invalid command name "zlib" while executing http::geturl - http-headers

I'm on TCL 8.5 (can't upgrade) and running version 2.7.7 of the HTTP package. I'm calling a library which appears to be using the following http::geturl command to download an image which has been gzipped:
http::geturl $url -headers {Accept-Encoding gzip}
and I'm getting this error:
invalid command name "zlib"
Searching on the web, I could only find this reference to the bug which basically recommends stopping sending Accept-Encoding gzip, which I can't do (nor can I upgrade to 8.6)
My question is: is there any 8.5 workaround for this issue? Is there a way to stop this library from sending the "Accept-Encoding gzip" header?

The issue is that the code believes you've got the zlib package (which supplies the zlib command) available, and so turns on support for gzip-compressed streams. The simplest fix in your code is to do:
package require zlib
So long as this happens before you call into the code that does the http::geturl, this should be enough.
If you don't have the package (in which case you'll get a clear failure from the package require) then you've hit a bug either where the soft dependency code in the http package is getting it wrong when building the request headers, or in the server which is sending gzipped data despite not being asked for it. The code pointed to from TIP #234 (i.e., the SVN repository at contains the source for a version of the zlib package, in particular it's the version that formed the starting point for the built-in support in Tcl 8.6, but I think it only uses Tcl 8.5 APIs.
Unhelpfully, there are several versions of the zlib package around; this is one of the messiest Tcl packages to acquire, alas.


Snakemake wrappers fails to open environment file: HTTP Error 404: Not Found

When using snakemake wrappers with snakemake version 5.5.2 like this:
rule bcf_to_vcf:
"" # optional parameters for bcftools view (except -o)
I get the following error:
Building DAG of jobs...
Failed to open environment file
HTTPError: HTTP Error 404: Not Found
Apparently, the wrapper files are no longer available on bitbucket.
To use snakemake-wrappers version 0.38.1 and above, you need to use snakemake version 5.7.0 or higher.
What is going on:
Snakemake (and snakemake-wrappers) recently migrated from bitbucket to Github. This causes some minor inconvenience with the paths to the snakemake-wrappers repository used internally by snakemake. The easiest way to solve this is to update snakemake to version 5.7.0 or newer. These version already use the new paths to the Github version.
While the bitbucket repo of snakemake wrappers is still online, it only contains the snakemake-wrapper versions 0.38.0 and lower. To use a higher version of snakemake-wrappers (as 0.38.1 in the code above), you need a newer version of snakemake, which pulls workflow data from the Github version of snakemake-wrappers repo.

Icinga2 object ApiUser is unknown

I need help understanding an error why I'm seeing an error.
The feature api is already enabled with the correct ApiListener object, and Api logs are being updated in /var/lib/icinga2/api/log/current .
But I'm getting this error when I restart icinga2:
Error: Error while evaluating expression: The type 'ApiUser' is unknown: in /etc/icinga2/conf.d/api-users.conf: 1:0-1:20
I'm running version r2.3.10-1 of Icinga2 on Ubuntu.
Can someone explain what the problem is?
You are probably mixing the current snapshot packages with the released stable versions. The 'ApiUser' object is part of the upcoming Icinga 2 v2.4 release and only available in git master (and therefore snapshot packages as well as docs). The stable 2.3.x tree does not have that kind of configuration object type and therefore bails out with an error.
Remove that file or its content, you don't need it for 2.3.x.

AIX 7.1 missing Xm/Xm.h header

I've written a sample c file which includes Xm/Xm.h. When compile it, I have the following error, "fatal error: Xm/Xm.h: No such file or directory"
I'm using AIX 7.1. What package do I need to install to fix this problem and where can I find it? I was not able to find anything online regarding this issue. Thank you.
I just got the same error message.
You need to install (with installp on Aix):
either openmotif (and openmotif-dev)
or lesstif2-dev (smaller then openmotif, and can be enough)
(as mentioned in this answer)

How to load a dll in Tcl?

What I have tried (running Tcl and Tk 8.6.0 on Windows):
load D:/toot/bar/em.dll
load "D:/toot/bar/em.dll"
load D://toot//bar//em.dll
load "D://toot//bar//em.dll"
load D:\toot\bar\em.dll
load "D:\toot\bar\em.dll"
load D:\\toot\\bar\\em.dll
load "D:\\toot\\bar\\em.dll"
All of which return one of these two errors:
couldn't load library [what I put after 'load']: invalid argument
couldn't load library [what I put after 'load', rendered]: this library or a dependent library could not be found in library path
Assuming that file exists D:/toot/bar/em.dll returns truea, load D:/toot/bar/em.dll should work. However, it sounds like you've got problems with things (i.e., other DLLs) that the library depends on.
This is a general problem on Windows that has been asked elsewhere on Stack Overflow; the answers there are relevant to this question. You should also be aware that if the DLL has been linked against a specific version of the Tcl DLL (not recommended on Windows for Tcl extensions) then you need to have the same version of Tcl installed as it was linked against. Stub-enabled extensions do not have this problem at all (though they can still run into problems with other required libraries being absent).
It's a shame that the load command doesn't tell you what DLL is missing in its error message, but IIRC the underlying OS API doesn't report it either. You're stuck with using an external tool to diagnose these thingsā€¦
a Don't worry about backslash/forward-slash issues; Tcl handles those for you.
I have this problem, too,couldn't load library "ChariotExt": invalid argument.
And sovled it by change tcl version x64 to x86.

Using COM in R language

I am trying to get the rcom package for R working. It seems to have installed ok:
> install.packages("rcom");
--- Please select a CRAN mirror for use in this session ---
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/zip' length 204632 bytes (199 Kb)
opened URL
downloaded 199 Kb
package 'rcom' successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
The downloaded packages are in
updating HTML package descriptions
Then I try to run something:
Error: could not find function "comCreateObject"
What am I missing, the manual tells me that comCreateObject is the appropriate command. However, the manual's version is somewhat old. Anyone else have any insights?
I can see a couple of potential problems here - rcom has a weird installation.
Did you load the package - that is, run library(rcom) after installing it? I know, I know - but I forget that step all the time, and it would definitely give you the "could not find function" error.
Did you run the installstatconnDCOM() command? I almost didn't notice it telling me to do this.