Celery, rabbitmq: How to install remote worker? - rabbitmq

Can I have multiple machines to execute the tasks and return messages that are distributed by django? I looked into celery/rabbitmq, I'm not sure if I can setup celery workers on remote computers. Can anyone guide me through here?
If this is not possible or very hard, any alternative solution for the problem?

You can do this by installing your Django project on to the remote computer, and then ensuring that it is configured to use the correct broker, database server, and media directory (assuming your tasks need access to that).


Is it possible to host rabbitmq exporter on a separate server from rabbitmq? And how to do it?

My rabbitmq is deployed on one server, the project that uses it is deployed on another. I would like all exporters to be on the same server as the project. I apologize for such a description, apart from the question there is nothing to add.

Is it possible to reconfigure Rabbit MQ once you have changed machine to point at the new machine without uninstalling or demising it

I've come into an issue post install of Rabbit MQ where it was all set up and configured with the web apps on the machine and communicating to local applications however the machine had to be moved to a different tranch of machines and renamed as a result. Now Rabbit MQ can no longer serve or handle comms as intended as it's config points to rabbit#PREVIOUS_MACHINE instead of rabbit#CURRENT_MACHINE.
In the rabbit MQ config however, to complicate this, there was some configuration that was done from the users on the system that were fed into the local apps that are then encrypted into that local app's database and used for communicating with all the local apps. the issue here is if I drop and recreate Rabbit MQ a make a new user this won't align to what the other internal apps are using and I believe they are not configurable post install so a reinstall of everything is the potential impact.
the question is, is it possible to re-config or update the current RabbitMQ installation files to now point at the local machine name instead of the previous machine name AND I guess by proxy is this something that would even work. The docs over at rabbitmq don't quite deal with this specific scenario, unfortunately from what I've read through.
so i want to confirm that RMQ is the absolute dogs tits of a black magic box.
following these steps from here minus the first two
How to change RabbitMQ node name without changing my hostname
this is the inverse of my problem pretty much. But for those in the future who have this issue;
I had Rabbit MQ on another machine installed and running, the machines name was changed and the solution was to uninstall the service, delete the db and reinstall the service. SOMEHOW rmq manages to keep the config knowledge of all the queues that were in the db in the system and when you reinstall the service it brings all the queues back as well. the only issue I had after that was to remember my username and password that were not default user set ups and I did so that solved my issue. still have no idea how RMQ manages to remember the previous configs despite deleting the local db, crazy cool. very grateful to whoever built that into the tool

Is there a way of using dask jobqueue over ssh

Dask jobqueue seems to be a very nice solution for distributing jobs to PBS/Slurm managed clusters. However, if I'm understanding its use correctly, you must create instance of "PBSCluster/SLURMCluster" on head/login node. Then you can on the same node, create a client instance to which you can start submitting jobs.
What I'd like to do is let jobs originate on a remote machine, be sent over SSH to the cluster head node, and then get submitted to dask-jobqueue. I see that dask has support for sending jobs over ssh to a "distributed.deploy.ssh.SSHCluster" but this seems to be designed for immediate execution after ssh, as opposed to taking the further step of putting it in jobqueue.
To summarize, I'd like a workflow where jobs go remote --ssh--> cluster-head --slurm/jobqueue--> cluster-node. Is this possible with existing tools?
I am currently looking into this. My idea is to set-up an SSH tunnel with paramiko and then use Pyro5 to communicate with the cluster object from my local machine.

DC/OS has three roles, they are master, slave, slave_public, why can't put them on one host?

I just investigate DC/OS, I find that DC/OS has three roles:master, slave, slave_public, I want to deploy a cluster which can host master, slave or slave_public roles on one host, but currently I can't do that.
I want to know that why can't put them on one host when designed. If I do that, could I get some suggestions?
I just have the idea. If I can't do, I'll quit using DCOS, I'll use mesos and marathon.
Is there someone has the idea with me? I look forward to the reply.
This is by design, and things are actually being worked on to re-enforce that an machine is installed with only one role because things break with more than one.
If you're trying to demo / experiment with DC/OS and you only have one machine, you can use Virtual Machines or Docker to partition that one machine into multiple machines / parts which you can install DC/OS on. dcos-vagrant and dcos-docker can help you there.
As far as installing though, the configuration for each of the three roles is incompatible with one another. The "master" role causes a whole bunch of pieces of software to be started / installed on a host (Mesos-DNS, Mesos master, marathon, exhibitor, zookeeper, 3dt, adminrouter, rexray, spartan, navstar among others) which listen on various ports. The "slave" role causes a machine to have a mesos-agent (mesos renamed mesos-slave to mesos-agent, hence the disconnect) configured and started on the agent. The mesos-agent is configured to control / most ports greater than 1024 to tasks which are launched by mesos frameworks on the agent. Several of those ports are used by services which are run on masters, resulting in odd conflicts and hard to fix bad behavior.
In the case of running the "slave" and "slave_public" on the same host, those two conflict more directly, because both of them cause mesos-agent to be run on the host, with slightly different configuration. Both the mesos-agent (the one configured with the "slave" role and the one with the "slave_public" role are configured to listen on port 5051. Only one of them can use it though, so you end up with one of the agents being non-functional.
DC/OS only supports running a node as either a master or an agent(slave). You are correct that Mesos does not have this limitation. But DC/OS is more than just a Mesos/Marathon. To enable all the additional features of DC/OS there are various components built around Mesos and Marathon. At times these components behave differently whether they are running on a master or an agent and at other times the components that exist on a master may or may not exist on an agent or vice versa. So running a master and an agent on the same node would lead to conflicts/issues.
If you are looking to run a small development setup before scaling the solution out to a bigger distributed system DC/OS Vagrant might be a good starting point.

Celery works without broker and backend running

I'm running Celery on my laptop, with rabbitmq being the broker and redis being the backend. I just used all the default settings and ran celery -A tasks worker --loglevel=info, then it all worked. The workers can get jobs done and I get fetch the execution results by calling result.get(). My question here is that why it works even if I didn't run the rebbitmq and redis servers at all. I did not set the accounts on the servers either. In many tutorials, the first step is to run the broker and backend servers before starting celery.
I'm new to these tools and do not quite understand how they work behind the scene. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Never mind. I just realized that redis and rabbitmq automatically run after installation or shell startup. They must be running for celery to work.