Clear all textboxes in throws an error -

I am using the following as a workaround:
Public Sub ClearTextBox(ByVal root As Control)
For Each ctrl As Control In root.Controls
If TypeOf ctrl Is TextBox Then CType(ctrl, TextBox).Text = 0
If TypeOf ctrl Is ComboBox Then CType(ctrl, ComboBox).Text = String.Empty
Next ctrl
End Sub
the reason i am setting the textboxes to 0 is because when I set String.Empty, one text box (containing only Int16) throws a conversion error. anyone help on stopping the error or just ignoring that one textbox?
As per Andrews response, I ran the code again, and i get the following:
+ $exception {"Conversion from string """" to type 'Short' is not valid."} System.InvalidCastException
The code highlighted is:
Dim age As Int16 = Txt_CharAge.Text
Please bear with me a little, I am totally new to this and am completely self taught. If you need further code to help, just let me know.

When you have a line such as
Dim age As Int16 = Txt_CharAge.Text
you are telling the computer to put a string into a number. Without Option Strict On, it is free to make up any way it likes of stuffing a string (which is not an Int16) into an Int16. You have given up your control of what is happening at that point.
The better way is to tell it how to convert the characters of the text into a number. (See The Treachery of Images for an explanation that a representation of some thing is not that thing.)
There is a ready-made set of methods named TryParse for many of the built-in types.
So, instead of
Dim age As Int16 = Txt_CharAge.Text
you should have
Dim age As Integer
Integer.TryParse(Txt_CharAge.Text, age)
The TryParse methods are actually functions which return True if the parse was successful, otherwise they return False (and set the variable to its default value), but in this case it appears that you don't need to know if the parse succeeded because the default value of 0 for an Integer will suffice.
Note that there isn't really a need to use an Int16 instead of an Integer unless you know why you need to add the complication of using an Int16 instead of an Integer.


Fitting the full File path in a label in one line by showing dots instead of some part of file path Vb.Net

Hi Guys, I have searched for different methods for this thing but couldn't get it right. Used AutoEllipses Property, Set the MaximumSize too but to no avail. How can i get a label to show the name of the file being scanned like in the pic i attached? I mean, the label should show some part from the beginning of full path of the file then some dots and then the file name with extension.
You might consider a few things; however, the range of possibilities is too large to cover, here.
There are three (3) things you need to know in order to code this properly: the actual measured size of the filepath string you are sending to the label; the measured size of the label; and the length (in characters) of your file name. There may be a fancy function that reduces the number of things you need to do and know; however, I am not about to read oodles of documentation.
All of the above things need to be dynamic so that your label can take different String objects and render them, properly.
Dim filePath As String = ""
Dim FileDirectory As String = ""
Dim fileName As String = ""
Dim filePathLength As SizeF = 0.0
Dim labelLength As Double = 0.0
Dim fileNameLength As Integer = 0.0
' Come up with a way for measuring your string:
Dim _GraphicsUnit As Graphics = Me.CreateGraphics()
' Receive your file path, here:
' and work with your file path-related Strings:
filePath = ' SOMETHING
fileDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(filePath)
fileName = Path.GetFileName(filePath)
fileNameLength = fileName.Length()
' Measure the length of you path
filePathLength = _GraphicsUnit.MeasureString(filePath, INSERTFONT) * _GraphicsUnit.Inches 'or other usable unit
If filePathLength > SIZEOFLABEL Then
While filePathLength > SIZEOFLABEL
' Grab a substring of the the fileDirecory, append the "...", and keep measuring until shorter
' Your algorithm will need to figure out how and when to re-append the fileName
End While
End If
The above is pseudo-code and is rife with errors. The above is means to demonstrate some of the tools .Net can provide you, here namely the GraphicsUnit stuff and the Path. stuff. Both of those are helpful. You will essentially be juggling those two 'things' and the SubString() method.
My attempt is to show you how to begin to think about the problem you have in front of you so that you can begin to tackle the problem (because as the comments above state, there isn't much out there that will do what you need). Your initial question does not provide any original code on which to base the above pseudo-code; in other words, I don't feel like coding your whole project but at least want to get the answers ball rolling.
An Additional Thought: .MaxLength
The above approach is quite memory intensive - requiring a lot of repetition that may not be be necessary. Simply knowing the size - in this case the MaxLength property - might be helpful. Setting the .MaxLength property of the TextBox will allow you to know how many characters can fit in the box (you'd need to consider a few other elements, e.g. font, size, etc.).
Knowing this number, you could avoid looping altogether:
SubString of fileDirectory equal to the length of .MaxLength property, remove number of characters equating to size of fileName and "..." and append the latter two.
