on how to deal with this.
Recommended Solution (by Tensorflow documentation)
If you really need the queues to be in the same graph, then you need to make two copies of your ENTIRE graph, one that is fed by your training staging area, and one that is fed by your validation staging area. Then you just use the relevant tensor in your call. I recommend creating a function that takes a queue output tensor, and returns a model_output tensor. Now you have a train_time_output tensor and a validation_time_output tensor, and you can choose which one you want to execute in your
You need to make sure that you aren't actually creating new variables to go along with these new ops. To do that take a look at the latest documentation on variables. It looks like they've simplified it from v0.12, and it essentially boils down to using tf.get_variable instead of tf.Variable to create your variables.
My preferred work around
Although that is the recommended solution (AFAIK), it is extremely unsatisfying to me; you're creating a whole other set of operations on the graph that just happen to use the same weights. It seems like there's a lot of potential for programmer error by abusing the separation between train time and test/validation time (resulting in the model acting unexpectedly different at these times). Worse; it doesn't solve the problem of tf.cond demanding the values for inputs to both branches, it just forces you to copy your whole graph, which is not always possible.
I prefer to just not have my queues in the graph like that, and treat the model as a function which can be fed an example without caring where it's from. That is, I would instantiate the model with a tf.placeholder as the input, and at execution time I would use feed_dict to actually provide the value. It would function something like this
#inside main training loop
if time_to_train:
example =
example =
result =, {input_placeholder: example})
It's very useful to note that you can use the feed_dict to feed any value for any tensor anywhere in your model. So, you can change any model definition that, due to tf.cond would always require an input, like:
a = tf.constant(some_value)
b = tf.placeholder(tf.float32)
flag = tf.placeholder(tf.bool, [])
one_of_them = tf.cond(flag, a, b)
model_output = build_graph(one_of_them)
Into a definition that doesn't, like:
a = tf.constant(some_value)
model_output = build_graph(a)
Remembering that you can always overwrite what a is at execution time:
# In main training loop,, {a: some_other_value})
This essentially pushes the conditional into native python land. In your code you might end up with something like:
if condition_satisfied:, {a:some_other_value})
Performance concerns
If you are using tensorflow on a single machine, then there is practically no performance cost to this solution, as the numpy array/s put into the example python variable are actually still stored on the GPU.
If you are using tensorflow in a distributed fashion, then this solution would kill your performance; it would require sending the example from whatever machine it's on to the master so that it can send it back.


