Does pinescript have any built in functions to check if a line has been crossed in the past? The line would be repainting as I am looking to check if a linear regression channel's deviation lines have been crossed previously or not, but more specifically the number of times crossed to attempt to validate it's strength.
This code will work, although the code execution time is very slow:
priceFound = 0
countAbove = 0
countBelow = 0
length = 100
slope = (y2-y1)/(x2-x1) //Calculates slope of using line coordinates
for i = 0 to length
priceFound := slope*((_y1/slope) + bar_index[i] - _x1) //Calculates price at y-coord
countAbove := high[i]>priceFound ? countAbove+1 : countAbove //Checks if above
countBelow := low[i]<priceFound ? countBelow+1 : countBelow //Checks if below
What your code is doing is checking on every single newly created bar 100 bars back if price was above/below your coordinate. Yes it's not really efficient, though I don't think simple arithmetic operations would challenge pine script. (Of course I can be wrong)
Instead you could try another direction with ta.crossunder() / ta.crossover() or ta.cross(). With these you wouldn't need slope calculation or whatsoever because you can check your plot value and the high/low real time (or rather on bar close). Of course this way you would only find out if your line did not hold and you would build up your strength tracking the opposite way.
Still, I think it's worth considering as a solution to your problem.
Our use case could be described as a variant of 1D bin packing or sheet cutting.
Imagine a drywall with a beam framing.
We want to optimize the number and size of gypsum boards that would be needed to cover the wall.
Boards must start and end on a beam.
Boards must not overlap (hard constraint).
Less (i.e. bigger) boards, the better (soft constraint).
What we currently do:
Pre-generate all possible boards and pass them as problem facts.
Let the solver pick the best subset of those (nullable planning variable).
First Fit Decreasing + Simulated Annealing
Even relatively small walls (~6m, less than 20 possible boards to pick from) take sometimes minutes and while we mostly get a feasible solution, it's rarely optimal.
Is there a better way to model that?
Our current domain model looks like the following. Please note that the planning entity only holds the selected/picked material but nothing else. I.e. currently our planning entities are all equal, which kind of prevents any optimization that depends on planning entity difficulty.
data class Assignment(
private val id: Long? = null,
valueRangeProviderRefs = ["materials"],
strengthComparatorClass = MaterialStrengthComparator::class,
nullable = true
var material: Material? = null
data class Material(
val start: Double,
val stop: Double,
Active (sub)pillar change and swap move selectors. See optaplanner docs section about move selectors (move neighorhoods). The default moves (single swap and single change) are probably getting stuck in local optima (and even though SA helps them escape those, those escapes are probably not efficient enough).
That should help, but a custom move to swap two subpillars of the almost the same size, might improve efficiency further.
Also, as you're using SA (Simulated Annealing), know that SA is parameter sensitive. Use optaplanner-benchmark to try multiple SA starting temp parameters with different dataset set sizes. Also compare it to a plain LA (Late Acceptance) in benchmarks too. LA isn't fickle like SA can be. (With fickle I don't mean unstable. I mean potential dataset size sensitive parameter tweaking.)
I'm using Builder v1.80.06
I can vary the position of a polygon every repeat easily enough
e.g. I have a Positions list
and in the 'Position field' have :
and then change it's value in a code block on each repeat.
BUT I want to vary the size in a similar manner with a $sizes list but get an error.
Looking at the generated code, the problem is at the object creation stage. the code generated is:
for a hard coded polygon (ie ok)
polygon_1 = visual.Rect(win=win, name='polygon_1',
width=[1.5, .2][0], height=[1.5, .2][1],
ori=0, pos=[0, -0.6],
lineWidth=1, lineColor=[1,1,1], lineColorSpace=u'rgb',
fillColor=[0,1,0], fillColorSpace=u'rgb',
for one populated by a variable (not working):
polygon_2= visual.Rect(win=win, name='polygon_2',
width=1.0[0], height=1.0[1],
ori=0, pos=[0,0],
lineWidth=1, lineColor=[1,1,1], lineColorSpace=u'rgb',
fillColor=[1,0,0], fillColorSpace=u'rgb',
It complains (rightly) that 1.0[0] makes no sense on the width and height parameters
Even though I have my sizes list instantiated in a code block right at the beginning of the experiment instead of reading $sizes[0] a default float value of 1.0 is used.
Any other suggestions for how to vary the polygon size dynamically at runtime using builder?
I could just take the generated code and drop it into coder I suppose and fix the problem but I want to hand this over to a researcher so would like for them to be able to maintain it.
