As documented in I have configured an Image PipelineResource:
kind: PipelineResource
name: my-data-image
type: image
- name: url
value: image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/default/my-data
Now when I am using the above PipelineResource as an input to a task:
kind: Task
name: my-task
- name: my-data-image
type: image
- name: print-info
image: image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/default/my-task-runner-image:latest
imagePullPolicy: Always
command: ["/bin/sh"]
- "-c"
- >
echo "List the contents of the input image" &&
ls -R "$("
I am not able to list the content of the image, as I get the error
[test : print-info] List the contents of the input image
[test : print-info] ls: cannot access '/workspace/my-data-image': No such file or directory
The documentation ( states that an Image PipelineResource is usually used as a Task output for Tasks that build images.
How can I access the contents of my container data image from within the tekton task?
Currently Tekton does not support Image inputs in the way that OpenShift's build configs support them:
Image inputs are only useful for variable interpolation, for example, "$(" while `ls "$(" will always print empty content.
There are several ways to access the contents of the Image though including:
Export image to tar: podman export $(podman create $( --tls-verify=false) > contents.tar
Copy files from the image: docker cp $(docker create $( ./local/copy. The tool skopeo can also copy files however does not seem to offer sub-directory copy capabilities.
Copy a pod directory to a local directory ( oc rsync $( /home/user/source
Having said the above, I decided to simply use the OpenShift's built-in BuildConfig resources to create a chained build for my pipeline. The variety of Build strategies supported by OpenShift out-of-the box is sufficient for my pipeline scenarios and the fact that Image inputs are supported makes it much easier when comparing to Tekton pipelines ( The only advantage that Tekton pipelines seem to have is the ability to easily reuse tasks, however, the equivalent can be achieved by creating Operators for OpenShift resources.
I have deployed falco as a side car to my work load in EKS/Fargate. Falco is able to execute the script that is defined in the image but not able to monitor workload container in runtime, meaning if I create a file at a location defined in the rules its not writing anything to logs about the new file. Details below
created falco image using
Use this falco image to deploy it as sidecar along with our workload containerimages/sidecarptrace/Dockerfile
In workload image, we are triggering falco using below
COPY --from=falcosecurity/falco-userspace:latest /vendor/falco/bin/pdig /vendor/falco/bin/pdig
COPY ./ /vendor/falco/scripts/
RUN chown -R nginx:nginx /vendor/falco/scripts/
RUN chmod 755 /vendor/falco/scripts/
CMD ["/vendor/falco/bin/pdig", "/bin/bash", "/vendor/falco/scripts/"]
For better understanding, below is how pod.yaml looks like
- name: falco
- name: falco-config
mountPath: "/data/falco.yaml"
subPath: "falco.yaml"
readOnly: true
- name: falco-local-rules
mountPath: "/data/falco_rules.local.yaml"
subPath: "falco_rules.local.yaml"
readOnly: true
- name: nginx
Deployed falco.yaml and falco-local-rules.yaml from
What I am noticing is runs correctly and only those are being logged in falco container logs.
If I create a shell script under /etc/nginx/html and execute it using sh /etc/nginx/html/, nothing is logged
What I want is
Falco to continously monitor workload container and log it
If the CMD in workload image needs an update to implement the continous monitoring, need guidance of how to do that
I am expecting any file creation or editing a file should be logged by falco
I'd like to be able to start my pipeline which uses two workspaces using the Tekton dashboard (GUI) but from what I can see, there is no option to provide workspaces here.
The only two options of creating a PipelineRun with bound workspaces I can think of are to either:
Create it programmatically and apply using either kubectl or tekton-cli
Create a TriggerTemplate with bound workspaces and run the pipeline by a webhook to an EventListener
My main problem is both of those options require the developer to go through a very non-user-friendly process. Ideally, I'd like to run the pipelines with bound workspaces from tekton GUI. Can this be somehow achieved?