Using tf.train.Saver() on convolutional layers in tensorflow

I'm attempting to use tf.train.Saver() to apply transfer learning between two convolutional neural network graphs in tensorflow and I'd like to validate that my methods are working as expected. Is there a way to inspect the trainable features in a tf.layers.conv2d() layer?
My methods
1. initialize layer
conv1 = tf.layers.conv2d(inputs=X_reshaped, filters=conv1_fmaps, kernel_size=conv1_ksize,
strides=conv1_stride, padding=conv1_pad,
bias_initializer=tf.zeros_initializer(), trainable=True,
2. {Train the network}
3. Save current graph
tf.train.Saver().save(sess, "./my_model_final.ckpt")
4. Build new graph that includes the same layer, load specified weights with Saver()
reuse_vars = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES,
reuse_vars_dict = dict([(, var) for var in reuse_vars])
restore_saver = tf.train.Saver(reuse_vars_dict)
restore_saver.restore(sess, "./my_model_final.ckpt")
5. {Train and evaluate the new graph}
My Question:
1) My code works 'as expected' and without error, but I'm not 100% confident it's working like I think it is. Is there a way to print the trainable features from a layer to ensure that I'm loading and saving weights correctly? Is there a "better" way to save/load parameters with the tf.layers API? I noticed a request on GitHub related to this. Ideally, I'd like to check these values on the first graph a) after initialization b) after training and on the new graph i) after loading the weights ii) after training/evaluation.
Is there a way to print the trainable features from a layer to ensure that I'm loading and saving weights correctly?
Yes, you first need to get a handle on the layer's variables. There are several ways to do that, but arguably the simplest is using the get_collection() function:
conv1_vars = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES,
Note that the scope here is treated as a regular expression, so you can write things like conv[123] if you want all variables from scopes conv1, conv2 and conv3.
If you just want trainable variables, you can replace GLOBAL_VARIABLES with TRAINABLE_VARIABLES.
If you just want to check a single variable, such as the layer's kernel, then you can use get_tensor_by_name() like this:
graph = tf.get_default_graph()
kernel_var = graph.get_tensor_by_name("conv1/kernel:0")
Yet another option is to just iterate on all variables and filter based on their names:
conv1_vars = [var for var in tf.global_variables()
Once you have a handle on these variables, you can just evaluate them at different points, e.g. just after initialization, just after restoring the graph, just after training, and so on, and compare the values. For example, this is how you would get the values just after initialization:
with tf.Session() as sess:
conv1_var_values_after_init =
Then once you have captured the variable values at the various points that you are interested in, you can check whether or not they are equal (or close enough, taking into account tiny floating point imprecisions) like so:
same = np.allclose(conv1_var_values_after_training,
Is there a "better" way to save/load parameters with the tf.layers API?
Not that I'm aware of. The feature request you point to is not really about saving/loading the parameters to disk, but rather to be able to easily get a handle on a layer's variables, and to easily create an assignment node to set their values.
For example, it will be possible (in TF 1.4) to get a handle on a layer's kernel and get its value very simply, like this:
conv1_kernel_value = conv1.kernel.eval()
Of course, you can use this to get/set a variable's value and load/save it to disk, like this:
conv1 = tf.layers.conv2d(...)
new_kernel = tf.placeholder(...)
assign_kernel = conv1.kernel.assign(new_kernel)
init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
with tf.Session() as sess:
loaded_kernel = my_function_to_load_kernel_value_from_disk(...){new_kernel: loaded_kernel})
It's not pretty. It might be useful if you want to load/save to a database (instead of a flat file), but in general I would recommend using a Saver.
I hope this helps.

How to initialize a keras tensor employed in an API model

I am trying to implemente a Memory-augmented neural network, in which the memory and the read/write/usage weight vectors are updated according to a combination of their previous values. These weigths are different from the classic weight matrices between layers that are automatically updated with the fit() function! My problem is the following: how can I correctly initialize these weights as keras tensors and use them in the model? I explain it better with the following simplified example.
My API model is something like:
input = Input(shape=(5,6))
controller = LSTM(20, activation='tanh',stateful=False, return_sequences=True)(input)
write_key = Dense(4,activation='tanh')(controller)
read_key = Dense(4,activation='tanh')(controller)
w_w = Add()([w_u, w_r]) #<---- UPDATE OF WRITE WEIGHTS
to_write = Dot()([w_w, write_key])
M = Add()([M,to_write])
cos_sim = Dot()([M,read_key])
w_r = Lambda(lambda x: softmax(x,axis=1))(cos_sim) #<---- UPDATE OF READ WEIGHTS
w_u = Add()([w_u,w_r,w_w]) #<---- UPDATE OF USAGE WEIGHTS
retrieved_memory = Dot()([w_r,M])
controller_output = concatenate([controller,retrieved_memory])
final_output = Dense(6,activation='sigmoid')(controller_output)`
You can see that, in order to compute w_w^t, I have to have first defined w_r^{t-1} and w_u^{t-1}. So, at the beginning I have to provide a valid initialization for these vectors. What is the best way to do it? The initializations I would like to have are:
M = K.variable(numpy.zeros((10,4))) # MEMORY
w_r = K.variable(numpy.zeros((1,10))) # READ WEIGHTS
w_u = K.variable(numpy.zeros((1,10))) # USAGE WEIGHTS`
But, analogously to what said in #2486(entron), these commands do not return a keras tensor with all the needed meta-data and so this returns the following error:
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'inbound_nodes'
I also thought to use the old M, w_r and w_u as further inputs at each iteration and analogously get in output the same variables to complete the loop. But this means that I have to use the fit() function to train online the model having just the target as final output (Model 1), and employ the predict() function on the model with all the secondary outputs (Model 2) to get the variables to use at the next iteration. I have also to pass the weigth matrices from Model 1 to Model 2 using get_weights() and set_weights(). As you can see, it becomes a little bit messy and too slow.
Do you have any suggestions for this problem?
P.S. Please, do not focus too much on the API model above because it is a simplified (almost meaningless) version of the complete one where I skipped several key steps.

