Update table by all records from second table - sql

I have two tables. The first table (SecurityRules) is a list of security rules:
ID srRight srRole
1 4 NULL
2 2 32
The second table (Projects) is a list of Projects :
ProjId prRight prRole
1 0 NULL
2 0 32
3 0 NULL
I need to update the list of projects with all the records from SecurityRules and update the prRight column based on the Role from both tables. The Right values are bitwise-organised.
I used the following SQL update query to do this:
Update Projects
-- Perform binary sum
Set prRight = prRight | srRight
From SecurityRules
Where (srRole is Null) --Always apply srRight if srRole is not defined
OR (srRole is Not Null And srRole=prRole) --Apply right if both roles are equal
The expected result is:
ProjId prRight prRole
1 4 NULL
2 6 32
3 4 NULL
But I get:
ProjId prRight prRole
1 4 NULL
2 4 32
3 4 NULL
It looks like the update is done only by the first record of the SecurityRules table. And I need to apply all the records from the SecurityRules table to all records of the Project table.
If I create a simple loop and manually looped all the records from SecurityRules it is working fine, but the performance is very poor if you have to compare 10 security rules to 2000 projects...
Any suggestion?

This answer is based on the code in this answer for generating a bitwise OR of values. It uses CTEs to generate a bit mask for each rights value and then the overall bitwise OR by summing the distinct bit masks present in each of the rights values. The output of the last CTE is then used to update the Projects table:
WITH Bits AS (
SELECT 2 * BitMask FROM Bits
WHERE BitMask < 65536
NewRights AS (
FROM Projects p
JOIN SecurityRules s ON s.srRole IS NULL OR s.srRole = p.prRole
JOIN Bits b ON b.BitMask & s.srRight > 0
SET p.prRight = n.NewRight
FROM Projects p
JOIN NewRights n ON n.ProjId = p.ProjId
Resultant Projects table:
ProjId prRight prRole
1 4 null
2 6 32
3 4 null
Demo on dbfiddle

If I understand correctly, you have a direct match on the srRole column and then a default rule that applies to everyone.
The simplest method (in this case) is to use joins in the update:
update p
Set prRight = p.prRight | srn.srRight | coalesce(sr.srRight, 0)
From Projects p join
SecurityRules srn
on srRole is null left join
SecurityRules sr
on sr.srRole = p.prRole;
Here is a db<>fiddle.
You might be safer assuming no default rule. And that prRight could be NULL:
update p
Set prRight = coalesce(p.prRight, 0) | coalesce(srn.srRight, 0) | coalesce(sr.srRight, 0)
From Projects p left join
SecurityRules srn
on srRole is null left join
SecurityRules sr
on sr.srRole = p.prRole;
That said, I would recommend that you consider revising your data model. Bit fiddling is a lot of fun in programming languages. However, it is generally not the best approach in databases. Instead use junction tables, unless your application has some real need for bit switches.


MS access join two tables, get unique rows

This is a modification to a previous question original answer , I hope the proper thing to do is start a new thread.
I have a table called Parts, PartRefID is the PK
PartRefID PartDefID AssemblyID
1 2 c63df10b-8250-4aa5-9889-9e8046331dbf
11 1 db51f4a8-3ffa-41f7-81c1-a9accbbb299a
67 6 136fc5d8-7b65-41b5-bca3-7d4180a1e0ab
77 5 38fa8b7a-2945-4546-8eab-7865a1e515b2
133 2 c63df10b-8250-4aa5-9889-9e8046331dbf
134 6 136fc5d8-7b65-41b5-bca3-7d4180a1e0ab
I need to extract rows with a unique AssemblyID. This was answered by GMB with the following sql:
select *
from parts as p
where [PartRefID] = (
select max(p1.[PartRefID])
from parts as p1
where p1.[AssemblyID] = p.[AssemblyID] and p1.[PartDefID] = 2
which worked beautifully. However requirements have changed and I must ignore the PartDefID field and there could also be AssemblyID's which represent parts I do not want.
The AssemblyID's shown in the above table represent an electrical connector part.
Electrical connector parts will ALWAYS have a Partclass of 1 which is defined in another table called PartDefinitions shown here:
PartDefID PartClass PartNumber
1 1 MS27467T23F55P
2 1 330-00186-09
3 2 336-00024-00
4 2 336-00022-00
5 1 MS27468T23F55S
6 1 330-00184-09
with my limited sql knowledge I decided a join was necessary and came up with the following code:
SELECT Parts.*, PartDefinitions.PartClass
From PartDefinitions
INNER Join Parts
On PartDefinitions.PartDefID = Parts.PartDefID
Where (((PartDefinitions.PartClass) = 1))
this gets me close, it produces all the parts in the parts table which are connectors. However there are some duplicate AssemblyID's.
what I need is to produce the following:
PartRefID PartDefID AssemblyID
1 2 c63df10b-8250-4aa5-9889-9e8046331dbf
11 1 db51f4a8-3ffa-41f7-81c1-a9accbbb299a
67 6 136fc5d8-7b65-41b5-bca3-7d4180a1e0ab
77 5 38fa8b7a-2945-4546-8eab-7865a1e515b2
my apologies if I have not made a clear and concise question
thanks for any help
and thanks again GMB
If I understand correctly, you want to filter by the PartClassId in both the subquery and the outer query:
select p.*, pd.PartClass
From Parts as p inner join
PartDefinitions as pd
on pd.PartDefID = p.PartDefID
where pd.PartClassId = 1 and
p.pPartRefID = (select max(p2.pPartRefID)
from parts as p2 inner join
PartDefinitions as pd2
on pd2.PartDefID = pd.PartDefID
where p2.AssemblyID = p.AssemblyID and
p2.PartClassId = 1

