Nifi JSON regular expression - apache

I am using convert AvroToJson processor to convert avro to json and then split json with expression $.* to break json array to individual record.
It is failing in case there is single element in json and not an array.
Can someone help with regular expression to support both array and single element.

You may want to try using ConvertRecord processor with an AvroReader and JsonWriter, then use SplitRecord with a record count of 1.
It may also be possible to avoid splitting to individual records. Typically that is done in order to manipulate each record, but with the record processors you can typically manipulate them in place, thus improving performance significantly by not splitting.

Well, you have nothing to split in a single element. If you want to avoid failure on single elements, you can use ConvertRecord instead of ConvertAvroToJson.
The difference is, that ConvertRecord will provide you the attribute record.count which tells you how many records are included in this FlowFile(and also a more generic flow).
This will allow you to put a middle processor(RouteOnAttribute) between ConvertRecord and SplitJSON.
So you can config it as such:
Routing Strategy=Route to 'matched' if all match
match(dynamic property)=${record.count:equals(1)}
Then, transfer connect matched relationship to the processor that is placed after your SplitJSON, and connect unmatched to your SplitJSON processor.
That way, if there's a single record(which shouldn't need any splitting), it will avoid the processor SplitJSON.


Get range of elements from redis using ReJSON

So inside json we have a key called items which actually contain an array of elements, now we can get selective index from that array using JSON.GET employees-list .items[1].
But in our case what we need is to get a range from this array say elements with index 0-10, 10-20 etc for pagination purpose so that we don't have to get entire data in code and then filter results.
The reason I am looking for it because if we are reading entire list then as data size would be huge data transfer latency would increase as the API using it and redis server aren't on the same instance plus it makes more sense to not have to do it in code if possible.
So first thing is it even possible and if yes how can we it be achieved?
RedisJSON doesn't support full JSONPath syntax and only supports simple single paths.
But, you can utilize Redis pipeline support to achieve a good enough result, sending the following in a non-blocking way:
JSON.GET employees-list .items[1]
JSON.GET employees-list .items[2]
JSON.GET employees-list .items[3]
RedisJSON2 on the other hand has full JSONPath support and does support such queries, but currently for backward compatibility it only returns the first element (like RedisJSON). This kind of support is about to be added probably in the next week.

Natural way of indexing elements in Flink

Is there a built-in way to index and access indices of individual elements of DataStream/DataSet collection?
Like in typical Java collections, where you know that e.g. a 3rd element of an ArrayList can be obtained by ArrayList.get(2) and vice versa ArrayList.indexOf(elem) gives us the index of (the first occurence of) the specified element. (I'm not asking about extracting elements out of the stream.)
More specifically, when joining DataStreams/DataSets, is there a "natural"/easy way to join elements that came (were created) first, second, etc.?
I know there is a zipWithIndex transformation that assigns sequential indices to elements. I suspect the indices always start with 0? But I also suspect that they aren't necessarily assigned in the order the elements were created in (i.e. by their Event Time). (It also exists only for DataSets.)
This is what I currently tried:
DataSet<Tuple2<Long, Double>> tempsJoIndexed = DataSetUtils.zipWithIndex(tempsJo);
DataSet<Tuple2<Long, Double>> predsLinJoIndexed = DataSetUtils.zipWithIndex(predsLinJo);
DataSet<Tuple3<Double, Double, Double>> joinedTempsJo = tempsJoIndexed
And it seems to create wrong pairs.
I see some possible approaches, but they're either non-Flink or not very nice:
I could of course assign an index to each element upon the stream's
creation and have e.g. a stream of Tuples.
Work with event-time timestamps. (I suspect there isn't a way to key by timestamps, and even if there was, it wouldn't be useful for
joining multiple streams like this unless the timestamps are
actually assigned as indices.)
We could try "collecting" the stream first but then we wouldn't be using Flink anymore.
The 1. approach seems like the most viable one, but it also seems redundant given that the stream should by definition be a sequential collection and as such, the elements should have a sense of orderliness (e.g. `I'm the 36th element because 35 elements already came before me.`).
I think you're going to have to assign index values to elements, so that you can partition the data sets by this index, and thus ensure that two records which need to be joined are being processed by the same sub-task. Once you've done that, a simple groupBy(index) and reduce() would work.
But assigning increasing ids without gaps isn't trivial, if you want to be reading your source data with parallelism > 1. In that case I'd create a RichMapFunction that uses the runtimeContext sub-task id and number of sub-tasks to calculate non-overlapping and monotonic indexes.

