Accessing computed array from one component in another using VueX - vue.js

In one component I have this function that is being updated within that component:
computed: {
//filter based on dates
mapfiltered: function() {
return this.mapped.filter(i => this.y.includes(;
Now in another component I want to access this mapfiltered computed property.
v-for="m in mapfiltered"
I think its possible with VueX but im not sure how can I modify it, so that it could be accessed


vue unexpected reactivity from props

I just noticed an unexpected behaviour and now I don't know if it is normal or not.
I have a component named follows and a child component named follow-list-modal
I'm passing a followList (pagination ) from follows to its child component follow-list-modal
In the follow-list-modal I store the paginated array in the variable members
export default {
props: {
dataset: {
type: Object,
default: {},
<button #click="fetchMore"> More </button>
export default {
props: {
followList: {
type: Object,
default: {},
data() {
return {
dataset: this.followList,
methods: {
fetchMore() {
let nextPage = parseInt(this.dataset.current_page) + 1;
.get(this.dataset.path + '?page=' + nextPage)
.then(({ data }) => this.refresh(data))
.catch((error) => console.log(error));
refresh(paginatedCollection) {
this.dataset = paginatedCollection;
this.members = this.members.concat(;
When I click the button More in the follow-list-modal to get more data, I then want to append the new data to the members array.
The unexpected behaviour ( for me at least ). is that if I use push in the refresh method
It appends data not only to members but also to followList which is data that comes from the parent component follows
But if I use concat instead of push, it appends data only to members variable and not to followList
this.members = this.members.concat(;
Is this behaviour normal ?
I don't get why the followList changes when the members variable changes, I thought that reactivity is one way.
In other words, the members changes when the followList changes, but not the other way around
P.S I don't emit any events from follow-list-modal to follows or change the data of the follows component in any way from the follow-list-modal
In JavaScript, the properties of an Object that are also Objects themselves, are passed by reference, and not by value. Or you might say that they are shallow copied.
Thus, in your example, this.members and are pointing to the same variable in memory.
So, if you mutate this.members, it will mutate as well.
You could avoid this by doing a deep copy of the objects. The easiest method, and arguably the fastest, would be to use JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj)), but look at this answer for more examples.
data() {
return {
members: [],
dataset: [],
created() {
this.members = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(;
this.dataset = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.followList));
You instantiate your data with a direct link to the (initially undefined) property of your prop. This property is a complex entity like an Object (Arrays are Objects), and is thus called via reference. Since members references the same thing in memory as, when you're calling members, it will follow the reference to the same entity as This doesn't have to do with Vue2 reactivity, but here's a link nontheless.
push mutates the array it is called on; it will follow the reference through members and change, updating its value when called through followList as well. Because the data key is not present on instantiation of the component, Vue can't watch it (just like you need to use Vue.set when adding a new key to a data object).
concat returns a new array of merged elements, and then replaces
the reference in members with the new array. Therefore from this point on you'll
no longer mutate, even with a push, as the reference has changed to a new entity.
When trying to set your initial members and dataset, I suggest using an initialization method that creates a clone of your followList and writes that to dataset, and running this on the created() or mounted() hook of your component lifecycle. Then create a computed property for members, no need to store thrice and potentially have dataset and members diverge.

