Is possible to change dynamically method for an instance? - kotlin

I wrote down this code:
open class Test(){
override fun toString(): String {
return "This is test!"
fun createTestX(): Test {
return object : Test() {
override fun toString(): String {
return super.toString() + "XXX"
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val x = createTestX()
It works as expected but I am curious whether is it possible to change method of instance using for example lambda like this:
val x = Test()
x.toString = () -> x.toString() + "XXX"

What you can do
class C {
var example:()->String = this::toString
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val c = C()
c.example = {"ABCDEF"}
Although this works for swapping fields, you cannot use it to override methods. This can be worked around by defining the method to invoke the field.
class C {
var example:()->String = {"ABC"}
override fun toString() = example()
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val c = C()
c.example = {"DEF"}


How to access class methods from anonymous suspend function inside constructor in kotlin?

I want to be able to call functions from the anonymous constructor's suspend function in the following example:
data class SuspendableStep(
val condition: SuspendableCondition,
val continuation: Continuation<Unit>
class WaitCondition(cycles: Int) : SuspendableCondition() {
private val timer = SomeTimer(cycles)
override fun resume(): Boolean = timer.elapsed() // timer is handled somewhere else
override fun toString(): String = "WaitCondition_$timer"
class BasicContinuation : Continuation<Unit> {
var coroutine: Continuation<Unit>
override val context: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext
private var nextStep: SuspendableStep? = null
constructor(task: suspend () -> Unit) {
coroutine = task.createCoroutine(completion = this)
override fun resumeWith(result: Result<Unit>) {
nextStep = null
result.exceptionOrNull()?.let { e -> Logger.handle("Error with plugin!", e) }
suspend fun wait(cycles: Int): Unit = suspendCoroutine {
check(cycles > 0) { "Wait cycles must be greater than 0." }
nextStep = SuspendableStep(WaitCondition(cycles), it)
fun main() {
There only other option I found was to override a suspend function by creating an anonymous inner class and calling another function to set the coroutine:
fun main() {
val bc = BasicContinuation() {
override suspend fun test() : Unit {
bc.set() // assign coroutine to suspend { test }.createCoroutine(completion = this)
I used CoroutineScope to extend the scope of the functions I could access:
class BasicContinuation : Continuation<Unit> {
var coroutine: Continuation<Unit>
override val context: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext
private var nextStep: SuspendableStep? = null
constructor(task: (suspend BasicContinuation.(CoroutineScope) -> Unit)) {
coroutine = suspend { task.invoke(this, CoroutineScope(context)) }.createCoroutine(completion = this)
override fun resumeWith(result: Result<Unit>) {
nextStep = null
result.exceptionOrNull()?.let { e -> Logger.handle("Error with plugin!", e) }
suspend fun wait(cycles: Int): Unit = suspendCoroutine {
check(cycles > 0) { "Wait cycles must be greater than 0." }
nextStep = SuspendableStep(WaitCondition(cycles), it)
fun main() {
val bc = BasicContinuation({
bc.coroutine.resume(Unit) // print "Hello"
// increment timer
bc.coroutine.resume(Unit) // print "World

Kotlin: Programing is printing kotlin.unit

My Kotlin Class will run but it prints out the words: kotlin.Unit. What do I need to change?
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var myDuck = Duck()
class Duck() {
fun quack () {
println("Quack, Quack, Quack")
It is printing that because you are printing the return type of a function that does not return any value. If you are familiar with other languages it is the same as having a void return type.
In kotlin a funtion without a return type returns a unit type, and so when you print the return value of Duck::quack you are printing the string value of a Unit value.
The simplest solution is to not print the return value of Duck::quack; however, if you would like the prinlt to print the return of Duck::quak, it needs to return a useful value. For examle:
class Duck() {
fun quack(): String {
return "Quack, Quack, Quack"
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var myDuck = Duck()
or more idiomatically:
class Duck() {
val quack: String = "Quack, Quack. Quack"
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var myDuck = Duck()
It's anought to call
wich has already println inside. Calling println(myDuck.quack()) prints type of myDuck.quack because it doesn't return any value.
1.prints "kotlin.Unit" if you don't specify the type
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var myDuck = Duck()
class Duck():String {
fun quack () {
return "Quack, Quack, Quack"
Also as shortly:
fun main() {
class Duck() {
fun quack () = "Quack, Quack, Quack"

Is it possible to pass an argument into a sequence function?