I got an answer to this problem here Shorten The File Path and it's a very short solution as far as code is concerned.
You can use the PathCompactPathExW pInvoke method to accomplish this:
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports System.Text
Public Class Program
<DllImport("shlwapi.dll", EntryPoint:="PathCompactPathExW", SetLastError:=True, CharSet:=CharSet.Unicode)> _
Public Shared Function PathCompactPathEx(<MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPTStr)> pszOut As System.Text.StringBuilder, _
<MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPTStr)> pszSrc As String, _
cchMax As UInteger, _
reserved As Integer) As <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)> Boolean
End Function
Public Shared Sub Main()
Dim longPath As String = "c:\a\very\very\long\path\that\needs\to\be\shortened\by\calling\the\PathCompactpathEx.ext"
Dim length As Integer = 40
Dim result As String = CompactPath(longPath, length)
'Prints c:\a\very\very\...\PathCompactpathEx.ext
End Sub
Public Shared Function CompactPath(longPathName As String, wantedLength As Integer) As String
'NOTE: You need to create the builder with the required capacity before calling function.
Dim sb As New StringBuilder(wantedLength + 1)
PathCompactPathEx(sb, longPathName, CUInt(wantedLength + 1), 0)
Return sb.ToString()
End Function
End Class

DataRow.SetColumnError(Int32, String) ignores Int32 value and always uses zero

Okay, this is doing my head in. I'm calling SetColumnError() on a DataRow object that has 20 columns, but no matter which ColumnIndex I use it sets the error text on column 0. The MSDN documentation makes it plainly clear that the error text is supposed to be set on the column that the ColumnIndex provides.
I'm trying to set error text on columns 1 and 2 (I normally use constants when doing this, I have just used the integers in this example code for simplicity). Why does the error text appear on column 0 and what should I be doing to get the text to show on columns 1 and 2? I'm not receiving IndexOutOfRangeException.
Here is the code I'm having trouble with.
Public Sub ValidateRows()
For Each dgvRow As DataGridViewRow In Me.DataGridView1.Rows
If dgvRow.DataBoundItem IsNot Nothing Then
Dim rowView As DataRowView = dgvRow.DataBoundItem
Dim rowData As MyDataSet.DocumentRow = rowView.Row
If rowData.Revision = rowData.Revision_old Then
rowData.SetColumnError(1, "You must change the revision")
End If
If rowData.InternalRevision = rowData.InternalRevision_old Then
rowData.SetColumnError(2, "You must change the internal revision")
End If
End If
End Sub
I'm not sure, but I think the number of the column must be of the type "DataColumn".

im having syntax issues pulling data from 6 text boxes with identical names (other than a number at the end) in a for loop

I have 6 different text boxes with similar names:
txtBox1, txtBox2....txtBox6
I also have an array:
dim intValue (0 to 5) as Integer
Now I want to use a for loop to assign the value in each text box to a corresponding space in the array, concatenating the value of the loop counter with the string "txtBox" and retrieving the data using the .text method.
here is my code:
For count As Integer = 0 To 5
Dim strCount As String = count
Dim strTxtBox As String = "txtBox" & strCount
intValues(count) = Convert.toInt32(strTxtBox.Text)
the issue is that the string name doesn't point to txtBox1, txtBox 2 etc.
Thanks in advance for the help.
If you want to access the control name, you have to use the property "Name".
You should try something like that:
For i As Integer = 0 To 5
For Each c As Control In Controls
If c.Name = "txtBox" & i Then
intValue(i) = Convert.ToInt32(c.Text)
End If
Next i
The above code is just an example, but it should work for you.
Anyway you can write a better code checking the type of the control or maybe using a different loop logic, but the basic idea is that if you want to use in your code the name od the control you have to use the NAME property.
strTxtBox is a string, nothing more. You cannot refer to control names by String without special code. Rather than go down that path, I'd create an array and populate it with text boxes:
Dim txtBoxes As TextBox() = {txtBox1, txtBox2, txtBox3, txtBox4, txtBox5, txtBox6}
Dim intValues As Integer(0 To 5)
For count As Integer = 0 To 5
intValues(count) = Convert.ToInt32(txtBoxes(count).Text)
The easiest way is to iterate through the contents of Controls to find the textboxes. You can either:
Use the .Tag property to label textboxes to identify them, or as the other answer points out, use the .Name property.
If you have a lot of other controls on the form, and they may not be in order, you could also check each control to see if it's a textbox. Assume they are in reverse order, as the Controls array goes from end to beginning.