Vuex name function with namespaced in getters

Hi I need create function which have payload.
In Vuex I created:
const getters = {
[GettersTeam.GET_TEST](state) {
return state.teams;
[GettersTeam.GET_TEAM]: state => id => {
console.log("Run function!");
return state.teams;
Next I using this function in component:
mounted() {
methods: {
...mapGetters('TeamModule', [GettersTeam.GET_TEAM]),
Function this.GET_TEAM(1) nothing return. I thing the problem is with the name function [GettersTeam.GET_TEAM], but I don't know how I can named function with namespaced. Function this.GET_TEST() work correctly.
I moved function from methods to computed.
computed: {
...mapGetters('TeamModule', {
teamList: [GettersTeam.GET_TEAM],
teamList: {{ teamList }}
But when I try using teamList in template Vue returned me this:
teamList: function (id) { console.log(id); return state.teams; }
You need to put mapGetters in your computed section, not methods:
computed: {
...mapGetters('TeamModule', [GettersTeam.GET_TEAM]),
That may seem slightly counter-intuitive given you're invoking it as a method but from the component's perspective it's still just a property. It just so happens that the property returns a function.
Based on the new question...
In your template you've got {{ teamList }}. That will be grabbing the value of the property this.teamList.
The property this.teamList is a computed property, so Vue will call the defining function behind the scenes. That defining function is created by mapGetters but it effectively just calls the store getter, passing it the relevant state object.
You've defined the getter like this:
[GettersTeam.GET_TEAM]: state => id => {
Ignore the bit in the brackets, that isn't important here. The key bit is the state => id => { part. There are two functions here, one being returned by the other.
Effectively it is equivalent to this:
[GettersTeam.GET_TEAM] (state) {
return function (id) {
console.log("Run function!");
return state.teams;
So when you access the computed property you're just going to be invoking that outer function. It'll return the inner function, which is what you're seeing your template.
To get the value returned by the inner function you'd need to invoke it. e.g.:
{{ teamList(1) }}
I would also note that your current implementation of the getter just ignores the id. It isn't clear exactly what you're trying to do but I assume you're intending to implement a search based on the id to find a particular entry within state.teams.
Made a Codepen for you.
Your mapGetters call should be mapGetters([GettersTeam.GET_TEAM]) and your this.GET_TEAM(1); call should be this[GettersTeam.GET_TEAM](1); instead.

Computed function running without to call it

I'm setting an array in my data property through a computed function and it's working. But I wonder how is possible if I don't call it anywhere?
If I try to add a console.log in my function it doesn't print anything, but it's still setting my data, how is that possible?
My data:
data() {
return {
projects: []
My computed:
computed: {
loadedProjects() {
console.log("Hello there")
this.projects = this.$store.getters.loadedProjects
I expect that it doesn't run because I'm not calling, and if it is running(I don't know why) to print the console.log before to set my data. Any clarification?
You're confusing computed props with methods. If you want to have a method like above that sets a data value of your vue instace, you should use a method, not a computed prop:
data() {
return {
projects: []
methods: {
loadProjects() {
console.log("Hello there")
this.projects = this.$store.getters.loadedProjects
This would get the value of this.$store.getters.loadedProjects once and assign it to your local projects value. Now since you're using Vuex, you probably want your local reference to stay in sync with updates you do to the store value. This is where computed props come in handy. You actually won't need the projects in data at all. All you need is the computed prop:
computed: {
projects() {
return this.$store.getters.loadedProjects
Now vue will update your local reference to projects whenever the store updates. Then you can use it just like a normal value in your template. For example
<div v-for='item in projects' :key='item.uuid'>
Avoid side effects in your computed properties, e.g. assigning values directly, computed values should always return a value themselves. This could be applying a filter to your existing data e.g.
computed: {
completedProjects() {
return this.$store.getters.loadedProjects.filter(x => x.projectCompleted)
projectIds() {
return this.$ => x.uuid)
You get the idea..
More about best practices to bring vuex state to your components here:
Computed props docs:
You should check Vue docs about computed properties and methods
and shouldn't run methods inside computed property getter
Instead of a computed property, we can define the same function as a method. For the end result, the two approaches are indeed exactly the same. However, the difference is that computed properties are cached based on their reactive dependencies. A computed property will only re-evaluate when some of its reactive dependencies have changed.

