TFX StatisticsGen for image data - tensorflow

Hi I've trying to get a TFX Pipeline going just as an exercise really. I'm using ImportExampleGen to load TFRecords from disk. Each Example in the TFRecord contains a jpg in the form of a byte string, height, width, depth, steering and throttle labels.
I'm trying to use StatisticsGen but I'm receiving this warning;
WARNING:root:Feature "image_raw" has bytes value "None" which cannot be decoded as a UTF-8 string. and crashing my Colab Notebook. As far as I can tell all the byte-string images in the TFRecord are not corrupt.
I cannot find concrete examples on StatisticsGen and handling image data. According to the docs Tensorflow Data Validation can deal with image data.
In addition to computing a default set of data statistics, TFDV can also compute statistics for semantic domains (e.g., images, text). To enable computation of semantic domain statistics, pass a tfdv.StatsOptions object with enable_semantic_domain_stats set to True to tfdv.generate_statistics_from_tfrecord.
But I'm not sure how this fits in with StatisticsGen.
Here is the code that instantiates an ImportExampleGen then the StatisticsGen
from tfx.utils.dsl_utils import tfrecord_input
from tfx.components.example_gen.import_example_gen.component import ImportExampleGen
from tfx.proto import example_gen_pb2
examples = tfrecord_input(_tf_record_dir)
# has a good explanation of splitting the data the 'output_config' param
# Input train split is _tf_record_dir/*'
# Output 2 splits: train:eval=8:2.
train_ratio = 8
eval_ratio = 10-train_ratio
output = example_gen_pb2.Output(
example_gen = ImportExampleGen(input=examples,
statistics_gen = StatisticsGen(
Thanks in advance.

From git issue response
Thanks Evan Rosen
Hi Folks,
The warnings you are seeing indicate that StatisticsGen is trying to treat your raw image features like a categorical string feature. The image bytes are being decoded just fine. The issue is that when the stats (including top K examples) are being written, the output proto is expecting a UTF-8 valid string, but instead gets the raw image bytes. Nothing is wrong with your setups from what I can tell, but this is just an unintended side-effect of a well-intentioned warning in the event that you have a categorical string feature which can't be serialized. We'll look into finding a better default that handles image data more elegantly.
In the meantime, to tell StatisticsGen that this feature is really an opaque blob, you can pass in a user-modified schema as described in the StatsGen docs. To generate this schema, you can run StatisticsGen and SchemaGen once (on a sample of data) and then modify the inferred schema to annotate that image features. Here is a modified version of the colab from #tall-josh:
Open In Colab
The additional steps are a bit verbose, but having a curated schema is often a good practice for other reasons. Here is the cell that I added to the notebook:
from google.protobuf import text_format
from import file_io
from tensorflow_metadata.proto.v0 import schema_pb2
# Load autogenerated schema (using stats from small batch)
schema = tfx.utils.io_utils.SchemaReader().read(
# Modify schema to indicate which string features are images.
# Ideally you would persist a golden version of this schema somewhere rather
# than regenerating it on every run.
for feature in schema.feature:
if == 'image/raw':
# Write modified schema to local file
user_schema_dir ='/tmp/user-schema/'
os.path.join(user_schema_dir, 'schema.pbtxt'), schema)
# Create ImportNode to make modified schema available to other components
user_schema_importer = tfx.components.ImporterNode(
# Run the user schema ImportNode
Hopefully you find this workaround is useful. In the meantime, we'll take a look at a better default experience for image-valued features.

Groked this and found the solution to be dramatically simpler than i thought...
from tfx.orchestration.experimental.interactive.interactive_context import InteractiveContext
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger()
context = InteractiveContext(pipeline_name='my_pipe')
c = StatisticsGen(...)


when trying to load external tfrecord with TFDS, given tf.train.Example, how to get tfds.features?

