Add permission in the app in RingCentral production - permissions

We are working in RingCentral application and APIs with SMS and fax permissions.
The application recently moved to production from Sandbox environment.
We have now a requirement to add 2 additional permission ReadAccount, ReadContact in the app which was not added during sandbox testing.
How can we do that? I don't see any option to modify the app. Is there any way we can modify the existing app?

As per I know once your app is in production, you cannot change anything.
You need to ask for any help. Once they added the permission with your request (not sure if they do.. most probably they don't) you need to test again for that permission you acquired.
The official recommendation is to create a new app, add proper permissions and graduate it. So in that case you need to go through again.
As per the reference here
"You can clone the app, give it a new name or add a version to the new app name. Add the missing permissions and run test in the sandbox the same way as you did for the first app. Graduate your app and finally replace the client Id and secrete to use the new app. You can suspend the old app after that."
Similar question here:


Migrating from Shopify Private App to Shopify Customer App

I have a few questions regarding ShopifySharp package and Shopify Custom App and Private App.
It has a warning that says:
Some of your private apps and/or admin webhook subscriptions may not work as expected because they are using deprecated API versions.
It also has say, private apps need to be updated before January 1, 2023.
To give you an idea, we created an application in C# built using ShopifySharp. It has been working for years already. It has API Key, password, and domain to connect to, to get the essential data from. It's understandable. Now here comes the confusion. I created a new app in Shopify by clicking "Create an app" in the Settings, putting the name, etc. So, it now says it's a Custom App below the app name.
It made me confused because I don't know if I'm going to replace the old Private App with the new Custom App and use its credentials.
I also don't know if those credentials I am seeing is what I am going to put in my C# application, like the API key and secret key. I don't even know the use of "Admin API access token". I am new this Shopify thingy by the way but I have been developing and updating the C# app but I was just concern on the API key and password in the Private App.
I am also seeing Webhooks subscription default to "2022-10" but I don't know what to do with it.
I already asked the ShopifySharp maintainer but I am not satisfied with the answer. All I have to do it to change the to Is that all?

AppStore Connect - Is IDFA gone?

I'm uploading a new build of my iOS app and as always, I was going to check the IDFA options but I can't find them anywhere! Did something change?
It seems after requirement that apps use IDFA must ask users permission, Apple doesn't ask developers to select whether app use IDFA in App Store connect anymore.
So just submit app and don't care about it. I have submited an app successfully.

Change Authorize URL in Shopify for a Existing App

I am in the process of updating my Shopify App with new Permissions. This means there is a change in the authourize_url which would show up the permissions window when trying to install an app. I have also changed the redirect URL of the App. The App is currently listed in Shopify, and there are accounts using the App.
How would this change affect the current App Installs?
How do I go about this without having any downtime or manually asking Customers to uninstall and reinstall the App again?
What is the best way to handle such scenario?
You change the scopes. Your customers will therefore all have unauthorized oAuth tokens. The next time they try and use the App with the new scopes, your App will create a new oAuth token for their access as Shopify will prompt them to accept your new scopes.
It seems like pain, but it is the only way to go.

Adding a Sandboxed app to Login Items

I have read through many questions here about launching my app on login. I have followed this awesome tutorial suggested many times. That tutorial does work. BUT...
The one side affect that comes from using a helper app and registering it using SMLoginItemSetEnabled is that my app does not show up inside the user's Login Items in System Preferences.
There are several apps in the App Store (such as PopClip and Dash) that do what I am trying to do. I just can't figure out how...
UPDATE: I found out from the Dash developer that Dash is actually not sandboxed. He also believes that PopClip is not either. This could explain things...
UPDATE #2: I just got confirmation from the PopClip dev that it indeed is not sandboxed as well.
With the last 2 updates, I guess the answer is clear. As of today, there is no way to accomplish this with Sandboxed apps.
Hope it's not too late.
In Apple's "Daemons and Services Programming Guide":
Adding Login Items
There are two ways to add a login item: using the Service Management framework, and using a shared file list.
Login items installed using the Service Management framework are not visible in System Preferences and can only be removed by the application that installed them.
Login items installed using a shared file list are visible in System Preferences; users have direct control over them. If you use this API, your login item can be disabled by the user, so any other application that communicates with it it should have reasonable fallback behavior in case the login item is disabled.
In sandboxed environment, only Helper applications can be installed in login items. You need to create one, stored in the Contents/Library/LoginItems folder of the main application.
Then you can used SMLoginItemSetEnabled to set the helper as login item and ask the login item to start the main application.

Need to update application settings created by another user

A developer who is no longer on the project created the app/appid that our website currently uses to link with Facebook.
I would like to update settings on the app since we have re-branded / changed our domain name and I have no idea how to access it.
Just knowing how to send email to the email contact associated with the app would probably be helpful, but I would also like to know how to move the app from his account to mine.
There's no other option than to get him to add you as an admin for the app.