I get different result from Graphql playground and front-end - vue.js

I am using graphql and Vue.js and apollo
Here is my DateBank
const sensorsdb = [
name: "sensor 1",
id: "s-1",
timestamp: 1582021371,
value: 100
name: "sensor 1",
id: "s-1",
timestamp: 1579451703,
value: 150
name: "sensor 2-1",
id: "s-2-1",
timestamp: 1582021371,
value: 200
name: "sensor 2-2",
id: "s-2-2",
timestamp: 1579451703,
value: 350
name: "sensor 2-2",
id: "s-2-2",
timestamp: 1582021371,
value: 300
name: "sensor 3",
id: "s-3",
timestamp: 1582021371,
value: 400
I want to get all objects according to object id. sensorId is an array. because I want to get multiple objects with multiple ids.
The following is my API function to get object.
async getDataById({ sensorId }) {
let sensorsData = [];
for (let i = 0; i < sensorId.length; i++) {
let sensorData = this.sensorDataStore.sensors.filter(sensor => sensor.id === sensorId[i]);
sensorsData = sensorsData.concat(sensorData);
return sensorsData;
In Front-end, gql file is following:
query sensorData($id: [String]){
sensorData(id: $id){
and with my apollo query code in vue.js, in this case selectedSensorId is ["s-2-1", "s-2-2"]
<ApolloQuery :query="require('../graphql/sensorDataById.gql')" :variables="{ id: selectedSensorId }">
<template v-slot="{ result: { loading, error, data } }">
<b-loading :is-full-page=true :active.sync=loading :can-cancel="false"/>
<div v-if="error">
<no-data-error />
<div v-if="data">
{{ data }}
<bar-chart-view :sensorInfo="data.sensorData"/>
But I got the following different result:
Graphql playground which has correct result
The front-end result with duplicated sensor-s-2

Apollo Client normalizes results according to the id and __typename fields as described in the docs. If an array returns multiple items with the same id, by default they will share the same cache key, which means what's returned by the client will be the same object.
You should provide a custom dataIdFromObject function to your InMemoryCache constructor that accommodates your specific use case. Something like:
const dataIdFromObject = object => {
switch (object.__typename) {
case 'SensorDataPoint': return `SensorDataPoint:${object.id}:{value}`;
default: return defaultDataIdFromObject(object);
Note that if you use the same type elsewhere, you may experience issues with the cache updated correctly after mutations because we are now keying off both the value and id. You might want to consider a different approach to your schema where the ids are actually unique :
type SensorDataPoint {
id: ID!
sensorId: ID!
sensorName: String!
value: Int!
timestamp: Int!
or even better
type SensorDataPoint {
id: ID!
value: Int!
timestamp: Int!
sensor: Sensor!
type Sensor {
id: ID!
name: String!

I know it its been a while but what Daniel Rearden mentioned above, I included the { addTypename: false } as options for InMemoryCache
const client = new ApolloClient({
link: ApolloLink.from([
onError(({ graphQLErrors, networkError }) => {
if (graphQLErrors)
graphQLErrors.forEach(({ message, extensions }) => {
console.log(`[GraphQL error]: Message: ${message}, Code: ${extensions?.code}`)
if (networkError) {
console.log(`[Network error] ->: ${networkError}`)
Toast.show('Connection Error', {
position: Toast.positions.TOP,
type: 'danger',
duration: 3000,
cache: new InMemoryCache({ addTypename: false }),


Apollo-client: How to add cache fragment in different Query?

