Returning a class in Kotlin - kotlin

class Wolf {
var hunger = 10
val food = "meat"
fun eat() {
println("The Wolf is eating $food")
class MyWolf {
var wolf: Wolf? = Wolf()
fun myFunction() {
fun getAlphaWolf(): Wolf? {
return Wolf()
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var w: Wolf? = Wolf()
if (w != null) {
var x = w?.hunger
println("The value of x is $x")
var y = w?.hunger ?: -1
println("The value of y is $y")
var myWolf = MyWolf()
myWolf?.wolf?.hunger = 8
println("The value of myWolf?.wolf?.hunger is ${myWolf?.wolf?.hunger}")
var myArray = arrayOf("Hi", "Hello", null)
for (item in myArray) {
item?.let { println(it) }
getAlphaWolf()?.let { }
w = null
var z = w!!.hunger
This above code is extracted from a Kotlin textbook.
I have problem with the following:
fun getAlphaWolf(): Wolf? {
return Wolf()
As there is only a class called Wolf but no variable called Wolf in the code.
I wonder if it is possible to return a class inside a function?
What is the output if a class is returned inside a function?

If you are familiar with Java, then this Kotlin is equivalent to:
public class Application {
public Wolf getAlphaWolf() {
return new Wolf();
So, in Kotlin you are calling the no-arguments constructor. If you want to return the class Wolf, then that is also possible:
fun getWolfClass(): KClass<Wolf> {
return Wolf::class

In the following code, the primary constructor of class Wolf is called:
fun getAlphaWolf(): Wolf? {
return Wolf()
So, getAlphaWolf returns a completely new instance of Wolf with default values: Wolf(hunger=10,food=meat).
Update: by the way, making the return type of this function nullable is redundant, because a new instance cannot be null.


did kotlin methods'param Int could be modified?

the fun of superclass like this:
fun onTrigger(params: P) {
if (!funA(params)) {
val request = funB(params)
funA and funB is abstract fun , implement in subclass like this(the generic P is Int):
fun funA(params:Int): Boolean {
if (params < 0) {
return false
fun funB(params:Int) {
val item = dataList[params]
accidental appearance crash:
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: length=10; index=-1
the params can be -1? why?

Kotlin: Programing is printing kotlin.unit

My Kotlin Class will run but it prints out the words: kotlin.Unit. What do I need to change?
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var myDuck = Duck()
class Duck() {
fun quack () {
println("Quack, Quack, Quack")
It is printing that because you are printing the return type of a function that does not return any value. If you are familiar with other languages it is the same as having a void return type.
In kotlin a funtion without a return type returns a unit type, and so when you print the return value of Duck::quack you are printing the string value of a Unit value.
The simplest solution is to not print the return value of Duck::quack; however, if you would like the prinlt to print the return of Duck::quak, it needs to return a useful value. For examle:
class Duck() {
fun quack(): String {
return "Quack, Quack, Quack"
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var myDuck = Duck()
or more idiomatically:
class Duck() {
val quack: String = "Quack, Quack. Quack"
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var myDuck = Duck()
It's anought to call
wich has already println inside. Calling println(myDuck.quack()) prints type of myDuck.quack because it doesn't return any value.
1.prints "kotlin.Unit" if you don't specify the type
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var myDuck = Duck()
class Duck():String {
fun quack () {
return "Quack, Quack, Quack"
Also as shortly:
fun main() {
class Duck() {
fun quack () = "Quack, Quack, Quack"

How to assign current class instance in Kotlin

I have code which looks something like,
data class X{
fun getSomething(){
var y: Y()
//How can I write this
class Y{
fun doSomething(): X{
return x }
I want to assign this to an object that I am returning from some other method in some other class.
You cannot assign anything to this and also, data classes should be immutable. Just reassign your reference:
data class X(val x: String) {
fun getSomething() = Y().doSomething()
class Y {
fun doSomething(): X {
return X("fromY")
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val second = X("first").getSomething()

Instantiating type T in Kotlin

In short, I would like to omit the repeated getT() in the example below. I have read Instantiating a generic type in Kotlin, but what does it mean 'to take () -> T as a parameter'? How can I apply that to below?
interface Food
var isHeated:Boolean;
var name:String;
abstract class Cooker<T:Food>
abstract fun getT():T;
abstract fun enhance(t:T);
fun cook(): T
var food = getT();
food.isHeated = true; = "heated " +;
return food;
class PotatoChip:Food
override var isHeated = false;
override var name = "potato chip";
class PotatoChipCooker:Cooker<PotatoChip>()
override fun getT(): PotatoChip {
return PotatoChip();
override fun enhance(t:PotatoChip)
{ = "salted " +;
class Pancake:Food
override var isHeated = false;
override var name = "pancake";
class PancakeCooker:Cooker<Pancake>()
override fun getT(): Pancake {
return Pancake();
override fun enhance(t:Pancake)
{ = + " coated with maple syrup";
fun main(args: Array<String>)
val result = PotatoChipCooker().cook();
val result2 = PancakeCooker().cook();
You could make the initialization function part of the primary constructor. As a result, implementing classes will have to pass a function that specifies how the corresponding type is being created:
abstract class Cooker<T : Food>(private val initT: () -> T) {
abstract fun enhance(t: T)
fun cook(): T {
val food = initT()
food.isHeated = true = "heated $name"
return food
class PotatoChipCooker : Cooker<PotatoChip>({ PotatoChip() }) {
override fun enhance(t: PotatoChip) { = "salted ${}"
class PancakeCooker : Cooker<Pancake>({ Pancake() }) {
override fun enhance(t: Pancake) { = "${} coated with maple syrup"
Note that I removed the optional semicolons and used string templates instead of concatenations. Also, the cook method can be simplified to:
fun cook() = initT().apply {
isHeated = true
name = "heated $name"

Is possible to change dynamically method for an instance?

I wrote down this code:
open class Test(){
override fun toString(): String {
return "This is test!"
fun createTestX(): Test {
return object : Test() {
override fun toString(): String {
return super.toString() + "XXX"
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val x = createTestX()
It works as expected but I am curious whether is it possible to change method of instance using for example lambda like this:
val x = Test()
x.toString = () -> x.toString() + "XXX"
What you can do
class C {
var example:()->String = this::toString
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val c = C()
c.example = {"ABCDEF"}
Although this works for swapping fields, you cannot use it to override methods. This can be worked around by defining the method to invoke the field.
class C {
var example:()->String = {"ABC"}
override fun toString() = example()
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val c = C()
c.example = {"DEF"}