Cannot sum sql query into single line - sql

I have a view (using it to link into an Access 2016 Front-End thus the view). I am trying to sum 4 rows where each have a different status of Approved, In Progress, Rejected and Cancelled. The field I want to sum is Total_Cost.
Criteria is [Status] <> 'Rejected' and <> 'Cancelled'. Therefore, I want Approved and In progress to sum into 1.
The view is still showing 2 rows (Field ID is the primary key so want to show by ID). I have unselected the Output box for [Status]. This normally works in Access but I cannot get it to work in SQL. I have tried Group by, Where, Sum etc and nothing is working.
Any help would be so much appreciated.

The following query might help you or solve your question :
WHEN [Status] <> 'Rejected' AND [Status] <> 'Cancelled'
THEN Total_Cost
ELSE 0 END) AS yourTotal
FROM yourTable


SQL multiple constrained counts in query

I am trying to get with 1 query multiple count results where each one is a subset of the previous one.
So my table would be called Recipe and has these columns:
recipe_num(Primary_key) decimal,
recipe_added date,
is_featured bit,
liked decimal
And what I want is to make a query that will return the amount of likes grouped by day for any particular month with
total recipes as total_recipes,
total recipes that were featured as featured_recipes,
total number of recipes that were featured and had more than 100 likes liked_recipes
So as you can see each they are all counts with each being a subset of the previous one.
Ideally I don't want to run separate select count's where that query the whole table but rather get from the previous one.
I am not very good at using count with Where, Having, etc... and not exactly sure how to do it, so far I have the following which I managed via digging around here.
count(*) total_recipes,
count(case is_featured when 1 then 1 else null end) total_featured_recipes
group by
I am not exactly sure why I have to use case inside the count but I wasn't able to get it to work using WHERE, would like to know if this is possible as well.
With a CASE expression inside COUNT() you are doing conditional aggregation and this is exactly what you need for this requirement:
select recipe_added,
count(*) total_recipes,
count(case when is_featured = 1 then 1 end) total_featured_recipes,
count(case when is_featured = 1 and liked > 100 then 1 end) liked_recipes
from Recipes
group by recipe_added
There is no need for ELSE null because the default behavior of a CASE expression is to return null when no other branch returns a value.
If you want results for a specific month, say October 2020, you can add a WHERE clause before the GROUP BY:
where format(recipe_added, 'yyyyMM') = '202010'
This will work for SQL Server.
If you are using a different database then you can use a similar approach.

PostgreSQL - Handling empty query result

I am quite new to SQL and I am currently working on some survey results with PostgreSQL. I need to calculate percentages of each option from 5-point scale for all survey questions. I have a table with respondentid, questionid, question response value. Demographic info needed for filtering datacut is retrieved from another table. Then query is passed to result table. All queries texts for specific datacuts are generated by VBA script.
It works OK in general, however there's one problematic case - when there are no respondents for specific cut and I receive empty table as query result. If respondent count is greater than 0 but lower than calculation threshold (5 respondents) I am getting table full of NULLs which is OK. For 0 respondents I get 0 rows as result and nothing is passed to result table and it causes some displacement in final table. I am able to track such cuts as I am also calculating respondent number for overall datacut and storing it in another table. But is there anything I can do at this point - generate somehow table full of NULLs which could be inserted into result table when needed?
Thanks in advance and sorry for clumsiness in code.
WITH ItemScores AS (
CASE WHEN SUM(CASE WHEN rsp.respvalue >= 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) < 5 THEN
WHEN rsp.respvalue >= 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS DECIMAL),2)
END AS 5spercentage,
... and so on for frequencies of 1s,2s,3s and 4s
SUM(CASE WHEN rsp.respvalue >= 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS QuestionTotalAnswers
some filtering applied here [...]
) AS rsp
GROUP BY rsp.questionid
ORDER BY rsp.questionid;
INSERT INTO results_items SELECT * from ItemScores;
If you want to ensure that the questionid column won't be empty, then you must call a cte with its plain values and then left join with the table that actually you are using to make the aggregations, calcs etc. So it will generate for sure the first list and then join its values.
The example of its concept would be something like:
with calcs as (
select questionid, sum(respvalue) as sum_per_question
from rsp
group by questionid)
select distinct rsp.questionid, calcs.sum_per_question
from rsp
left join calcs on rsp.questionid = calcs.questionid