Dim nums() As Integer = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60}
Dim ctrl As Control
For Each ctrl In Me.Controls
If TypeOf (ctrl) Is TextBox Then
ctrl.Text = nums(Val(ctrl.Name(ctrl.Name.Length - 1)) - 1)
End If
You could also instantiate an array of textboxes programmatically, but you'd have to set all of the placement, etc. by hand.
As I commented on the answer below, you may need to cast the ctrl to a System.Web.UI.Control to access the .Name, using DirectCast.

Hidden features of VBA

Locked. This question and its answers are locked because the question is off-topic but has historical significance. It is not currently accepting new answers or interactions.
Which features of the VBA language are either poorly documented, or simply not often used?
This trick only works in Access VBA, Excel and others won't allow it. But you can make a Standard Module hidden from the object browser by prefixing the Module name with an underscore. The module will then only be visible if you change the object browser to show hidden objects.
This trick works with Enums in all vb6 based version of VBA. You can create a hidden member of an Enum by encasing it's name in brackets, then prefixing it with an underscore. Example:
Public Enum MyEnum
meDefault = 0
meThing1 = 1
meThing2 = 2
meThing3 = 3
[_Min] = meDefault
[_Max] = meThing3
End Enum
Public Function IsValidOption(ByVal myOption As MyEnum) As Boolean
If myOption >= MyEnum.[_Min] Then IsValidOption myOption <= MyEnum.[_Max]
End Function
In Excel-VBA you can reference cells by enclosing them in brackets, the brackets also function as an evaluate command allowing you to evaluate formula syntax:
Public Sub Example()
[A1] = "Foo"
MsgBox [VLOOKUP(A1,A1,1,0)]
End Sub
Also you can pass around raw data without using MemCopy (RtlMoveMemory) by combining LSet with User Defined Types of the same size:
Public Sub Example()
Dim b() As Byte
b = LongToByteArray(8675309)
MsgBox b(1)
End Sub
Private Function LongToByteArray(ByVal value As Long) As Byte()
Dim tl As TypedLong
Dim bl As ByteLong
tl.value = value
LSet bl = tl
LongToByteArray = bl.value
End Function
Octal & Hex Literals are actually unsigned types, these will both output -32768:
Public Sub Example()
Debug.Print &H8000
Debug.Print &O100000
End Sub
As mentioned, passing a variable inside parenthesis causes it to be passed ByVal:
Sub PredictTheOutput()
Dim i&, j&, k&
i = 10: j = i: k = i
MySub (i)
MySub j
MySub k + 20
MsgBox Join(Array(i, j, k), vbNewLine), vbQuestion, "Did You Get It Right?"
End Sub
Public Sub MySub(ByRef foo As Long)
foo = 5
End Sub
You can assign a string directly into a byte array and vice-versa:
Public Sub Example()
Dim myString As String
Dim myBytArr() As Byte
myBytArr = "I am a string."
myString = myBytArr
MsgBox myString
End Sub
"Mid" is also an operator. Using it you overwrite specific portions of strings without VBA's notoriously slow string concatenation:
Public Sub Example1()
''// This takes about 47% of time Example2 does:
Dim myString As String
myString = "I liek pie."
Mid(myString, 5, 2) = "ke"
Mid(myString, 11, 1) = "!"
MsgBox myString
End Sub
Public Sub Example2()
Dim myString As String
myString = "I liek pie."
myString = "I li" & "ke" & " pie" & "!"
MsgBox myString
End Sub
There is an important but almost always missed feature of the Mid() statement. That is where Mid() appears on the left hand side of an assignment as opposed to the Mid() function that appears in the right hand side or in an expression.
The rule is that if the if the target string is not a string literal, and this is the only reference to the target string, and the length of segment being inserted matches the length of the segment being replaced, then the string will be treated as mutable for the operation.
What does that mean? It means that if your building up a large report or a huge list of strings into a single string value, then exploiting this will make your string processing much faster.
Here is a simple class that benefits from this. It gives your VBA the same StringBuilder capability that .Net has.
