When Apache Superset runs a query, I want to save the results to S3 so they can be further reused and not lost.
How can I configure the default output directory for Apache Superset?
Superset is a reporting tool, so the result of the queries are used for creating charts, filters, etc.
For your purpose (reusing a result), I think you should have a look to Superset Cache (more info here or in the official page)
If you want to store the data in a CSV file in S3, I recommend that you use an ETL tool or a custom development (with Python for instance), but that would mean defining the view in the database level (so it can be accessed from the ETL), and then reuse the view in Superset
I am trying to find the most efficient way to process files in AWS.
Read a json, xml, csv from S3 bucket
Map it to another type of json, xml, csv
Save it to S3 bucket
Right now we are using Java with AWS lambdas but we write lots of code.
AWS Data Glue looks good but my experience with MS BizTalk is even better.
Is there any service that can help me with this?
There are many options available within AWS for reading from one file format and writing it to another file format in s3 bucket. Below are some options -
A) AWS SDK for Pandas (DataWrangler) which is an open source Python library from AWS ProServe. You can run this either from a Lambda, or any other server. It provides several out of the box connectors for reading, writing data from various sources and sinks. This option may be used if the volumes are low. It also provides the flexibility to use this from Amazon Lambda or any other server where the SDK can be installed.
B) AWS Glue either using Spark or Python which is a is a serverless data integration service. This also provides a drag and drop option using the Glue Studio to generate data pipelines using many out of the box transformations. One can control the processing windows by using the desired number of Data Processing Units (DPUs). It also has the Glue Workflow for orchestration.
C) EMR which is a PetaByte scale AWS Service that one can use for high volume distributed data processing, machine learning, interactive analytics using open source frameworks like Apache Spark.
Which option one would choose would depend on the use cases one is trying to solve and the requirements. Other factors like volume of data, processing window, low code\no code options, cost, etc. would help decide which option to leverage.
My company has millions of files in an S3 bucket, and every so often I have to search for files whose keys/paths contain some text. This is an extremely slow process because I have to iterate through all files.
I can't use prefix because the text of interest is not always at the beginning. I see other posts (here and here) that say this is a known limitation in S3's API. These posts are from over 3 years ago, so my first question is: does this limitation still exist?
Assuming the answer is yes, my next question is, given that I anticipate arbitrary regex-like searches over millions of S3 files, are there established best practices for workarounds? I've seen some people say that you can store the key names in a relational database, Elasticsearch, or a flat file. Are any of these approaches more common place than others?
Also, out of curiosity, why hasn't S3 supported such a basic use case in a service (S3) that is such an established core product of the overall AWS platform? I've noticed that GCS on Google Cloud has a similar limitation. Is it just really hard to do searches on key name strings well at scale?
S3 is an object store, conceptually similar to a file system. I'd never try to make a database-like environment based on file names in a file system nor would I in S3.
Nevertheless, if this is what you have then I would start by running code to get all of the current file names into a database of some sort. DynamoDB cannot query by regular expression but any of PostgreSQL, MySQL, Aurora, and ElasticSearch can. So start with listing every file and put the file name and S3 location into a database-like structure. Then, create a Lambda that is notified of any changes (see this link for more info) that will do the appropriate thing with your backing store when a file is added or deleted.
Depending on your needs ElasticSearch is super flexible with queries and possibly better suited for these types of queries. But traditional relational database can be made to work too.
Lastly, you'll need an interface to the backing store to query. That will likely require some sort of server. That could be a simple as API gateway to a Lambda or something far more complex.
You might consider using Amazon S3 Inventory, which can provide a daily or weekly CSV file containing a list of all objects in the bucket.
You could then load this file into a database, or even write a script to parse it. Or possibly even just play with it in Excel.
We need to load millions of key/values into Apache Geode and we'd like to know what are some the options available. Our values happen to be in the 256kb range.
There are several options depending on your application requirements/SLAs or whether you need to perform conversion or other transformations, etc.
Out-of-the-box, Apache Geode provides the Cache & Region Snapshot Service. This is useful when you want to migrate data from 1 existing Apache Geode cluster to another, for instance. Not so useful if your data is coming from an external source, like a RDBMS.
Another option is to lazily load the data based on need. This can be accomplished by implementing the CacheLoader interface and registering the CacheLoader with a Region. Obviously, you could create a CacheLoader implementation that intelligently loads a block of data based on some rules/criteria in addition to loading and returning the single value of interests based on the current requests.
A lot of times, users create an external, custom Conversion process or tool to extract, transform and bulk load (ETL) a bunch of data into Apache Geode. This is typical in complex Use Cases or requirements. However, it is highly advisable to use perhaps a framework/tool like...
Spring XD (now Spring Cloud Data Flow on Pivotal's Cloud Foundry (PCF)) is great ETL tool and pipeline for creating stream-based applications. Spring XD / SCDF provides many different options for "sources" and "sinks" (e.g. GemFire Server). In addition to sources & sinks, you can even "tap" the stream to process the data with "Processors". So whether you are doing real-time stream or batch-oriented data operations (e.g. bulk loads), Spring XD is a great option.