What I need help with / What I was wondering
Hi, I am trying to load external tfrecord files with TFDS. I have read the official doc here, and find I need to define the feature structure using tfds.features. However, since the tfrecords files are alreay generated, I do not have control the generation pipeline. I do, however, know the tf.train.Example structre used in TFRecordWriter during generation, shown as follows.
from import BytesList, Example, Feature, Features, Int64List
'image': Feature(bytes_list=BytesList(value=[img_str])), # img_str is jpg encoded image raw bytes
'caption': Feature(bytes_list=BytesList(value=[caption])), # caption is a string
'height': Feature(bytes_list=Int64List(value=[caption])),
'width': Feature(bytes_list=Int64List(value=[caption])),
The doc only describes how to translate tfds.features into the human readable structure of the tf.train.Example. But nowhere does it mention how to translate a tf.train.Example into tfds.features, which is needed to automatically add the proper metadata fileswith tfds.folder_dataset.write_metadata.
I wonder how to translate the above tf.train.Example into tfds.features? Thanks a lot!
BTW, while I understand that it is possible to directly read the data as it is in TFRecord with and then use map(decode_fn) for decoding as suggested here, it seems to me this approach lacks necessary metadata like num_shards or shard_lengths. In this case, I am not sure if it is still ok to use common operations like cache/repeat/shuffle/map/batch on that So I think it is better to stick to the tfds approach.
What I've tried so far
I have searched the official doc for quite some time but cannot find the answer. There is a Scalar class in tfds.features, which I assume could be used to decode Int64List. But How can I decode the BytesList?
Environment information
tensorflow-datasets version: 4.8.2
tensorflow version: 2.11.0
After some searching, I find the simplest solution is
features = tfds.features.FeaturesDict({
'image': tfds.features.Image(), # << Ideally best if add the `shape=(h, w, c)` info
'caption': tfds.features.Text(),
'height': tf.int32,
'width': tf.int32,
Then I can load the data either with tfds.folder_dataset.write_metadata or directly with:
ds =
ds =
batch, shuffle ,... will work as expected in both cases.
The TFDS metadata would be helpful if fine-grained split control is needed.

How to load customized NER model from disk with SpaCy?

I have customized NER pipeline with following procedure
doc = nlp("I am going to Vallila. I am going to Sörnäinen.")
for ent in doc.ents:
print(ent.text, ent.label_)
'We need to deliver it to Vallila', {
'entities': [(25, 32, 'DISTRICT')]
'We need to deliver it to somewhere', {
'entities': []
ner = nlp.get_pipe("ner")
optimizer = nlp.get_pipe("ner").create_optimizer()
import random
from import Example
for i in range(25):
for text, annotation in TRAIN_DATA:
example = Example.from_dict(nlp.make_doc(text), annotation)
nlp.update([example], sgd=optimizer)
I tried to save that customized NER to disk and load it again with following code
import spacy
from spacy.pipeline import EntityRecognizer
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_lg", disable=['ner'])
ner = EntityRecognizer(nlp.vocab)
I got however following error:
---> 10 ner = EntityRecognizer(nlp.vocab)
11 ner.from_disk('/home/feru/ner')
12 nlp.add_pipe(ner)
~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/spacy/pipeline/ner.pyx in
TypeError: init() takes at least 2 positional arguments (1 given)
This method to save and load custom component from disk seems to be from some erly SpaCy version. What's the second argument EntityRecognizer needs?
The general process you are following of serializing a single component and reloading it is not the recommended way to do this in spaCy. You can do it - it has to be done internally, of course - but you generally want to save and load pipelines using high-level wrappers. In this case this means that you would save like this:
nlp.to_disk("my_model") # NOT ner.to_disk
And then load it with spacy.load("my_model").
You can find more detail about this in the saving and loading docs. Since it seems you're just getting started with spaCy, you might want to go through the course too. It covers the new config-based training in v3, which is much easier than using your own custom training loop like in your code sample.
If you want to mix and match components from different pipelines, you still will generally want to save entire pipelines, and you can then combine components from them using the "sourcing" feature.

One Hot Encoding of large dataset

I want to build recommendation system using association rules with implemented in mlxtend library apriori algorithm. In my sales data there is information about 36 millions of transactions and 50k unique products.
I tried to use sklearn OneHotEncoder and pandas get_dummies() but both are giving OOM error as they are not able to create frame in shape of (36 mil, 50k)
MemoryError: Unable to allocate 398. GiB for an array with shape (36113798, 50087) and data type uint8
Is there any other solution?
Like you, I too had out of memory error with mlxtend at first, but the following small changes fixed the problem completely.
from mlxtend.preprocessing import TransactionEncoder
import pandas as pd
te = TransactionEncoder()
#te_ary =
#df = pd.DataFrame(te_ary, columns=te.columns_)
fitted =
te_ary = fitted.transform(itemSetList, sparse=True) # seemed to work good
df = pd.DataFrame.sparse.from_spmatrix(te_ary, columns=te.columns_) # seemed to work good
# now you can call mlxtend's fpgrowth() followed by association_rules()
You should also use fpgrowth instead of apriori on the big transaction datasets because apriori is too primitive. fpgrowth is more intelligent and modern than apriori but gives equivalent results. The mlxtend lib supports both apriori and fpgrowth.
I think a good solution would be to use embeddings instead of one-hot encoding for your problem. In addition, I recommend that you split your dataset into smaller subsets to further avoid the memory consumption problems.
You should also consult this thread :

