SQL query that displays the current date and count of days between two specific dates - sql

I am trying to write a SQL query that shows the count of the days and date depending upon the financial period it falls in. The financial period starts 5 days before the month end eg march 27th to 26th April
For the above mentioned period if the day is 29th march, the count of the day should be 3 and the date should be 2020-04. The date should adjust depending upon the period it falls in.
I tried to adress the second part of this query by writing the below script but it does not bring any result
declare #date datetime
set #date = getdate()
SELECT format (date,'yyyy-MM-dd') as date
where #date
between dateadd(day,-5,EOMONTH(getdate(),-1)) and dateadd(day,-5,EOMONTH(getdate()))

updated to include 5 days from previous month.
Is this what you are looking for the second part?
Edit: Modifying the query. I guess this should give you what you need for both the parts.
you can try changing the dates in set #date.
Please note that the -4 instead of -5 is done intentionally as you said the financial month starts 5 days earlier. For March, 31 - 5 would give 26, but it should start on 27 right? so that on 29th the no. of days should be 3 including 27 and 29. Anyways, the query should be self explanatory, might just need to change the number depending on your requirement.
declare #date datetime
--set #date = getdate()
set #date = '2020-02-14'
SELECT format(#date,'yyyy-MM-dd') as date,
case WHEN #date < dateadd(day,-4,EOMONTH(#date)) THEN format(EOMONTH(#date),'yyyy-MM')
ELSE format(EOMONTH(#date, 1),'yyyy-MM') END
AS FinancialMonth,
CASE WHEN #date < dateadd(day,-4,EOMONTH(#date)) THEN DATEDIFF(day,dateadd(day,-5,EOMONTH(#date,-1)), #date)
ELSE DATEDIFF(day, dateadd(day,-5,EOMONTH(#date)), #date) END
AS CountDays

The following code will calculate what you need. Please read the comments in the code itself.
-- First, lets declare all the variables we need.
-- I tried to name them so they are selfexplanatory.
declare #inputdate DateTime,
#financialPeriodStartDate DateTime,
#EndOfTheMonth DateTime,
#nextFinantialMonthYear DateTime,
#previousFinancialPeriodStartDate DateTime
-- Now we calculate some of the values
set #inputdate = GETDATE() -- Let's use Today's date, but you can change this to any date.
set #EndOfTheMonth = EOMONTH(#inputdate) -- This is the end of the month for the input date
set #financialPeriodStartDate = DATEADD(DAY,-5,EOMONTH(#inputdate)) -- This is you Financial Period Start Date for the giving input date.
set #previousFinancialPeriodStartDate = DATEADD(DAY,-5,EOMONTH(DATEADD(MONTH, -1, #inputdate))) -- Also calculates the Start Date of the precious financial period.
set #nextFinantialMonthYear = DATEADD(MONTH, 1,#financialPeriodStartDate) -- This is the start date of the next financial period.
-- In the following Select, it calculates the values you need, based in the previous variables.
#inputdate as Today,
#EndOfTheMonth as EndOfMonth,
#previousFinancialPeriodStartDate as PreviousFinancialPeriodStartDate,
#financialPeriodStartDate as FinacialPeriodStartDate,
CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(DAY , #financialPeriodStartDate, #inputdate + 1 ) < 0
THEN DATEDIFF(DAY , #previousFinancialPeriodStartDate, #inputdate + 1 )
WHEN DATEDIFF(DAY , #financialPeriodStartDate, #inputdate + 1 ) >=0
THEN DATEDIFF(DAY , #financialPeriodStartDate, #inputdate + 1 )
END as DaysFromFPStartDate,
STR(YEAR(#nextFinantialMonthYear)) +'-'+LTRIM(RTRIM(STR(MONTH(#nextFinantialMonthYear)))) as NextFinantialPeriodMonthAndYear
I hope it helps.


Converting dates to periods - last saturday of each month sql

Not a strong SQL user by any means. I'm trying to run a script that will return the fiscal period given the date of the transaction. The fiscal period is up to the last saturday of each month.
So for the year 2022, period 1 January would be Jan 1, 2022 to Jan 29,2022 (last saturday) and Feb would be Jan 30th to Feb 26, 2022 (last saturday). I need to run this script for multiple years.
Give this a go, is it for MSSQL but would be pretty easy to flip around for many other DBMS. Just that each is a little tricky with their own date/time syntax. That being said the general concept should work for just about any of them as I'm not using anything unique to MSSQL.
DECLARE #DATE datetime
DECLARE #EOM datetime
DECLARE #SAT datetime
-- set a date to use
SET #DATE = '2022-06-28'
-- add a month
-- subtract the days to get last day of month
-- subtract days using weekday number to get Saturday
-- display the result
, DATENAME(dw, #EOM) as [EOM_Day]
, #SAT as [Last_Sat]
, DATENAME(dw, #SAT) as [Last_day]
Although in my experience I would use this to create a calendar table of sorts. It can be hard to use a function like this to JOIN to, etc. But if you have the dates and results all stored out for the next 10 (or more) years it makes it much easier to use.