Tensorflow: Save and restore the output of a tensor

I would like to achieve something like this using tensorflow.
I can only find documentation on saving and restoring variables (weights). However, like #2-2, I want to utilize the output of a hidden layer (tensor) as input of another model. Can this be done?
As far as I'm aware, it is not possible to chain different computation graphs after they have been created however, you have a few options.
Option 2: Create one large graph and use a control flow op
output_layer, placeholder = build_my_model()
something = tf.where(output_layer < 0, do_something_1(), do_something_2())
where all function calls above should return tensorflow operations.
Option2: Create two graphs and perform the conditional statement inside python
# Build the first graph
with tf.Graph().as_default() as graph:
output_layer, placeholder = build_my_model()
# Build the second two graphs
with tf.Graph().as_default() as graph_1:
something_1 = do_something_1()
with tf.Graph().as_default() as graph_2:
something_2 = do_something_2()
As a result, you will also end up with three different sessions and you need to feed the output from the first session to one of the other two
# Get the output
_output_layer =, {placeholder: ...})
if _output_layer < 0:
something =, {...})
something =, {...})
As you can see, if you can get away with the control flow op, your code will be significantly simpler. Another advantage of having everything in one graph is that the entire graph is differentiable and you can train parameters of the first stage of your model conditional on the loss at a later stage.

How do you create a dynamic_rnn with dynamic "zero_state" (Fails with Inference)

I have been working with the "dynamic_rnn" to create a model.
The model is based upon a 80 time period signal, and I want to zero the "initial_state" before each run so I have setup the following code fragment to accomplish this:
state = cell_L1.zero_state(self.BatchSize,Xinputs.dtype)
outputs, outState = rnn.dynamic_rnn(cell_L1,Xinputs,initial_state=state, dtype=tf.float32)
This works great for the training process. The problem is once I go to the inference, where my BatchSize = 1, I get an error back as the rnn "state" doesn't match the new Xinputs shape. So what I figured is I need to make "self.BatchSize" based upon the input batch size rather than hard code it. I tried many different approaches, and none of them have worked. I would rather not pass a bunch of zeros through the feed_dict as it is a constant based upon the batch size.
Here are some of my attempts. They all generally fail since the input size is unknown upon building the graph:
state = cell_L1.zero_state(Xinputs.get_shape()[0],Xinputs.dtype)
state = tf.zeros([Xinputs.get_shape()[0], self.state_size], Xinputs.dtype, name="RnnInitializer")
Another approach, thinking the initializer might not get called until run-time, but still failed at graph build:
init = lambda shape, dtype: np.zeros(*shape)
state = tf.get_variable("state", shape=[Xinputs.get_shape()[0], self.state_size],initializer=init)
Is there a way to get this constant initial state to be created dynamically or do I need to reset it through the feed_dict with tensor-serving code? Is there a clever way to do this only once within the graph maybe with an tf.Variable.assign?
The solution to the problem was how to obtain the "batch_size" such that the variable is not hard coded.
This was the correct approach from the given example:
Xinputs = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, (None, self.sequence_size, self.num_params), name="input")
state = cell_L1.zero_state(Xinputs.get_shape()[0],Xinputs.dtype)
The problem is the use of "get_shape()[0]", this returns the "shape" of the tensor and takes the batch_size value at [0]. The documentation doesn't seem to be that clear, but this appears to be a constant value so when you load the graph into an inference, this value is still hard coded (maybe only evaluated at graph creation?).
Using the "tf.shape()" function, seems to do the trick. This doesn't return the shape, but a tensor. So this seems to be updated more at run-time. Using this code fragment solved the problem of a training batch of 128 and then loading the graph into TensorFlow-Service inference handling a batch of just 1.
Xinputs = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, (None, self.sequence_size, self.num_params), name="input")
batch_size = tf.shape(Xinputs)[0]
state = self.cell_L1.zero_state(batch_size,Xinputs.dtype)
Here is a good link to TensorFlow FAQ which describes this approach 'How do I build a graph that works with variable batch sizes?':