Feeding .npy (numpy files) into tensorflow data pipeline

Tensorflow seems to lack a reader for ".npy" files.
How can I read my data files into the new pipline?
My data doesn't fit in memory.
Each object is saved in a separate ".npy" file. each file contains 2 different ndarrays as features and a scalar as their label.
It is actually possible to read directly NPY files with TensorFlow instead of TFRecords. The key pieces are and, along with a look at the documentation of the NPY format. For simplicity, let's suppose that a float32 NPY file containing an array with shape (N, K) is given, and you know the number of features K beforehand, as well as the fact that it is a float32 array. An NPY file is just a binary file with a small header and followed by the raw array data (object arrays are different, but we're considering numbers now). In short, you can find the size of this header with a function like this:
def npy_header_offset(npy_path):
with open(str(npy_path), 'rb') as f:
if != b'\x93NUMPY':
raise ValueError('Invalid NPY file.')
version_major, version_minor =
if version_major == 1:
header_len_size = 2
elif version_major == 2:
header_len_size = 4
raise ValueError('Unknown NPY file version {}.{}.'.format(version_major, version_minor))
header_len = sum(b << (8 * i) for i, b in enumerate(
header =
if not header.endswith(b'\n'):
raise ValueError('Invalid NPY file.')
return f.tell()
With this you can create a dataset like this:
import tensorflow as tf
npy_file = 'my_file.npy'
num_features = ...
dtype = tf.float32
header_offset = npy_header_offset(npy_file)
dataset =[npy_file], num_features * dtype.size, header_bytes=header_offset)
Each element of this dataset contains a long string of bytes representing a single example. You can now decode it to obtain an actual array:
dataset = s:, dtype))
The elements will have indeterminate shape, though, because TensorFlow does not keep track of the length of the strings. You can just enforce the shape since you know the number of features:
dataset = s: tf.reshape(, dtype), (num_features,)))
Similarly, you can choose to perform this step after batching, or combine it in whatever way you feel like.
The limitation is that you had to know the number of features in advance. It is possible to extract it from the NumPy header, though, just a bit of a pain, and in any case very hardly from within TensorFlow, so the file names would need to be known in advance. Another limitation is that, as it is, the solution requires you to either use only one file per dataset or files that have the same header size, although if you know that all the arrays have the same size that should actually be the case.
Admittedly, if one considers this kind of approach it may just be better to have a pure binary file without headers, and either hard code the number of features or read them from a different source...
You can do it with tf.py_func, see the example here.
The parse function would simply decode the filename from bytes to string and call np.load.
Update: something like this:
def read_npy_file(item):
data = np.load(item.decode())
return data.astype(np.float32)
file_list = ['/foo/bar.npy', '/foo/baz.npy']
dataset =
dataset =
lambda item: tuple(tf.py_func(read_npy_file, [item], [tf.float32,])))
Does your data fit into memory? If so, you can follow the instructions from the Consuming NumPy Arrays section of the docs:
Consuming NumPy arrays
If all of your input data fit in memory, the simplest way to create a Dataset from them is to convert them to tf.Tensor objects and use Dataset.from_tensor_slices().
# Load the training data into two NumPy arrays, for example using `np.load()`.
with np.load("/var/data/training_data.npy") as data:
features = data["features"]
labels = data["labels"]
# Assume that each row of `features` corresponds to the same row as `labels`.
assert features.shape[0] == labels.shape[0]
dataset =, labels))
In the case that the file doesn't fit into memory, it seems like the only recommended approach is to first convert the npy data into a TFRecord format, and then use the TFRecord data set format, which can be streamed without fully loading into memory.
Here is a post with some instructions.
FWIW, it seems crazy to me that TFRecord cannot be instantiated with a directory name or file name(s) of npy files directly, but it appears to be a limitation of plain Tensorflow.
If you can split the single large npy file into smaller files that each roughly represent one batch for training, then you could write a custom data generator in Keras that would yield only the data needed for the current batch.
In general, if your dataset cannot fit in memory, storing it as one single large npy file makes it very hard to work with, and preferably you should reformat the data first, either as TFRecord or as multiple npy files, and then use other methods.
Problem setup
I had a folder with images that were being fed into an InceptionV3 model for extraction of features. This seemed to be a huge bottleneck for the entire process. As a workaround, I extracted features from each image and then stored them on disk in a .npy format.
Now I had two folders, one for the images and one for the corresponding .npy files. There was an evident problem with the loading of .npy files in the pipeline.
I came across TensorFlow's official tutorial on show attend and tell which had a great workaround for the problem this thread (and I) were having.
Load numpy files
First off we need to create a mapping function that accepts the .npy file name and returns the numpy array.
# Load the numpy files
def map_func(feature_path):
feature = np.load(feature_path)
return feature
Use the tf.numpy_function
With the tf.numpy_function we can wrap any python function and use it as a TensorFlow op. The function must accept numpy object (which is exactly what we want).
We create a with the list of all the .npy filenames.
dataset =
We then use the map function of the API to do the rest of our task.
# Use map to load the numpy files in parallel
dataset = item: tf.numpy_function(
map_func, [item], tf.float16),