Write SQL Code to automate the changing of the parameter year and period

If the day of the current date = 14 then the values of the parameter need to change.
The month and possibly year will need to advance by 1
- May need to consider that on the 14th day of the month there may be a technical problem that prevents this process from running.
Example Friday is the 14th when the sql script is run on the sql server and sees that its the 14th then the field prmstring needs to be updated from 201305 to 201306.
SET #stop = DATEADD(MONTH, 1, #start)
The -13 moves everything back 13 days.
- The 1st to 13th of each month, are moved to a date in the previous month
- The 14th onwards of each month, stay in the same month
The DATEADD(DATEDIFF()) rounds the date down to the beginning of the month.
In this way the 1st to 13th of every month are rounded down to the 1st of the previous month. And the 14th onwards are rounded down to the 1st of the current month.
The end date is then simply the value calculated above, plus 1 month.
How about this?
dateadd(mm, 1, dateadd(mm, datediff(mm, 0, dateadd(d,-13,getdate())), 0))
,1,6) as newDate
this is what worked
DECLARE #curentday VARCHAR(2)
select #curentday =datepart(day,getdate())
declare #yearmonth varchar (6)
select #yearmonth =convert(varchar,getdate(),112)
If #curentday in (14,15,16)
if (select prmString11 from FC_App where prmName1='prmCurFCPrd') <> #yearmonth
update FC_App
set prmString11 = #yearmonth
where prmName1='prmCurFCPrd'
update FC_App
set prmString11 = CONVERT(VARCHAR(6),DATEADD(dd,1-day((DATEADD(mm,-1,GETDATE()))),DATEADD(mm,- 1,GETDATE())),112)
where prmName1='prmcurWIPPrd'

