Wrongly closed SQL parentheses [closed] - sql

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'm fairly new at writing SQL commands so I don't exactly know where I'm going wrong here. I closed all the parentheses, but I still get the following error message:
Syntax error: Expected ")" but got keyword AND at [18:5]
goals as (
select sum(cast(goal as int64)) as goal
from seed.seed_ads_goals
and extract(month from [daterange_start]) = month
Any hints?

WHERE Clause is missing :
select sum(cast(goal as int64)) as goal
from seed.seed_ads_goals as goal_total
where extract(month from [daterange_start]) = month


Access SQL Syntax error - Unable to find the error [closed]

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This question was caused by a typo or a problem that can no longer be reproduced. While similar questions may be on-topic here, this one was resolved in a way less likely to help future readers.
Closed 9 days ago.
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SELECT AgentData.AgentLoginID,AgentData.KPIName,Minimum.Indicator,Minimum.PMonth,Minimum.PYear,Minimum.Min,
IIf(InStr([AgentData].[Goal],'%')>0,(Left([AgentData].[Goal],Len([AgentData].[Goal])-1)/100),[AgentData].[Goal]) AS Goal,
Round(IIf(InStr([AgentData].GoalValue,'%')>0,(Left([AgentData].GoalValue,Len([AgentData].GoalValue)-1)/100),[AgentData].GoalValue),2) AS GoalValue,
Round(IIf([Minimum].[Indicator]='P',(IIf([Goal]=0,Null,[GoalValue]/[Goal]),IIf(([Minimum].[Indicator]='N' And ([Minimum].[Min]=0 Or [Minimum].[Min]=(format(0,"Percent")),Null,([Minimum].[Min]-[GoalValue]/[Minimum].[Min]),4) AS [Value],
Round([AgentData].Weightage*Value,4) AS Product FROM Minimum INNER JOIN AgentData ON Minimum.KPIName = AgentData.KPIName;
I have been trying to execute this code in access, but no success, i keep getting a syntax error, missing operator in expression, but unable to figure out what the issue is, so wondering if anyone could help, i get an error with the SQL statement marked in bold
SELECT AgentData.AgentLoginID, AgentData.KPIName, Minimum.Indicator, Minimum.PMonth, Minimum.PYear, Minimum.Min,
IIf(InStr([AgentData].[Goal],'%')>0,(Left([AgentData].[Goal],Len([AgentData].[Goal])-1)/100),[AgentData].[Goal]) AS Goal,
Round(IIf(InStr([AgentData].GoalValue,'%')>0,(Left([AgentData].GoalValue,Len([AgentData].GoalValue)-1)/100),[AgentData].GoalValue),2) AS GoalValue, Round(IIf([Minimum].[Indicator]='P',IIf([Goal]=0,Null,[GoalValue]/[Goal]),
IIf(([Minimum].[Indicator]='N' And [Minimum].[Min]=0),Null,([Minimum].[Min]-[GoalValue])/[Minimum].[Min])),4) AS [Value],
Round([AgentData].Weightage*Value,4) AS Product
FROM Minimum INNER JOIN AgentData ON Minimum.KPIName = AgentData.KPIName;
The above query runs perfectly fine, but i get a snytax errors when i add the OR operator for Minimum.Min as i want it to exectue in two scenarios , one is when Minmum.min is 0 or when minimum.min = 0%

Eroor while using below CASE STATEMENT related to DATE [closed]

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This question was caused by a typo or a problem that can no longer be reproduced. While similar questions may be on-topic here, this one was resolved in a way less likely to help future readers.
Closed 4 months ago.
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Below QUOTE_REGISTER_DATE datatype is varchar2, when running below script it's giving error.
from tablename;
You've got an error in the function, write it like this:
from tablename
And for another time, add the error you get to the question, we cannot just guess what is wrong. For this question, it was obvious.
[Edit]: removed the second of the '))'. Thanks for the comment.

Using SQL BETWEEN [closed]

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This question was caused by a typo or a problem that can no longer be reproduced. While similar questions may be on-topic here, this one was resolved in a way less likely to help future readers.
Closed 8 months ago.
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Please help me fix this error.
FROM activity_log_admins
WHERE query_date BETWEEN 4th-June-2022 AND 10th-June-2022
But am receiving this error.
#1054 - Unknown column '4th' in 'where clause'
Assuming query_date is a type of datetime, Try
FROM activity_log_admins
WHERE query_date BETWEEN '2202-06-04' AND '2202-06-10'

SQL - Multiple Replace [closed]

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This question was caused by a typo or a problem that can no longer be reproduced. While similar questions may be on-topic here, this one was resolved in a way less likely to help future readers.
Closed 8 years ago.
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what i try to do is a multiple replace of an variable string.
but the problem that nothing happend.
i canĀ“t figured out what is wrong in the code:
can someone give me hand with this pls?
here is the sql code:
Hope following query can make your life easier by not nesting too many parentheses.
FROM (VALUES ('#%LoginUser%#',#Name),
) AS T(P, R)

Incorrect syntax near '.\'. in sql [closed]

Closed. This question is not reproducible or was caused by typos. It is not currently accepting answers.
This question was caused by a typo or a problem that can no longer be reproduced. While similar questions may be on-topic here, this one was resolved in a way less likely to help future readers.
Closed 8 years ago.
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When I ran the query I am getting incorrect syntax error. can any one help me to fix it?
si.SoftwareImage as ImagePLName,
SUBSTRING(si.SoftwareImage, 0, CHARINDEX(\'.\',si.SoftwareImage)),
sib.SoftwareImageBuild as BuildID
v000001.SoftwareProductBuilds spb
v000001.SoftwareProductBuildSoftwareImageBuilds spbisib ON spbisib.SoftwareProductBuildId = spb.SoftwareProductBuildId
v000001.SoftwareImageBuilds sib ON sib.SoftwareImageBuildId = spbisib.SoftwareImageBuildId
v000001.SoftwareImages si ON si.SoftwareImageId = sib.SoftwareImageId
spb.SoftwareProductBuild = '123456'
It should be:
Documentation to CHARINDEX for SQL Server
Documentation to CHARINDEX for Sybase.