setwindowtitle is not replicated in ubuntu side tool bar PyQt5 - pyqt5

I am trying to create an application using PyQt5, FBS, and QtDesigner
My app works as I expected
My problem is while I move the cursor over my app icon in ubuntu sidebar, its hover says unknown
I using the following line in my code
app.setWindowTitle("my first app")
This title is not replicated in ubuntu left sidebar icon hover

To change the application name, use the setApplicationName function:
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
app.setApplicationName("My first app")
main_window = ...


Why is my text from TextView not showing in the Preview of Android Studio?

I was trying the basic Hello World program on Android Studio.
The "Hello World" text from TextView does not show on the Preview. Even if I change the Hello World to something else, I do not get it on screen. What am I doing wrong?
The Android Studio version is 3.1.3
The error can be fixed by the following steps:
Go to GradleScripts (Top Left Corner)-> build.gradle(Module:app) ->
in dependencies change
implementation '' to
implementation ''
Then press Sync Now in Top Right Corner(Download Updates if necessary)
The Preview will start working.
You can watch this video as well to fix the issue
Video Link-
You must also use Theme of IntelliJ(White Theme) as Dark Theme is having rendering issues.
You can watch this video to see how to change Theme in Android Studio
Change the device in Editor.You will get the text .Now in screenshot Nexus 4 is selected .

How to automate native "Search" button in Appium Java

After sending keys the Native Keyboard opens automatically on IOS.
How can i automate Tap on native keyboard "Search"?
Appium + Java + Selenium + Eclipse
If you are using java-client 3.1.0, you can use this:
((AndroidDriver) driver).sendKeyEvent(AndroidKeyCode.ENTER);
Assuming you are automating a native mobile application. then you can easily click on the search button.
driver.findElement(By.Xpath("xpath of search icon")).click();
If you are automating web application then you need to change your context to native like below.
Get the current context handles
Save the current context Context to Native
Change the Context to Native
Click on the search button
change the context to default
String currentContext = driver.getContext();
driver.findElement(By.Xpath("xpath of search icon")).click();
Not sure if this would be helpful for you since it's been half a year but I did have a similar problem. If I was going to search with "Bruno Mars" in the search field, I would just have appium type in "Bruno Mars\n" and the newline would automatically trigger the search button. However, recently my devices weren't responding to the new line anymore. I winded up downgrading the google keyboard to 4.1.x and I was able to use new line method again. The problem was that the devices had auto updated to to version 5.x. So downgrading the keyboard solved the issue for me.

Directions Side Bar in Windows 8 Maps Application?

I'm new to Windows 8 development. I want to implement something similar to the following in Microsoft Maps application for Windows 8:
In the maps app, when the user clicks on Directions menu item in the app bar, a side bar appears on the right.
How can I implement such a side bar ?
Unfortunately there's no such control built-in in WinRT. The closest to what your looking for would be SettingsFlyout control from Callisto. It's not ideal for this case, since it was designed to be used as settings flyout. Most notably you'd need to get rid of the back button which opens up the settings charm. You could try overriding the style or taking the control source code and modifying it.
It's really simple to use, though:
var flyout = new SettingsFlyout();
flyout.FlyoutWidth = SettingsFlyout.SettingsFlyoutWidth.Narrow;
flyout.HeaderText = "Flyout";
flyout.Content = new FlyoutControl();
flyout.IsOpen = true;
FlyoutControl would be a custom UserControl you want to display.

when start App, than how to remove this Titanium default Page or picture?

I am new Application Developer with the Titanium. i want to develop new Application with Titanium and created a HelloWorld application. Every time my application starts up Than every time Titanium startscreen is show. how I remove this Titanium Startscreen.
I have also 1 question when i run the application in iPhone than show its title bar with windows.
but, in android have not show.
i use build custom with use if else statement i add the title bar. but, any syntax. whose add the tittle bar in android.
I have also occur this type problem than, i sort out this problem with the help of my friend.
I write below step by step.
go to the resource folder where u create ur application.
select the build folder and open iphone and copy the picture whose u want to show on screen.
and rename with default.png
I, think this is useful to you. Let try it.

Screen shot of windows desktop on Login Screen

Is it possible to take a screen shot of windows desktop on Login Screen ?
I build a windows service in C# that captures the screen but when logged off a I got the
exception with message "The handle is invalid."
I used this code
Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(SelectionRectangle.Width, SelectionRectangle.Height);
using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap))
g.CopyFromScreen(SourcePoint, DestinationPoint, SelectionRectangle.Size);
Does using Windows API can solve the problem ?
I am trying to achieve something like Ultra VNC can do.
I think the problem may be that you're on the wrong WindowStation. Have a look at these articles;
Why does print screen in a Windows Service return a black image?
Screen capture from windows service
You may need to enumerate the win-stations and locate the login desktop and use that.