How to calculate SQL dates based on pilot's birthday as well as current date

So, pilots have to get so many flight hours and flight sorties within every 6 months (semi annual) as well as every year (annual). The biggest pain is that the start and ending dates of these periods are based upon their birth month.
You can find more information about my schema here: Design decision: Table schema for partial dates in order to calculate time spans (SQL Server)
DECLARE #date Date
SET #date = '1985-04-12'
DECLARE #diffInYears INT
SET #diffInYears = DATEDIFF(yy, #date, GETDATE())
DECLARE #currentBirthDate Date
SET #currentBirthDate = (SELECT dateadd(yyyy, #diffInYears, #date))
SELECT DATEADD(dd, -DAY(DATEADD(m,1,#currentBirthDate)), DATEADD(m,7,#currentBirthDate)) semiAnnualDateEnd,
DATEADD(dd, -DAY(DATEADD(m,1,#currentBirthDate)), DATEADD(m,13,#currentBirthDate)) annualDateEnd
semiAnnualDateEnd - annualDateEnd
2012-10-31 - 2013-04-30
Now, this is great, these are the dates I want for this particular example.
However, when we come to November 1st, 2012, I want the semiAnnualDateEnd to become 2013-04-30.
Also, when 2013 comes around (January 1st, 2013), the annualDateEnd is going to become 2014-04-30, when I want it to stay 2013-04-30 until 2013-05-01 comes around, and then for it to become 2014-04-30 (similar situation for the semiAnnual).
I don't want to keep these dates statically associated with a particular pilot. That is, I don't want to keep a couple fields in the Pilot table that have these. However, I want to use these for displaying and calculations. For example, going to need to display each pilot's current semiAnnual and annual sorties and flight hours, as well as displaying a snapshot their "current" stats at any particular point in time.
EDIT: I'm using SQL Server 2008 Express RC
EDIT 2: I'm thinking I should change the #currentBirthDate to (SELECT DATEADD(yyyy, #diffInYears - 1, #date). Then, I need to do a case statement below (continuing experimentation)
The rule for the semi-annual date seems to be: add five months to the month and go to the end of the month. End of the month can be a problem. So, let's change this to "add six months, got to the end of the month and subtract one day". (I am basing this logic on your example.)
The following expression does this:
select dateadd(d, -1,
cast(cast(year(bd)+(case when month(bd)+6 > 12 then 1 else 0 end) as varchar(255))+'-'+
cast(case when month(bd)+7> 12 then month(bd)+6-12 else month(bd) end as varchar(255))+'-'+
'1' as date))
from (select cast('2011-11-01' as date) bd) t
It does the date arithmetic on the year() and month() values of the date. It then gloms them back together as a string, converts to a date, and subtracts 1 day.
I think something similar will work for your year dates as well.
SET #pilotID = 1
SET #birthDate = (SELECT birthDate FROM Pilot WHERE pilotID = #pilotID)
DECLARE #diffInYears INT
SET #diffInYears = DATEDIFF(yy, #birthDate, GETDATE())
DECLARE #currentBirthDate DATE
SET #currentBirthDate = (DATEADD(yyyy, #diffInYears - 1, #birthDate))
DECLARE #firstSixMonthStart DATE
DECLARE #firstSixMonthEnd DATE
DECLARE #secondSixMonthStart DATE
DECLARE #secondSixMonthEnd DATE
SET #firstSixMonthStart = (DATEADD(dd,-(DAY(DATEADD(m,1,#currentBirthDate))-1),DATEADD(m,1,#currentBirthDate)))
SET #firstSixMonthEnd = (DATEADD(dd, -DAY(DATEADD(m,1,#currentBirthDate)), DATEADD(m,7,#currentBirthDate)))
SET #secondSixMonthStart = (DATEADD(dd,-(DAY(DATEADD(m,1,#currentBirthDate))-1),DATEADD(m,7,#currentBirthDate)))
SET #secondSixMonthEnd = (DATEADD(dd, -DAY(DATEADD(m,1,#currentBirthDate)), DATEADD(m,13,#currentBirthDate)))
DECLARE #semiAnnualStart AS DATE
DECLARE #semiAnnualEnd AS DATE
DECLARE #annualStart AS DATE
SET #semiAnnualStart = CASE
WHEN GETDATE() > (DATEADD(dd, -DAY(DATEADD(m,1,#firstSixMonthEnd)), DATEADD(m,7,#firstSixMonthEnd)))
THEN (DATEADD(yyyy, 1, #firstSixMonthStart))
WHEN GETDATE() > #firstSixMonthEnd
THEN #secondSixMonthStart
ELSE #firstSixMonthStart
SET #semiAnnualEnd = CASE
WHEN GETDATE() > (DATEADD(dd, -DAY(DATEADD(m,1,#firstSixMonthEnd)), DATEADD(m,7,#firstSixMonthEnd)))
THEN (DATEADD(yyyy, 1, #firstSixMonthEnd))
WHEN GETDATE() > #firstSixMonthEnd
THEN #secondSixMonthEnd
ELSE #firstSixMonthEnd
SET #annualStart = CASE
WHEN GETDATE() > #secondSixMonthEnd THEN (DATEADD(yyyy, 1, #firstSixMonthStart))
ELSE #firstSixMonthStart
SET #annualEnd = CASE
WHEN GETDATE() > #secondSixMonthEnd THEN (DATEADD(yyyy, 1, #secondSixMonthEnd))
ELSE #secondSixMonthEnd
SELECT #semiAnnualStart semiStart, #semiAnnualEnd semiEnd,
#annualStart annualStart, #annualEnd annualEnd,
#firstSixMonthStart firstStart, #firstSixMonthEnd firstEnd,
#secondSixMonthStart secondStart, #secondSixMonthEnd secondEnd,
COUNT(*) semiSorties, ISNULL(SUM(hours), 0) semiSortieHours
FROM PilotLog
WHERE pilotID = #pilotID
AND topLevelPosition = 'AVO'
AND flightDate BETWEEN #semiAnnualStart AND #semiAnnualEnd
semiStart semiEnd annualStart annualEnd firstStart firstEnd secondStart secondEnd semiSorties semiSortieHours
2012-05-01 2012-10-31 2011-11-01 2012-10-31 2011-11-01 2012-04-30 2012-05-01 2012-10-31 1 1.7
This ended up working... Problem is, I'm going to need to do this for every pilot on the overall summary page. Additionally, I'm going to need to calculate this kind of sortie information for snapshots that she wants. She wants to go back to any particular month and see a snapshot, listing each flight as well as the sortie stats they had upon completing that flight. This SQL should work for these situations, it's just I'll have to change it up a bit here and there.
(EDIT: Why doesn't my code scroll horizontally..? I don't want it to wrap. Nevermind that's just internet explorer looks like)