when I create feed in Screen A,
I add and in order to apply this change to screen directly I change cache like below.
in this Screen A, I use seeAllFeeds query.
So I add this added feed to seeAllFeeds.
const updateUploadPhoto = (cache, result) => {
const {
data: { createFeed },
} = result;
if (createFeed.id) {
fields: {
seeAllFeeds(prev) {
return [createFeed, ...prev];
So it works well.
But problem is I use seeCertainUserFeedpoem query in Screen B.
And here, I also need to add this added feed info.
However this screen is not applied unless I refresh the screen.
(Due to flatlist, I can't refresh because if so, scroll goes to top.)
So I add this cache.modify once again below.
I also match the data with seeCertainUserFeedpoem manually and update.
const updateUploadPhoto = (cache, result) => {
const {
data: { createFeed },
} = result;
const FeedpomeId = `Feedpoem:${createFeed.id}`;
const FeedpoemFragment = {
caption: createFeed.caption,
commentNumber: createFeed.commentNumber,
createdAt: createFeed.createdAt,
id: createFeed.id,
isLiked: createFeed.isLiked,
isMine: createFeed.isMine,
likeNumber: createFeed.likeNumber,
photos: createFeed.photos,
poemCaption: null,
poemCommentNumber: 0,
poemLikeNumber: 0,
poemTitle: null,
updatedAt: createFeed.updatedAt,
if (createFeed.id) {
fields: {
seeAllFeeds(prev) {
return [createFeed, ...prev];
id: FeedpomeId,
data: FeedpoemFragment,
navigation.navigate("Tabs", { screen: "일상" });
So I also try this way, not cache.modify but client.writeFragment.
const updateUploadPhoto = (cache, result) => {
const {
data: { createFeed },
} = result;
const FeedpomeId = `Feedpoem:${createFeed.id}`;
const FeedpoemFragment = {
caption: createFeed.caption,
commentNumber: createFeed.commentNumber,
createdAt: createFeed.createdAt,
id: createFeed.id,
isLiked: createFeed.isLiked,
isMine: createFeed.isMine,
likeNumber: createFeed.likeNumber,
photos: createFeed.photos,
poemCaption: null,
poemCommentNumber: 0,
poemLikeNumber: 0,
poemTitle: null,
updatedAt: createFeed.updatedAt,
if (createFeed.id) {
fields: {
seeAllFeeds(prev) {
return [createFeed, ...prev];
id: FeedpomeId,
data: FeedpoemFragment,
navigation.navigate("Tabs", { screen: "일상" });
But both dont' work.
And 2nd way throws me this error.
LogBox.js:173 Possible Unhandled Promise Rejection (id: 0): Error:
Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'definitions') Error:
Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'definitions')
what is the problem here?
I can edit / delete with cache.
Because I understand that first find the exact cache by id.
However creating is hard.
I want to share my cache as well.
But this is too long.
chat is also welcome, please help me.

react native redux toolkit how can I pass data to array?

How can I pass data to array (redux toolkit) ?
I tried this but not working.
I have an array of shippers:
const shipper = [
type: 'NORMAL',
item: {
id: 1,
name: 'SHIPPER1',
type: 'NORMAL',
item: {
id: 2,
name: 'SHIPPER2',
type: 'NORMAL',
item: {
id: 3,
name: 'SHIPPER3',
type: 'NORMAL',
item: {
id: 4,
name: 'SHIPPER4',
type: 'NORMAL',
item: {
id: 5,
name: 'SHIPPER5',
I want to add each item to the reducer array. Like this without redux.
setShippers(prevState => {
return [...prevState, shipper];
But I want it in Redux Toolkit:
import { createSlice } from "#reduxjs/toolkit";
const createProductShipper = createSlice({
name: "createProductShipper",
initialState: {
shippers: []
reducers: {
AddProductShipper(state, action) {
state.shippers = [...state.shippers, action.payload];
export const { AddProductShipper } = createProductShipper.actions;
export default createProductShipper.reducer;
dispatch(AddProductShippers({id, shipper});
I’m a bit confused about whether the shipper variable is an array or a single shipper — and I suspect that you are too.
Your “without redux” example would be the correct way to add a single shipper to the array. If shipper is an array then you’ll want to spread both prevState and shipper:
setShippers(prevState => [...prevState, …shipper]);
The same goes for the redux reducer.
But the way that you are calling the dispatch seems strange:
dispatch(AddProductShippers({id, shipper}));
This will dispatch an action whose payload has properties id and shipper. Is that what you want? What is the id property: the product id or the shipper id?
Assuming that the product id is irrelevant (it appears nowhere in your slice) and that you want to add an array of shippers, your code might look something like this:
AddProductShipper(state, action) {
state.shippers = [...state.shippers, …action.payload];
AddProductShipper(state, action) {

