Using protobuf imports (i.e. google/protobuf/timestamp.proto) with wire - android-gradle-plugin

I am trying to generate files using the square's Wire. I could run their sample all good, but as soon as I added
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto"; to their .proto file
to check how wire treats timestamps, compiler broke with this exception:
Exception in thread "main" Failed to locate google/protobuf/timestamp.proto in [src/main/proto]
I have protoc in my path ($PATH=...usr/local/bin, protoc is located in there. timestamp.proto is located under /usr/local/include/google/protobuf). I expected wire compiler to use protoc from my system and therefore to be able to use it's includes.
Tried running wire with gradle plugin and using precompiled jar to same result.
Also tried using gradle plugin in android studio project to same extent.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':app:generateProtos'.
> unable to resolve 1 imports:
searching 0 proto paths:

Ok, after some searching and experimenting, turns out that:
1) Wire doesn't support proto3 syntax (yet)
2) Timestamp is written in proto3 syntax, and so wire just doesn't support it too.
So answer is - you can't import timestamp.proto and use it to generate classes with wire until proto3 support is implemented.

Wire now supports Proto3 and the new types, including Timestamp.
You can check the differences in implementation here:


How to generate openapi client from uri in Gradle

I'm probably trying to do something strange, since this doesn't seem like a common question (or maybe I'm asking it all wrong). I was expecting this to be straightforward.
Basically, what I am looking for is a way to do the same as the following, except by using the gradle openapi-generator plugin:
openapi-generator generate -i -g spring
What I have tried is the following (and the associated errors):
inputSpec.set("") --> Cannot convert URL {} to a file
inputSpec.set(URL("").readText()) --> specified for property 'inputSpec' does not exist
The actual code looks something like this:
tasks.register<GenerateTask>("generateClient") {
// inputSpec.set("$openapiSpecDir/client/openapi.json") <-- *I am currently using a file, which I don't want to do*
configOptions.put("java8", "false")
configOptions.put("serializationLibrary", "jackson")
configOptions.put("dateLibrary", "java8")
Assuming you're using the OpenAPI Generator Gradle Plugin, at the time of writing this answer, getting the inputSpec from a URL is not supported. However, for Maven this has been implemented (Issue #2241 closed with PR #3826), so chances are good to have it implemented with a feature request that gets the Gradle plugin on par with its Maven counterpart.
That being said, you may want to look into Gradle Download Task. Gradle Download Task is a plugin that let's you download files from a URL. The downloaded file can be used to feed it into the OpenAPI generator.

image-height not resolve output

Trying to achieve this proposal to make a div size based on its background image I'm using Less 2.5.1 compiled by Web Essentials 2013 for Update 4 version 2.5.4 and some functions do not resolve:
My Less File:
height:image-height("myUrl.png"); //<-- Do not resolve
width:percentage(1/2); //<--Resolves
Resolved Css File:
height:image-height("myUrl.png"); //Not good
width:50%; //Good
I'm having this problem with image-height, image-width and image-size. Not with the rest of Misc Functions
There's no problem resolving the image by the compiler, because it's working fine when I used it like:
In the documentation there's a note for these methods saying:
Note: this function needs to be implemented by each environment. It is
currently only available in the node environment.
In the WebEssentials documentation it says:
Web Essentials uses the node-less compiler and it always uses the
latest version
NodeJS compilation - Web Essentials uses NodeJS to run the compiler.
It's the fastest and most accurate compiler for LESS available.
I'm missing something that I don't know. What does that note mean? What
should I do?
I've create a jsfiddle to share with you my goal.