' Class: StringBuilder
Option Explicit
Private Const initialLength As Long = 32
Private totalLength As Long ' Length of the buffer
Private curLength As Long ' Length of the string value within the buffer
Private buffer As String ' The buffer
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
' We set the buffer up to it's initial size and the string value ""
totalLength = initialLength
buffer = Space(totalLength)
curLength = 0
End Sub
Public Sub Append(Text As String)
Dim incLen As Long ' The length that the value will be increased by
Dim newLen As Long ' The length of the value after being appended
incLen = Len(Text)
newLen = curLength + incLen
' Will the new value fit in the remaining free space within the current buffer
If newLen <= totalLength Then
' Buffer has room so just insert the new value
Mid(buffer, curLength + 1, incLen) = Text
' Buffer does not have enough room so
' first calculate the new buffer size by doubling until its big enough
' then build the new buffer
While totalLength < newLen
totalLength = totalLength + totalLength
buffer = Left(buffer, curLength) & Text & Space(totalLength - newLen)
End If
curLength = newLen
End Sub
Public Property Get Length() As Integer
Length = curLength
End Property
Public Property Get Text() As String
Text = Left(buffer, curLength)
End Property
Public Sub Clear()
totalLength = initialLength
buffer = Space(totalLength)
curLength = 0
End Sub
And here is an example on how to use it:
Dim i As Long
Dim sb As StringBuilder
Dim result As String
Set sb = New StringBuilder
For i = 1 to 100000
sb.Append CStr( i)
Next i
result = sb.Text
VBA itself seems to be a hidden feature. Folks I know who've used Office products for years have no idea it's even a part of the suite.
I've posted this on multiple questions here, but the Object Browser is my secret weapon. If I need to ninja code something real quick, but am not familiar with the dll's, Object Browser saves my life. It makes it much easier to learn the class structures than MSDN.
The Locals Window is great for debugging as well. Put a pause in your code and it will show you all the variables, their names, and their current values and types within the current namespace.
And who could forget our good friend Immediate Window? Not only is it great for Debug.Print standard output, but you can enter in commands into it as well. Need to know what VariableX is?
Need to know what color that cell is?
In fact all those windows are great tools to be productive with VBA.
It's not a feature, but a thing I have seen wrong so many times in VBA (and VB6): Parenthesis added on method calls where it will change semantics:
Sub Foo()
Dim str As String
str = "Hello"
Bar (str)
Debug.Print str 'prints "Hello" because str is evaluated and a copy is passed
Bar str 'or Call Bar(str)
Debug.Print str 'prints "Hello World"
End Sub
Sub Bar(ByRef param As String)
param = param + " World"
End Sub
Hidden Features
Although it is "Basic", you can use OOP - classes and objects
You can make API calls
Possibly the least documented features in VBA are those you can only expose by selecting "Show Hidden Members" on the VBA Object Browser. Hidden members are those functions that are in VBA, but are unsupported. You can use them, but microsoft might eliminate them at any time. None of them has any documentation provided, but you can find some on the web. Possibly the most talked about of these hidden features provides access to pointers in VBA. For a decent writeup, check out; Not So Lightweight - Shlwapi.dll
Documented, but perhaps more obscure (in excel anyways) is using ExecuteExcel4Macro to access a hidden global namespace that belongs to the entire Excel application instance as opposed to a specific workbook.
You can implement interfaces with the Implements keyword.
Dictionaries. VBA is practically worthless without them!
Reference the Microsoft Scripting Runtime, use Scripting.Dictionary for any sufficiently complicated task, and live happily ever after.
The Scripting Runtime also gives you the FileSystemObject, which also comes highly recommended.
Start here, then dig around a bit...
Typing VBA. will bring up an intellisense listing of all the built-in functions and constants.
With a little work, you can iterate over custom collections like this:
' Write some text in Word first.'
Sub test()
Dim c As New clsMyCollection
c.AddItems ActiveDocument.Characters(1), _
ActiveDocument.Characters(2), _
ActiveDocument.Characters(3), _
Dim el As Range
For Each el In c
Debug.Print el.Text
Set c = Nothing
End Sub
Your custom collection code (in a class called clsMyCollection):
Option Explicit
Dim m_myCollection As Collection
Public Property Get NewEnum() As IUnknown
' This property allows you to enumerate
' this collection with the For...Each syntax
' Put the following line in the exported module
' file (.cls)!'
'Attribute NewEnum.VB_UserMemId = -4
Set NewEnum = m_myCollection.[_NewEnum]
End Property
Public Sub AddItems(ParamArray items() As Variant)
Dim i As Variant
On Error Resume Next
For Each i In items
m_myCollection.Add i
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set m_myCollection = New Collection
End Sub
Save 4 whole keystrokes by typing debug.? xxx instead of debug.print xxx.
Crash it by adding: enum foo: me=0: end enum to the top of a module containing any other code.
Support for localized versions, which (at least in the previous century) supported expressions using localized values. Like Pravda for True and FaƂszywy (not too sure, but at least it did have the funny L) for False in Polish... Actually the English version would be able to read macros in any language, and convert on the fly. Other localized versions would not handle that though.
The VBE (Visual Basic Extensibility) object model is a lesser known and/or under-utilized feature. It lets you write VBA code to manipulate VBA code, modules and projects. I once wrote an Excel project that would assemble other Excel projects from a group of module files.
