How can I set a file upload function? - file-upload

I am creating an SAPUI5 WebApp with an file upload function. I try this example from SAPUi5 Explored: sap.m.sample.UploadCollection
I try with my trial account in SAP WebIDE to set the upload function ( Upload Collection)
The issue is, not allowing to upload a file in the project folder or local desktop folder.
If I upload a file it appears but i can't open it and I get a 405 HTTP
Any Ideas, what the problem is?

like you see already in your posts comments, you need a backend for this task. The UploadCollection control is only usable with a backend in the background which receives the transmitted file from the control.
On the page you see
This control allows you to upload single or multiple files from your devices (desktop, tablet or phone) and attach them to the application
while you can replace "application" with "receiving backend"
Indipendent of this may I allowed to ask where do you think the file should be uploaded when not to a backend system? I mean when you choose a file from your local storage it doesn't make any sense to upload it again to your local storage?!


How do I upload files to my web server by passing the file path in the URL using Flask?

I am able to upload files through forms using Flask but what I require is to be able to put the local file path in the URL and then flask can upload the file and process it. How do I do this?
well this is just not how a webserver works. If you want it to process the data locally stored on your computer you need to send it via a POST request.
Cheers, T

Accessing Network shared paths in WinRT

Is there a way to access arbitrary network shared paths and read their content in WinRT? Programatically I want to read from the network shared paths in a WinRT App. I am getting an Access Denied error.
I was told that it might be possible to access the network shared path using file picker provided the app request for permission.
But in my case I do not have access to the file picker. Instead while parsing my model if there is path, I need to read the contents from that path. If that path is network shared path, it fails.
You won't be able to access arbitrary files without the user's explicit permission (via the File Picker).
Some well-known locations like the music and pictures library can be read if the application's manifest includes the associated Declaration, but beyond that all the application can access without the user granting permission (at least once) is its local application data storage.
Have a look at this question: Windows 8 Metro App File Share Access
You may be able to work around this limitation by using a Web Service that has access to the file shares. ;)

Live Connect API Windows 8 app file source URL changing

I have an app that syncs data through a JSON file hosted on the users SkyDrive. I'm storing the URL to the file after it is created in the users Roam Settings, but it seems to change at some point and I can figure out what's going on. Do source URL's change randomly? When the file is overwritten perhaps?

Uploading multiple files given only relative local path

Say I have a user, and that user has an XML file which, among other things, includes the relative (to the XML file) path to one or more images stored on their local machine. I want them to be able to upload this XML file to a web server, and automatically upload the images.
So my XML file might contain:
and I want to upload both the XML file and img_20120905_015463548.jpg in one operation.
The problem is, as best I can tell, I can't get a local web page to grab the images automatically using JS/jQuery due to the pesky web browser security model that won't allow me to upload arbitrary files off the local computer, or even know the real path of the XML file. After bashing my head against a brick wall for a few hours, I've come up with two possible solutions:
Upload the XML file, the server strips out the image file addresses and asks the user to locate each one. While it would get the job done, it's ugly and error-prone.
Use a batch file (or similar) to copy the XML file and images to a public-facing web server that the user can access on the local network, and then supply the public address of the XML file to my web server. It can then grab the images off the local public server. Problem: my IT department are too competent to allow users file access to public-facing servers. :)
Is there any solution out there I might have missed, that allows the user to upload multiple files given filenames only specified as a relative path?
Thanks in advance. :)
If you are not restricted to a web-only solution, this would be achievable using a plugin or desktop application. For instance, a desktop .NET or Java WebStart application or a signed and therefore trusted Java applet would be able to access the local XML file and any associated image files, then upload them to the web server using a POST, web services or WebDAV.

Display list files and folder using Mediafire API

I tryed to use Mediafire API, but when I use Folder, get_info, it doesn't return file & folder array like the example.
Full url I used:
What's wrong with my attempt? Thank you.
You can try the MediaFire API PHP Library. This class currently implements all the functions in the Mediafire API.
Ok I just took a look at their API documentation. They've updated the get_info function for the folders. They've taken out the file tree....
So if you are uploading via the dropbox (which doesn't return the quickkey associated with the file), you CAN NEVER dropbox upload and then use the api to find the file and download it. This renders their API as useless as tits on a boar hog.
The point of a dropbox is to allow remote uploads to a folder, you then know the folder key so you can query the API and return the document quickkeys that are in the folder which then allows you to manage those files remotely, move, delete, download etc. Now you cannot do this FAIL FAIL FAIL.
Despite the Functionality of get_info not working, folder search can resolve at least some issues with retrieving quick keys. In my case i searched for ".mp3" and was handed all the mp3s in my folder