Private values in OCaml module? - module

Is is possible to have a let binding (whether a function, value etc.) that is private to its module, and not visible from outside?
Let's say we have
let exported = 1
let local = 2
I only want exported to be accessible from other modules.
let a = A.exported
let error = A.local (* This should error *)
Similar to what let%private does in Reason.

This is the motivation behind signature and mli files: they allow to hide information to the external world and expose only the relevant part of your API and not implementation details. In your case, it would look like
(* *)
let exported = 1
let local = 2
(* A.mli *)
val exported: int
Then only exported will be visible outside of

Yes, that's what module signatures and on the file level the .mli file is for.
Briefly explained, add an A.mli, then put the definitions you want to export into it:
val exported : int

This isn't idiomatic, but for completion's sake:
Since 4.08, when open was extended to accept arbitrary module expressions, it's possible to create private bindings without using module signatures:
open struct
let local = 2
Before this you'd have to give the module a name and then open it, which will expose the module with its contents, although it can of course be given a name that suggests it shouldn't be used.
module Internal = struct
let local = 2
open Internal


Can I import just one declaration from an F# module?

Suppose I have a module like this:
module Foo
let x = 1
let y = 2
Now I can use this module like this:
module Bar
let z = Foo.x + Foo.y
Is it possible to import a definition from Foo such that it does not need to be qualified?
Something like:
module Bar
import x from Foo // Not real code
let z = x + Foo.y // x need not be qualified
Note that I do not want to import everything from Foo
You cannot, there is no direct F# equivalent to the ES6 import { ... } from 'Module' syntax. F# supports organizing code into both modules and namespaces, but both modules and namespaces are 'imported' in their entirety with the open keyword. As mentioned in the comments, you can use local bindings to simplify qualified access to values (such as let exchangeRange = Conversions.Currency.UsdToCadExchangeRate) or type aliases to simplify qualified access to types (type Converter = Conversions.Currency.CurrencyConverter).
In addition, modules can be marked with the [<AutoOpen>] attribute to make their contents accessible without qualified access, or the [<RequireQualifiedAccess>] attribute to make their contents accessible only when qualified, even if the module is referenced in an open expression.
See this MSDN article for more information.

How do I use sets in OCaml?

I want to write a function that, given a non-negative integer n, returns the power set of {1,...,n}. So I want to use the Set.S module as found here. But I can't seem to import it. When I run the following code:
open Set.S
let rec power_set n =
if n = 0 then add empty empty else union (iter (add n s) power_set (n-1)) (power_set (n-1));;
let print_set s = SS.iter print_endline s;;
print_set (power_set 2)
I get the error:
File "", line 1, characters 5-10:
Error: Unbound module Set.S
Maybe I just don't have the Set.S module installed on my computer? (I've only done the bare bones needed to install OCaml). If this is the case, how would I get it?
The Set.S is a module type, not a module. You can open only modules. In fact, the module Set contains three elements:
the module type OrderedType that denotes the type of modules that implement ordered types;
the module type S that denotes the type of modules that implement Set data structures;
the functor Make that takes a module of type OrderedType and returns a module of type S.
To get a set module you need to create it using the Set.Make functor. The functor has one parameter - the module for the set elements. In modern OCaml (4.08+) you can create a set module for integers as easy as,
module Ints = Set.Make(Int)
and then you can use like this,
let numbers = Ints.of_list [1;2;3]
assert (Ints.mem 2 numbers)
For older versions of OCaml, which doesn't provide the Int module, or for non-standard (custom) types, you need to define your own module that implements the OrderedType interface, e.g.,
module Int = struct
type t = int
(* use Pervasives compare *)
let compare = compare
module Ints = Set.Make(Int)
You can also use non-standard libraries, like Janestreet's Core library, which provide sets out of box. The Core library has an Int module that is already charged with sets, maps, hashtables, so it can be accessed without any functors:
open Core.Std
let nil = Int.Set.empty
Or, in the modern (2018-2019) version of Janestreet Core or Base libraries, you can use polymorphic sets/maps, which require you to specify the module for keys only when a new set or map is created, e.g., like this
open Base (* or Core, or Core_kernel *)
let nil = Set.empty (module Int)
let one = Set.add nil 1
let two = Set.singleton (module Int) 2
You have to Make a set module from the Set functor.
module SI = Set.Make(struct type t = int let compare = compare end)
Then you can have a set of ints:
# let myset = SI.add 3 SI.empty;;
val myset : SI.t = <abstr>
# SI.elements myset;;
- : SI.elt list = [3]