The object model also works from VBScript and HTAs. I wrote an HTA at one time to help me keep track of a large number of Word, Excel and Access projects. Many of the projects would use common code modules, and it was easy for modules to "grow" in one system and then need to be migrated to other systems. My HTA would allow me to export all modules in a project, compare them to versions in a common folder and merge updated routines (using BeyondCompare), then reimport the updated modules.
The VBE object model works slightly differently between Word, Excel and Access, and unfortunately doesn't work with Outlook at all, but still provides a great capability for managing code.
IsDate("13.50") returns True but IsDate("12.25.2010") returns False
This is because IsDate could be more precisely named IsDateTime. And because the period (.) is treated as a time separator and not a date separator. See here for a full explanation.
VBA supports bitwise operators for comparing the binary digits (bits) of two values. For example, the expression 4 And 7 evaluates the bit values of 4 (0100) and 7 (0111) and returns 4 (the bit that is on in both numbers.) Similarly the expression 4 Or 8 evaluates the bit values in 4 (0100) and 8 (1000) and returns 12 (1100), i.e. the bits where either one is true.
Unfortunately, the bitwise operators have the same names at the logical comparison operators: And, Eqv, Imp, Not, Or, and Xor. This can lead to ambiguities, and even contradictory results.
As an example, open the Immediate Window (Ctrl+G) and enter:
? (2 And 4)
This returns zero, since there are no bits in common between 2 (0010) and 4 (0100).
Deftype Statements
This feature exists presumably for backwards-compatibility. Or to write hopelessly obfuscated spaghetti code. Your pick.

Hidden Features of VB.NET?

Locked. This question and its answers are locked because the question is off-topic but has historical significance. It is not currently accepting new answers or interactions.
I have learned quite a bit browsing through Hidden Features
of C# and was surprised when I couldn't find something
similar for VB.NET.
So what are some of its hidden or lesser known features?
The Exception When clause is largely unknown.
Consider this:
Public Sub Login(host as string, user as String, password as string, _
Optional bRetry as Boolean = False)
ssh.Connect(host, user, password)
Catch ex as TimeoutException When Not bRetry
''//Try again, but only once.
Login(host, user, password, True)
Catch ex as TimeoutException
''//Log exception
End Try
End Sub
Custom Enums
One of the real hidden features of VB is the completionlist XML documentation tag that can be used to create own Enum-like types with extended functionality. This feature doesn't work in C#, though.
One example from a recent code of mine:
''' <completionlist cref="RuleTemplates"/>
Public Class Rule
Private ReadOnly m_Expression As String
Private ReadOnly m_Options As RegexOptions
Public Sub New(ByVal expression As String)
Me.New(expression, RegexOptions.None)
End Sub
Public Sub New(ByVal expression As String, ByVal options As RegexOptions)
m_Expression = expression
m_options = options
End Sub
Public ReadOnly Property Expression() As String
Return m_Expression
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property Options() As RegexOptions
Return m_Options
End Get
End Property
End Class
Public NotInheritable Class RuleTemplates
Public Shared ReadOnly Whitespace As New Rule("\s+")
Public Shared ReadOnly Identifier As New Rule("\w+")
Public Shared ReadOnly [String] As New Rule("""([^""]|"""")*""")
End Class
Now, when assigning a value to a variable declared as Rule, the IDE offers an IntelliSense list of possible values from RuleTemplates.
Since this is a feature that relies on the IDE, it's hard to show how this looks when you use it but I'll just use a screenshot:
Completion list in action
In fact, the IntelliSense is 100% identical to what you get when using an Enum.
Have you noticed the Like comparison operator?
Dim b As Boolean = "file.txt" Like "*.txt"
More from MSDN
Dim testCheck As Boolean
' The following statement returns True (does "F" satisfy "F"?)'
testCheck = "F" Like "F"
' The following statement returns False for Option Compare Binary'
' and True for Option Compare Text (does "F" satisfy "f"?)'
testCheck = "F" Like "f"
' The following statement returns False (does "F" satisfy "FFF"?)'
testCheck = "F" Like "FFF"
' The following statement returns True (does "aBBBa" have an "a" at the'
' beginning, an "a" at the end, and any number of characters in '
' between?)'
testCheck = "aBBBa" Like "a*a"
' The following statement returns True (does "F" occur in the set of'
' characters from "A" through "Z"?)'
testCheck = "F" Like "[A-Z]"
' The following statement returns False (does "F" NOT occur in the '
' set of characters from "A" through "Z"?)'
testCheck = "F" Like "[!A-Z]"
' The following statement returns True (does "a2a" begin and end with'
' an "a" and have any single-digit number in between?)'