Trying to update a my Express Data base using postman

How do I update my database using Postman?
I'm trying to learn Express using Postman to test different types of requests, but I can't figure out how to update my data set. This is the structure of the data set I'm using.
var DB = [
{ category: 'Pets',
products: [
{ name: 'banjo',
color: 'grey',
mean: true,
description: "meows"
{ name: 'rigby',
color: 'black and white',
mean: false,
description: 'barks'
Lets say I want to add another pet into the pets category so in products
{name: frank, color: orange, : mean: false: description: glubs}
I cant figure out how to add it correctly in Postman so that itll update. My code for the update is as follow:
app.post("/product/add", (req, res) => {
var category = req.body.category;
const { name, color, mean, description } = req.body;
var product = { name:name, color:color, mean:mean, description:description }; console.log(product);
var index = DB.findIndex(x => x.category == category);
if(index !== -1){
var indexProduct = DB[index].products.findIndex(x => x.name == product.name); if(indexProduct !== -1){
} else {
res.status(200).send(`Product already added to category.`);
} else {
res.status(200).send(`Category not found.`);
} });
Thanks in advance! Also sorry for the format.
There are a lot of repetitions, destructured variables that are not needed and syntactic errors in your code. Start by breaking down your problem into smaller chunks that are more manageable and then, test your endpoint with postman.
Let's start with your data and how it is structured:
var DB = [{
category: 'Pets',
products: [{
name: 'banjo',
color: 'grey',
mean: true,
description: "meows"
name: 'rigby',
color: 'black and white',
mean: false,
description: 'barks'
// Lets say you want to add another pet into the pets category so in products
const obj = {
name: "frank",
color: "orange",
mean: false,
description: "glubs"
This is one of the things you could do to check if the object is not found and if not, you add it to your db.
DB.forEach((val) => {
if (val.products.name !== obj.name) {
name: 'banjo',
color: 'grey',
mean: true,
description: 'meows'
name: 'rigby',
color: 'black and white',
mean: false,
description: 'barks'
name: 'frank',
color: 'orange',
mean: false,
description: 'glubs'
You postman request could look like this:
app.post("/product/add", (req, res) => {
// extract just what you need e.g name or ID if you have one...
const { name } = req.body;
// NOT efficient, best if you use a unique ID to look up
DB.forEach(value => {
if (value.products.name !== name) {
return res.status(200).send(JSON.stringify(DB));
return res.status(404).send("Not found or whatever");
OR using Array.prototype.findIndex you could do:
app.post("/product/add", (req, res) => {
const { name } = req.body;
const index = DB.forIndex(value => value === name);
if (index === -1) {
return res.status(200).send(JSON.stringify(DB));
return res.status(404).send("Not found or whatever");
Note: if your object name is the same than another one, your new object won't be pushed to the DB array. This would suggest you need to index your object with a unique identifier.

Getting documents with ID from firstore collection

While using Firestore, vuefire, vue-tables-2, I stuck getting document's id.
My data structure is as below.
Here is my code.
<v-client-table :columns="columns" :data="devices" :options="options" :theme="theme" id="dataTable">
import { ClientTable, Event } from 'vue-tables-2'
import { firebase, db } from '../../firebase-configured'
export default {
name: 'Devices',
components: {
data: function() {
return {
devices: [],
columns: ['model', 'id', 'scanTime', 'isStolen'],
options: {
headings: {
model: 'Model',
id: 'Serial No',
scanTime: 'Scan Time',
isStolen: 'Stolen YN'
templates: {
id: function(h, row, index) {
return index + ':' + row.id // <<- row.id is undefined
isStolen: (h, row, index) => {
return row.isStolen ? 'Y': ''
pagination: {
chunk: 5,
edge: false,
nav: 'scroll'
useVuex: false,
theme: 'bootstrap4',
template: 'default'
firestore: {
devices: db.collection('devices')
My expectation is devices should id property as vuefire docs.
But array this.devices didn't have id field even if I check it exist it console.
Basically, every document already has id attribute, but it's non-enumerable
Any document bound by Vuexfire will retain it's id in the database as
a non-enumerable, read-only property. This makes it easier to write
changes and allows you to only copy the data using the spread operator
or Object.assign.
You can access id directly using device.id. But when passing to vue-tables-2、devices is copied and lost id non-enumerable attribute.
I think you can workaround using computed property
computed: {
devicesWithId() {
if (!this.devices) {
return []
return this.devices.map(device => {
id: device.id
Then, please try using devicesWithId in vue-tables-2 instead.

Datatable dynamic data not available from apollo graphql query (static works)

import gql from 'graphql-tag'
export default {
name: 'patient-list',
data () {
return {
patients: [],
patientsColumns: [
{ name: 'id', label: 'number', field: 'patient_number' },
{ name: 'last', label: 'last name', field: row => row.user.last },
{ name: 'first', label: 'first name', field: row => row.user.first }
apollo: {
patients: {
query: gql`
patients {
user {
I have problem with printing datas in table by apollo... and i can't figure out what is wrong with this :)
the main problem with my console is
( TypeError: Cannot add property __index, object is not extensible )
I created sample static data and was ok, but when I what use datas passed from apollo by graphql query datatable show "no data available"
If someone give me small advice I will be grateful :)
Error in render: "TypeError: Cannot add property __index, object is
not extensible"
Datatable and sample record passed from Graphql by apollo
this is my code
Printed first object from apollo