What are the options to bulk/batch load data into Apache Geode(Gemfire)? - gemfire

We need to load millions of key/values into Apache Geode and we'd like to know what are some the options available. Our values happen to be in the 256kb range.

There are several options depending on your application requirements/SLAs or whether you need to perform conversion or other transformations, etc.
Out-of-the-box, Apache Geode provides the Cache & Region Snapshot Service. This is useful when you want to migrate data from 1 existing Apache Geode cluster to another, for instance. Not so useful if your data is coming from an external source, like a RDBMS.
Another option is to lazily load the data based on need. This can be accomplished by implementing the CacheLoader interface and registering the CacheLoader with a Region. Obviously, you could create a CacheLoader implementation that intelligently loads a block of data based on some rules/criteria in addition to loading and returning the single value of interests based on the current requests.
A lot of times, users create an external, custom Conversion process or tool to extract, transform and bulk load (ETL) a bunch of data into Apache Geode. This is typical in complex Use Cases or requirements. However, it is highly advisable to use perhaps a framework/tool like...
Spring XD (now Spring Cloud Data Flow on Pivotal's Cloud Foundry (PCF)) is great ETL tool and pipeline for creating stream-based applications. Spring XD / SCDF provides many different options for "sources" and "sinks" (e.g. GemFire Server). In addition to sources & sinks, you can even "tap" the stream to process the data with "Processors". So whether you are doing real-time stream or batch-oriented data operations (e.g. bulk loads), Spring XD is a great option.
I am sure Google might provide other answers on how to perform ETL with a KeyValue store like Apache Geode.
Hope this helps get you going.

We have very limited options to load Gemfire regions .
1) Spring batch:
Create Gemfire writer for load data and remove data
Create batch configuration and lod it
2) Apache Spark


Apache Ignite: Сache API vs SQL

What should I use cache.put(key, value) or cache.query("INSERT INTO Table ")?
In case you properly configured queryable fields for your cache you can use both ways to insert data into the cache:
Key-Value API as shown here.
SqlFieldsQuery as described here.
Also, in case you would like to upload a large amount of data you can use Data Streamer, which automatically buffer the data and group it into batches for better performance.
Any. Or both.
One of the powers of Ignite is that it's truly multi-model - the same data is accessible via different interfaces. If you migrate a legacy app from an RDBMS, you'll use SQL. If you have something simple and don't care about the schema or queries, you'll use key-value.
In my experience, non-trivial systems based on Apache Ignite tend to use different kinds of access simultaneously. A perfectly normal example of an app:
Use key-value to insert the data from an upstream source
Use SQL to read and write data in batch processing and analytics
Use Compute with both SQL and key-value inside of the tasks to do colocated processing and fast analytics

Schedule task to load BigQuery table into Apache Ignite

I have a use case where we need to periodically load BigQuery table in to a cache and support SQL query from there. I'm doing researching on Apache Ignite and think it could be a good fit to our use case. Only that it's not clear to me yet how I can get auto-load from BigQuery. By "auto-load" I mean to keep Apache Ignite updated with BigQuery table data and let this updating transparent to applications. In most cases, our BigQuery tables are updated by other scheduled jobs/queries with intervals from 5 minutes to 1 month.
I'm new to Ignite, and I guess my questions are as the following:
Is this a feature supported in Ignite already? (I couldn't find any)
Or is there any exiting pluggins already? (I couldn't find any)
how to implement the auto-load cache for BigQuery using Ignite?
You can do this once with Cache Store / loadCache(), but doing this every few minutes is infeasible. You may wish to design a BigQuery streamer to Apache Ignite, if it supports pushing of deltas.
If Google BigQuery doesn't open its changelog files for CDC tools then find how to capture those updates differently and stream them to Ignite via its IgniteDataStreamer API. There should be a way to capture the changes with some pub/sub mechanism.

How to export data into cdv from GemFire

I am trying to build a ETL process that extracts data out to GemFire and load in Teradata. However, I am not finding a good mechanism to export data out. The only thing I have found so far is rest api that gets all entries from a region. However, is this good for bulk export ? It will give data back in json which has to be parsed before loading in table, which I assume won't be very performant for large volume of data. Is there any other solution to this ? Like exporting data as csv from GemFire? Or ODBC/JDBC connection to GemFire ? I found both the bulk export and ODBC/JDBC in Gemfire XD documentation but not in core GemFire? So are they not supported in core GemFire? What is the difference between core GemFire and the XD version ?
These are two different products designed with different things in mind. GemFire XD provides a low-latency SQL interface to in-memory table data, so it's generally used as an in-memory RDBMS. GemFire, on the other hand, is an in-memory data grid with "no restrictions" regarding the data you insert into the regions, you basically deal with custom java objects, not with tables. Also, I know GemFire XD was built on top of GemFire in the past, not sure what's the current status of that (you might want to have a look at Snappy Data for more details).
That said, and strictly speaking of GemFire, you can export snapshots of your regions and import them afterwards into another cluster. Even better, you can read a snapshot entry by entry for further processing or transformation into other formats, which I believe is exactly what you're looking for. Please have a look at Cache and Region Snapshots to get the details.
Hope this helps. Cheers.

