Get range of elements from redis using ReJSON - redis

So inside json we have a key called items which actually contain an array of elements, now we can get selective index from that array using JSON.GET employees-list .items[1].
But in our case what we need is to get a range from this array say elements with index 0-10, 10-20 etc for pagination purpose so that we don't have to get entire data in code and then filter results.
The reason I am looking for it because if we are reading entire list then as data size would be huge data transfer latency would increase as the API using it and redis server aren't on the same instance plus it makes more sense to not have to do it in code if possible.
So first thing is it even possible and if yes how can we it be achieved?

RedisJSON doesn't support full JSONPath syntax and only supports simple single paths.
But, you can utilize Redis pipeline support to achieve a good enough result, sending the following in a non-blocking way:
JSON.GET employees-list .items[1]
JSON.GET employees-list .items[2]
JSON.GET employees-list .items[3]
RedisJSON2 on the other hand has full JSONPath support and does support such queries, but currently for backward compatibility it only returns the first element (like RedisJSON). This kind of support is about to be added probably in the next week.


Nifi JSON regular expression

I am using convert AvroToJson processor to convert avro to json and then split json with expression $.* to break json array to individual record.
It is failing in case there is single element in json and not an array.
Can someone help with regular expression to support both array and single element.
You may want to try using ConvertRecord processor with an AvroReader and JsonWriter, then use SplitRecord with a record count of 1.
It may also be possible to avoid splitting to individual records. Typically that is done in order to manipulate each record, but with the record processors you can typically manipulate them in place, thus improving performance significantly by not splitting.
Well, you have nothing to split in a single element. If you want to avoid failure on single elements, you can use ConvertRecord instead of ConvertAvroToJson.
The difference is, that ConvertRecord will provide you the attribute record.count which tells you how many records are included in this FlowFile(and also a more generic flow).
This will allow you to put a middle processor(RouteOnAttribute) between ConvertRecord and SplitJSON.
So you can config it as such:
Routing Strategy=Route to 'matched' if all match
match(dynamic property)=${record.count:equals(1)}
Then, transfer connect matched relationship to the processor that is placed after your SplitJSON, and connect unmatched to your SplitJSON processor.
That way, if there's a single record(which shouldn't need any splitting), it will avoid the processor SplitJSON.

Best practice to store List<T> in StackExchange.Redis

I am trying to find best practice(efficient) way of storing set of List objects against ReportingDate key.
List could be serailised as Xml/DataContract or ProtoBuf....
And given some of the data could be big (for that slice of key):
I was wondering if there is any of getting data from redis cache in IEnum/streamed fashion? Atm we using ProtoBuf.NET to have file based cache. And we retrieve data into mem in streamed fashion (we also have an option of selecting what props/fields we want in that T object as ProtoBuf allows us to do it)
Is there any way can force (after some inactivity) certain part of the data to be offloaded from mem and back into file if it is not being used. But load it up again if it is called
It sounds like you want a sorted set - see You would use the date as the value, perhaps in epoch time (since it needs to be a number). SE.Redis supports all the operations you would expect to get ranges of values (either positional ranges - the first 20 records, etc; or absolute ranges bases on the value - all items between two dates expressed in the same unit). Look at the methods starting " SortedSet...".
The value can be binary, so protobuf-net is fine (you would serialize the value for each date separately). Just pass a byte[] as the value. You need to handle serialization separately to the redis library.
As for swapping data out: no. Redis has date-based expiration, but doesn't have hot and cold storage. It is either there, or it isn't. You could use scheduled tasks to purge or move data based on date ranges, again using any of the Z* (redis) or SortedSet* (SE.Redis) methods.
For the complete list of Z* operations, see: They should all be available in SE.Redis.

Fast, efficient method of assigning large array of data to array of clusters?

