I have a table with the columns:
date (timestamp)
num (integer)
Looks like this in CSV:
"2018-02-07 00:00:00","1"
"2018-02-16 00:00:00","1"
"2018-03-02 00:00:00","4"
"2018-04-04 00:00:00","6"
"2018-06-07 00:00:00","1"
I want different queries to figure out the following:
A: The earliest date that the sum of num is >= 1
B: The earliest date that the sum of num is >= 2
In the sample data the output would be A: 2018-02-07 and B: 2018-02-16.
Note that if the first date in the data had a num higher than 1 then A and B would both equal the same date.
Grouping and using MIN(date) would be good enough to satisfy A but I can't figure out how to get B to work if there are two days with num = 1 right after another. Any ideas are appreciated.
Use a cumulative sum. For a single number:
select t.*
from (select t.*, sum(num) over (order by date) as running
from t
) t
where running >= 1 and running - num < 1
order by date
limit 1;
If you wanted multiple thresholds at the same time:
select min(date) filter (where running >= 1) as date_1,
min(date) filter (where running >= 2) as date_2
from (select t.*, sum(num) over (order by date) as running
from t
) t;
Or, if you want them on separate rows:
select distinct on (threshold) v.threshold, t.*
from (select t.*, sum(num) over (order by date) as running
from t
) t cross join
(values (1), (2)) v(threshold)
where running >= threshold and running - num < threshold
order by threshold, date
Let's say I have a dataset with two columns: ID and timestamp. My goal is to count return IDs that have at least n timestamps in any 30 day window.
Here is an example:
ID Timestamp
1 '2019-01-01'
2 '2019-02-01'
3 '2019-03-01'
1 '2019-01-02'
1 '2019-01-04'
1 '2019-01-17'
So, let's say I want to return a list of IDs that have 3 timestamps in any 30 day window.
Given above, my resultset would just be ID = 1. I'm thinking some kind of windowing function would accomplish this, but I'm not positive.
Any chance you could help me write a query that accomplishes this?
A relatively simple way to do this involves lag()/lead():
select t.*
from (select t.*,
lead(timestamp, 2) over (partition by id order by timestamp) as timestamp_2
from t
) t
where datediff(day, timestamp, timestamp_2) <= 30;
The lag() looks at the third timestamp in a series. The where checks if this is within 30 days of the original one. The result is rows where this occurs.
If you just want the ids, then:
select distinct id
from (select t.*,
lead(timestamp, 2) over (partition by id order by timestamp) as timestamp_2
from t
) t
where datediff(day, timestamp, timestamp_2) <= 30;
We are trying to port a code to run on Amazon Redshift, but Refshift won't run the recursive CTE function. Any good soul that knows how to port this?
with tt as (
select t.*, row_number() over (partition by id order by time) as seqnum
from t
recursive cte as (
select t.*, time as grp_start
from tt
where seqnum = 1
union all
select tt.*,
(case when tt.time < cte.grp_start + interval '3 second'
then tt.time
else tt.grp_start
from cte join
on tt.seqnum = cte.seqnum + 1
select cte.*,
(case when grp_start = lag(grp_start) over (partition by id order by time)
then 0 else 1
end) as isValid
from cte;
Or, a different code to reproduce the logic below.
It is a binary result that:
it is 1 if it is the first known value of an ID
it is 1 if it is 3 seconds or later than the previous "1" of that ID
It is 0 if it is less than 3 seconds than the previous "1" of that ID
Note 1: this is not the difference in seconds from the previous record
Note 2: there are many IDs in the data set
Note 3: original dataset has ID and Date
Desired output:
Dataset poc:
As of this writing, Redshift does support recursive CTE's: see documentation here
To note when creating a recursive CTE in Redshift:
start the query: with recursive
column names must be declared for all recursive cte's
Consider the following example for creating a list of dates using recursive CTE's:
with recursive
start_dt as (select current_date s_dt)
, end_dt as (select dateadd(day, 1000, current_date) e_dt)
-- the recusive cte, note declaration of the column `dt`
, dates (dt) as (
-- start at the start date
select s_dt dt from start_dt
union all
-- recursive lines
select dateadd(day, 1, dt)::date dt -- converted to date to avoid type mismatch
from dates
where dt <= (select e_dt from end_dt) -- stop at the end date
select *
from dates
The below code could help you.