If you set size to be a tuple/list with a pair values [1.2,1.5] or [1,1] does that not fix it?
When you change attributes at runtime, just change the attribute of an existing stimulus instead of instantiating a full new stimulus. The latter is quite heavy on ressources, causing unreliable timing. So do
stim = visual.Rect(win) # instantiation, ressource heavy
stim.attribute = newValue # change attribute. lighter.
I can think of two ways you could do it in a pretty neat way. The first is to set width and height explicitly instead of the size attribute, but using a size-like value. So (removing all parameters not of interest):
polygon_2 = visual.Rect(win)
# Unpack the x,y-sizes to the stimulus .width and .height attributes
newSize = (1.5, 0.2)
polygon_2.width, polygon_2.height = newSize
The second, if the size attribute is really important to use, is to use the Polygin with edges=4 to make it a rectangle:
polygon_2 = visual.Polygon(win=win, edges=4, size=(1.5, 0.2))
# Setting size
polygon_2.size = (0.8, 0.4)
Do try Jon's suggestion first. But the idea with visual.Rect and visual.Circleis to use substitute Polygon's size and vertices for something more relevant. So size can do unexpected things if width/height etc. are not 1.
I am running a wavelet transform (cmor) to estimate damping and frequencies that exists in a signal.cmor has 2 parameters that I can change them to get more accurate results. center frequency(Fc) and bandwidth frequency(Fb). If I construct a signal with few freqs and damping then I can measure the error of my estimation(fig 2). but in actual case I have a signal and I don't know its freqs and dampings so I can't measure the a friend in here suggested me to reconstruct the signal and find error by measuring the difference between the original and reconstructed signal e(t)=|x(t)−x^(t)|.
so my question is:
Does anyone know a better function to find the error between reconstructed and original signal,rather than e(t)=|x(t)−x^(t)|.
can I use GA to search for Fb and Fc? or do you know a better search method?
Hope this picture shows what I mean, the actual case is last one. others are for explanations
Thanks in advance
You say you don't know the error until after running the wavelet transform, but that's fine. You just run a wavelet transform for every individual the GA produces. Those individuals with lower errors are considered fitter and survive with greater probability. This may be very slow, but conceptually at least, that's the idea.
Let's define a Chromosome datatype containing an encoded pair of values, one for the frequency and another for the damping parameter. Don't worry too much about how their encoded for now, just assume it's an array of two doubles if you like. All that's important is that you have a way to get the values out of the chromosome. For now, I'll just refer to them by name, but you could represent them in binary, as an array of doubles, etc. The other member of the Chromosome type is a double storing its fitness.
We can obviously generate random frequency and damping values, so let's create say 100 random Chromosomes. We don't know how to set their fitness yet, but that's fine. Just set it to zero at first. To set the real fitness value, we're going to have to run the wavelet transform once for each of our 100 parameter settings.
for Chromosome chr in population = run_wavelet_transform(chr.frequency, chr.damping)
Now we have 100 possible wavelet transforms, each with a computed error, stored in our set called population. What's left is to select fitter members of the population, breed them, and allow the fitter members of the population and offspring to survive into the next generation.
while not done
offspring = new_population()
while count(offspring) < N
parent1, parent2 = select_parents(population)
child1, child2 = do_crossover(parent1, parent2)
mutate(child2) = run_wavelet_transform(child1.frequency, child1.damping) = run_wavelet_transform(child2.frequency, child2.damping)
end while
population = merge(population, offspring)
end while
There are a bunch of different ways to do the individual steps like select_parents, do_crossover, mutate, and merge here, but the basic structure of the GA stays pretty much the same. You just have to run a brand new wavelet decomposition for every new offspring.
I'm writing an API for creating geometric shapes, and I'm running into some difficulties naming my methods.
Let's take a simple case: Creating a circle. Most of us might be familiar with a method like graphics.drawEllipse(x, y, w, h). To draw a circle, you need to know the top left coordinate, and the width and height of the circle.
My API is intended to make it easy for a developer to draw shapes using a variety of information, without doing a lot of math - which is trivial for circles, but more complicated for other shapes. For example, you should also be able to draw a circle given its center coordinates and radius, or the top left and bottom right coordinates.
