Weird Mesh/UV problem cant seem to fix it - blender

I have a model of a Opel Blitz: Maultier and im facing a problem, the meshes or something seem to be duplicated or somehow bugging in a weird way. Quick clip: Video
Same problem in 3ds Max 2020, if somebody wants the files i can provide them if needed.
i already tried to remove materials and i tried to see if i can do something with the meshes but no luck.. didn't find a way.

From the video, this seems like a Z-Fighting issue:
However, it is hard to know exactly what is the issue without looking at the model.
I could look more into it if you share the 3ds Max file.


Does anyone know how to change Oak's parcel script in XSE?

So I'm making a Pokémon ROM hack using advanced map, XSE, and some other tools for the process. I'm having trouble finding the script where you actually receive the parcel in Pokémon Fire Red, and its well possible because its been done before.
I've looked all over online and cant seem to find where the script for it is, does anybody possibly know where I could find this? I understand the location number for the script may be different, I would just like to know how I could find it.

Realm database performance

I'm trying to use this database with react-native. First of all, i've found out that it can't retrieve plain objects - i have to retrieve all of the properties in the desired object tree recursively. And it takes about a second per object (~50 numeric props). Slow-ish!
Now, i've somehow imported ~9000 objects in it (each up to 1000 chars including titles). Looks like there is no easy ay to import it, at least it is not described in docs. Anyway, that's acceptable. But now i've found out that my database size (default.realm) is 3.49GB (!). The JSON file, which i was importing is only 6.5mb. I've opened default.realm with Realm Browser and it shows only those ~9000 objects, nothing else. Why so heavy?
Either, i don't understand something very fundamental about this database or it is complete garbage. I really hope i'm wrong. What am I doing wrong?
Please make sure you are not running in chrome debug mode. This is probably why things seem so slow. As far as the file size issue goes, it would be helpful if you posted your code to help figure out why that is happening.

Strange effect painting beautiful colored haze in the air with java3d

I have a strange effect that I would like to understand. Based on this example code I changed only two lines:
// pAtt.setCullFace(PolygonAttributes.CULL_NONE); <-- old
pAtt.setPolygonMode(PolygonAttributes.POLYGON_LINE); // <-- new
I was expecting to see a (colored) wire frame of the original 4 sided pyramid. But it paints a beautifully colored haze in the air while it is rotating.
Edit: this has been open as a simple question (is it a bug? / reproducible or not?) for a really long time, and now had a bounty, but still no answers.
I assume, that, java3D is really, really dead now.
I would like not only to know how this effect can be suppressed, but also if it is a bug or a reliably reproducible feature that can be put to use.
(I think of something like Speedy Gonzales leaving a color trail when running fast.)
The face culling and the polygon mode are 2 distinct notions:
glPolygonMode glCullFace
Java3D 1.6.0 uses JOGL 2. If you want to understand how Java3D works, you need to understand how computer graphics and OpenGL work. POLYGON_LINE shows only the outlined polygons, is it really what you want?
Please avoid claiming that there might be a bug before being sure that there isn't any misunderstanding of the API use.

custom error pages for IBM Domino iNotes

we're currently customizing iNotes for a customer (platform currently is Domino 9). We almost reached our goals, but one thing that's on our todo list I can't really figure out: they want us to also customize any possible error pages; see the following example screenshot:
This and other similar pages seem to come from the central Forms9.nsf which I'd love to leave as it is. We so far tried domcfg.nsf mappings, but as this is an iNotes internal error it obviously can't work; I also tried to figure out a way to put seomething into our customized Forms9_x.nsf but without any hint this is too abstract for me.
So my questions are:
has anyone ever done this?
what options do we have (apart from "hacking" Forms9.nsf)?
Many thanks in advance...
After continuing to play with domcfg mappings I suddenly saw a first result; not sure what's the difference to the first attempts, though; maybe moving the error form to Forms9_x.nsf did the trick? I'll keep investigating and post an answer if I can find one...
Alright, this has been an afternoon of wild guessing and hacking along, but finally I think I found it:
first of all, my playing around with domcfg mappings didn't have to do with solving the problem; instead, I just by chance had put my error page form into my Forms9_x.nsf and named it $$ReturnGeneralError (that's simply the name used in Forms9.nsf...; I completely had forgotton about those 4 pre-defined form names back from Domino 5 times).
What did not work was the old method of simply including a text file named MessageString to display the exact error message returned from the server; obviously iNotes is handling those error strings differently.
After a few hours of testing, and comparing codes between the standard iNotes error page and mine I finally found it: include some iNotes specific computed text into the page, in my case that is
#{{MessageString}; html}
See this document for some details (last row in the table)
Hopefully this can help someone else as well...

Apache 2.4.9 Pseudo Streaming

Im aware of this however, this appears to only work for apache 2.2.x. I'm looking for something like this for 2.4.9.
I've done quite a bit of googleing already and can't seem to find anything.
For whatever reason I couldn't get the module to work my initial go around (I tried more than once). However, I got it to work today.
Not sure what I did different but I just followed the instructions below (again).