SELECT id, time, CASE WHEN sec_diff is null or prev_sec_diff - sec_diff > 3
then 1
else 0
end FROM (
select id, time, sec_diff, lag(sec_diff) over(
partition by id order by time asc
as prev_sec_diff
from (
select id, time, date_part('s', time - lag(time) over(
partition by id order by time asc
as sec_diff from hon
) x
) y
Basically Mysql: Find rows, where timestamp difference is less than x, but I want to stop at the first value whose timestamp difference is larger than X.
I got so far:
(LEAD(datetime) OVER (ORDER BY datetime)) - datetime AS difference
FROM history
) AS sq
WHERE difference < '00:01:00'
Which seems to correctly return all rows where the difference between the row and the one "behind" it is less than a minute, but that means I still get large jumps in the datetimes, which I don't want - I want to select the most recent "run" of rows, where a "run" is defined as "the timestamps in datetime differ by less than a minute".
e.g., I have rows whose hypothetical timestamps are as follows:
24, 22, 21, 19, 18, 12, 11, 9, 7...
And my limit of differences is 3, i.e. I want the run of the rows whose difference between "timestamps" is less than 3; therefore just:
24, 22, 21, 19, 18
Is this possible in SQL?
You can use lag to get the previous row's timestamp and check if the current row is within 3 minutes of it. Reset the group if the condition fails. After this grouping is done, you have the find the latest such group, use max to get it. Then get all those rows from the latest group.
Include a partition by clause in the window functions lag, sum andmax if this has to be done for each id in the table.
with grps as (
select x.*,sum(col) over(order by dt) grp
from (select t.*
--checking if the current row's timestamp is within 3 minutes of the next row
AND LAG(dt) OVER (ORDER BY dt) + interval '3 minute' THEN 0 ELSE 1 END col
from t) x
select dt
from (select g.*,max(grp) over() maxgrp --getting the latest group
from grps g
) g
where grp = maxgrp
The above would get you the members in the latest group even though it has one row. To avoid such results get the latest group which has more than 1 row.
with grps as (
select x.*,sum(col) over(order by dt) grp
from (select t.*
AND LAG(dt) OVER (ORDER BY dt) + 3 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END col
from t) x
,grpcnts as (select g.*,count(*) over(partition by grp) grpcnt from grps g)
select dt from (select g.*,max(grp) over() maxgrp
from grpcnts g
where grpcnt > 1
) g
where grp = maxgrp
You can do this by using a flag based on the lead() or lag() values. I believe this does what you want:
SUM( (next_datetime < datetime + interval '1 minute')::int) OVER (ORDER BY datetime DESC) as grp
LEAD(h.datetime) OVER (ORDER BY h.datetime)) as next_datetime
FROM history h
) h
WHERE next_datetime < datetime + interval '1 hour'
) h
WHERE grp IS NULL OR grp = 0;
This can be easily solved with recursive CTEs (this will select your rows one-by-one and stops when there is no row in range interval '1 min'):
with recursive h as (
select * from (
select *
from history
order by history.datetime desc
limit 1
) s
union all
select * from (
select history.*
from h
join history on history.datetime >= h.datetime - interval '1 min'
and history.datetime < h.datetime
order by history.datetime desc
limit 1
) s
select * from h
This should be efficient if you have an index on history.datetime. Though, if you care about performance, you should test it against the window-function based ones. (I personally get a headache when see as much subqueries and window functions as needed for this problem. The irony in my answer is that postgresql does not support the ORDER BY clause directly inside recrursive CTEs, so I had to use 2 meaningless subqueries to "hide" them).
I have table with time stamp column tmstmp, this table contains log of certain events. I need to find out the max number events which occurred within 1 min interval.
Please read carefully! I do NOT want to extract the time stamps minute fraction and sum like this:
select count(*), TO_CHAR(tmstmp,'MI')
from log_table
group by TO_CHAR(tmstmp,'MI')
order by TO_CHAR(tmstmp,'MI');
It needs to take 1st record and then look ahead until it selects all records within 1 min from the 1st and sum number of records, then take 2nd and do the same etc..
And as the result there must be a recordset of (sum, starting timestamp).
Anyone has a snippet of code somewhere and care to share please?
