ASSIGN fails with variable from debugger path - abap

I am trying to assign the value of this stucture path to a fieldsymbol, but this path does not work because it has a table in it's path.
But with in the debugger this value of this path is shown correctly.
Is there a way to dynamically assign a component of a table line to a fieldsymbol, by passing one path?
If not then I will just read the table line and then use the path to get the wanted value.
ls_struct (Struct)
ASSIGN (i_component_path) TO FIELD-SYMBOL(<lg_value>).
IF <lg_value> IS NOT ASSIGNED.
<lg_value> won't be assigned

Solution by Sandra Rossi
The debugger has its own syntax and own logic, it doesn't apply the ASSIGN algorithm at all. With ABAP source code, you have to use ASSIGN twice, the first one to reach the internal table, then you select the first line, and the second one to reach the component of the line.
The debugger works completely differently, the debugger code works only in debug mode, you can't call the code from the debugger (i.e. if you call it, the kernel code used by the debugger will fail). No, there's no "abappath". There are the XSL transformation objects (xpath), but it's slow for what you ask.
Thank you very much

This seems to be a rather unexpected limitation of the ASSIGN statement. Probably worth a ticket to SAP's ABAP language group to clarify whether it's even a bug.
While this works:
ASSIGN data-some_table[ 1 ]-some_field TO FIELD-SYMBOL(<lv_source>).
the same expressed as a string doesn't:
ASSIGN (`data-some_table[ 1 ]-some_field`) TO FIELD-SYMBOL(<lv_source>).
Alternative 1 for (name) of the ABAP keyword documentation for the ASSIGN statement says that "[t]he name in name is structured in the same way as if specified directly".
However, this declaration is immediately followed by "the content of name must be the name of a data object which may contain offsets and lengths, structure component selectors, and component selectors for assigning structured data objects and attributes in classes or objects", a list that does not include the table expressions we would need here.


Show all variables and their values in VBA during runtime

In my current project in Access VBA, I created a window which works like a console and now I am trying to add a possibility to display any public variable. It should work like:
Show_var [variable_name]
So it should be like in the direct window where i can type:
? pVar.variable_A
I found out that using
I can display the number of lines within a module or form so I thought perhaps I could somehow find the variables there, cycle through them and when the correct one is found, its value can be shown. OFC I could make a Select Case Statement where all variables are included but that is not the way I want to do it because it is complicated and must be changed every time update my public variable list.
There are so many problems that I think you are out of luck. Let me just list some of them:
There is no way to get a list of all variables - that would mean you would need access to the internal symbol table.
As a consequence, you would have to read the code (CodeModule lets you read the code of a module), and write an own parser to fetch all declarations (hopefully you use Option Explicit)
AFAIK, the is no method that can access the content of a variable via it's name.
Even if there would be any such method: What would you do with different data types, arrays and especially with objects.
If a user runs into problems, often it is a runtime error. If you don't handle that errors with some kind of error handler, the only option if a user cannot enter the debugger is to press "End" - which would destroy the content of all variables.
You have to deal with scope of variables, you can have several variables with the same name and you will likely have lots of variables that are out of scope in the moment you want to dump them.

What are anonymous variables?

A program variable is an abstraction of a computer memory cell or collection
of cells. Programmers often think of variable names as names for memory locations, but there is much more to a variable than just a name.
In this case, what is an anonymous variable?
What does the below statement mean?
Variables without names are called anonymous variables.
Can you provide language specific examples for the same?
In C++, reference variable to const can be initialized by constant.
In this point, temporary variable is created in memory to grab the constant.
const int &ref = 3;
like this. so we can call this temporary variable to "anonymous variable".
Variables are where you store you values. 'Variable Name' is the usually the easiest (and more human-like) way to locate your value.For example, if I am a variable, you can get my value by calling my name, and the combination of my value and my name is called 'variable'.
However, not all variables need a name.Sometimes you just use them once and don't need them anymore; and in that case, a name is unnecessary.
The example given by #BAE HA RAM is a telling one,in which case you don't need a name for the value but ref to it by a pointer(But still got a name for that pointer)..
There are also many other anonymous things, anonymous type, anonymous function and so on. Most of them are created to avoid too many meaningless names for the things that you only need to run once.
I'd like to know which language you are using, so more specific example can be given...