I am sure Google might provide other answers on how to perform ETL with a KeyValue store like Apache Geode.
Hope this helps get you going.
We have very limited options to load Gemfire regions .
1) Spring batch:
Create Gemfire writer for load data and remove data
Create batch configuration and lod it
2) Apache Spark
What are your recommendations for solutions that allow backing up [either by streaming or snapshot] a single riak bucket to a file?
Backing up just a single bucket is going to be a difficult operation in Riak.
All of the solutions will boil down to the following two steps:
List all of the objects in the bucket. This is the tricky part, since there is no "manifest" or a list of contents of any bucket, anywhere in the Riak cluster.
Issue a GET to each one of those objects from the list above, and write it to a backup file. This part is generally easy, though for maximum performance you want to make sure you're issuing those GETs in parallel, in a multithreaded fashion, and using some sort of connection pooling.
As far as listing all of the objects, you have one of three choices.
One is to do a Streaming List Keys operation on the bucket via HTTP (e.g. /buckets/bucket/keys?keys=stream) or Protocol Buffers -- see http://docs.basho.com/riak/latest/dev/references/http/list-keys/ and http://docs.basho.com/riak/latest/dev/references/protocol-buffers/list-keys/ for details. Under no circumstances should you do a non-streaming regular List Keys operation. (It will hang your whole cluster, and will eventually either time out or crash once the number of keys grows large enough).
Two is to issue a Secondary Index (2i) query to get that object list. See http://docs.basho.com/riak/latest/dev/using/2i/ for discussion and caveats.
And three would be if you're using Riak Search and can retrieve all of the objects via a single paginated search query. (However, Riak Search has a query result limit of 10,000 results, so, this approach is far from ideal).
For an example of a standalone app that can backup a single bucket, take a look at Riak Data Migrator, an experimental Java app that uses the Streaming List Keys approach combined with efficient parallel GETs.
The Basho function contrib has an erlang solution for backing up a single bucket. It is a custom function but it should do the trick.
As far as I know, there's no automated solution to backup a single bucket in Riak. You'd have to use the riak-admin command line tool to take care of backing up a single physical node. You could write something to retrieve all keys in a single bucket and using low r values if you want it to be fast but not secure (r = 1).
Buckets are a logical namespace, all of the keys are stored in the same bitcask structure. That's why the only way to get just a single node is to write a tool to stream them yourself.
We have created a product that potentially will generate tons of requests for a data file that resides on our server. Currently we have a shared hosting server that runs a PHP script to query the DB and generate the data file for each user request. This is not efficient and has not been a problem so far but we want to move to a more scalable system so we're looking in to EC2. Our main concerns are being able to handle high amounts of traffic when they occur, and to provide low latency to users downloading the data files.
I'm not 100% sure on how this is all going to work yet but this is the idea:
We use an EC2 instance to host our admin panel and to generate the files that are being served to app users. When any admin makes a change that affects these data files (which are downloaded by users), we make a copy over to S3 using CloudFront. The idea here is to get data cached and waiting on S3 so we can keep our compute times low, and to use CloudFront to get low latency for all users requesting the files.
I am still learning the system and wanted to know if anyone had any feedback on this idea or insight in to how it all might work. I'm also curious about the purpose of projects like Cassandra. My understanding is that simply putting our application on EC2 servers makes it scalable by the nature of the servers. Is Cassandra just about keeping resource usage low, or is there a reason to use a system like this even when on EC2?
CloudFront: http://aws.amazon.com/cloudfront/
EC2: http://aws.amazon.com/cloudfront/
Cassandra: http://cassandra.apache.org/
Cassandra is a non-relational database engine and if this is what you need, you should first evaluate Amazon's SimpleDB : a non-relational database engine built on top of S3.
If the file only needs to be updated based on time (daily, hourly, ...) then this seems like a reasonable solution. But you may consider placing a load balancer in front of 2 EC2 images, each running a copy of your application. This would make it easier to scale later and safer if one instance fails.
Some other services you should read up on:
http://aws.amazon.com/elasticloadbalancing/ -- Amazons load balancer solution.
http://aws.amazon.com/sqs/ -- Used to pass messages between systems, in your DA (distributed architecture). For example if you wanted the systems that create the data file to be different than the ones hosting the site.
http://aws.amazon.com/autoscaling/ -- Allows you to adjust the number of instances online based on traffic
Make sure to have a good backup process with EC2, snapshot your OS drive often and place any volatile data (e.g. a database files) on an EBS block. EC2 doesn't fail often but when it does you don't have access to the hardware, and if you have an up to date snapshot you can just kick a new instance online.
Depending on the datasets, Cassandra can also significantly improve response times for queries.
There is an excellent explanation of the data structure used in NoSQL solutions that may help you see if this is an appropriate solution to help:
WTF is a Super Column