Validating rows before inserting into BigQuery from Dataflow

According to
How do we set maximum_bad_records when loading a Bigquery table from dataflow? there is currently no way to set the maxBadRecords configuration when loading data into BigQuery from Dataflow. The suggestion is to validate the rows in the Dataflow job before inserting them into BigQuery.
If I have the TableSchema and a TableRow, how do I go about making sure that the row can safely be inserted into the table?
There must be an easier way of doing this than iterating over the fields in the schema, looking at their type and looking at the class of the value in the row, right? That seems error-prone, and the method must be fool-proof since the whole pipeline fails if a single row cannot be loaded.
My use case is an ETL job that at first will run on JSON (one object per line) logs on Cloud Storage and write to BigQuery in batch, but later will read objects from PubSub and write to BigQuery continuously. The objects contain a lot of information that isn't necessary to have in BigQuery and also contains parts that aren't even possible to describe in a schema (basically free form JSON payloads). Things like timestamps also need to be formatted to work with BigQuery. There will be a few variants of this job running on different inputs and writing to different tables.
In theory it's not a very difficult process, it takes an object, extracts a few properties (50-100), formats some of them and outputs the object to BigQuery. I more or less just loop over a list of property names, extract the value from the source object, look at a config to see if the property should be formatted somehow, apply the formatting if necessary (this could be downcasing, dividing a millisecond timestamp by 1000, extracting the hostname from a URL, etc.), and write the value to a TableRow object.
My problem is that data is messy. With a couple of hundred million objects there are some that don't look as expected, it's rare, but with these volumes rare things still happen. Sometimes a property that should contain a string contains an integer, or vice-versa. Sometimes there's an array or an object where there should be a string.
Ideally I would like to take my TableRow and pass it by TableSchema and ask "does this work?".
Since this isn't possible what I do instead is I look at the TableSchema object and try to validate/cast the values myself. If the TableSchema says a property is of type STRING I run value.toString() before adding it to the TableRow. If it's an INTEGER I check that it's a Integer, Long or BigInteger, and so on. The problem with this method is that I'm just guessing what will work in BigQuery. What Java data types will it accept for FLOAT? For TIMESTAMP? I think my validations/casts catch most problems, but there are always exceptions and edge cases.
In my experience, which is very limited, the whole work pipeline (job? workflow? not sure about the correct term) fails if a single row fails BigQuery's validations (just like a regular load does unless maxBadRecords is set to a sufficiently large number). It also fails with superficially helpful messages like 'BigQuery import job "dataflow_job_xxx" failed. Causes: (5db0b2cdab1557e0): BigQuery job "dataflow_job_xxx" in project "xxx" finished with error(s): errorResult: JSON map specified for non-record field, error: JSON map specified for non-record field, error: JSON map specified for non-record field, error: JSON map specified for non-record field, error: JSON map specified for non-record field, error: JSON map specified for non-record field'. Perhaps there is somewhere that can see a more detailed error message that could tell me which property it was and what the value was? Without that information it could just as well have said "bad data".
From what I can tell, at least when running in batch mode Dataflow will write the TableRow objects to the staging area in Cloud Storage and then start a load once everything is there. This means that there is nowhere for me to catch any errors, my code is no longer running when BigQuery is loaded. I haven't run any job in streaming mode yet, but I'm not sure how it would be different there, from my (admittedly limited) understanding the basic principle is the same, it's just the batch size that's smaller.
People use Dataflow and BigQuery, so it can't be impossible to make this work without always having to worry about the whole pipeline stopping because of a single bad input. How do people do it?
I'm assuming you deserialize the JSON from the file as a Map<String, Object>. Then you should be able to recursively type-check it with a TableSchema.
I'd recommend an iterative approach to developing your schema validation, with the following two steps.
Write a PTransform<Map<String, Object>, TableRow> that converts your JSON rows to TableRow objects. The TableSchema should also be a constructor argument to the function. You can start off making this function really strict -- require that JSON parsed input as Integer directly, for instance, when a BigQuery INTEGER schema was found -- and aggressively declare records in error. Basically, ensure that no invalid records are output by being super-strict in your handling.
Our code here does something somewhat similar -- given a file produced by BigQuery and written as JSON to GCS, we recursively walk the schema and do some type conversions. However, we do not need to validate, because BigQuery itself wrote the data.
Note that the TableSchema object is not Serializable. We've worked around by converting the TableSchema in a DoFn or PTransform constructor to a JSON String and back. See the code in that uses the jsonTableSchema variable.
Use the "dead-letter" strategy described in this blog post to handle bad records -- side output the offending Map<String, Object> rows from your PTransform and write them to a file. That way, you can inspect the rows that failed your validation later.
You might start with some small files and use the DirectPipelineRunner rather than the DataflowPipelineRunner. The direct runner runs the pipeline on your computer, rather than on Google Cloud Dataflow service, and it uses the BigQuery streaming writes. I believe when those writes fail you will get better error messages.
(We use the GCS->BigQuery Load Job pattern for Batch jobs because it's much more efficient and cost-effective, but BigQuery streaming writes in Streaming jobs because they are low-latency.)
Finally, in terms of logging information:
Definitely check Cloud Logging (by following the Worker Logs link on the logs panel.
You may get better information about why the load jobs triggered by your Batch Dataflows fail if you run the bq command-line utility: bq show -j PROJECT:dataflow_job_XXXXXXX.

