IntelliJ 2019 scroll to source missing from project options menu - intellij-idea

My question consist of 2 parts:
After update to 2019 version of IntelliJ Scroll to Source option from project panel is missing, after some web search I'm unable to find it. Is it missing? Default?
I'd like to set "scroll to source" so that whenever I'm opening tab it's highlighted in project, but exclude redirect to external libraries like java's or node_modules (they tend to be several classes long and make scrolling time-consuming). Excluding those libraries from project would be kind of a way perhaps?

The actions have been renamed improve an user experience for those who move from other IDEs: Autoscroll to Source -> Open Files with Single Click, Autoscroll from Source -> Always Select Opened File; see IDEA-217044.
Note that Scroll from Source button (currently called Select Opened File) is only available if Always Select Opened FIle is disabled.
There is no way to disable auto-scrolling to libraries; please vote for IDEA-200580 to be notified on any progress with this feature request.


Navigate to class in project view - intelij

I upgraded my IDE to the new version 2019.3
in the previous version I have the ability to navigate in the project view to the class that I am currently working on.
today this is not displayed
how can I restore it?
this is the old menu, I want to add the icon that is marked in purple
Could it be you have the option Always Select Opened File enabled under the cog menu? When this is enabled the file currently open in the editor is selected automatically in the project view. This makes the "locate" action unnecessary and it is hidden.

Equivalent of having 2 projects open in my WebStorm workspace?

I open a project, but want to create a module to reference in WebStorm, (mostly so I can do work in 2 projects instead of having 2+ instance of WebStorm open).
In IntelliJ Ultimate or whatnot, it has a modules button. It Kinda looks like modules does not exist for me, or at least I have not see anything.
I have 2 folders which are siblings to each other representing the 2 separate projects I wanted to open in 1 instance of WebStorm.
Where can I find this information for WebStorm?
A lot of the googling was talking about modules but I didn't see that option, and I believe I noticed some posts mentioning this is not a thing in WebStorm.
Thoughts? Guidance?
WebStorm/PhpStorm project consists of a single module only (WEB_MODULE type).
WebStorm cannot open more than one project in single frame. -- watch this ticket (star/vote/comment) to get notified on any progress.
At the same time it's possible in PhpStorm:
But it's still will not be full "two separate projects with separate settings" AFAIK. It's more of a "attaching 2nd project so you can see and edit those files in the same frame".
Question is: why exactly you need this? To access files of a second project? If so -- just add such folder(s) as Additional Content Root -- it will be listed as another node in the Project View panel and files will be treated as part of the project itself.
in Webstrom 2019.2 is it now avilable to open attached project to the current project.
Open multiple projects in one window
When you have a project opened in WebStorm and want to open another one, you can now attach this second project to the opened one, so that you can see both of them in the same IDE window. If you want to close the attached project, right-click its root in the Project view and select Remove from Project View.

How do I change the default settings in IntelliJ to open a file in the current tab

I find the UX of IntelliJ to be extremely annoying (especially since I have been using XCode until now and really love it). Specifically the fact that I need to "double click" a file in order to view it, and moreover that the file is opened in a new tab.
The behaviour that I desire is that when selecting a new file from the file navigator, the file open "inside" (replace) the currently viewed tab. I don't want to have to double-click the file from the navigator and I don't want the file to open in a new tab.
So for instance if the current tab is showing "" and I were to select (Single-click) "" from the navigator, the tab would now show "" and not "".
I am not aware of how to define this behaviour in the settings screen.
I am using IntelliJ Ultimate 2017.2.2 on a Mac.
A couple of examples of what I want:
Like in XCode:
Like in Chrome:
Like in Safari:
Like in Finder:

IDEA IDE - disable inspection for one file

Is there a way to disable inspection for one file opened in the editor? I occasionally open large library file in the editor to inspect its source code, and don't want IDEA to run inspections on this particular file.
Use Hector the Inspector guy. You can access it by clicking on "guy in a hat" icon in Status Bar or via Code | Configure Current File Analysis... from the main menu.
Once there you can move the "Highlighting Level" slider from "Inspections" to "Syntax" .. or even "None" in case of a large or complex file.
Settings here affect current file only (excludes "Power Save Mode" option)
Depending on a file, you may have multiple sliders (e.g. in .php file you will see separate sliders for HTML and PHP languages: this may change depending on some other settings):
If your file is actually part of the library (PHP or JavaScript; "Library" in terms of IDE, of course) then they by default should not have inspections enabled in them:
UPDATE 2021-06-11:
Hector the Inspector has been removed from the status bar since 2020.2 version or so. You can get it back by installing Hector the Inspector plugin from Settings/Preferences | Plugins
You can set scope for your project and run inspections only for selected scopes.
#see Inspection severity and scopes

Highlight file opens up file in a preview window functionality instead of double click

Coming from a Visual Studio environment and Xcode environment, if you highlight a file on the project window (LHS), the file opens. IntelliJ doesn't open a file until you double click it.
It's kind of a different feel since it opens it up in a new tab each time vs just using the last active window or a preview window to flip between files. Is there a way to make it more like VS or Xcode that where highlighting the file actually opens the file in the current window?
There is Autoscroll to Source option in the project view settings. Unfortunately it doesn't open the focused files in the current tab, but in new tabs.
I haven't found an option to change this behavior anywhere, but there is already a feature request on IntelliJ's YouTrack asking for this, so feel free to vote for it :)