SQL Recur every x weekday every x weeks

I'm trying to write a sql query which depending on what the user selects will recur every x day every x weeks.
So the user will select that they want the job to recur on tuesdays every 2 weeks
the values that are supplied are
declare #StartDate datetime -- when the job first recurs
declare #recurrenceValue1 int -- amount of weeks
declare #recurrenceValue2 int -- day of week (mon-sun)
declare #NextOcurrance datetime -- when the job will recur
I know how to set it for the amount of weeks:
SET #NextOccurance = (Convert(char(12),#StartDate + (#RecurrenceValue1),106))
But I'm not sure how to make it roll on to the day of the week so if the #startDate is today and it should recur every 2 weeks on a tuesday it will see that 2 weeks today is wednesday so will loop until it know that the day is tuesday and that will be the #NextRecurrance date.
Thanks in advance
An easy way to add a number of weeks to a date is to use (MSDN DATEADD)
DATEADD(wk, #StartDate, #recurrenceValue1)
To find out which day of the week the date you are looking at belongs, you can use (MSDN DATEPART)
DATEPART(dw, #StartDate)
This function uses DATEFIRST to determine which day of the week is the first one (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms181598.aspx)
SET DATEFIRST 1 --Where 1 = Monday and 7 = Sunday
So for your problem (DATEFIRST being set to 1 = Monday)..
declare #StartDate datetime -- when the job first recurs
declare #recurrenceValue1 int -- amount of weeks
declare #recurrenceValue2 int -- day of week (mon-sun)
declare #NextOcurrance datetime -- when the job will recur
SET #StartDate = '2011-12-16' -- This is a Friday
SET #recurrenceValue1 = 2 -- In 2 weeks
SET #recurrenceValue2 = 2 -- On Tuesday
SET #NextOcurrance = DATEADD(wk, #recurrenceValue1, #StartDate) -- Add our 2 weeks
/* Check if our incrementation falls on the correct day - Adjust if needed */
IF (DATEPART(dw, #NextOcurrance) != #recurrenceValue2) BEGIN
DECLARE #weekDay int = DATEPART(dw, #NextOcurrance)
SET #NextOcurrance = DATEADD(dd, ((7 - #weekDay) + #recurrenceValue2), #NextOcurrance) -- Add to #NextOcurrance the number of days missing to be on the requested day of week
The logic for the number of days to add is as follow:
We have 7 days in a week, how many days does it take to reach the end of this week. Add this number of days to the #recurrenceValue2 (day of week we are looking for).
PS: I can't post more than 2 HyperLinks because of my reputation. This is why the DATEFIRST URL is in plain text.
Here's some code to allow certain specific date to be handled differently. Though this code is good only for unique dates. If ones needs to skip an entire week for instance, using this code will require to add values for each day of this week to skip. For ranges other than unique days, this code should be modified to handle date ranges or specific weeks and/or day of week.
CREATE TABLE OccurenceExclusions (
ExclusionDate DATE not null,
NumberOfDaysToAdd int not null
PRIMARY KEY (ExclusionDate)
INSERT OccurenceExclusions VALUES ('2012-01-01', 7)
SET #NextOcurrance = DATEADD(dd, COALESCE((SELECT NumberOfDaysToAdd
FROM OccurrenceExclusions
WHERE ExclusionDate = #NextOcurrance), 0), #NextOcurrance)
Probably the best solution would be to use a calendar table. http://web.archive.org/web/20070611150639/http://sqlserver2000.databases.aspfaq.com/why-should-i-consider-using-an-auxiliary-calendar-table.html
You could then query it like so:
SELECT TOP 1 #NextOccurance = Date
FROM CalendarTable
WHERE Date >= DATEADD(week, #recurranceValue1, #StartDate)
AND DateName = #recurranceValue2
Using the principles the #DanielM set out i changed it to fit my query see below:
SET DATEFIRST 1 --Where 1 = Monday and 7 = Sunday
declare #StartDate datetime -- when the job first recurs
declare #recurrenceValue1 int -- amount of weeks
declare #recurrenceValue2 int -- day of week (mon-sun)
declare #NextOcurrance datetime -- when the job will recur
-- sets #nextoccurence to next date after x amount of weeks
SET #NextOccurance = DATEADD(wk, #recurrenceValue1, #StartDate) -- Add on weeks /* Check if our incrementation falls on the correct day - Adjust if needed */
IF (DATEPART(dw, #NextOccurance) != #recurrenceValue2)
DECLARE #Weekday int = DATEPART(dw, #NextOccurance)
SET #NextOccurance = DATEADD(dd, (#RecurrenceValue2 - #Weekday), #NextOccurance) -- Add to #NextOcurrance the number of days missing to be on the requested day of week