OCaml module types and separate compilation

I am reading through OCaml lead designer's 1994 paper on modules, types, and separate compilation. (kindly pointed to me by Norman Ramsey in another question ). I understand that the paper discusses the origins of OCaml's present module type / signature system. It it, the author proposes opaque interpretation of type declarations in signatures (to allow separate compilation) together with manifest type declarations (for expressiveness). Attempting to put together some examples of my own to demonstrate the kind of problems the OCaml module signature notation is trying to tackle I wrote the following code in two files:
In file (or .mli — I've tried both) (file A):
module type ORDERING = sig
type t
val isLess : t -> t -> bool
and in file (file B):
open Ordering
module StringOrdering : ORDERING
let main () =
Printf.printf "%b" StringOrdering.isLess "a" "b"
main ()
The idea being to expect the compiler to complain (when compiling the second file) that not enough type information is available on module StringOrdering to typecheck the StringOrdering.isLess application (and thus motivate the need for the with type syntax).
However, although file A compiles as expected, file B causes the 3.11.2 ocamlc to complain for a syntax error. I understood that signatures were meant to allow someone to write code based on the module signature, without access to the implementation (the module structure).
I confess that I am not sure about the syntax: module A : B which I encountered in this rather old paper on separate compilation but it makes me wonder whether such or similar syntax exists (without involving functors) to allow someone to write code based only on the module type, with the actual module structure provided at linking time, similar to how one can use *.h and *.c files in C/C++. Without such an ability it would seem to be that module types / signatures are basically for sealing / hiding the internals of modules or more explicit type checking / annotations but not for separate / independent compilation.
Actually, looking at the OCaml manual section on modules and separate compilation it seems that my analogy with C compilation units is broken because the OCaml manual defines the OCaml compilation unit to be the and A.mli duo, whereas in C/C++ the .h files are pasted to the compilation unit of any importing .c file.
The right way to do such a thing is to do the following:
In ordering.mli write:
(* This define the signature *)
module type ORDERING = sig
type t
val isLess : t -> t -> bool
(* This define a module having ORDERING as signature *)
module StringOrdering : ORDERING
Compile the file: ocamlc -c ordering.mli
In another file, refer to the compiled signature:
open Ordering
let main () =
Printf.printf "%b" (StringOrdering.isLess "a" "b")
let () = main ()
When you compile the file, you get the expected type error (ie. string is not compatible with Ordering.StringOrdering.t). If you want to remove the type error, you should add the with type t = string constraint to the definition of StringOrdering in ordering.mli.
So answer to you second question: yes, in bytecode mode the compiler just needs to know about the interfaces your are depending on, and you can choose which implementation to use at link time. By default, that's not true for native code compilation (because of inter-module optimizations) but you can disable it.
You are probably just confused by the relation between explicit module and signature definitions, and the implicit definition of modules through .ml/.mli files.
Basically, if you have a file and use it inside some other file, then it is as if you had written
module A =
(* content of file *)
If you also have a.mli, then it is as if you had written
module A :
(* content of file a.mli *)
end =
(* content of file *)
Note that this only defines a module named A, not a module type. A's signature cannot be given a name through this mechanism.
Another file using A can be compiled against a.mli alone, without providing at all. However, you want to make sure that all type information is made transparent where needed. For example, suppose you are to define a map over integers:
(* intMap.mli *)
type key = int
type 'a map
val empty : 'a map
val add : key -> 'a -> 'a map -> 'a map
val lookup : key -> 'a map -> 'a option
Here, key is made transparent, because any client code (of the module IntMap that this signature describes) needs to know what it is to be able to add something to the map. The map type itself, however, can (and should) be kept abstract, because a client shouldn't mess with its implementation details.
The relation to C header files is that those basically only allow transparent types. In Ocaml, you have the choice.
module StringOrdering : ORDERING is a module declaration. You can use this in a signature, to say that the signature contains a module field called StringOrdering and having the signature ORDERING. It doesn't make sense in a module.
You need to define a module somewhere that implements the operations you need. The module definition can be something like
module StringOrderingImplementation = struct
type t = string
let isLess x y = x <= y
If you want to hide the definition of the type t, you need to make a different module where the definition is abstract. The operation to make a new module out of an old one is called sealing, and is expressed through the : operator.
module StringOrderingAbstract = (StringOrdering : ORDERING)
Then StringOrderingImplementation.isLess "a" "b" is well-typed, whereas StringOrderingAbstract.isLess "a" "b" cannot be typed since StringOrderingAbstract.t is an abstract type, which is not compatible with string or any other preexisting type. In fact, it's impossible to build a value of type StringOrderingAbstract.t, since the module does not include any constructor.
When you have a compilation unit, it is a module Foo, and the signature of this module is given by the interface file foo.mli. That is, the files and foo.mli are equivalent to the module definition
module Foo = (struct (*…contents of…*) end :
sig (*…contents of foo.mli…*) end)
When compiling a module that uses Foo, the compiler only looks at foo.mli (or rather the result of its compilation: foo.cmi), not at foo.ml¹. This is how interfaces and separate compilation fit together. C needs #include <foo.h> because it lacks any form of namespace; in OCaml, automatically refers to a bar defined in the compilation unit foo if there is no other module called Foo in scope.
¹ Actually, the native code compiler looks at the implementation of Foo to perform optimizations (inlining). The type checker never looks at anything but what is in the interface.