Analytic function with a logical window can provide this information directly:
select l.tmstmp,
count(*) over (order by tmstmp range between current row and interval '59.999999' second following) cnt
from log_table l
order by 1
--------------------------- ----------
01.01.16 00:00:00,000000000 4
01.01.16 00:00:10,000000000 4
01.01.16 00:00:15,000000000 3
01.01.16 00:00:20,000000000 2
01.01.16 00:01:00,000000000 3
01.01.16 00:01:40,000000000 2
01.01.16 00:01:50,000000000 1
Please adjust the interval length for your precision. It must be the highest possible value below 1 minute.
To get the maximal minute use the subquery (and don't forget you may receive more that one record - with the MAX count):
with tst as (
select l.tmstmp,
count(*) over (order by tmstmp range between current row and interval '59.999999' second following) cnt
from log_table l)
select * from tst where cnt = (select max(cnt) from tst);
--------------------------- ----------
01.01.16 00:00:00,000000000 4
01.01.16 00:00:10,000000000 4
I think you can achieve your goal using a subquery in SELECT statement, as follow:
SELECT tmstmp, (
FROM log_table t2
WHERE t2.tmstmp >= t.tmstmp AND t2.tmstmp < t.tmstmp + 1 / (24*60)
) AS events
FROM log_table t;
One method uses a join and aggregation:
select t.*
from (select l.tmstmp, count(*)
from log_table l join
log_table l2
on l2.tmstmp >= l.tmstmp and
l2.tmstmp < l.tmstmp + interval '1' minute
group by l.tmpstmp
order by count(*) desc
) t
where rownum = 1;
Note: This assumes that tmstmp is unique on each row. If this is not true, then the subquery should be aggregating by some column that is unique.
For large data, there is a more efficient way that makes use of cumulative sums:
select tmstamp - interval 1 minute as starttm, tmstamp as endtm, cumulative
from (select tmstamp, sum(inc) over (order by tmstamp) as cumulative
from (select tmstamp, 1 as inc from log_table union all
select tmstamp + interval '1' day, -1 as inc from log_table
) t
order by sum(inc) over (order by tmstamp) desc
) t
where rownum = 1;
I'm pretty new to SQL and have this problem:
I have a filled table with a date column and other not interesting columns.
date | name | name2
2015-03-20 | peter | pan
2015-03-20 | john | wick
2015-03-18 | harry | potter
What im doing right now is counting everything for a date
select date, count(*)
from testtable
where date >= current date - 10 days
group by date
what i want to do now is counting the resulting lines and only returning them if there are less then 10 resulting lines.
What i tried so far is surrounding the whole query with a temp table and the counting everything which gives me the number of resulting lines (yeah)
with temp_count (date, counter) as
select date, count(*)
from testtable
where date >= current date - 10 days
group by date
select count(*)
from temp_count
What is still missing the check if the number is smaller then 10.
I was searching in this Forum and came across some "having" structs to use, but that forced me to use a "group by", which i can't.
I was thinking about something like this :
with temp_count (date, counter) as
select date, count(*)
from testtable
where date >= current date - 10 days
group by date
select *
from temp_count
having count(*) < 10
maybe im too tired to think of an easy solution, but i can't solve this so far
Edit: A picture for clarification since my english is horrible
I want to see the 2 columned results ONLY IF there are less then 10 rows overall
I think you just need to move your having clause to the inner query so that it is paired with the GROUP BY:
with temp_count (date, counter) as
select date, count(*)
from testtable
where date >= current date - 10 days
group by date
having count(*) < 10
select *
from temp_count
If what you want is to know whether the total # of records (after grouping), are returned, then you could do this:
with temp_count (date, counter) as
select date, counter=count(*)
from testtable
where date >= current date - 10 days
group by date
select date, counter
from (
select date, counter, rseq=row_number() over (order by date)
from temp_count
) x
group by date, counter
having max(rseq) >= 10
This will return 0 rows if there are less than 10 total, and will deliver ALL the results if there are 10 or more (you can just get the first 10 rows if needed with this also).
In your temp_count table, you can filter results with the WHERE clause:
with temp_count (date, counter) as
select date, count(distinct date)
from testtable
where date >= current date - 10 days
group by date
select *
from temp_count
where counter < 10
Something like:
with t(dt, rn, cnt) as (
select dt, row_number() over (order by dt) as rn
, count(1) as cnt
from testtable
where dt >= current date - 10 days
group by dt
select dt, cnt
from t where 10 >= (select max(rn) from t);
will do what you want (I think)