testCheck = "a2a" Like "a#a"
' The following statement returns True (does "aM5b" begin with an "a",'
' followed by any character from the set "L" through "P", followed'
' by any single-digit number, and end with any character NOT in'
' the character set "c" through "e"?)'
testCheck = "aM5b" Like "a[L-P]#[!c-e]"
' The following statement returns True (does "BAT123khg" begin with a'
' "B", followed by any single character, followed by a "T", and end'
' with zero or more characters of any type?)'
testCheck = "BAT123khg" Like "B?T*"
' The following statement returns False (does "CAT123khg" begin with'
' a "B", followed by any single character, followed by a "T", and'
' end with zero or more characters of any type?)'
testCheck = "CAT123khg" Like "B?T*"
VB knows a primitive kind of typedef via Import aliases:
Imports S = System.String
Dim x As S = "Hello"
This is more useful when used in conjunction with generic types:
Imports StringPair = System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair(Of String, String)
Oh! and don't forget XML Literals.
Dim contact2 = _
<name>Patrick Hines</name>
<%= From p In phoneNumbers2 _
Select <phone type=<%= p.Type %>><%= p.Number %></phone> _
Object initialization is in there too!
Dim x as New MyClass With {.Prop1 = foo, .Prop2 = bar}
DirectCast is a marvel. On the surface, it works similar to the CType operator in that it converts an object from one type into another. However, it works by a much stricter set of rules. CType's actual behaviour is therefore often opaque and it's not at all evident which kind of conversion is executed.
DirectCast only supports two distinct operations:
Unboxing of a value type, and
upcasting in the class hierarchy.
Any other cast will not work (e.g. trying to unbox an Integer to a Double) and will result in a compile time/runtime error (depending on the situation and what can be detected by static type checking). I therefore use DirectCast whenever possible, as this captures my intent best: depending on the situation, I either want to unbox a value of known type or perform an upcast. End of story.
Using CType, on the other hand, leaves the reader of the code wondering what the programmer really intended because it resolves to all kinds of different operations, including calling user-defined code.
Why is this a hidden feature? The VB team has published a guideline1 that discourages the use of DirectCast (even though it's actually faster!) in order to make the code more uniform. I argue that this is a bad guideline that should be reversed: Whenever possible, favour DirectCast over the more general CType operator. It makes the code much clearer. CType, on the other hand, should only be called if this is indeed intended, i.e. when a narrowing CType operator (cf. operator overloading) should be called.
1) I'm unable to come up with a link to the guideline but I've found Paul Vick's take on it (chief developer of the VB team):
In the real world, you're hardly ever going to notice the difference, so you might as well go with the more flexible conversion operators like CType, CInt, etc.
(EDIT by Zack: Learn more here: How should I cast in VB.NET?)
If conditional and coalesce operator
I don't know how hidden you'd call it, but the Iif([expression],[value if true],[value if false]) As Object function could count.
It's not so much hidden as deprecated! VB 9 has the If operator which is much better and works exactly as C#'s conditional and coalesce operator (depending on what you want):
Dim x = If(a = b, c, d)
Dim hello As String = Nothing
Dim y = If(hello, "World")
Edited to show another example:
This will work with If(), but cause an exception with IIf()
Dim x = If(b<>0,a/b,0)
This is a nice one. The Select Case statement within VB.Net is very powerful.
Sure there is the standard
Select Case Role
Case "Admin"
''//Do X
Case "Tester"
''//Do Y
Case "Developer"
''//Do Z
Case Else
''//Exception case
End Select
But there is more...
You can do ranges:
Select Case Amount
Case Is < 0
Case 0 To 15
Shipping = 2.0
Case 16 To 59
Shipping = 5.87
Case Is > 59
Shipping = 12.50
Case Else
Shipping = 9.99
End Select
And even more...
You can (although may not be a good idea) do boolean checks on multiple variables:
Select Case True
Case a = b
''//Do X
Case a = c
''//Do Y
Case b = c
''//Do Z
Case Else
''//Exception case
End Select
One major time saver I use all the time is the With keyword:
With ReallyLongClassName
.Property1 = Value1
.Property2 = Value2
End With
I just don't like typing more than I have to!
The best and easy CSV parser:
By adding a reference to Microsoft.VisualBasic, this can be used in any other .Net language, e.g. C#
AndAlso/OrElse logical operators
(EDIT: Learn more here: Should I always use the AndAlso and OrElse operators?)
Static members in methods.
For example:
Function CleanString(byval input As String) As String
Static pattern As New RegEx("...")
return pattern.Replace(input, "")
End Function
In the above function, the pattern regular expression will only ever be created once no matter how many times the function is called.