Finding contiguous regions in a sorted MS Access query

I am a long time fan of Stack Overflow but I've come across a problem that I haven't found addressed yet and need some expert help.
I have a query that is sorted chronologically with a date-time compound key (unique, never deleted) and several pieces of data. What I want to know is if there is a way to find the start (or end) of a region where a value changes? I.E.
DateTime someVal1 someVal2 someVal3 target
1 3 4 A
1 2 4 A
1 3 4 A
1 2 4 B
1 2 5 B
1 2 5 A
and my query returns rows 1, 4 and 6. It finds the change in col 5 from A to B and then from B back to A? I have tried the find duplicates method and using min and max in the totals property however it gives me the first and last overall instead of the local max and min? Any similar problems?
I didn't see any purpose for the someVal1, someVal2, and someVal3 fields, so I left them out. I used an autonumber as the primary key instead of your date/time field; but this approach should also work with your date/time primary key. This is the data in my version of your table.
pkey_field target
1 A
2 A
3 A
4 B
5 B
6 A
I used a correlated subquery to find the previous pkey_field value for each row.
(SELECT Max(pkey_field)
FROM YourTable
WHERE pkey_field < m.pkey_field)
AS prev_pkey_field
FROM YourTable AS m;
Then put that in a subquery which I joined to another copy of the base table.
prev.target AS prev_target
(SELECT Max(pkey_field)
FROM YourTable
WHERE pkey_field < m.pkey_field)
AS prev_pkey_field
FROM YourTable AS m) AS sub
LEFT JOIN YourTable AS prev
ON sub.prev_pkey_field = prev.pkey_field
sub.prev_pkey_field Is Null
OR prev.target <> sub.target;
This is the output from that final query.
pkey_field target prev_pkey_field prev_target
1 A
4 B 3 A
6 A 5 B
Here is a first attempt,
SELECT t1.Row, t1.target
FROM t1 WHERE (((t1.target)<>NZ((SELECT TOP 1 t2.target FROM t1 AS t2 WHERE t2.DateTimeId<t1.DateTimeId ORDER BY t2.DateTimeId DESC),"X")));

List category/subcategory tree and display its sub-categories in the same row

I have a hierarchical table of Regions and sub-regions, and I need to list a tree of regions and sub-regions (which is easy), but also, I need a column that displays, for each region, all the ids of it's sub regions.
For example:
id name superiorId
2 Tijuca 1
3 Leblon 1
4 Gavea 2
5 Humaita 2
6 Barra 4
I need the result to be something like:
id name superiorId sub-regions
1 RJ NULL 2,3,4,5,6
2 Tijuca 1 4,5,6
3 Leblon 1 null
4 Gavea 2 4
5 Humaita 2 null
6 Barra 4 null
I have done that by creating a function that retrieves a STUFF() of a region row,
but when I'm selecting all regions from a country, for example, the query becomes really, really slow, since I execute the function to get the region sons for each region.
Does anybody know how to get that in an optimized way?
The function that "retrieves all the ids as a row" is:
I meant that the function returns all the sub-region's ids as a string, separated by a comma.
The function is:
CREATE FUNCTION getSubRegions (#RegionId int)
select stuff((SELECT CAST( wine_reg.wine_reg_id as varchar)+','
from (select wine_reg_id
, wine_reg_name
, wine_region_superior
from wine_region as t1
where wine_region_superior = #RegionId
or exists
( select *
from wine_region as t2
where wine_reg_id = t1.wine_region_superior
and (
wine_region_superior = #RegionId
) ) wine_reg
ORDER BY wine_reg.wine_reg_name ASC for XML path('')),1,0,'')as Sons)
When we used to make these concatenated lists in the database we took a similar approach to what you are doing at first
then when we looked for speed
we made them into CLR functions
and now our database is only responsible for storing and retrieving data
this sort of thing will be in our data layer in the application

Why does this query return "incorrect" results?