Understanding functors in OCaml

I'm quite stuck with the following functor problem in OCaml. I paste some of the code just to let you understand. Basically
I defined these two modules in
module type ProbPA = sig
include Hashtbl.HashedType
val next: t -> (t * float) list
val print: t -> float -> unit
module type M = sig
type s
val set_error: float -> unit
val check: s -> formula -> bool
val check_path: s -> path_formula -> float
val check_suite: s -> suite -> unit
and the following functor:
module Make(P: ProbPA): (M with type s = P.t) = struct
type s = P.t
(* implementation *)
Then to actually use these modules I defined a new module directly in a file called
type state = value array
type t = state
type value =
| VBOOL of bool
| VINT of int
| VFLOAT of float
(* all the functions required *)
From a third source ( I used the functor with Prism module:
module PrismPctl = Pctl.Make(Prism)
open PrismPctl
And finally from
open Formulas.PrismPctl
(* code to prepare the object *)
PrismPctl.check_suite s.sys_state suite (* error here *)
and compiles gives the following error
Error: This expression has type Prism.state = Prism.value array
but an expression was expected of type Formulas.PrismPctl.s
From what I can understand there a sort of bad aliasing of the names, they are the same (since value array is the type defined as t and it's used M with type s = P.t in the functor) but the type checker doesn't consider them the same.
I really don't understand where is the problem, can anyone help me?
Thanks in advance
(You post non-compilable code. That's a bad idea because it may make it harder for people to help you, and because reducing your problem down to a simple example is sometimes enough to solve it. But I think I see your difficulty anyway.)
Inside, Ocaml can see that PrismPctl.s = Pctl.Make(Prism).t = Prism.t; the first equality is from the definition of PrismPctl, and the second equality is from the signature of Pctl.Make (specifically the with type s = P.t bit).
If you don't write an mli file for Formulas, your code should compile. So the problem must be that the .mli file you wrote doesn't mention the right equality. You don't show your .mli files (you should, they're part of the problem), but presumably you wrote
module PrismPctl : Pctl.M
That's not enough: when the compiler compiles, it won't know anything about PrismPctl that's not specified in formulas.mli. You need to specify either
module PrismPctl : Pctl.M with type s = Prism.t
or, assuming you included with type s = P.t in the signature of Make in pctl.mli
module PrismPctl : Pctl.M with type s = Pctl.Make(Prism).s
This is a problem I ran into as well when learning more about these. When you create the functor you expose the signature of the functor, in this case M. It contains an abstract type s, parameterized by the functor, and anything more specific is not exposed to the outside. Thus, accessing any record element of s (as in sys_state) will result in a type error, as you've encountered.
The rest looks alright. It is definitely hard to get into using functors properly, but remember that you can only manipulate instances of the type parameterized by the functor through the interface/signature being exposed by the functor.

OCaml: Set modules

I want to use OCaml to generates sets of data and make comparisons between them. I have seen the documentation for Module types like Set.OrderType, Set.Make, etc, but I can't figure out how to initialize a set or otherwise use them.
Sets are defined using a functorial interface. For any given type, you have to create a Set module for that type using the Set.Make functor. An unfortunate oversight of the standard libraries is that they don't define Set instances for the built-in types. In most simple cases, it's sufficient to use Here's a definition that works for int:
module IntSet = Set.Make(
let compare =
type t = int
end )
The module IntSet will implement the Set.S interface. Now you can operate on sets using the IntSet module:
let s = IntSet.empty ;;
let t = IntSet.add 1 s ;;
let u = IntSet.add 2 s ;;
let tu = IntSet.union t u ;;
Note that you don't have to explicitly define the input structure for Set.Make as an OrderedType; type inference will do the work for you. Alternatively, you could use the following definition:
module IntOrder : Set.OrderedType = struct
type t = int
let compare =
module IntSet = Set.Make( IntOrder )
This has the advantage that you can re-use the same module to instantiate a Map:
module IntMap = Map.Make( IntOrder )
You lose some genericity in using functors, because the type of the elements is fixed. For example, you won't be able to define a function that takes a Set of some arbitrary type and performs some operation on it. (Luckily, the Set module itself declares many useful operations on Sets.)
In addition to Chris's answer, it may be useful to say that some standard library modules already adhere to the OrderedType signature. For example, you can simply do:
module StringSet = Set.Make(String) ;; (* sets of strings *)
module Int64Set = Set.Make(Int64) ;; (* sets of int64s *)
module StringSetSet = Set.Make(StringSet) ;; (* sets of sets of strings *)
And so on.
Here's a simple usage example for StringSet; remember that sets are functional data structures, so adding a new element to a set returns a new set:
let set = List.fold_right StringSet.add ["foo";"bar";"baz"] StringSet.empty ;;
StringSet.mem "bar" set ;; (* returns true *)
StringSet.mem "zzz" set ;; (* returns false *)