Another use is to keep an instance of "random" around:
Function GetNextRandom() As Integer
Static r As New Random(getSeed())
Return r.Next()
End Function
Also, this isn't the same as simply declaring it as a Shared member of the class; items declared this way are guaranteed to be thread-safe as well. It doesn't matter in this scenario since the expression will never change, but there are others where it might.
In vb there is a different between these operators:
/ is Double
\ is Integer ignoring the remainder
Sub Main()
Dim x = 9 / 5
Dim y = 9 \ 5
Console.WriteLine("item x of '{0}' equals to {1}", x.GetType.FullName, x)
Console.WriteLine("item y of '{0}' equals to {1}", y.GetType.FullName, y)
'item x of 'System.Double' equals to 1.8
'item y of 'System.Int32' equals to 1
End Sub
I really like the "My" Namespace which was introduced in Visual Basic 2005. My is a shortcut to several groups of information and functionality. It provides quick and intuitive access to the following types of information:
My.Computer: Access to information related to the computer such as file system, network, devices, system information, etc. It provides access to a number of very important resources including My.Computer.Network, My.Computer.FileSystem, and My.Computer.Printers.
My.Application: Access to information related to the particular application such as name, version, current directory, etc.
My.User: Access to information related to the current authenticated user.
My.Resources: Access to resources used by the application residing in resource files in a strongly typed manner.
My.Settings: Access to configuration settings of the application in a strongly typed manner.
Custom Events
Though seldom useful, event handling can be heavily customized:
Public Class ApplePie
Private ReadOnly m_BakedEvent As New List(Of EventHandler)()
Custom Event Baked As EventHandler
AddHandler(ByVal value As EventHandler)
Console.WriteLine("Adding a new subscriber: {0}", value.Method)
End AddHandler
RemoveHandler(ByVal value As EventHandler)
Console.WriteLine("Removing subscriber: {0}", value.Method)
End RemoveHandler
RaiseEvent(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Console.WriteLine("{0} is raising an event.", sender)
For Each ev In m_BakedEvent
ev.Invoke(sender, e)
End RaiseEvent
End Event
Public Sub Bake()
''// 1. Add ingredients
''// 2. Stir
''// 3. Put into oven (heated, not pre-heated!)
''// 4. Bake
RaiseEvent Baked(Me, EventArgs.Empty)
''// 5. Digest
End Sub
End Class
This can then be tested in the following fashion:
Module Module1
Public Sub Foo(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Console.WriteLine("Hmm, freshly baked apple pie.")
End Sub
Sub Main()
Dim pie As New ApplePie()
AddHandler pie.Baked, AddressOf Foo
RemoveHandler pie.Baked, AddressOf Foo
End Sub
End Module
I just found an article talking about the "!" operator, also know as the "dictionary lookup operator". Here's an excerpt from the article at:
The technical name for the ! operator
is the "dictionary lookup operator." A
dictionary is any collection type that
is indexed by a key rather than a
number, just like the way that the
entries in an English dictionary are
indexed by the word you want the
definition of. The most common example
of a dictionary type is the
System.Collections.Hashtable, which
allows you to add (key, value) pairs
into the hashtable and then retrieve
values using the keys. For example,
the following code adds three entries
to a hashtable, and looks one of them
up using the key "Pork".
Dim Table As Hashtable = New Hashtable
Table("Orange") = "A fruit"
Table("Broccoli") = "A vegetable"
Table("Pork") = "A meat"
The ! operator can be used to look up
values from any dictionary type that
indexes its values using strings. The
identifier after the ! is used as the
key in the lookup operation. So the
above code could instead have been
Dim Table As Hashtable = New Hashtable
Table!Orange = "A fruit"
Table!Broccoli = "A vegetable"
Table!Pork = "A meat"
The second example is completely
equivalent to the first, but just
looks a lot nicer, at least to my
eyes. I find that there are a lot of
places where ! can be used, especially
when it comes to XML and the web,
where there are just tons of
collections that are indexed by
string. One unfortunate limitation is
that the thing following the ! still
has to be a valid identifier, so if
the string you want to use as a key
has some invalid identifier character
in it, you can't use the ! operator.
(You can't, for example, say
"Table!AB$CD = 5" because $ isn't
legal in identifiers.) In VB6 and
before, you could use brackets to
escape invalid identifiers (i.e.
"Table![AB$CD]"), but when we started
using brackets to escape keywords, we
lost the ability to do that. In most
cases, however, this isn't too much of
a limitation.
To get really technical, x!y works if
x has a default property that takes a
String or Object as a parameter. In
that case, x!y is changed into
x.DefaultProperty("y"). An interesting
side note is that there is a special
rule in the lexical grammar of the
language to make this all work. The !
character is also used as a type
character in the language, and type
characters are eaten before operators.