I'm looking for a way to pass an argument into a Kotlin sequence function similar to how it works in JS:
function *gen () {
console.log(yield) // prints 1
console.log(yield) // prints 2
const it = gen() // first iteration will execute the first yield and pause // we pass 1 to the first yield which will be printed // we pass 2 to the second yield which will be printed
Something like this in Kotlin:
fun main() {
val it = gen().iterator()
// Iterator#next() doesn't expect an argument
fun gen() = sequence {
println(yield(null)) // Would print 1
println(yield(null)) // Would print 2
Kotlin Sequences do not support passing arguments to each yield, but you have at least 2 ways to implement needed behaviour:
Using actors:
class NextQuery<A, T>(val arg: A, val next: CompletableDeferred<T> = CompletableDeferred())
fun test() = runBlocking {
val actor =<NextQuery<String, Int>> {
for (nextQuery in channel) {
val query1 = NextQuery<String, Int>("12345")
val query2 = NextQuery<String, Int>("1234")
Using channels:
class ArgSequenceScope<out A, in T>(
private val argChannel: ReceiveChannel<A>,
private val nextChannel: SendChannel<T>
) {
suspend fun yield(next: T) {
suspend fun arg(): A = argChannel.receive()
class ArgSequence<in A, out T>(
private val argChannel: SendChannel<A>,
private val nextChannel: ReceiveChannel<T>
) {
suspend fun next(arg: A): T {
return nextChannel.receive()
fun <A, T> sequenceWithArg(block: suspend ArgSequenceScope<A, T>.() -> Unit): ArgSequence<A, T> {
val argChannel = Channel<A>()
val nextChannel = Channel<T>()
val argSequenceScope = ArgSequenceScope(argChannel, nextChannel)
GlobalScope.launch {
return ArgSequence(argChannel, nextChannel)
fun test() {
val sequence = sequenceWithArg<String, Int> {
runBlocking {

Invoking Action by reference in Kotlin

I've a Map of (key, value) where the value is a predefined function.
I want to iterate the input param in the Mp and check where the key is matching with the input parameter, then invoke the equivalent function, something like this
My code required to be something like below:
fun fn1: Unit { // using Unit is optional
println("Hi there!")
fun fn2 {
println("Hi again!")
fun MainFun(x: int){
val map: HashMap<Int, String> = hashMapOf(1 to fn1, 2 to fn2)
for ((key, value) in map) {
// if key = x then run/invoke the function mapped with x, for example if x = 1 then invoke fn1
Notes: I read something like below, but could not know how to us them:
inline fun <K, V> Map<out K, V>.filter(
predicate: (Entry<K, V>) -> Boolean
): Map<K, V> (source)
val russianNames = arrayOf("Maksim", "Artem", "Sophia", "Maria", "Maksim")
val selectedName = russianNames
.filter { it.startsWith("m", ignoreCase = true) }
.sortedBy { it.length }
Hi I hope this would help you.
fun fn1() {
println("Hi there!")
fun fn2() {
println("Hi again!")
fun main(args: IntArray){
val map = hashMapOf(
1 to ::fn1,
2 to ::fn2)
map.filterKeys { it == args[0] } // filters the map by comparing the first int arg passed and the key
.map { it.value.invoke() } // invoke the function that passed the filter.
If the keyis RegEx then map.filterKeys { Regex(it).matches(x) } can be used, below full example of it Try Kotlin:
data class Person(val name: String,
val age: Int? = null)
val persons = listOf(Person("Alice"),
Person("Bob", age = 23))
fun old() {
val oldest = persons.maxBy { it.age ?: 0 }
println("The oldest is: $oldest")
fun young() {
val youngest = persons.minBy { it.age ?: 0 }
println("The youngest is: $youngest")
fun selection(x: String) {
val map = mapOf(
"old|big" to ::old,
"new|young" to ::young)
map.filterKeys { Regex(it).matches(x) }
.map { it.value.invoke() }
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
fun fn1() {
println("Hi there!")
fun fn2() {
println("Hi again!")
fun main(args: Array<Int>){
val map = hashMapOf(1 to ::fn1, 2 to ::fn2)
map.forEach { key, function -> function.invoke() }
This will do the work but your code does not even have the correct syntax. You should learn the basic first.

How to get names and values of method's parameters?

Is there possibility to get names of method's parameters inside method code? Can anyone show example of it?
I found only this solution at this time, but dislike it..:
class Greeter() {
fun greet(name: String) {
val c = Greeter::class;
for (m in c.memberFunctions) {
if ( == "greet") {
val p = m.parameters
println("Hello, ${name}");
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
update: i found another solution, but now i have one more question:
How to get pairs of ParamName, ParamValue at function greet?
class Greeter() {
fun greet(name: String) {
val p = Greeter::greet.parameters
println("Hello, ${name}");
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
Parameter names are available through the property:
class Greeter() {
fun greet(name: String) {
val p = Greeter::greet.parameters
println("Hello, ${p[0].name}")
Parameter values, on the other hand, cannot be obtained reflectively easily on JVM.