Fast, efficient method of assigning large array of data to array of clusters?

I'm looking for a faster, more efficient method of assigning data gathered from a DAQ to its proper location in a large cluster containing arrays of subclusters.
My current method 1 relies heavily on the OpenG cluster manipulation tools, but with a large data-set the performance is far too slow.
The array and cluster location of each element of data from the DAQ is determined during an initialization phase and doesn't change during acquisition.
Because the data element origin and end points are the same throughout acquisition, I would think an array of memory locations could be created and the data directly assigned to its proper place. I'm just not sure how to implement such a thing.
The following code does what you want:
For each of your cluster elements (AMC, ANLG_PM and PA) you should add a case in the string case structure, for the elements AMC and PA you will need to place a second case structure.
This is really more of a comment, but I do not have the reputation to leave those yet, so here it is:
Regarding adding cases for every possible value of Array name, is there any reason why you cannot use an enum here? Since you are placing it into a cluster anyway, I would suggest making a type-defined enum of your possible array names. That way, when you want to add or remove one, you only have to do it in one place.
You will still need to right-click on your case structures that use this enum and select Add item for every value if you are adding a value, or manually delete the obsolete value if you are removing one. I suppose some maintenance is required either way...

django objects...values() select only some fields

I'm optimizing the memory load (~2GB, offline accounting and analysis routine) of this line:
l2 = Photograph.objects.filter(**(movie.get_selectors())).values()
Is there a way to convince django to skip certain columns when fetching values()?
Specifically, the routine obtains all rows of the table matching certain criteria (db is optimized and performs it very quickly), but it is a bit too much for python to handle - there is a long string referenced in each row, storing the urls for thumbnails.
I only really need three fields from each row, but, if all the fields are included, it suddenly consumes about 5kB/row which sadly pushes the RAM to the limit.
The values(*fields) function allows you to specify which fields you want.
Check out the QuerySet method, only. When you declare that you only want certain fields to be loaded immediately, the QuerySet manager will not pull in the other fields in your object, till you try to access them.
If you have to deal with ForeignKeys, that must also be pre-fetched, then also check out select_related
The two links above to the Django documentation have good examples, that should clarify their use.
Take a look at Django Debug Toolbar it comes with a debugsqlshell management command that allows you to see the SQL queries being generated, along with the time taken, as you play around with your models on a django/python shell.