TensorFlow: Opening log data written by SummaryWriter

After following this tutorial on summaries and TensorBoard, I've been able to successfully save and look at data with TensorBoard. Is it possible to open this data with something other than TensorBoard?
By the way, my application is to do off-policy learning. I'm currently saving each state-action-reward tuple using SummaryWriter. I know I could manually store/train on this data, but I thought it'd be nice to use TensorFlow's built in logging features to store/load this data.
As of March 2017, the EventAccumulator tool has been moved from Tensorflow core to the Tensorboard Backend. You can still use it to extract data from Tensorboard log files as follows:
from tensorboard.backend.event_processing.event_accumulator import EventAccumulator
event_acc = EventAccumulator('/path/to/summary/folder')
# Show all tags in the log file
# E. g. get wall clock, number of steps and value for a scalar 'Accuracy'
w_times, step_nums, vals = zip(*event_acc.Scalars('Accuracy'))
Easy, the data can actually be exported to a .csv file within TensorBoard under the Events tab, which can e.g. be loaded in a Pandas dataframe in Python. Make sure you check the Data download links box.
For a more automated approach, check out the TensorBoard readme:
If you'd like to export data to visualize elsewhere (e.g. iPython
Notebook), that's possible too. You can directly depend on the
underlying classes that TensorBoard uses for loading data:
python/summary/ (for loading data from a single
run) or python/summary/ (for loading data from
multiple runs, and keeping it organized). These classes load groups of
event files, discard data that was "orphaned" by TensorFlow crashes,
and organize the data by tag.
As another option, there is a script
(tensorboard/scripts/ which will load a
logdir just like TensorBoard does, but write all of the data out to
disk as json instead of starting a server. This script is setup to
make "fake TensorBoard backends" for testing, so it is a bit rough
around the edges.
I think the data are encoded protobufs RecordReader format. To get serialized strings out of files you can use py_record_reader or build a graph with TFRecordReader op, and to deserialize those strings to protobuf use Event schema. If you get a working example, please update this q, since we seem to be missing documentation on this.
I did something along these lines for a previous project. As mentioned by others, the main ingredient is tensorflows event accumulator
from tensorflow.python.summary import event_accumulator as ea
acc = ea.EventAccumulator("folder/containing/summaries/")
# Print tags of contained entities, use these names to retrieve entities as below
# E. g. get all values and steps of a scalar called 'l2_loss'
xy_l2_loss = [(s.step, s.value) for s in acc.Scalars('l2_loss')]
# Retrieve images, e. g. first labeled as 'generator'
img = acc.Images('generator/image/0')
with open('img_{}.png'.format(img.step), 'wb') as f:
You can also use the tf.train.summaryiterator: To extract events in a ./logs-Folder where only classic scalars lr, acc, loss, val_acc and val_loss are present you can use this GIST:
Chris Cundy's answer works well when you have less than 10000 data points in your tfevent file. However, when you have a large file with over 10000 data points, Tensorboard will automatically sampling them and only gives you at most 10000 points. It is a quite annoying underlying behavior as it is not well-documented. See
To get around it and get all data points, a bit hacky way is to:
from tensorboard.backend.event_processing.event_accumulator import EventAccumulator
class FalseDict(object):
def __getitem__(self,key):
return 0
def __contains__(self, key):
return True
event_acc = EventAccumulator('path/to/your/tfevents',size_guidance=FalseDict())
It looks like for tb version >=2.3 you can streamline the process of converting your tb events to a pandas dataframe using
It requires you to upload your logs to, though, which is public. There are plans to expand the capability to locally stored logs in the future.
You can also use the EventFileLoader to iterate through a tensorboard file
from tensorboard.backend.event_processing.event_file_loader import EventFileLoader
for event in EventFileLoader('path/to/').Load():
Surprisingly, the python package tb_parse has not been mentioned yet.
From documentation:
pip install tensorflow # or tensorflow-cpu pip install -U tbparse # requires Python >= 3.7
Note: If you don't want to install TensorFlow, see Installing without TensorFlow.
We suggest using an additional virtual environment for parsing and plotting the tensorboard events. So no worries if your training code uses Python 3.6 or older versions.
Reading one or more event files with tbparse only requires 5 lines of code:
from tbparse import SummaryReader
reader = SummaryReader(log_dir)
df = reader.scalars