invalid command name "zlib" while executing http::geturl

I'm on TCL 8.5 (can't upgrade) and running version 2.7.7 of the HTTP package. I'm calling a library which appears to be using the following http::geturl command to download an image which has been gzipped:
http::geturl $url -headers {Accept-Encoding gzip}
and I'm getting this error:
invalid command name "zlib"
Searching on the web, I could only find this reference to the bug which basically recommends stopping sending Accept-Encoding gzip, which I can't do (nor can I upgrade to 8.6)
My question is: is there any 8.5 workaround for this issue? Is there a way to stop this library from sending the "Accept-Encoding gzip" header?
The issue is that the code believes you've got the zlib package (which supplies the zlib command) available, and so turns on support for gzip-compressed streams. The simplest fix in your code is to do:
package require zlib
So long as this happens before you call into the code that does the http::geturl, this should be enough.
If you don't have the package (in which case you'll get a clear failure from the package require) then you've hit a bug either where the soft dependency code in the http package is getting it wrong when building the request headers, or in the server which is sending gzipped data despite not being asked for it. The code pointed to from TIP #234 (i.e., the SVN repository at contains the source for a version of the zlib package, in particular it's the version that formed the starting point for the built-in support in Tcl 8.6, but I think it only uses Tcl 8.5 APIs.
Unhelpfully, there are several versions of the zlib package around; this is one of the messiest Tcl packages to acquire, alas.

How to load a dll in Tcl?

What I have tried (running Tcl and Tk 8.6.0 on Windows):
load D:/toot/bar/em.dll
load "D:/toot/bar/em.dll"
load D://toot//bar//em.dll
load "D://toot//bar//em.dll"
load D:\toot\bar\em.dll
load "D:\toot\bar\em.dll"
load D:\\toot\\bar\\em.dll
load "D:\\toot\\bar\\em.dll"
All of which return one of these two errors:
couldn't load library [what I put after 'load']: invalid argument
couldn't load library [what I put after 'load', rendered]: this library or a dependent library could not be found in library path
Assuming that file exists D:/toot/bar/em.dll returns truea, load D:/toot/bar/em.dll should work. However, it sounds like you've got problems with things (i.e., other DLLs) that the library depends on.
This is a general problem on Windows that has been asked elsewhere on Stack Overflow; the answers there are relevant to this question. You should also be aware that if the DLL has been linked against a specific version of the Tcl DLL (not recommended on Windows for Tcl extensions) then you need to have the same version of Tcl installed as it was linked against. Stub-enabled extensions do not have this problem at all (though they can still run into problems with other required libraries being absent).
It's a shame that the load command doesn't tell you what DLL is missing in its error message, but IIRC the underlying OS API doesn't report it either. You're stuck with using an external tool to diagnose these thingsā€¦
a Don't worry about backslash/forward-slash issues; Tcl handles those for you.
I have this problem, too,couldn't load library "ChariotExt": invalid argument.
And sovled it by change tcl version x64 to x86.

JNI UnsatisfiedLinkError- how do I load libraries correctly?

I'm trying to work with the Java sample Database program from the CardScan SDK.
I am working with files located in Java/JNI and Java/Database. The program must be run with a 32 bit JRE. I was able to do so on a 64 bit machine by uninstalling Java and installing the 32 bit version, then re-adding the system path for Java. I can run the program and interface with a CardScan database file (.cdb) successfully by double clicking the SDKData.bat file, but when I open the source files for editing and edit the Java.library.path to include the required library (CRTK_JNI.dll), I get UnsatisfiedLinkErrors everywhere:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: sdkdata.CRTK.CRTK_Init([I)I
at sdkdata.CRTK.CRTK_Init(Native Method)
at sdkdata.CRTK.(
at sdkdata.SDKData.(
at sdkdata.SDKData.main(
Java Result: 1
Presumably this is happening because the library is not loading properly.
What do I need to do to run and edit the program at full capacity (with all the native functions from CRTK_JNI in working order)?
Presumably this is happening because the library is not loading properly.
On the contrary. The library load is complete. You aren't getting that from a System.load()/loadLibrary() call, you are getting the error when calling your native method, the one that should have the signature:
package sdkdata;
public class CRTK
public native int CRTK_Init(int[]);
So it isn't there, or you have changed the signature without regenerating the .h and .c files, or you have manually mangled the declaration some other way.
Post your code.
To clarify, this Java sample program is officially unsupported by the CardScan API - it was a bad idea to try to use the API with an unsupported language relying solely on an experimental implementation. I ended up using one of the supported languages (Visual Basic) to work with the SDK; if anyone looking at this question happens to be struggling with using the CardScan API, here is my VB implementation on Github.