So without a special rule, x!y would
be scanned as "x! y" instead of "x !
y". Fortunately, since there is no
place in the language where two
identifiers in a row are valid, we
just introduced the rule that if the
next character after the ! is the
start of an identifier, we consider
the ! to be an operator and not a type
This is built-in, and a definite advantage over C#. The ability to implement an interface Method without having to use the same name.
Such as:
Public Sub GetISCSIAdmInfo(ByRef xDoc As System.Xml.XmlDocument) Implements IUnix.GetISCSIInfo
End Sub
Forcing ByVal
In VB, if you wrap your arguments in an extra set of parentheses you can override the ByRef declaration of the method and turn it into a ByVal. For instance, the following code produces 4, 5, 5 instead of 4,5,6
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Dim R = 4
End Sub
Private Sub Test(ByRef i As Integer)
i += 1
End Sub
See Argument Not Being Modified by Procedure Call - Underlying Variable
Passing parameters by name and, so reordering them
Sub MyFunc(Optional msg as String= "", Optional displayOrder As integer = 0)
'Do stuff
End function
Module Module1
Sub Main()
MyFunc() 'No params specified
End Sub
End Module
Can also be called using the ":=" parameter specification in any order:
MyFunc(displayOrder:=10, msg:="mystring")
The Using statement is new as of VB 8, C# had it from the start. It calls dispose automagically for you.
Using lockThis as New MyLocker(objToLock)
End Using
Import aliases are also largely unknown:
Import winf = System.Windows.Forms
Dim x as winf.Form
Consider the following event declaration
Public Event SomethingHappened As EventHandler
In C#, you can check for event subscribers by using the following syntax:
if(SomethingHappened != null)
However, the VB.NET compiler does not support this. It actually creates a hidden private member field which is not visible in IntelliSense:
If Not SomethingHappenedEvent Is Nothing OrElse SomethingHappenedEvent.GetInvocationList.Length = 0 Then
End If
More Information:
If you need a variable name to match that of a keyword, enclose it with brackets. Not nec. the best practice though - but it can be used wisely.
Class CodeException
Public [Error] as String
End Class
Dim e as new CodeException
e.Error = "Invalid Syntax"
e.g. Example from comments(#Pondidum):
Class Timer
Public Sub Start()
End Sub
Public Sub [Stop]()
End Sub
There are a couple of answers about XML Literals, but not about this specific case:
You can use XML Literals to enclose string literals that would otherwise need to be escaped. String literals that contain double-quotes, for instance.
Instead of this:
Dim myString = _
"This string contains ""quotes"" and they're ugly."
You can do this:
Dim myString = _
<string>This string contains "quotes" and they're nice.</string>.Value
This is especially useful if you're testing a literal for CSV parsing:
Dim csvTestYuck = _
"""Smith"", ""Bob"", ""123 Anywhere St"", ""Los Angeles"", ""CA"""
Dim csvTestMuchBetter = _
<string>"Smith", "Bob", "123 Anywhere St", "Los Angeles", "CA"</string>.Value
(You don't have to use the <string> tag, of course; you can use any tag you like.)
DateTime can be initialized by surrounding your date with #
Dim independanceDay As DateTime = #7/4/1776#
You can also use type inference along with this syntax
Dim independanceDay = #7/4/1776#
That's a lot nicer than using the constructor
Dim independanceDay as DateTime = New DateTime(1776, 7, 4)
You can have 2 lines of code in just one line. hence:
Dim x As New Something : x.CallAMethod
Optional Parameters
Optionals are so much easier than creating a new overloads, such as :
Function CloseTheSystem(Optional ByVal msg AS String = "Shutting down the system...")
''//do stuff
End Function
Title Case in VB.Net can be achieved by an old VB6 fxn:
StrConv(stringToTitleCase, VbStrConv.ProperCase,0) ''0 is localeID
Properties with parameters
I have been doing some C# programming, and discovered a feature that was missing that VB.Net had, but was not mentioned here.
An example of how to do this (as well as the c# limitation) can be seen at: Using the typical get set properties in C#... with parameters
I have excerpted the code from that answer:
Private Shared m_Dictionary As IDictionary(Of String, Object) = _
New Dictionary(Of String, Object)
Public Shared Property DictionaryElement(ByVal Key As String) As Object
If m_Dictionary.ContainsKey(Key) Then
Return m_Dictionary(Key)
Return [String].Empty
End If
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Object)
If m_Dictionary.ContainsKey(Key) Then
m_Dictionary(Key) = value
m_Dictionary.Add(Key, value)
End If
End Set
End Property