How to use different pages view on one url? - vue.js

For example:
I have an url like /content/supercontenturl/.
If this content type is a video (param in my DB), I'll show videoplayer on the page and other components, but if type of content is text or other, I'd like to load specific page.vue for this content with own components, but the url must be same - /content/supercontenturl/
My structure pages:
_id.vue // The page for video
_id_text.vue // The page for text
... // Other pages

you should remember in nuxt all vue files inside Pages directory are components check the guide, and each file or directory you add there will create routes.
the easy way to succeed your demand is put the video page and content page with a proper name in components directory. Create a new file in pages it will contains in scripts the data call and template will contains the component selector, you can use a v-if or dinamic components for load the right component. and pass the data by props.


Nuxt layout and getting static content

I have a header on every page thats generally static — besides the button that needs to update based on the page. Ideally I would like to have a variable called link in static/content/xxx
and then to call it from layouts/default. However it does not seem that I have access to any of the variables in my static content. Being new to vue and nuxt I was hoping for some guidance. I tried using asyncData however, it doesn't seem to get called at all in my layout.
a layout is a static wrapper that will wrap your main content. the main idea behind using layout is to not write the same content again and again. If you work with Vue only project than this type of functionality can be accessed by the using the child routes.
just add the common layout as the parent Component and the changed or different content as the child components.
back to the point, if you have different button content depending upon the pages than don't place it in the layout instead pass through the components individually.
whereas the static folder in the nuxt application holds the data that should not be changed such as the css files or external script files just take and example of bootstrap and jquery these are the libraries that are embeded in the application, instead of changing their internals we just use them. this type of content is placed in static directory (folder)
I hope it helps

Vuepress README.doc first page in format yaml convert to markdown format doc

I am not able to find information on how to modify the main page of Vuepress, which, although I like its structure, being in .yaml format does not allow me to put links.
Is it possible to put links?
Or better, is it possible to convert that page to markdown format but keeping the output it delivers?
Unfortunately it is not possible without modifying the Vue templates. The home page is rendered by the Home component component and it renders the page's frontmatter using Vue's "Mustache" syntax. Values inside the mustaches will only ever be rendered as plain text.
You'll have to modify the Home component by either "ejecting" the default theme or by creating a custom layout for the home page. In both cases, you will obviously not receive any updates to the components anymore when you upgrade Vuepress.
I've created a demo to show how to use a custom layout to allow the frontmatter to be HTML. I've copied the Layout and Home components from Vuepress and changed the new Home component to use v-html to inject HTML values into the h1 component. So now your heroText could be Hi! This is a <a href=''>link</a> and it will be displayed as a link on the home page. You could obviously do the same for the other elements.
Be sure to set the layout value of your home page to the new layout, e.g. layout: HomeLayout.

Switching Between Components in a Vue App

I'm building a single-file-based Vue application from a template generated with the Vue UI tool.
I understand how a .vue file defines the styling/structure/behavior of a component, how smaller components can be composed into bigger components, and how the top-level "App" component mounts everything to an HTML Div.
As the user progresses through the app, though -- say from a login screen to a master screen to a detail screen -- what's the accepted approach to switching out the current screen-level component?
Ty in advance.
--The Vuebie
This is quite an open ended question so ill just show you what I have done in my own projects. I split my components directory into two directories; 'pages' and 'common'. (Ignore the 'firebase' directory is it beyond the scope of this question).
The common directory holds components that may be used in a page or re used in several different pages.
For example the 'account form' is used in my 'Edit Account page' and the category bar is used in several of my pages.
The pages directory holds components that are technically no different from my common components but they represent full pages on my website. A page component may contain several common components.
Now the biggest distinction between common and pages is in the router. I route different paths relative to the main url (that is probably not the technically correct description but hopefully you get the point) to each of the pages. Here is my index.js file from my router directory:
As you can see, I have a route pointing to each one of my pages. You can " switch out the current screen-level component" (as you put it) by using router-link tag's to navigate between different page components. These are clickable urls that your client can use, they can also be wrapped in buttons and such.
For example, this router link navigates to my home page, the component name is 'Helloworld'. See its corresponding reference in my router's index.js and in the pages directory so you can connect it all in your head.
<router-link class="nav-item nav-word" :to="{ name: 'HelloWorld' }">
Finally, I will talk a bit about the App.vue file. The App.vue acts like a base component as it contains the 'router view' tag within it's template:
This means that every page that you route will be placed in the position of the 'router view tag'. I.e this tag will be replaced with the page. It is common practise to surround this tag with html code that you would like to be shown in each page. For example I have my router view tag between my nav bar and footer. So that the nav bar and footer will show on each page.

How to implement a sidebar that is bound to the route in nuxtjs

so I structured my pages folder like this
----page1.vue // contains different content
----page2.vue // contains different content
so the routes can be accessed like
now, what I want to achieve is, when I access the route /index/page2/some-slug-here. it will show the sidebar component based on that route param.
so to show some visual, take a look at the attached image.
since nuxt don't seem to support named view routes. are there any other ways to achieve what I want?
Nuxt.js does support named views. They are referenced as layouts in documentation and serve exactly that purpose.
It is possible to create multiple layouts in layouts folder and specify them for each page as following:
<!-- Your template -->
export default {
layout: 'sidebar'
// page component definitions

Lazy loading components in angular2

I am having three components that load simultaneously when angular app load. Is there any way that we can load component only when specific route navigate to.
This is what the Angular 2 Router is all about. I strongly suggest you read the documentation on Router thoroughly.
The steps you need to do are roughly the following:
Create a main component (ex: my-app) for your app with a <router-outlet> placeholder within its template.
Create your routes
Register those routes in your main application module
Add a reference to your main component (<my-app></my-app>) in your index.html file
Open up one of the URLs you registered as a route and the component you associated with that route will get created and inserted in place of your <router-outlet> element.