Uploading multiple files given only relative local path - file-upload

Say I have a user, and that user has an XML file which, among other things, includes the relative (to the XML file) path to one or more images stored on their local machine. I want them to be able to upload this XML file to a web server, and automatically upload the images.
So my XML file might contain:
and I want to upload both the XML file and img_20120905_015463548.jpg in one operation.
The problem is, as best I can tell, I can't get a local web page to grab the images automatically using JS/jQuery due to the pesky web browser security model that won't allow me to upload arbitrary files off the local computer, or even know the real path of the XML file. After bashing my head against a brick wall for a few hours, I've come up with two possible solutions:
Upload the XML file, the server strips out the image file addresses and asks the user to locate each one. While it would get the job done, it's ugly and error-prone.
Use a batch file (or similar) to copy the XML file and images to a public-facing web server that the user can access on the local network, and then supply the public address of the XML file to my web server. It can then grab the images off the local public server. Problem: my IT department are too competent to allow users file access to public-facing servers. :)
Is there any solution out there I might have missed, that allows the user to upload multiple files given filenames only specified as a relative path?
Thanks in advance. :)

If you are not restricted to a web-only solution, this would be achievable using a plugin or desktop application. For instance, a desktop .NET or Java WebStart application or a signed and therefore trusted Java applet would be able to access the local XML file and any associated image files, then upload them to the web server using a POST, web services or WebDAV.


How can I set a file upload function?

I am creating an SAPUI5 WebApp with an file upload function. I try this example from SAPUi5 Explored: sap.m.sample.UploadCollection
I try with my trial account in SAP WebIDE to set the upload function ( Upload Collection)
The issue is, not allowing to upload a file in the project folder or local desktop folder.
If I upload a file it appears but i can't open it and I get a 405 HTTP
Any Ideas, what the problem is?
like you see already in your posts comments, you need a backend for this task. The UploadCollection control is only usable with a backend in the background which receives the transmitted file from the control.
On the page https://sapui5.hana.ondemand.com/#/api/sap.m.UploadCollection you see
This control allows you to upload single or multiple files from your devices (desktop, tablet or phone) and attach them to the application
while you can replace "application" with "receiving backend"
Indipendent of this may I allowed to ask where do you think the file should be uploaded when not to a backend system? I mean when you choose a file from your local storage it doesn't make any sense to upload it again to your local storage?!

Can I transfer images between shopify sites?

I'm doing some work for a client who has an existing shopify website. They want to make some big changes to the site, so i have set up a new development site in shopify, exported all of the products/pages/blog posts to it and am now working on getting all the new functionality/design working on the dev site.
Once the new build is finished though, i want to transfer everything back over to their current site. Products/pages/blog posts will be fine (ive written a custom export/import thing using their api), but what about images?
I am uploading lots of images to the dev site and i am worried they will be deleted when development is finished and i shut down the dev site. Is it possible to transfer over images from one site to another?
Ideally, keeping the same urls on shopifys cdn when doing so, although if i have to change the urls, then i can probably do an automated replace on the csv files that will get uploaded.
There are going to be hundreds of images involved, and they will be used in various places throughout the site, including in the rich text area of pages/blogs, so it's not going to be practical to do manually in any way, must be something I can automate.
Thanks for any help.
When you export products as a CSV, you get links to your images. You could write a script to download each of the images in the CSV. Just redirect the output of curl to save the image.
curl link_url > imagename
Have you tried transferring between the two sites using FTP? If you have SSH Access
login to the server via SSH
change to the right directory to file location or desired location
FTP into the other server using ftp <name_or_IP_address_of_other_server> and your login details
use cd to locate your location / desired destination
use the binary command
hash if you want a progress bar
if sending the file from the server you SSHed into issue the put <filename> command, and if you want to pull the file from the other server to the one you are logged into use get <filename> instead.
Wait a while for the transfer to complete - might take a while

Export file from NetSuite's FileCabinet to FTP

File resides in the NetSuite file cabinet and needs to be placed on an FTP server each day.
I'm not sure how to handle this via Suitelet/RESTlet, or if it's possible - but would prefer to not use an external source/application.
My current and hopefully temporary workaround is a local scheduled task to run a script to pull files from NetSuite & upload to the FTP.
In SuiteScript 2.0, although unsecured FTP is still not support, but SS2.0 has the capability to do SFTP. See http://www.upilioconsulting.com/blog/netsuite-2016-2-sftp-suitescript-2-0/
In SuiteScript 1.0, it's not supported. The workaround is that you'll need to write a middleware code (i.e. in PHP) and let the middleware do the FTP transfer.
Netsuite doesn't interact with FTP.
You need a bridge server of some sort that runs a web app (full blown Apache or nginx running PHP or just a simple Node service)
Just get a server and install some web server/web service and POST your files to it (nlapiRequestURL with a Scheduled script). Have the web app on the bridge server send the files to the FTP server. If you are using Netsuite you can afford the cost of the bridge server.
One possible solution is to create a saved search on the Documents to list out all the files in Netsuite filtering by createdate or lastmodifieddate. Create a scheduler to fetch only the new files and save them locally where you want.
Note all the files will be in base64 encoded string format, you need to decode again to obtain the file.
As bknights said NetSuite doesn't support FTP. You need a web server(any server side language can do for that matter, I have written one in Node.js), to receive the files.
The file content for text file will be in Text format, so, no decode logic required for text files. However, binary/pdf/image and other would be in base64 format, as NetSuite's JS has no way of handling binary data. So, make sure you decode it before you create the file on your FTP Server.

FTP upload: possible to restrict for only static content

for realtime online tournaments i upload a bunch of html pages, generated by our tournament software. On the webserver i do the things with these files which are needed to do. So the tournament software is "integrated" in our website.
Now we want other people run these tournaments and then they do have to upload these generated html/css files. Via http upload it really is too much work en takes too much time.
I wanted to create another ftp account with only acces to the tournament directory. So far so good.
But, i want to limit the uploading filetypes just to html and css files, so they can only upload static content via ftp (i am just paranoid, i do not want they can upload php files with possible dangerous code or other unxpected filetypes)
is this possible?
Files are just sequences of bytes, the extension has nothing to do, the danger is the way you read them. You must set the uploaded files to be non-executable and you are safe. Even if you set .css files to be uploaded somehow, you cannot check if it is safe or not by only extension, the attacker may have changed the extension by hand. Also, uploading PHP files will not be problem, if you specify an upload folder that Apache does not know, i.e not below your www folder.

How to download files from a web folder in vb.net

I have a web folder e.g. "http://www.myhost.com/software/" if I open this address in IE it show me all files which this folder have.
I want to download all files but I don't want to hard-code name of files. I know I can get the files with webclient.DownloadFiles(#address,#filename). Is this possible to download all files or at least get the name of files from the web folder?
As a minimum you can download the same file IE displays (note that this file is provided by your web server -- there is not a standard) and parse the HTML for the files yourself, e.g. using webclient.DownloadFile("http://www.myhost.com/software/", #listfilename).
To access the files more "professionally", you'll need to see if the server also allows access via FTP or WebDAV because HTTP does not have a file "interface".