Watching and tracking state changes with Vuex inside child components

This is more a "which method should I use" question, rather than a how to.
I have the following in my Vuex.Store() instance:
export default new Vuex.Store({
state: {
acceptedTermsAndConditions: false
From various components I'm emitting an event which sets this.$store.state.acceptedTermsAndConditions to true or false, dependent on different User inputs.
However, in my component I would set the checked value of a "Accepts T&Cs" checkbox to this value, something like this:
data () {
return {
form: {
checkboxTermsAndConditions: this.$store.state.acceptedTermsAndConditions
I'm just not sure what method handles this? Does a solution require a getter? If not, what is the best way to watch for state changes and set data values accordingly?
If you want to set the checkbox state based on the stored value, you should use the computed object and the mapGetters helper function in your component:
computed: {
Like this, the value will be accessible in your component. If you want to do the contrary (refresh the store based on the checkbox value), you should create a mutation in your store and you should use this in your component:
methods: {
This way, inside your component you can refresh the store value with this.setTACcheckbox(value).

VueJS access child component's data from parent

I'm using the vue-cli scaffold for webpack
My Vue component structure/heirarchy currently looks like the following:
PDF Template
Dynamic Template Image
Static Template Image
At the app level, I want a vuejs component method that can aggregate all of the child component's data into a single JSON object that can be sent off to the server.
Is there a way to access child component's data? Specifically, multiple layers deep?
If not, what is the best practice for passing down oberservable data/parameters, so that when it's modified by child components I have access to the new values? I'm trying to avoid hard dependencies between components, so as of right now, the only thing passed using component attributes are initialization values.
Solid answers. Resources I found helpful after reviewing both answers:
Vuex and when to use it
Vuex alternative solution for smaller apps
In my child component, there are no buttons to emit changed data. It's a form with somewhat 5~10 inputs. the data will be submitted once you click the process button in another component. so, I can't emit every property when it's changing.
So, what I did,
In my parent component, I can access child's data from "ref"
<markdown ref="markdowndetails"></markdown>
<app-button #submit="process"></app-button>
// js
process: function(){
// items is defined object inside data()
var markdowns = this.$refs.markdowndetails.items
Note: If you do this all over the application I suggest move to vuex instead.
For this kind of structure It's good to have some kind of Store.
VueJS provide solution for that, and It's called Vuex.If you are not ready to go with Vuex, you can create your own simple store.
Let's try with this
export default {
data: {
items: []
// Methods that you need, for e.g fetching data from server etc.
fetchData() {
// fetch logic
And now you can use those data everywhere, with importing this Store file
import MarkdownStore from '../stores/MarkdownStore'
export default {
data() {
created() {
So that's the basic flow that you could use, If you dont' want to go with Vuex.
what is the best practice for passing down oberservable data/parameters, so that when it's modified by child components I have access to the new values?
The flow of props is one way down, a child should never modify its props directly.
For a complex application, vuex is the solution, but for a simple case vuex is an overkill. Just like what #Belmin said, you can even use a plain JavaScript object for that, thanks to the reactivity system.
Another solution is using events. Vue has already implemented the EventEmitter interface, a child can use this.$emit('eventName', data) to communicate with its parent.
The parent will listen on the event like this: (#update is the shorthand of v-on:update)
<child :value="value" #update="onChildUpdate" />
and update the data in the event handler:
methods: {
onChildUpdate (newValue) {
this.value = newValue
Here is a simple example of custom events in Vue:
This is just parent-child communication, if a component needs to talk to its siblings, then you will need a global event bus, in Vue.js, you can just use an empty Vue instance:
const bus = new Vue()
// In component A
bus.$on('somethingUpdated', data => { ... })
// In component B
bus.$emit('somethingUpdated', newData)
you can meke ref to child component and use it as this
<childComponent ref="nameOfRef" />
methods: {
save() {
let Data = this.$refs.nameOfRef.$data;
In my case I have a registration form that I've broken down into components.
As suggested above I used $refs, In my parent I have for example:
In Template:
<Personal ref="personal" />
Script - Parent Component
export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
personal: null,
education: null
mounted: function(){
this.personal = this.$refs.personal.model = this.$
This works well as the data is reactive.