Is it possible to manage the entries created within the IntelliJ History clipboard and that we can consult using command "CMD+Shift+V" ?
Why: This is because I see a lot entries which are polluting the history when text is copied
Example - Paste from history
1 ~/Library
2 ~/Librar
3 ~/Libra
4 ~/Libr
5 ~/Lib
6 ~/Li
7 ~/L
8 ~/
9 ~
Disable the Copy to clipboard on selection option at File | Settings | Tools | Terminal:
Entries in the history dialog can be removed using the Del key. You can also use Shift+Arrows or Shift/Ctrl + mouse clicks to select multiple entries before the deletion.
I set.seed in Rmd file to generate random numbers, but when I knit the document I get different random numbers. Here is a screen shot for the Rmd and pdf documents side by side.
In R 3.6.0 the internal algorithm used by sample() has changed. The default for a new session is
> set.seed(2345)
> sample(1:10, 5)
[1] 3 7 10 2 4
which is what you get in the PDF file. One can manually change to the old "Rounding" method, though:
> set.seed(2345, sample.kind="Rounding")
Warning message:
In set.seed(2345, sample.kind = "Rounding") :
non-uniform 'Rounding' sampler used
> sample(1:10, 5)
[1] 2 10 6 1 3
You have at some point made this change in your R session, as can be seen from the output of sessionInfo(). You can either change this back with RNGkind(sample.kind="Rejection") or by starting a new R session.
BTW, in general please include code samples as text, not as images.
I have pivot problem. I am setting, a pivot in Maya (for a car wheel) and when I import the fbx of the model in Blender, pivot point is resetting on null.
Any solution about that problem?
Save your wheel inside a new group and position a group's pivot to a desired place. It'd work when you open your file in Blender. Here's MEL equivalent for Maya Script Editor to test group's pivot point:
polySphere -r 2 -sx 20 -sy 20 -ax 0 1 0 ;
doGroup 0 1 1 ;
move -r 0 5 0 group1.scalePivot group1.rotatePivot ;
Also, when exporting from Maya it's better to choose DAE_FBX export file type.
I have a simple cvs file loaded in splunk called StandardMaintenance.csv which looks like this...
We currently get bombarded with alerts during our maintenance window. At the start of maintenance, I want to be able to change this to YES to stop the alerts (I have an easy way to do this). I am looking for something standard to add to all alert queries that check this csv for status (lookup as I understand it) and for the query to return nothing if UnderMaintenance = YES, thus not generate a match to the query.
It is basically a binary, ON or OFF. I would appreciate any help you could provide.
You cannot disable the alert by executing splunk query because the
Rest API requires a POST action.
Step 1: Maintain a csv file of all your savedsearches with owners by using below query. You can schedule the query as per your convenience. For example below search creates maintenance.csv and replaces all contents whenever executed.
| rest /servicesNS/-/search/saved/searches | table title eai:acl.owner | outputlookup maintenance.csv
This file would get created in $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/<app name>/lookups
Step 2: Write a script to read data from maintenance.csv file and execute below command to disable searches. (Run before maintenance window)
curl -X POST -k -u admin:pass https://<splunk server>:8089/servicesNS/<owner>/search/saved/searches/<search title>/disable
Step 3: Do the same thing to enable all seaches, just change the command to below (Run after maintenance window)
curl -X POST -k -u admin:pass https://<splunk server>:8089/servicesNS/<owner>/search/saved/searches/<search title>/enable
Create StandardMaintenance.csv file under $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/search/lookups.
The StandardMaintenance.csv file contains :
Use below search query to get results of existing saved searches only if UnderMaintenance = No :
| rest /servicesNS/-/search/saved/searches
| eval UnderMaintenance = "No"
| table title eai:acl.owner UnderMaintenance
| join UnderMaintenance
[| inputlookup StandardMaintenance.csv ]
| table title eai:acl.owner
Hope this helps !
Before each query create a variable (say it's called foo) that you set to true if maintenance is NO and that you do not set otherwise, as below:
... | eval foo=case(maintenance=="NO","true")
Then you put the below at the end of your query:
| eval foo=$foo$
This will make your query execute only if maintenance is NO
I'm working with PDF files that have hundreds of forms within them. Each form is 2 pages long, so in most files pages 1-2 is the first form, pages 3-4 is the second form, and so on.
However, there are several PDF files where the page order of the forms are reversed. In these cases, page 1 is the second page of the first form and page 2 is the first page of the first form, page 3 is the second page of the second form and page 4 is the first page of the second form, and so on.
I want to reorder the page order in these files so that the pages are in this sequence: (2(1), 2(1)-2, 2(2), 2(2)-1, 2(3), 2(3)-1,...,2n,2n-1), where n= total number of pages/2.
I've been looking for a way to do this using command line tools such as cpdf, pdftk, etc., but to no avail. The files are quite large so I would like to do it by using command line tools.
Any advice will be greatly appreciated!
CIB pdf toolbox of CIB ( has a (non free) command line tool version, which supports all possibilities of PDF merging in one run.
Did you try poppler-utils?
i think with the command line tools pdfseparate and pdfunite utilities you can achieve all you want.
