After Intsall SSL on magento site - ssl

I installed SSL certificate for my magento store and set system config to:
Use Secure URLs in Frontend:yes
Use Secure URLs in Admin:yes
however when I review the page source some links have http:// instead of https://
I cleaned up the cache, but was not able to solve this issue, can any one help me?

You will need to fix your theme's templates, styles and extensions.
Search in projectroot for href="http:// or src="http:// and replace by href="// and src="//
also make sure external resources support ssl


I purchased ssl from godaddy but domain url redirection have issue

i dont know whats wrong with my settings .i am using opencart .Enabled ssl from settings of my cms.
when i run
it works fine.
i want when i or any one enter my domain name it should redirect to
each time i have to write complete url with https to go on https.
and second thing its view is non responsive and non functional when i write
sharishari+ctrl Enter .
here is my
root config file
i removed www from the domain
and admin
config file
i just shared the above part .db part excluded in sharing
Please i will be very thankful if somebody sort out my regards
After enabling SSL from your open cart backed, first of all, you will have to update your config files for both catalog and admin. You will have to edit link as "https".
Apart from that, you will have to edit your links provided on header.tpl. Just find and replace all 'http' to 'https'. You can find header.tpl at catalog/view/theme/themename/common/header.tpl
Hope that helps.
You need to change in both
to https:
also go to your catalog/view/thene/YOURTHEME/common/header.tpl
And their all of your scripts, css files and so forth to https
And easy way to find them do a ctrl+f search on http and you will find the,
If you have any custom code like social media links, you need to change them to https aswell.
OK you need to redirect to HTTPS (opencart does not do this when enabling SSL) and you need to edit your theme header file, see Innervisions comment
Opencart only switches to SSL on checkout, account, login, etc pages.

Mixed Content Warning with SSL on Concrete5

I have just installed a SSL certificate on my site that has concrete5 installed. I tried changing the canonical URL in the dashboard, just the SSL part to the https version of my site, and when I tried changing both it created a redirect loop so I had to undo it. The mixed content warning seems to be coming from the photos that I have on the site, Google Chrome informs me in the console that the photos and thumbnails are not using the https version, so it doesn't load them unless you specifically ask for it.
I fixed it! What I did, if anyone runs into the same problem, is I changed the Canonical URL settings in the dashboard to have the Canonical URL be the https version, the Canonical SSL URL be the https one, and have the redirect to canonical URL unchecked and it seems to be working now.

SSL warning icon - how to get rid of it

I installed my SSL certificate yesterday. However I get the SSL warning (triangle) icon. The excuse for that is that "the page includes other resources which are not secure".
I am not sure what that means but my assumption is that it has something to do with some text inputs which are not secure.
Any information or resources to make me understand more and figure out how to secure everything will be helpful. I don't like the warning there (especially on the signup page) and need to figure out what's the issue. Thanks.
You need to make sure not to embed any resources via http:// - use only https://.
If you embed external resources which are available via both HTTP and HTTPS, you can use protocol-relative URLs such as //domain.tld/whatever - they'll be loaded over the protocol that's currently used.

SSL Site Setup HTML not making sense

I have been searching the internet for two days and I am stuck. I understand that I can purchase an SSL certificate to make my site work for HTTPS so that it is more secure and all that jazz.
My question is do I have to do anything special on the HTML/PHP pages I create for this site, like some PHP call to open a session, or does the fact that there is an SSL Cert on the server mean I don't have to change anything on the HTML pages?
Sorry if this is a dumb question, but I can't find the answer anywhere.
Its primary the setup of the server, e.g. that you have to make the site accessible by SSL (port etc) and configure the certificates.
But maybe you need to make adjustments to your HTML etc too, so that all resources (images, script, css..) will be loaded by SSL too, e.g. all these includes should be either be done with site-relative links or with explicite https:// links. In case the site gets served with both https and http you might also use protocol-relative links, e.g. // will be served with http if the current protocol is http and with https if you currently use https.

How to configure woocommerce to work with wildcard certificate and wp multisite?

I have wordpress multisite version 3.5 and woocommerce 2.0.2 with wildcard certificate.
I need to know if it is possible to force ssl on checkout page using wildcard ssl.
When I force ssl on the checkout page of the main site it works ok..
But when I do it on a subdomain with mapping plugin, I lose all the css of the checkout page and chrome display a certificate error.
Do I need a multi-domain certificate?
Can I have them working together?
What is the best way to go about this?
I will need SSL on checkout pages of each blog.
I need to know if it is possible to force ssl on checkout page using wildcard ssl
You can use the Wordpress HTTPS plugin to force SSL on the relevant pages.
I lose all the css of the checkout page and chrome display a certificate error.
You may need to create rewrites so that your assets are being served from the https subdomain: see this question for an example of it being done with subdirectory mapping.