How to allow client managers to test functions in Youtrack? - youtrack

I'm trying to set up YouTrack as a bug tracker, but I can't find a way to give my client's managers to open up issues.

For a user to be able to create issues, they need to posses the Create Issue permission. This permission is included in Reporters role. So the easiest solution would be to grant your client's managers the Reporter role in the project.


Can't log in to YouTrack

I can't log in to YouTrack. My teammate sent me a link to join to his project but when I want to log in it says: Incorrect username or password. I'm sure that the username and the password is correct because it's the same as my JetBrains profile.
How can I solve this problem and join to this project?
Usually JetBrains account and YouTrack account are not the same, so you shouldn't be able to log in to YouTrack with your JetBrains credentials. It can be possible only if your YouTrack is explicitly integrated with JetBrains Account to allow authentication with JBA credentials.
So when you are invited to join a project, you are expected to create a new account or to log in via configured auth modules (like JBA, Google, GitHub). The solution here depends on the YouTrack setup, so if my answer doesn't help, please provide more details about what you see on the login screen and how exactly you were invited to join the project. Your teammate should either create an account for you, or send you an invitation link, or this particular YouTrack instance should allow new users to create accounts. You can read more about each option here:

Add permission in the app in RingCentral production

We are working in RingCentral application and APIs with SMS and fax permissions.
The application recently moved to production from Sandbox environment.
We have now a requirement to add 2 additional permission ReadAccount, ReadContact in the app which was not added during sandbox testing.
How can we do that? I don't see any option to modify the app. Is there any way we can modify the existing app?
As per I know once your app is in production, you cannot change anything.
You need to ask for any help. Once they added the permission with your request (not sure if they do.. most probably they don't) you need to test again for that permission you acquired.
The official recommendation is to create a new app, add proper permissions and graduate it. So in that case you need to go through again.
As per the reference here
"You can clone the app, give it a new name or add a version to the new app name. Add the missing permissions and run test in the sandbox the same way as you did for the first app. Graduate your app and finally replace the client Id and secrete to use the new app. You can suspend the old app after that."
Similar question here:

Auth problem with creating Cloud Build Triggers

I seem to have gotten my Google/Github authentication into some kind of bad state. I am attempting (repeatedly) to create a Github build trigger by the following steps:
From click
"Create trigger"
Select Github and check the consent box.
Sign in to my Github account. This succeeds and I see the list of my repositories and my organization's repositories.
No matter what repository I select, I see this error:
There's a problem at our end
I've tried include signing out and in of my Github and Google accounts (including clearing all cookies) but nothing helps. I also asked another administrator to create the trigger and he sees the same error, which implies the issue must relate somehow between Google and Github and isn't specific to my personal account?
If anyone has seen this before or has any suggestions it would be a big help. Thanks!

Turn off 2-Step Verification for a user via API as a Google Apps super admin

As part of our "off-boarding" process for employees leaving the company, as super admins we use the Google Apps Admin SDK Directory API to change the user's password so that they can no longer access their account. Then we log in to do a Google Takeout, reset passwords for their other accounts, etc.
However, we recently decided to enforce 2-Step Verification for all of our users. So now when we go to log in to their account, it sends a code to their phone.
Since 2-Step is enforced for their SubOrg, we can't even turn it off through the admin console. So all I can do now is to have the API move the user to a different SubOrg where the 2-Step enforcement setting is turned off, and then manually turn off 2-Step.
Is there any way to programmatically turn off 2-Step verification for an account?
I looked in the Google Apps Admin SDK Directory API Users:update documentation, but it doesn't seem to have anything to do with 2-Step.
The Reports API can find out the user's enrollment status, but it's read-only for reporting purposes.
What you are doing is the correct way to remove the 2-Step verification. As you mentioned if it is enforced under a Organization Unit, removing it would get against that rule and that's why you are not able to do it unless you move the user to another OU where this is not enforced.
I was not able to find some way to do this programmatically. However, you could Suspend the user. After that, the user won't be able to access to that account. The account will still be visible in your Admin Console and all the information in the different Google services will remain attached to that account until you finally delete the account.
While the user is suspended, as admin, you can use service account to impersonate that user. By doing so you can act as that user and edit permissions or transfer the ownership of the files contained in Drive to a different account so those files won't get lost.
I hope this helps.
The easiest way to do this is to create a Group for which 2FA is exempt (see here: Then add the user to that group, then you can click "Disable 2FA" on the user page in the admin console. I'm assuming you can do the same through the API.
The only downside is that this means you'll have a group through which it is possible to exempt users from the 2FA enforcement option. So that's a risk you'll have to accept and a policy you have to carefully check.

User not authorized to use transaction SE80

I have downloaded and installed the SAP NetWeaver Application Server ABAP 7.02 SP6 32-bit Trial Version from SAP website.
I logged in with DDIC user account and wanted to create a program, but I couldn't do that. And I have read that I can't do that with DDIC account.
So I created a dialog user account, put it in the user group DEVELOPERS and when I try to go to SE80, there's the following error:
You are not authorized to use transaction SE80
How can I authorize my newly-created account?
Go to transaction SU01 and add profile SAP_ALL to your user.
Instead of SAP* or DDIC, you should be using the username BCUSER that comes with the trial.
See Page 9:
How to Administrate the ABAP Trial Version
To be able to do custom development at the system you'll need to enter your license info and developer key. You can get these for free at
Copy the SAP* user and use that user.