Would it matter to you if the order of the forms inside the PDF is changed? For example if instead of
your resulting file would look like
In this case you could just run PDFtk so that it completely reverses all the pages of the original file:
pdftk in.pdf cat r1-1 output reversed.pdf
(Prefixing a page number with the letter r references pages in reverse order. That means r1 is the last page...)
In case you are on an operating system which supports shell scripting (like Bash on Linux or macOS), you can achieve the output of your requested page numbers by something like this (assuming that your n==10):
for i in {1..10}; do
echo -n "$(( 2 * ${i} )) ";
echo -n "$(( 2 * ${i} -1 )) ";
This will output 2 1 4 3 6 5 8 7 10 9. Now you could use this PDFtk command for re-ordering the pages as you want:
pdftk in.pdf cat $(for i in {1..10};do echo -n "$((2 * ${i})) ";echo -n "$((2*${i}-1 )) ";done) output out.pdf
For scripting languages, what is the most effective way to utilize a console when developing? Are there ways to be more productive with a console than a "compile and run" only language?
Added clarification: I am thinking more along the lines of Ruby, Python, Boo, etc. Languages that are used for full blown apps, but also have a way to run small snippets of code in a console.
I am thinking more along the lines of Ruby, ...
Well for Ruby the irb interactive prompt is a great tool for "practicing" something simple. Here are the things I'll mention about the irb to give you an idea of effective use:
Automation. You are allowed a .irbrc file that will be automatically executed when launching irb. That means you can load your favorite libraries or do whatever you want in full Ruby automatically. To see what I mean check out some of the ones at
Autocompletion. That even makes writing code easier. Can't remember that string method to remove newlines? "".ch<tab> produces chop and chomp. NOTE: you have to enable autocompletion for irb yourself
Divide and Conquer. irb makes the small things really easy. If you're writing a function to manipulate strings, the ability to test the code interactively right in the prompt saves a lot of time! For instance you can just open up irb and start running functions on an example string and have working and tested code already ready for your library/program.
Learning, Experimenting, and Hacking. Something like this would take a very long time to test in C/C++, even Java. If you tried testing them all at once you might seg-fault and have to start over.
Here I'm just learning how the String#[] function works.
joe[~]$ irb
>> "12341:asdf"[/\d+/]
# => "12341"
>> "12341:asdf"[/\d*/]
# => "12341"
>> "12341:asdf"[0..5]
# => "12341:"
>> "12341:asdf"[0...5]
# => "12341"
>> "12341:asdf"[0, ':']
TypeError: can't convert String into Integer
from (irb):5:in `[]'
from (irb):5
>> "12341:asdf"[0, 5]
# => "12341"
Testing and Benchmarking. Now they are nice and easy to perform. Here is someone's idea to emulate the Unix time function for quick benchmarking. Just add it to your .irbrc file and its always there!
Debugging - I haven't used this much myself but there is always the ability to debug code like this. Or pull out some code and run it in the irb to see what its actually doing.
I'm sure I'm missing some things but I hit on my favorite points. You really have zero limitation in shells so you're limited only by what you can think of doing. I almost always have a few shells running. Bash, Javascript, and Ruby's irb to name a few. I use them for a lot of things!
I think it depends on the console. The usefulness of a CMD console on windows pails in comparison to a Powershell console.
You didn't say what OS you're using but on Linux I been using a tabbed window manager (wmii) for a year or so and it has radically changed the way I use applications - consoles or otherwise.
I often have four or more consoles and other apps on a virtual desktop and with wmii I don't have to fiddle with resizing windows to line everything up just so. I can trivially rearrange them into vertical columns, stack them up vertically, have them share equal amounts of vertical or horizontal space, and move them between screens.
Say you open two consoles on your desktop. You'd get this (with apologies for the cronkey artwork):
| |
| 1 |
| |
| |
| 2 |
| |
Now I want them side-by-side. I enter SHIFT-ALT-L in window 2 to move it rightwards and create two columns:
------- -------
| || |
| || |
| 1 || 2 |
| || |
| || |
------- -------
Now I could open another console and get
------- -------
| || 2 |
| || |
| | -------
| 1 | -------
| || 3 |
| || |
------- -------
Then I want to temporarily view console 3 full-height, so I hit ALT-s in it and get:
------- -------
| | -------
| || |
| 1 || 3 |
| || |
| || |
------- -------
Consoles 2 and 3 are stacked up now.
I could also give windows tags. For example, in console 2 I could say ALT-SHIFT-twww+dev and that console would be visible in the 'www' and 'dev' virtual desktops. (The desktops are created if they don't already exist.) Even better, the console can be in a different visual configuration (e.g., stacked and full-screen) on each of those desktops.
Anyway, I can't do tabbed window managers justice here. I don't know if it's relevant to your environment but if you get the chance to try this way of working you probably won't look back.
I've added a shortcut to my Control-Shift-C key combination to bring up my Visual Studio 2008 Console. This alone has saved me countless seconds when needing to register a dll or do any other command. I imagine if you leverage this with another command tool and you may have some massive productivity increases.
Are you kidding?
In my Linux environment, the console is my lifeblood. I'm proficient in bash scripting, so to me a console is very much like sitting in a REPL for Python or Lisp. You can quite literally do anything.
I actually write tools used by my team in bash, and the console is the perfect place to do that development. I really only need an editor as a backing store for things as I figure them out.