Get a name of a method parameter using Javassist

I have a CtMethod instance, but I don't know how to get names of parameters (not types) from it. I tried getParameterTypes, but it seems it returns only types.
I'm assuming it's possible, because libraries I'm using don't have sources, just class files and I can see names of method parameters in IDE.
It is indeed possible to retrieve arguments' names, but only if the code has been compiled with debug symbols otherwise you won't be able to do it.
To retrieve this information you have to access the method's local variable table. For further information about this data structure I suggest you to check section 4.7.13. The LocalVariableTable Attribute of the jvm spec. As I usually say, JVM spec may look bulky but it's an invaluable friend when you're working at this level!
Accessing the local variable table attribute of your ctmethod
CtMethod method = .....;
MethodInfo methodInfo = method.getMethodInfo();
LocalVariableAttribute table = methodInfo.getCodeAttribute().getAttribute(javassist.bytecode.LocalVariableAttribute.tag);
You now have the the local variable attribute selected in table variable.
Detecting the number of localVariables
int numberOfLocalVariables = table.tableLenght();
Now keep in mind two things regarding the number in numberOfLocalVariables:
1st: local variables defined inside your method's body will also be accounted in tableLength();
2nd: if you're in a non static method so will be this variable.
The order of your local variable table will be something like:
|this (if non static) | arg1 | arg2 | ... | argN | var1 | ... | varN|
Retriving the argument name
Now if you want to retrieve, for example, the arg2's name from the previous example, it's the 3rd position in the array. Hence you do the following:
// remember it's an array so it starts in 0, meaning if you want position 3 => use index 2
int frameWithNameAtConstantPool = table.nameIndex(2);
String variableName = methodInfo.getConstPool().getUtf8Info(frameAtConstantPool)
You now have your variable's name in variableName.
Side Note: I've taken you through the scenic route so you could learn a bit more about Java (and javassists) internals. But there are already tools that do this kind of operations for you, I can remember at least one by name called paranamer. You might want to give a look at that too.
Hope it helped!
If you don't actually want the names of the parameters, but just want to be able to access them, you can use "$1, $2, ..." as seen in this tutorial.
It works with Javaassist 3.18.2 (and later, at least up to 3.19 anyway) if you cast, like so:
LocalVariableAttribute nameTable = (LocalVariableAttribute)methodInfo.getCodeAttribute().getAttribute(LocalVariableAttribute.tag);

populating 0LOGSYS from transformation rule

I am trying to populate the infoobject 0LOGSYS in a DSO when a load from a datasource occurs. The idea being that you could tell what sourcesystem the data was loaded from that is needed for a certain requirement. As of now I have a routine set up on a transformation rule for 0LOGSYS. No syntax errors, everything runs during the load, but no data is populated. Tried to debug but for some reason my BREAKPOINT is not getting picked up.
Here is the code that I have placed in the routine. Also, I am trying to do this without assigning any source field so maybe that is causing an issue. Not sure though.
i_source_system = G_S_MINFO-LOGSYS
e_soursysid = RESULT
id_not_found = 1.
Solved this a different way. There are runtime attributes that can be pulled from any request via the methods of "if_rsbk_request_admintab_view" which is instanciated automatically at the beginning of each transformation routine. Here is the code that I put in the routine.
*declaring a local variable like the result type LOGSYS
Data: lvSource like RESULT.
*runs a method to get the source system from the runtime attributes of
*the request
*"p_r_request" is an instance of "if_rsbk_request_admintab_view" which
*has many different methods for runtime attributes
lvSource = p_r_request->GET_LOGSYS( ).
RESULT = lvSource.
If this is the complete source code, it's not surprising that nothing is returned. You declare a new structured variable named G_S_MINFO, don't assign any value to it and return its contents. Unless you deleted the steps from your code sample that are supposed to fill the variable with values, it would be a grave bug if anything else than an initial value was returned.
EDIT: Even with the updated code, I still doubt this will work. Now you pass G_S_MINFO-LOGSYS to a function module that supposedly looks up some system ID without initializing it. Garbage in, garbage out. Or in this case, initial value in, initial value out.

Use same name for local variable and function

In VBA, I want to use a name for a local variable that I'd also like to use for a function name. The problem I'd that the function name formatting always changes to the local variable formatting.
Any way to prevent that?
I highly recommend not using the same name for disambiguation purposes. Also, if VBA is not case sensitive, it may not know whether you are referring to the function or the variable and thus give a runtime error (I don't think it is compiled per se, but it goes to a proprietary p-code intermediate.)
Often when you'd like the names to be similar, it can be useful to prepend an underscore to one, such as a local variable. Thus I recommend you name the function FunctionName and the variable _FunctionName if you want to go that route.
If you want to try having the same name for each, you will likely need to edit the code outside of the IDE that is reformatting your code. In an editor that doesn't try to auto-format, you may be able to force it. Then whether it compiles or not is the question.
In Visual Basic, each function already has a variable named after the function. Assigning a value to this variable is the only way to set a return value for this function.
Therefore, declaring yet another variable of the same name creates ambiguity. You cannot do so. It results in the Duplicate declaration in current scope error.
And if by "local" variable you meant a module-level variable, then you cannot do it either: Ambiguous name detected: %s.
And if you are asking about a situation when a function and a variable of the same name belong to different scopes, then VBA will use the case of the line that was edited last. So if you declare a function and then declare a variable in another module, the function name will change case. But if you then return to the function, change its casing back and press Enter, the variable, in its turn, will change its casing to match the function name.