Remote access to a Jetson Nano - ssh

I am trying to remotely access a Jetson Nano from my mac. So far I have done the following:
I installed microsoft Remote Desktop on my mac
I connected the nano with my mac through the Micro-usb Port
In network I could see the connection "linux for Tegra" where my nano would be
With this I still cannot remote access the nano
So I open a terminal and typed
>ssh username#
and I could access the nano terminal.
So I think now, I have to do
>sudo apt install xrdp
in order to be able to remotely access the GUI.
However, the nano does not have internet connection.
Is there a way that it can use the internet connection of my mac to do this?
(I am reading a tutorial on Rasppi with windows and apparently this is possible)

One of the approaches is to install X server for mac and then use ssh -Y username# You will get the command line shell first but you can type in commands like gedit - they windows will show up on the host. is the same network as any other. All tools supposed to work over TCP/IP should work with it as well.

USB is a Serial connection by default.
On windows use a putty based tool.
For example start with MobaXterm > New session > Serial #11500
It won't forward internet by default.
Best simple way is to plug in your phone as USB network sharing and plug in to the laptop via micro-USB.
For Linux, Ubuntu, use a serial ("COM" related stuff) tool.
If you want to do ssh through USB it will require custom editing of networking file.
By default Nano is using a bridge called L4TBRO on, laptop is client in .100.
DNS server is on Nano's side.
You would have to create a new interface but using your laptop as DCHP and DNS servers.
Note that usb can power the Jetson Nano for continuous execution on a recent laptop. Some recommends not to and it may crash if you run a compilation on all cores. (if it crashes, just disable 2 cores via nvpmodel -m 1)


How to remote SSH into a MacOS or Linux terminal using the Termius app?

I have been playing with the Termius app on Android running downloaded shell scripts that I wrote, catting files and snooping inside my device's directories; among other goofy stuff.
I have seen in some tutorials that I can remote SSH into my computer's terminal and run commands into my Android's Termius as if I'm typing on my computer's keyboard.
Having attempted these instructions myself, I've found they're no good (IMHO) and I couldn't make them work. Also, these tutorials have no good explanation for how I am actually SSHing using the Termius app.
The question is: How do I make it work and how does it work?
You would need to:
generate a key on Termius (and export it)
add that key to your Mac or Linux remote user ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
connect to the remote computer using ssh remoteUser#remoteIP
That assume you have an ssh daemon listening on that remote computer.

Why can not conntect to the IP provided by my WSL console when i trying to use static-server for testing on mobile

I am using NODE and npm static-server to display my .html files on the local network.
I have no problems when I use Git Bash to deploy static-server. I was able to access from my mobile device using the ip that I got with ipconfig (the option LAN adapter Wi-Fi).
The problem is when I try to do the same process but from my WSL Terminal (Windows Subsystem for Linux).
The IP obtained with the ip address command allows me to access it from my own computer, but I cannot access it from my mobile device.
In the Git Bash environment the command ipconfig shows me several IPs including the Wi-Fi LAN adapter, and using it I was able to connect effectively. But in the WSL environment I only get one IP, and it does not work to access from my mobile through the Wi-Fi network, I just can access to it from the computer.
Does the NODE version have something to do with it? or should i use a different command in the WSL environment to obtain Wi-Fi LAN adapter IP? In this case, which command? Thanks
Commparative image Basch vs WSL and NODE version

Can we use BLPAPI remotely?

The SDKs at allow you to connect to localhost 8194 to fetch data. Please correct if any of the following is incorrect:
The use of the SDK requires the installation of a Terminal software on the PC where the program using the SDK is being run.
The Terminal software creates an endpoint listening on port 8194 through which the data can be fetched.
Is it possible for another computer in the local network to run the SDK and connect to the computer that hosts the Terminal service?
Does the Terminal service license support such use wherein the data leaves the PC and gets pulled to a different PC?
No, it is not technically possible to connect to another PC which is running the Terminal and even if you can get around this it is not allowed by the license. Data downloaded on a PC running the Terminal must stay on that PC.
Bloomberg offers 2 solutions which don't require the Terminal to run and do require authentication: Server API (SAPI) and B-PIPE. To clarify, because you're describing having to run the Terminal on the PC you're necessarily talking about Desktop API.

Simple OS X TCP forwarding server/service

As part of a TDD (test driven development) project I want a simple OSX service/server that simply forwards data between two clients. The purpose is to enable communication between one piece of code running in iOS (being tested) and another running in OS X.
I think I need both parties to connect to the server for the duration of the test, which points at TCP
There are lots of examples for creating simple clients using NSStream, but have failed to find what creates the Server side.
I would have thought it would be normal for this forwarding software to be a client of the final server, rather than both the other pieces of code being a client to it (as it's both counter-intuitive and somewhat difficult to acheive):
iOS App -> Forwarding Server -> OSX Server
You can achieve this using netcat (which is installed by default on OSX), simply with:
$ nc -l -p local-port -c "nc osx-host osx-port"
(see below)
and the iOS app simply needs to connect to local-port on whatever machine this forwarding server is running on.
EDIT When I actually tested my answer I found that the netcat supplied with OSX cannot support port forwarding, and the answer I supplied only works with the Linux version (I believe there is a BSD-rewrite which OSX uses).
Anyway, this can be achieved if you are happy to install macports and use socat. Here's a working example that redirects port 8888 to
$ sudo port install socat
$ socat TCP-LISTEN:8888,fork
If you then connect to http://localhost:8888 within your browser, this will hit Google.
Port Forwarding In Windows for iOS .
1. Install Python 2.7 on windows system
2. Connect your iPhone to windows system
3. Download USB MXD1.0 and put it in C Drive
4. Run Command Prompt : OpenC:\usbmuxd-1.0.8\python-client in cmd
5. Run **\Python27\python.exe -t local port:remote Port**
Eg :**\Python27\python.exe -t 9892:9892**

Get remote cmd from linux termnal

I need to run some scripts in a windows remote machine from a terminal linux, I've tried using telnet however in the windows machine it's unable and there isn't installed a ssh server. So I need other way to run the command remotely without a graphical interface.
I have the possibility for run the command from a windows machine, however I need to open a SSH Tunnel to see the remote machine, I've used psexec but it didn't work for me.
Do you have access to install software on the remote server?
Your SSH client will not be able to connect to the remote machine unless that machine is running an SSH server to respond to your client's connection request.
There are a number of possible options for SSH servers to run on Windows.
(Google for ssh server windows)
Because SSH gives an external user some access to/control over your server it is designed to be a secure tool. I would therefore recommend using an SSH server which is still actively maintained, and keep it up to date. Servers which are old and no longer supported are are likely to contain known security issues which may never be addressed, thereby leaving your server vulnerable.
There are a number of good free open-source solutions for this, so you shouldn't need to buy anything.
In the past I've worked with Windows machines running Cygwin, with the OpenSSH ssh server installed. Depending how much of the Cygwin system you choose to install, it can make the target Windows host rather like logging into another Linux box in terms of environment.
You can download the installer for Cygwin from