How to use evaluation_loop with train_loop in tf-slim

I'm trying to implement a few different models and train them on CIFAR-10, and I want to use TF-slim to do this. It looks like TF-slim has two main loops that are useful during training: train_loop and evaluation_loop.
My question is: what is the canonical way to use these loops?
As a followup: is it possible to use early stopping with train_loop?
Currently I have a model and my training file looks like this
import ...
train_log_dir = ...
with tf.device("/cpu:0"):
images, labels, dataset = set_up_input_pipeline_with_fancy_prefetching(
subset='train', ... )
logits, end_points = set_up_model( images ) // Possibly using many GPUs
total_loss = set_up_loss( logits, labels, dataset )
optimizer, global_step = set_up_optimizer( dataset )
train_tensor = slim.learning.create_train_op(
Which is awesome so far - my models all train and converge nicely. I can see this from the events in train_log_dir where all the metrics are going in the right direction. And going in the right direction makes me happy.
But I'd like to check that the metrics are improving on the validation set, too. I don't know of any way to do with TF-slim in a way that plays nicely with the training loop, so I created a second file called which contains my evaluation loop.
import ...
train_log_dir = ...
with tf.device("/cpu:0"):
images, labels, dataset = set_up_input_pipeline_with_fancy_prefetching(
subset='validation', ... )
logits, end_points = set_up_model( images )
summary_ops, names_to_values, names_to_updates = create_metrics_and_summary_ops(
dataset.num_classes() )
1) I currently have this model for the evaluation_loop hogging up an entire GPU, but it's rarely being used. I assume there's a better way to allocate resources. It would be pretty nice if I could use the same evaluation_loop to monitor the progress of multiple different models (checkpoints in multiple directories). Is something like this possible?
2) There's no feedback between the evaluation and training. I'm training a ton of models and would love to use early stopping to halt the models which aren't learning or are not converging. Is there a way to do this? Ideally using information from the validation set, but if it has to be just based on the training data that's okay, too.
3) Is my workflow all wrong and I should be structuring it differently? It's not clear from the documentation how to use evaluation in conjunction with training.
~~It seems that as of TF r0.11 I'm also getting a segfault when calling slim.evaluation.evaluation_loop. It only happens sometimes (for me when I dispatch my jobs to a cluster). It happens in sv.managed_session--specifically prepare_or_wait_for_session.~~
This was just due to evaluation loop (a second instance of tensorflow) trying to use the GPU, which was already requisitioned by the first instance.
evaluation_loop is meant to be used (as you are currently using it) with a single directory. If you want to be more efficient, you could use slim.evaluation.evaluate_once and add the appropriate logic for swapping directories as you find appropriate.
You can do this by overriding the slim.learning.train(..., train_step_fn) argument. This argument replaces the 'train_step' function with a custom function. Here, you can supply custom training function which returns the 'total_loss' and 'should_stop' values as you see fit.
Your workflow looks great, this is probably the most common workflow for learning/eval using TF-Slim.
Thanks to #kmalakoff, the TensorFlow issue gave a brilliant way to the problem that how to validate or test model in tf.slim training. The main idea is overriding train_step_fn function:
import …
from tensorflow.contrib.slim.python.slim.learning import train_step
accuracy_validation = ...
accuracy_test = ...
def train_step_fn(session, *args, **kwargs):
total_loss, should_stop = train_step(session, *args, **kwargs)
if train_step_fn.step % FLAGS.validation_every_n_step == 0:
accuracy =
print('your validation info')
if train_step_fn.step % FLAGS.test_every_n_step == 0:
accuracy =
print('your test info')
train_step_fn.step += 1
return [total_loss, should_stop]
train_step_fn.step = 0
train_step_fn.accuracy_validation = accuracy_validation
train_step_fn.accuracy_test = accuracy_test
# run training.
Adding my 2-cent:
I currently have this model for the evaluation_loop hogging up an
entire GPU, but it's rarely being used
Usually an evaluation model takes less GPU memory. You could prevent TF from hogging the whole GPU memory by setting the session config allow_growth to True. This way you can use the same GPU for both training and evaluation
Example # Training
session_config = tf.ConfigProto()
session_config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True
Example # validation
session_config = tf.ConfigProto()
session_config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True