I have 3 tables:
'CouponType' table:
AutoID Code Name
1 CouT001 SunCoupon
2 CouT002 GdFriCoupon
3 CouT003 1for1Coupon
'CouponIssued' table:
AutoID CouponNo CouponType_AutoID
1 Co001 1
2 Co002 1
3 Co003 1
4 Co004 2
5 Co005 2
6 Co006 2
'CouponUsed' table:
AutoID Coupon_AutoID
1 2
2 3
3 5
I am trying to join 3 tables together using this query below but apparently I am not getting right values for CouponIssued column:
select CouponType.AutoID, Code, Name, Count(CouponIssued.CouponType_AutoID), count(CouponUsed.Coupon_AutoID)
from (CouponType left join CouponIssued
on (CouponType.AutoID = CouponIssued.CouponType_AutoID))
left join CouponUsed
on (couponUsed.Coupon_AutoID = CouponIssued.AutoID)
group by CouponType.AutoID, code, name
order by code
The expected result should be like:
**Auto ID Code Name Issued used**
1 CouT001 SunCoupon 3 2
2 CouT002 GdFriCoupon 3 1
3 CouT003 1for1Coupon 0 0
,count(i.CouponType_AutoID) AS issued
,count(u.Coupon_AutoID) AS used
FROM CouponType t
LEFT JOIN CouponIssued i ON i.CouponType_AutoID = t.AutoID
LEFT JOIN CouponUsed u ON u.Coupon_AutoID = i.AutoID
GROUP BY 1,2,3;
You might consider using less confusing names for your table columns. I have made very good experiences with using the same name for the same data across tables (as far as sensible).
In your example, AutoID is used for three different columns, two of which appear a second time in another table under a different name. This would still make sense if Coupon_AutoID was named CouponIssued_AutoID instead.
change count(Coupon.CouponType_AutoID) to count(CouponIssued.CouponType_AutoID) and count(Coupon.Coupon_AutoID) to count(CouponUsed.Coupon_AutoID)

Problem with SQL Join

I have two tables, tblEntities and tblScheduling.
EntityID ShortName Active
1 Dirtville 1
2 Goldtown 1
3 Blackston 0
4 Cornfelt 1
5 Vick 1
ScheduleID EntityID SchedulingYearID
1 1 20
2 1 21
3 2 20
4 3 19
5 5 20
I need a query that will show ALL ACTIVE Entities and their schedule information for a particular ScheduleYearID.
Output should look like (the desired SchedulingYearID in this case is 20):
EntityID ScheduleID
1 1
2 3
5 5
The query that I have written so far is:
SELECT tblEntities.EntityID, tblEntities.ShortName, tblScheduling.ScheduleID
tblEntities ON tblScheduling.EntityID = tblEntities.EntityID
WHERE (tblScheduling.SchedulingYearID = #SchedulingYearID)
AND (tblEntities.Active = 1)
ORDER BY tblEntities.EntityID
My problem is that using this query it will not include active entities without schedule information (such as EntityID 4 in the example above). I can write the query to display all active entities and their schedule status fine, but once I start limiting it via the SchedulingYearID I lose those particular entities.
Are there any solutions that I am obviously missing without having to resort to subqueries, cursors, etc.? If not it's not a big deal, I just feel like I am missing something simple here.
Try this... Join conditions are evaluated to produce the intermediate Join result set, and then, (for an outer join), all the rows from the "Outer" side are added back in before moving on... Where conditions are evaluated after all joins are done...
SELECT E.EntityID, E.ShortName, S.ScheduleID
FROM tblEntities E
Left Join tblScheduling S
ON S.EntityID = E.EntityID
And S.SchedulingYearID = #SchedulingYearID
WHERE E.Active = 1
I change your join order cause I prefer left joins... but it doesn't matter
It's your conditions in the where clause:
(tblScheduling.SchedulingYearID = #SchedulingYearID)
when there is no tblScheduling info this wil always fail. Add
(((tblScheduling.SchedulingYearID = #SchedulingYearID) OR (tblScheduling.SchedulingYearID is null) )
or wathever null condition checking your DB uses.
I think the trouble is that the WHERE clause is filtering out the rows where SchedulingYearID is null. So don't.
SELECT tblEntities.EntityID, tblEntities.ShortName, tblScheduling.ScheduleID
tblEntities ON tblScheduling.EntityID = tblEntities.EntityID
WHERE (tblScheduling.SchedulingYearID = #SchedulingYearID OR
tblScheduling.SchedulingYearID IS NULL)
AND (tblEntities.Active = 1)
ORDER BY tblEntities.EntityID;