How to handle data from an external, independent data source with Pivotal GemFire?

I am new to GemFire.
Currently we are using an MySQL DB and would like to move to GemFire.
How to move the existing data stored in MySQL over to GemFire? I.e., is there any way to to import existing MySQL data into GemFire?
There are many different options available for you to migrate data from 1 data store (e.g. an RDBMS like MySQL) to an IMDG (e.g. Pivotal GemFire). Pivotal GemFire does not provide any tools for this purpose OOTB.
However, you could...
A) Write a Spring Batch application to migrate all your data from MySQL to Pivotal GemFire in 1 large swoop. This is typical for most large-scale conversion processes, converting from 1 data store to another, either as part of an upgrade or a migration.
The advantage of using Pivotal GemFire as your target data store is that it stores Java Objects. So, if you are, say, using an ORM tool (e.g. Hibernate) to map the data stored in your MySQL database tables back to your application domain objects, you can then immediately and simply turnaround and store those same Objects directly into a corresponding Region in Pivotal GemFire. There is no additional mapping required to store an Object into GemFire.
Although, if you need something less immediate, then you can also...
B) Take advantage of Pivotal GemFire's CacheLoader, and maybe even the CacheWriter mechanisms. The CacheLoader and CacheWriter are implementations of the "Read-Through" and "Write-Through" design patterns.
More details of this approach can be found here.
In a nutshell, you implement a CacheLoader to load data from some external data source on Cache miss. You attach, or register the CacheLoader with a GemFire Region when the Region is created. When a Key (which can correspond to your MySQL Table Primary Key) is requested (Region.get(key)) and an entry does not exist, then GemFire will consult the CacheLoader to resolve the value, providing you actually registered a CacheLoader with the Region.
In this way, you slowly build up Pivotal GemFire from the MySQL RDBMS based on need.
Clearly, it is quite likely Pivotal GemFire will not be able to store all the data from your RDBMS in "memory". So, you can enable both Persistence and Overflow [to Disk] capabilities. By enabling Persistence, GemFire will load the data from it's own DiskStores the next time the nodes come online, assuming you brought them down prior.
The CacheWriter mechanism is nice if you want to run both Pivotal GemFire and MySQL in parallel for while, until you can shift enough of the responsibilities of MySQL over to GemFire, for instance. The CacheWriter will write back to your underlying MySQL DB each time an entry is written or updated in the GemFire Region. You can even do this asynchronously (i.e. "Write-Behind") using GemFire's AsyncEventQueues and Listeners; see here.
Obviously, you many options at your disposal. You need to carefully way your options and choose an approach that best meets your application requirements and needs.
If you have additional questions, let me know.

What exactly is Gemfire?

I have been studying 'in-memory data grids' and saw the term 'gemfire'. I'm confused. It seems that gemfire is a term to refer to technologies that store and manipulate data like a database but in the computer memory, isn't it? What exactly is gemfire?
Which technologies can I use to work with 'in-memory data grids' in Node.js?
I saw some applications, like 'Apache Geode' and 'Pivotal gemfire'. How do I work with them? Is it like work with some cache technologies (like Redis or Memcached)? In geode's case, are the data only accessed through an API or are there other ways to access this one?
There are many products that qualify as a "in-memory data grid", GemFire is one of the leading ones. From this article the main ones are:
VMware Gemfire (Java)
Oracle Coherence (Java)
Alachisoft NCache (.Net)
Gigaspaces XAP Elastic Caching Edition (Java)
Hazelcast (Java)
Scaleout StateServer (.Net)
Most of these products have drivers in many languages. You can access data in GemFire over REST, or over the native node.js client.
Apache Geode is the open source version of GemFire. It is much more powerful than memcached and Redis; You can use Geode not only as a cache, but as a store of record (it has native persistence). It has an Object Query Language (OQL) engine built in, which allows you to query nested objects, has powerful features like Continuous Queries and replication over WAN, among others. Geode also has protocol adapters for memcached and Redis, allowing your memcached and Redis clients to connect to Geode.
I would add to the list of "In memory data grid" solutions:
Apache Ignite
They also provide powerful features.
For feature comparison you can use this website: https://db-engines.com/en/system/Hazelcast%3BIgnite .
Last note: GemFire is now a Pivotal solution.
GemFire is a high performance distributed data management infrastructure that sits between application cluster and back-end data sources.
With GemFire, data can be managed in-memory, which makes the access faster.
Kindly check the Link below for further details