SQL Group By and window function

I am struggling a little bit with an SQL Statement and was hoping if someone would be willing to point me in the right direction.
Below is a picture of my table:
As you can see here I have a column called 'State'. Basically I want to group all 'State' associated with a particular BuildID and display them in an extra column on my SQL output.
I am close but not quite there.
In the next picture below is an example of the statement I have used to try and achieve this:
As you can see here, it has done SUM and added the TotalTime and created the extra columns I require. However instead of grouping it all into one record, it has created 2 extra lines per BuildID. One with the value for the 'Running' state, another record for the value State of 'Break' and another record that contains the value 0 on both States.
Now what I want it to do is group it into one record for each BuildID. Like the picture I have added below:
The above image is how I want the records displayed. But the problem is I have added the WHERE [State] = Running, which I know is wrong but was just using this as an example. As you can see the 'Break' column has no value.
I hope this makes sense and was hoping if someone could point me in the right direction?
Here is an example on SQL fiddle!3/7b6b9/2
Thanks for taking the time to read this :)
Have refined the sql a bit, here you go:
SELECT BuildID,Product, Program,
sum(CASE WHEN State = 'Running' THEN cast(TotalTime as INT) ELSE 0 END) AS Running
, sum(CASE WHEN State = 'Break' THEN cast(TotalTime as INT) ELSE 0 END) AS Breakt
FROM Line1Log
GROUP BY BuildID,Product, Program
Please check SQLFiddle
Not sure if i am missing something :-), but the solution looks pretty straight forward. Let me know.
move your SUM() OVER(PARTITION BY...) out from CASE
SQL fiddle
select BuildID, Product, Program, Sum(Running) Running, Sum([Break]) [Break]
from (
SELECT Distinct BuildID, Product, Program,
Sum(Case when [State]='Running' Then TotalTime Else 0 END) OVER (Partition by [State], [BuildID]) Running,
Sum(Case when [State]='Break' Then TotalTime Else 0 END) OVER (Partition by [State], [BuildID]) [Break]
From Line1Log) T
group by BuildID, Product, Program
Everything else is ok, why are you grouping all columns?, Try this,
Select BuidId,Product,program,Sum(Running),Sum(Break)
......) as T
group by BuidId,Product,program

Identifying parent records for many transactions

This is related to a question I asked previously for which lag/lead was suggested. However the data I'm working with are more complex than I first thought so I need a more robust solution. This screen shot shows an issue I need to tackle:
Within a single serial number, a shipment event defines a new reference window. So records 2,3,4 relate to 1. Record 6 relates to 5 and so forth. I need to mark the records for which the BillToId doesn't match the parent shipment.
I'm trying to understand if I could even use the LAG function to compare records 2,3,4 back to 1 when the number of post-shipment events varies (duplicates are allowed). I was thinking I might be better off with another fact table that identifies the parent rowid along each record first?
So then my question becomes how do I efficiently identify which shipment each row belongs to? Am I forced to run a subquery for each record? I'm working right now with over 2 million total rows. I would later make this query part of the ETL process so it would be processing smaller chunks of data.
Here is an approach that uses the cumulative sum functionality in SQL Server. The idea is to assign each "ship" activity a value of "1" and "0" for everything else. Then do a cumulative sum to identify each group that should have the same billtoid. After that, the ship information can be assigned to all records in the same group:
select rowid, dateid, billtoid, activitytypeid, serialnumber
from (select t.*,
max(case when activitytypeid = 'Ship' then billtoid end) over
(partition by serialnumber, cumships) as ship_billtoid
from (select t.*,
sum(case when activitytypeid = 'Ship' then 1 else 0 end) over
(partition by serialnumber order by rowid) as cumships
from t
) t
) t
where billtoid <> ship_billtoid;

Changing position of a row in sql

In the above t-sql table I would like very much for the Total row to appear at the bottom. I have been wracking my head against this and in all of my other Queries simply using ORDER BY Status works as Total is alphabetically much farther down the list than most of our row values.
This is not the case here and I just can't figure out how to change it
I'm pretty new to sql and I'be been having a lot of difficulty even determining how to phrase a google search. So far I've just gotten results pertaining to Order By
The results of a select query, unless an order is explicitly specified via an 'order by' clause, can be returned in any order. Moreover, the order in which they are returned is not even deterministic. Running the exact same query 3 times in succession might return the exact same result set in 3 different orderings.
So if you want a particular order to your table, you need to order it. An order by clause like
select *
from myTable t
where ...
order by case Status when 'Total' then 1 else 0 end ,
would do you. The 'Total' row will float to the bottom, the other rows will be ordered in collating sequence. You can also order things arbitrarily with this technique:
select *
from myTable t
where ...
order by case Status
when 'Deceased' then 1
when 'Total' then 2
when 'Active' then 3
when 'Withdrawn' then 4
else 5
will list the row(s) with a status of 'Deceased' first, followed by the row(s) with a status of 'Total', then 'Active' and 'Withdrawn', and finally anything that didn't match up to an item in the list.
In SQL Server (and most other databases), you can use case to sort certain statūs above others:
order by
case Status
when 'Total' then 2
else 1
, Status
In MS Access, you can use iif:
order by
iif(Status = 'Total', 2, 1)
, Status
You can use conditional expressions in order by:
order by (case when status = 'Total' then 1 else 0 end),