I want to hide tabbar by TransitionPresets.ModalPresentationIOS - react-native

I am creating an app by React Native.
and I'm using React Navigation.
This is the current project.
but I want to open a modal from the bottom.
I want to hide the tab bar.
Please tell me how to do it.
Current project screen:

This is controllable via the order and nesting of navigation stacks.
You currently have a structure like this:
- BottomTabNavigator
- StackNavigator (with ModalPresentationIOS - ShopStack)
- Home
- ShopDetailStack
In order to hide the tabs behind the modal, you have to rearrange them:
- StackNavigator (with ModalPresentationIOS)
- BottomTabNavigator
- Stack Navigator (Shop Stack)
- Home
- ShopDetailStack
This basically means that your modal stack should contain the tab navigation, not the other way around. The detail screen (the screen from the modal) needs to be declared as a sibling to the tab navigator)


RN Navigation - BottomTabHeader current screen

I have the following React Native navigation architecture:
Im trying to set the styling on a button in my TabHeader component (see blue arrow) based on which Screen I am on. However in the props passed into it by TabNavigator, I am only seeing the Stack directly beneath it, in this scenario the HomeStack.
Is it possible to get the current Screen (Home) in TabNavigator even when it is 2 levels deep? (Core -> HomeStack -> Home)
You can only modify navigation options for a navigator from one of its screen components. This applies equally to navigators that are nested as screens.
On the same page there is a title Setting parent screen options based on child navigator's state​

How to add bottom tab navigator to one screen inside stack navigation?

I'm making an app, and in the app there is a home screen. On the home screen, I want to add a bottom navigator with various logos, which when clicked on, navigate the user to a different screen. I only want the bottom navigator to be on the screens that can be accessed from the bottom navigator in home. How would I do this? Would I need different types of navigators in my app.js since I'm using a stack navigator as well? Thanks for any help, I sincerely appreciate it.
Use tab-based-navigation provided by react-navigation. Make tab navigator with the screens that you want to be displayed with tab and wrap that in Stack. Any other screen that you want to display without tab navigation, just add as another stack and wrap all the stacks in Stack.Navigator. Here's the docs they are pretty well explained

how to show a modal and be able to navigate between screens

I am using react navigation and would like to show the modal that will be visible above the screen and be able to navigate to the next screens in StackNavigator. The illustration below shows what I want to achieve
The solution that is in the documentation (https://reactnavigation.org/docs/modal/) solves only part of the problem, because I can't open a modal and navigate another part of the stack while keeping the modal on top
you can use react native modal . it is not part of react navigation and it will show above all screens

Navigation using react native

I'm new in react native and I'm looking for an example of react navigation. I'm looking to create a home page similar to the picture below.
Use React Navigation
Stack Navigator - It let's you switch between screens. It creates a stack. It let's to navigate from one screen to another. When you press back button it navigates you back to the first screen. It
Tab navigator- It will create tabs as your picture.
In your case I think you will need a tab navigator which will be inside stack navigator.

How can I tell when a component is the root of its stack in react native navigation?

I am using react-native-navigtion and have 4 tabs. Tab 1 is the home screen, tabs 2-4 have a navigation stack in each. Tabs 2-4 are made up of a re-usable component so, there is no clear root component. When in the root screen of tabs 2-4, I want the android back button to take me to tab 1. I have found how to hook into the android back button, but I need to know if I am at the navigation root before sending a person to tab 1 (home).
Thanks in advance