Workday integration jobs failing - workday-api

We run integration jobs between Workday and on premise applications. The integration
jobs run and dump or get data files on a sftp server, on our site, running bitvise sftp server.
The integrations connect to our sftp server through a virtual account and public keys.
These jobs have been running fine until a couple of days ago when some of the integrations
started to fail; the connections to the sftp server seems to be successful at first, but they get termininated right away. We'll appreciate any help with this.

This issue was fixed after UTM (Threat management) on Palo was disabled.
Here is Network Admin:
"The solution was to remove IPS/IDS check from the rule that allow Workday servers to sftp in.
My guess is after Palo Alto’s dynamic updates(Antivirus/Wildfire) it started to cut the working session all of a sudden."


Gridgain console load balance

I have Gridgain three node cluster and also running Gridgain web console agent and web console on all three nodes. It is all hosted on Windows Server.
I would like to load balance My web console. The problem is I don't know how to share user registration database which it stores in a work directory. Can I use external database to store all that information so that my cluster uses the same database?
There is a problem with Web Console Agent as well. How do I share tokens stored in
There is no definitive guide on how to create a cluster for web console for high availability.
Can someone please guide me on how can I form a cluster for a Web console sharing its user store and tokens?
If you are looking for multi-cluster support, take a look at documentation:
If you are looking for agent fault-tolerance: just start several agents. Fisrt agent will process all messages, other will be in the hot-stand-by mode.
If you are looking for connection fault-tolerance between agent and cluster (if cluster node failed that is a connection point for agent, Web Console will loose connection to cluster), just specify several nodes addresses as comma-separated list for "node-uri" parameter (in or as command-line argument).
For example:
Hope this helps.

How to halt provisioning of one VM until another VM is done?

Using Vagrant+Chef Solo I'm setting up two VMs: #1 is a TeamCity server, #2 is a TeamCity agent. Provisioning is done by first installing the TeamCity server package on VM #1, then the agent VM is booted and requests data from the server which is used to install the agent. That whole thing works fine.
But now I want to alter the server after the agent is done provisioning. I want to modify the server's database directly, to change an attribute that is only available after the agent has spun up. But is there a way for one VM's provisioning to trigger another VM? Once the agent is done I'd like to somehow resume provisioning the server, so I can make the database edit..
Any thoughts, recommendations, or feedback welcomed. I'm new to Vagrant, Chef, and TeamCity, so there's a chance I'm missing a much easier solution.
* Why do I want to edit the DB directly you may be wondering? TeamCity agents must be authorized before they can be used, and I want to do this programmatically. The solution I've found is to directly edit the DB, because authorization functionality is not exposed via the TeamCity REST API (as far as I can tell)
If you can test the agent is installed/answering, you may add a ruby block looping over this test before continuing the recipe execution.
This loop should have a sleep and a counter to avoid infinite loops.
I've no knowledge of teamcity, so can't tell if it's the best way.
In general, Chef is designed to manage your system, not simply provision it (though this is less true in the modern Cloud world with "golden image" strategies). Nonetheless, in your case, you best bet is to just setup chef-client as a service that runs every 15 minutes. Once the client has finished provisioning, the next run of the server will be able to authorize it.
If you really want to "trigger" the one from the other, you'd need either do that externally with something like etcd or consul, or you would need to setup an ssh keypair between the boxes and add a ruby_block on the client that either does the database modification directly, or calls chef-client on the server.

Perforce replica server that can write to main server and has build capability

I need to customize the Perforce server to achieve the following requirements:
I need a local replica server which gets synced with the main server in a different geographical location. I can have the same time zone settings for the local and main servers
The client should be able to commit to the replica server.
The replica server will have build capability as well as a test frame work that is run whenever a build is succesfull.
Once the build and test is succesfull the code should get committed to main server.
I know that the replica server provided by perforce is used as a readonly server which can't write to main server and the forwarding replica just forwards the commands to main server.
I can't use proxy server, as the local server should work even when the main server is offline.
Is it possible to do this? Can anyone point me to some articles which would help me to set up such a server
I had asked the same question in the Perforce forum, but the question is still under verification by moderators.
An edge/commit setup may meet your requirements, as an Edge Server handles some local operations associated with workspaces and work in progress.
As well as read-only commands, the following operations can be performed on an Edge Server:
syncing, checking out, merging, resolving, and reverting files
More information about edge/commit archetecture is available here:
You may also want to look at BuildFarm servers:
Hope this helps,
Build Server doesn't allow build work spaces to submit files. If submitting files is required as part of the build process, consider the use of an edge server to support your automated build processes.
With the implementation of edge servers in 2013.2, we now recommend that you use an edge server instead of a build farm server.
Edge servers offer all the functionality of build farm servers and yet offload more work from the main server and improve performance, with the additional flexibility of being able to run write commands as part of the build process.

How to swap a server in and Out of cluster during runtime

I am implementing session replication in my application. This is old application.
I made all changes and now need to test the server switch and confirm that the objects in session is properly carried to another server in server list.
I have 1 Admin server and 2 managed servers. So the cluster is made of 2 managed server.
while testing I have to always bounce the server and test the flow of my application. This process is very time consuming. So I am looking for any other way to sway a server in and out of cluster
during runtime. I asked on Oracle support website , but they said only way to bounce the server.
How can I write a script for this?
Is there a parameter in weblogic or wlproxy plugin config file that help in this switch.
Your help is appreciated.
using Weblogic scripting tool (WLST) in script mode, you can write a script to automate the shutdown / startup of the managed server that you would like to remove temporarily from the cluster.
you create a file with .py extension which will contain the weblogic commands that you would like to run.
to run the script from commandline:
java weblogic.WLST c:\myscripts\
you can put this line in a shell/batch script.
Another way is to write a Java program or an ANT script to invoke the commands using the weblogic.jar file that comes with weblogic.
If you were to change the state of a weblogic managed server from running to admin mode then also you can test the session replication.
You can do this from admin console by selecting the managed server and going to control tab and changing the state of the server to Admin. You can change it back to running from the same place.
Using WLST you can use the commands suspend and resume
suspending and resuming managed servers is quicker than shutting it down and restarting it again.
I have tested this at my end and it works fine, ie when I change the state to admin, my request goes to another managed server and the session is also replicated.
I have used the sample WLS cluster replication example available in wls installation.

Celery, rabbitmq: How to install remote worker?

Can I have multiple machines to execute the tasks and return messages that are distributed by django? I looked into celery/rabbitmq, I'm not sure if I can setup celery workers on remote computers. Can anyone guide me through here?
If this is not possible or very hard, any alternative solution for the problem?
You can do this by installing your Django project on to the remote computer, and then ensuring that it is configured to use the correct broker, database server, and media directory (assuming your tasks need access to that).