So I have a Circle class with factory methods like:
Circle.createWithCenterAndRadius(cx, cy, r)
Circle.createWithBoundingBox(x1, y1, x2, y2)
Circle.createWithWidthAndHeight(x, y, w, h)
I feel like there might be a "code smell" here, but I'm not sure. On the one hand, these factory methods are necessarily descriptive. On the other hand, I can forsee these method names getting out of control. For example, how would I name a Triangle factory method that creates a triangle given a point, the length of one side, an angle, and the length of another side? Triangle.createWithPointSideAngleAndSide(x, y, side1, angle, side2)? Is that just evil?
If you were to use this API, would method names like this be okay to you? Do you have advice on how I can make the method names more sane?
You might change your circle methods to
It implies that you're creating circles from their different representations in a kind of concise way...
It is ok in any language that doesn't support named parameters. If the language supports named parameters, I like more the short Create and just have obvious parameters names.
For a language with named parameters, you would:
centerX = cx,
centerY = cy,
radius = r
Another more involved option, would be a fluent interface like (but that is probably too much):
Center returns an instance of an intermediate class that only allows Radius or Width. And BoundWith returns one that only allows Left.
I think there is nothing wrong with your descriptive methods - they are the compact and describe exactly what's going on. The users of the library will have no doubt about the function of your methods, neither the maintanance programmers.
You could also apply some design pattern here if you are really worried about exposing a large number of factory methods - like having factory methods with property classes. You could have a CircleProperties class with properties like CenterX, CenterY, Radius, (bool)UseCenterX, (bool)UseCenterY etc and then you pass this to the public factory method which will figure out which (private) factory method to use.
Assuming C#:
var circleProperties = new CircleProperties()
CenterX = 10,
CenterY = -5,
Radius = 8,
UseCenterX = true,
UseCenterY = true,
UseCenterRadius = true
var circle = Circle.Create(circleProperties);
My first instinct is to have more types, which would allow for more intuitive method overloading.
// instead of Circle.createWithCenterAndRadius(cx, cy, r)
Circle.create( new Point(cx,xy), r);
// instead of Circle.createWithBoundingBox(x1, y1, x2, y2)
Circle.create( new Point(x1,y1), new Point(x1,y1) );
// or even...
Circle.create( new Box(p1,p2));
// instead of Circle.createWithWidthAndHeight(x, y, w, h)
Circle.create( new Point(x,y), w, h);
As well as Point, you could define Distance (which would allow for different units)
If this style suits you, consider why you need a factory method instead of a constructor.
Circle c = new Circle(new Point(cx,xy), r);
For languages that don't support named parameters, would it be cleaner to make the method name something very simple like Circle.create and then just add an additional input flag string (like "center" or "bounding") that indicated how the input values should be interpreted for cases that are hard to discriminate based only on input variable number and type? Drawbacks to this would be that it requires extra logic inside of the method to handle different types of input arguments and also requires that the user remember the flag options.
I would have methods CreateTriangle and have the overloads show the different pieces of information required.
Circle.CreateCircle(cx, cy, r)
Circle.CreateCircle(point1, point2)
Circle.CreateCircle(point, width, height)
Yes, this is more of a meta-answer, but I suggest you take a peek at how naming is done in Apple's Cocoa.
Your instinct is correct--the entire pattern of creating things this way is--iffy.
Unless these are used just once or twice, they are going to become pretty messy. If you were creating a shape with 5 circles and 3 triangles, it would be a mess.
Anything beyond a trivial example would probably be best done with some kind of data-driven implementation.
Towards those ends, having it take a string, hash or XML to define your shapes might be extremely useful.
But it all depends on how you expect them to be used.
I have the same kind of issues with creating Swing controls in Java. You end up with line after line of "new Button()" followed by a bunch of .set property calls as well as a line of code to copy the value to an object (or add a listener), and a line to reset the value..
That kind of boilerplate should never happen in code, so I usually try to find a way to drive it with data, binding the controls to objects dynamically--and towards that end, a descriptive string-based language would be very helpful.
I know, I know. This sounds completely crazy for you C/C++/Java people, but the examples given in the question and in all those answers clearly demonstrate what a bad, bad convention CamelCaseNaming really is.
Let's take another look at the original example:
Circle.createWithCenterAndRadius(cx, cy, r)
Circle.createWithBoundingBox(x1, y1, x2, y2)
Circle.createWithWidthAndHeight(x, y, w, h)
And now let's get rid of that camel case notation
Circle.create_with_center_and_radius(cx, cy, r)
Circle.create_with_bounding_box(x1, y1, x2, y2)
Circle.create_with_width_and_height(x, y, w, h)
This may seem terribly unfamilar, but be honest: which version is easier to read?