Subdomain instead of path for blog in Docusaurus v2 - docusaurus

Is there a way to configure docusaurus v2 so the blog not is not configured as path but as subdomain?
Would like to achieve instead of page.tld/blog.
Could not find a way to do that from the documentation on how to integrate a blog into docusaurus v2.

Subdomains have nothing to do with Docusaurus. Subdomains are part of DNS configuration while Docusaurus is an application. You should look up your domain name manager and tweak it there.
Additionally, if you don't want the /blog path, you will have to use blog-only mode


After Intsall SSL on magento site

I installed SSL certificate for my magento store and set system config to:
Use Secure URLs in Frontend:yes
Use Secure URLs in Admin:yes
however when I review the page source some links have http:// instead of https://
I cleaned up the cache, but was not able to solve this issue, can any one help me?
You will need to fix your theme's templates, styles and extensions.
Search in projectroot for href="http:// or src="http:// and replace by href="// and src="//
also make sure external resources support ssl

Is it possible to use HTTPS/SSL on GitHub Pages sites with a custom domain?

Is there any way to use HTTPS/SSL on GitHub Pages sites that use a custom domain? SSL is recommended for better search engine ranking and there are a lot of other uses for it beyond that.
Custom domains on GitHub Pages do support HTTPS / SSL:
GitHub Pages has supported custom domains since 2009, and sites on the * domain have supported HTTPS since 2016. Today, custom domains on GitHub Pages are gaining support for HTTPS as well, meaning over a million GitHub Pages sites will be served over HTTPS.
Go to**username**/**repo**/settings
Check the checkbox "Enforce HTTPS":
Prior to May 1, 2018, SSL was supported by GitHub Pages only on sites using a * domain:
It's now possible to use HTTPS on GitHub Pages sites with a custom domain
If you are using CNAME or ALIAS records for your custom domain, you’re all set and your site should be accessible over HTTPS.
If you are using A records, you must update your site’s DNS records with new IP addresses. Please see our guide to setting up your custom domain with Pages and update any A records you might have set.
Once you have HTTPS working:
You can optionally “Enforce HTTPS” for your domain in your repository’s settings, ensuring users who request your site over HTTP are upgraded to HTTPS.
You can read the full announcement here:

Redirect /blog to / in Amazon CloudFront and S3

My existing blog built on octopress served from VPS. It has a following path structure
Now I moved to jekyll and deployed in S3 and CloudFront. New structure of my blog is
There is no blog in the url path. My old links already available in Social networking sites(twitter, facebook) and search engine. If any traffic come from old links, I want to redirect the links with /blog/ prefix to /.
How can i do it in CloudFront or S3?
I think this might solve your problem: Although if blog is pretty large you might consider using API to generate these redirects

How to manage sub-domains on winhost with URL Rewrite and ASP.NET Optimization's bundles

I am using ASP.NET MVC4 with WinHost.
Just like the question asked here, I ran into the same issue:
I'm trying out WinHost and I'm running into some issues with
sub-domains. On WinHost, you can have multiple sub-domains per hosting
account, but each sub-domain points to the root website. E.g. you can
have,, and but all
of them display the content at
Other Hosts allow you to point sub-domains to a sub folder in your
website. This would allow you to point to /sub1, to /sub2 and to /.
WinHost recommends using an asp/aspx page to redirect to, which points
to /sub1. While that would work, I'd like to not have the subdomain in
the url twice.
So I tried using IIS7 URL Rewrite to point to
/sub1. Ben Powell describes this in detail on his blog.
I've managed to get this portion to work so that actually points to my virtual application "/sub1" in IIS.
If I use Url.Content, it works flawlessly.
Now, I am using ASP.NET Optimization and I bundle scripts and css. Issue is that it absolutely require a relative url ie:
bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/jqueryval").Include(
However, because it's a relative url here is what I will get in the markup:
<script src="/sub1/bundles/jqueryval?v=UgyEMAYOuSB9Bb6HcOEVHpd6fIIp54yF086SRNVcdIY1"></script>
Of course, because of the "sub1" it doesn't find the file. I thought about URL Redirect that I never actually got to work. Maybe a route in MVC? Unsure how to do this as well. I could also drop the bundling alltogether to use "Url.Content" which I think is sad.
What would be the best way to handle this issue?
I know you can use IBundleTransform to modify contents in a bundle based on unique circumstances. You may be able to modify the bundle context itself. Here is a link MVC4 StyleBundle not resolving images

How to configure woocommerce to work with wildcard certificate and wp multisite?

I have wordpress multisite version 3.5 and woocommerce 2.0.2 with wildcard certificate.
I need to know if it is possible to force ssl on checkout page using wildcard ssl.
When I force ssl on the checkout page of the main site it works ok..
But when I do it on a subdomain with mapping plugin, I lose all the css of the checkout page and chrome display a certificate error.
Do I need a multi-domain certificate?
Can I have them working together?
What is the best way to go about this?
I will need SSL on checkout pages of each blog.
I need to know if it is possible to force ssl on checkout page using wildcard ssl
You can use the Wordpress HTTPS plugin to force SSL on the relevant pages.
I lose all the css of the checkout page and chrome display a certificate error.
You may need to create rewrites so that your assets are being served from the https subdomain: see this question for an example of it being done with subdirectory mapping.