I'm looking for a faster, more efficient method of assigning data gathered from a DAQ to its proper location in a large cluster containing arrays of subclusters.
My current method 1 relies heavily on the OpenG cluster manipulation tools, but with a large data-set the performance is far too slow.
The array and cluster location of each element of data from the DAQ is determined during an initialization phase and doesn't change during acquisition.
Because the data element origin and end points are the same throughout acquisition, I would think an array of memory locations could be created and the data directly assigned to its proper place. I'm just not sure how to implement such a thing.
The following code does what you want:
For each of your cluster elements (AMC, ANLG_PM and PA) you should add a case in the string case structure, for the elements AMC and PA you will need to place a second case structure.
This is really more of a comment, but I do not have the reputation to leave those yet, so here it is:
Regarding adding cases for every possible value of Array name, is there any reason why you cannot use an enum here? Since you are placing it into a cluster anyway, I would suggest making a type-defined enum of your possible array names. That way, when you want to add or remove one, you only have to do it in one place.
You will still need to right-click on your case structures that use this enum and select Add item for every value if you are adding a value, or manually delete the obsolete value if you are removing one. I suppose some maintenance is required either way...

django objects...values() select only some fields

I'm optimizing the memory load (~2GB, offline accounting and analysis routine) of this line:
l2 = Photograph.objects.filter(**(movie.get_selectors())).values()
Is there a way to convince django to skip certain columns when fetching values()?
Specifically, the routine obtains all rows of the table matching certain criteria (db is optimized and performs it very quickly), but it is a bit too much for python to handle - there is a long string referenced in each row, storing the urls for thumbnails.
I only really need three fields from each row, but, if all the fields are included, it suddenly consumes about 5kB/row which sadly pushes the RAM to the limit.
The values(*fields) function allows you to specify which fields you want.
Check out the QuerySet method, only. When you declare that you only want certain fields to be loaded immediately, the QuerySet manager will not pull in the other fields in your object, till you try to access them.
If you have to deal with ForeignKeys, that must also be pre-fetched, then also check out select_related
The two links above to the Django documentation have good examples, that should clarify their use.
Take a look at Django Debug Toolbar it comes with a debugsqlshell management command that allows you to see the SQL queries being generated, along with the time taken, as you play around with your models on a django/python shell.

Compound Queries with Redis

For learning purposes I'm trying to write a simple structured document store in Redis. In my example application I'm indexing millions of documents that look a little like the following.
<book id="1234">
<title>Quick Brown Fox</title>
I'm writing a little query language that allows me to say YEAR = 1999 AND TITLE="Quick Brown Fox" (again, just for my learning, I don't care that I'm reinventing the wheel!) and this should return the ID's of the matching documents (1234 in this case). The AND and OR expressions can be arbitrarily nested.
For each document I'm generating keys as follows
BOOK_YEAR.1999 = 1234
I'm using SADD to plop these documents in a series of sets in the form KEYNAME.VALUE = { REFS }.
When I do the querying, I parse the expression into an AST. A simple expression such as YEAR=1999 maps directly to a SMEMBERS command which gets me the set of matching documents back. However, I'm not sure how to most efficiently perform the AND and OR parts.
Given a query such as:
(TITLE=Dental Surgery OR TITLE=DIY Appendectomy)
I currently make the following requests to Redis to answer these queries.
-- Stage one generates the intermediate results and returns RANDOM_GENERATED_KEY3
-- Retrieving the top level results just requires the last key generated
When I encounter an AND I use SINTERSTORE based on the two child keys (and similarly for OR I use SUNIONSTORE). I randomly generate a key to store the results in (and set a short TTL so I don't fill Redis up with cruft). By the end of this series of commands the return value is a key that I can use to retrieve the results with SMEMBERS. The reason I've used the store functions is that I don't want to transport all the matching document references back to the server, so I use temporary keys to store the result on the Redis instance and then only bring back the matching results at the end.
My question is simply, is this the best way to make use of Redis as a document store?
I'm using a similar approach with sorted sets to implement full text indexing. The overall approach is good, though there are a couple of fairly simple improvements you could make.
Rather than using randomly generated keys, you can use the query (or a short form thereof) as the key. That lets you reuse the sets that have already been calculated, which could significantly improve performance if you have queries across two large sets that are commonly combined in similar ways.
Handling title as a complete string will result in a very large number of single member sets. It may be better to index individual words in the title and filter the final results for an exact match if you really need it.