SQL Server Date Logic - Finding the next reminder date

Given the following database table:
StartDate DATETIME -- day that the reminder period starts
LastReminderDate DATETIME -- the last time the reminder triggered
DayOfMonth INT -- the day of the month to remind the user
Interval INT -- how often in months to remind the user
How can I figure out the next reminder date based on these values? For example:
StartDate = '6/1/2011'
LastReminderDate = '6/5/2011'
DayOfMonth = 5 -- remind on the 5th of the month
Interval = 2 -- remind every other month
For this particular example, the next reminder date should be 8/5/2011 because it reminds on the 5th of the month every two months. How would I write a function to figure this out?
If LastReminderDate is NULL, then LastReminderDate should be equal to StartDate
StartDate = '6/1/2011'
LastReminderDate = NULL
DayOfMonth = 5
Interval = 2
In this case, there was no last reminder date. The first time the reminder would occur would be 6/5/2011. The solutions below seem to be returning 8/5 in this case.
Here are some specific rules:
The Reminder should always occur on whatever DayOfMonth is. If DayOfMonth would be illegal for the given month then it should be the last day of that month. For example....if DayOfMonth is 31 and the next reminder date would fall on June 31, then it should be June 30th instead.
The next reminder date should always be based off of the Last Reminder Date plus the Interval. If Last Reminder Date does not match the Day of Month, then it could potentially be more than what the interval was. For example...if Last Reminder was 6/1/2011 and the interval is 2 months, but the reminder is for the 20th of the month, then the next reminder will be 8/20/2011.
If there is no last reminder date, then use the Start Date instead of last reminder date...but this will use the earliest date in the future. If start date was 6/1/2011 and day of month is 5, then this will be 7/5/2011 since today is 6/22/2011. If Day of Month was 25 then it would be 6/25/2011
#StartDate AS datetime, -- day that the reminder period starts
#LastReminderDate AS datetime, -- the last time the reminder triggered
#DayOfMonth AS integer, -- the day of the month to remind the user
#Interval AS integer -- how often in months to remind the user
SET #StartDate = '6/1/2011'
SET #LastReminderDate = '6/5/2011'
SET #DayOfMonth = 5 -- remind on the 5th of the month
SET #Interval = 2 -- remind every other month
WHEN #LastReminderDate IS NULL
CASE WHEN Day(#StartDate) <= #DayOfMonth
THEN DateAdd( month, ((Year( #StartDate ) - 1900) * 12) + Month( #StartDate ) - 1, #DayOfMonth - 1 )
ELSE DateAdd( month, ((Year( #StartDate ) - 1900) * 12) + Month( #StartDate ) - 0, #DayOfMonth - 1 )
ELSE DateAdd( month, #Interval, #LastReminderDate )
The meat of this is the last four lines, the SELECT CASE ... END statement. I provided a whole script that lets you plug in different values, and see how the SELECT CASE ... END behaves for those test values.
But to just use this on your table, use only the last four lines (and remove the # from the front of the names so they match the table's column names).
You could also generalize this so that Interval doesn't have to be months. If your table had an IntervalType column, you could supply that as the first argument to DateAdd(). See the docs but some common intervals are days, months, years, and so on.
EDIT2: Respect DayOfMonth.
Since you want to use the StartDate if there is no LastReminderDate, then you'll want to use COALESCE for that bit of logic: COALESCE(LastReminderDate, StartDate)
Now, get to the last of the previous month: DATEADD(DAY, -DAY(COALESCE(LastReminderDate, StartDate)), COALESCE(LastReminderDate, StartDate))
Finally, add the months and then get to the date that we need:
DATEADD(MONTH, Interval, DATEADD(DAY, -DAY(COALESCE(LastReminderDate, StartDate)) + DayOfMonth, COALESCE(LastReminderDate, StartDate)))
This will potentially go forward less than two months if the date of the last reminder was on a day of the month after the "DayOfMonth" that's configured for the reminder. You should be able to tweak that depending on what your business logic is in that situation.