Using bootstrap template in TinyMce - twitter-bootstrap-3

I have html page, created in bootstrap 3 (page.html).
After copy html code in TinyMce editor (Source code option), I can see all page content but without css/js settings (colums,tabs,accorditions,etc..).
Now, is there some solution to see all bootstrap features in TinyMce editor?


VSCode does not show HTML attributes in .vue files but shows in html files

I have spent 3 hours figuring out what's going on but could not find it out. I am new to HTML and intellisense help me know many attributes of a tag on the go. However, with .vue files html attributes are not being shown up.
a) Attributes being shown up in "index.html"
b) No attributes hints in "TodoItem.vue"
I have already installed Vetur, HTML CSS Support and Vue VSCode Snippets extension from marketplace.
First, install Vetur extension after that go to
File > Preferences > Settings
In the list find and open Extensions find Vetur, scroll down and find Template Interpolation Service (must be checked).
I found it.
you need to install this official extension to get tailwind css hints.
Tailwind CSS IntelliSense
everything will come true

Mapping rendered HTML to line of code in Vue.js

Im looking for a way to click on an HTML element in the rendered webpage in Chrome of my Vue.js app (running in dev mode) and see the line of code in the corresponding .vue file that generated it. Is there a way to do this with Vue devtools? If not, could I write an npm plugin to go through and maybe add a unique property to each HTML element in my code, to allow for the mapping to be defined?

Grails save pdf of rendered page

Is it possible to render view with all css, js... and
then save all generated html page in pdf?
I've tried solution with python libs:
grails run-app localhost:3030
dfkit/weasyprint visit page localhost:3030
pdfkit/weasyprint save html as pdf
But weasyprint have problems with my local css and pdfkit fails too.
So I'd like to know wheter it is possible to render pdf for generated html from grails and what libs should I use?

vs code autocomplete other

I'm wondering how to get VS Code to autocomplete HTML tags in files that aren't .html
I'm working on a vue.js project which have a pages HTML, JavaScript, and CSS all in one file that have a .vue extension.
Just add the Vetur extension and you get emmet and auto completion out of the box.
Linting / Error Checking
Auto Completion

How to use Free CSS Templates with ASP.NET MVC 4?

I need to use a css template for webpage I am building but I don't know how to use in mvc4. so How to use CSS Templates with ASP.NET MVC 4 in visual studio 2012 for web application?
It's simple:
Move your css and images into ~/Contents folder.
Move your js files into ~/Scripts folder
Copy and paste your html snippets to cshtml files
On 3rd step you need to port the layout portion of your template to ~/Veiws/Shared/_Layout.cshtml. Here you need to point references to your css and js correctly. For example:
And also you need to be aware that _Layout.cshtml should contain #RenderBody(). That's where all child views will be inserted.
Just found a video with basic demonstration of process: link
It is the same as you use for simpe HTML files. In the solution you can add an existing item and your browse your CSS file which will be added in the Content folder then you have to reference it in the page where it will be used.
If you want to apply all the rules to every page you can reference it in the _Layout.cshtml page which is called before everypage. It is like the container.
You have many options to call it. I will suggest you also reading Bundling and minification in this link which is also interesting to know.
There are Few Steps:
Make Directory inside Content folder in my case mytemplate.
Copy all your template content inside mytemplate folder.
Add new Layout page in View>Shared Folder in my case _mytemplate.cshtml.
open your template Index.html file inside any editor(i.e: Dreamviewer,Notepad etc).
Copy all header stuff from your html file to inside of Header in _mytemplate.cshtml file.
Copy all body stuff Inside of your Index.cshtml to Layout page.
Save your Project by Cntrl+S and Run it in browser. Thats it.