I've tried providing the binding in the workspaces section of the Pipeline definition as below:
- name: source-dir
claimName: gradle-cache-pvc
- name: ssh-creds
secretName: ssh-key-secret
I am trying to implement a basic Tekton CI pipeline. All the pipeline does is 1) get the source code 2) build an image with a new version and push it to an image registry.
The image version is generated by a Tekton Step. Images are built by another Tekton step that uses Kaniko as described here.
I am aware of using workspaces to pass variables between Tekton steps. Meaning I can write the version to a file in the workspace. But cant figure out a way to read this version from the file in the Kaniko build step below:
- name: build-and-push
# specifying DOCKER_CONFIG is required to allow kaniko to detect docker credential
value: "/tekton/home/.docker/"
- /kaniko/executor
- --dockerfile=$(params.pathToDockerFile)
- --destination=$(resources.outputs.builtImage.url):<IMAGE-VERSION-NEEDED-HERE>
- --context=$(params.pathToContext)
- --build-arg=BASE=alpine:3
There should be a common pattern to resolve this but I am not sure if I am looking at the right places in Tekton documentation for this.
Can anyone offer some pointers?
This is to confirm that I managed to resolve the issue by redesigning the steps to tasks as suggested by #Jonas.
Tekton Tasks can have outputs which can be referred in other tasks. At the time of writing this Tekton steps don't seem to have this feature.
For more details refer the links in #Jonas comments above.
All steps in a Task share the same Pod and thus as access to a shared workspace implemented as an emptyDir volume:
Type: EmptyDir (a temporary directory that shares a pod's lifetime)
SizeLimit: <unset>
A common way to share data between steps is to a file in the /workspace and read it in the next step.
Alternatively, as suggested by #Jonas, if you use different Tasks you can write a result in the first Task and feed it into a parameter of the second Task in the Pipeline definition.
Using results this way implicitly creates a dependency between the two Tasks, so the Tekton controller won't schedule the second Task until the first one has successfully completed and results are available.
You can use the image that has shell at /busybox/sh.
And create something like this (pass kaniko commands via script):
- name: write-to-workspace
image: ubuntu
script: |
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo "IMAGE_VERSION" > /workspace/FOO
- name: read-from-workspace
script: |
export IMAGE_VERSION=$(cat /workspace/FOO)
/kaniko/executor \
--dockerfile=$(params.pathToDockerFile) \
--destination=$(resources.outputs.builtImage.url):"${IMAGE_VERSION}" \
--context=$(params.pathToContext) \
You can refer to this discussion:
I have a Kubernetes cluster on Azure, where I use Helm to make it easier to manage micro-services and other tools on it, and Keycloak is one of them.
I need to use magic link authenticator in one of my apps, I'm aware that I need to add an extension in my Keycloak chart, but I don't know how.
In the image repository I'm using, they explain how to add custom themes, via extraInitContainers param on chart configuration. I think I can achieve what I want through it.
In this tutorial they say that's the extension, but I have no idea how to add this to my Keycloak instance on k8s by using helm charts. How do I achieve that?
Just more info about my config, I'm running louketo-proxy(as a side car) on some apps where I want to protect.
To publish a theme with original image, first create an archive with the thema.
Create a file custom-themes-values.yml with a content:
extraInitContainers: |
- name: theme-provider
image: busybox
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
- sh
- -c
- |
echo "wgetting theme from maven..."
wget -O /theme/keycloak-theme.jar
- name: theme
mountPath: /theme
extraVolumeMounts: |
- name: theme
mountPath: /opt/jboss/keycloak/standalone/deployments
extraVolumes: |
- name: theme
emptyDir: {}
Run with:
helm install keycloak codecentric/keycloak --values custom-themes-values.yml
ps: This example the theme was publish into maven repository, but you can copy a local file to.
This way you can adapt to magic-link.
So Tekton Pipelines allows you to create individual tasks and connect them into cloud native ci/cd pipelines. It's pretty cool. But as you can imagine, so things you would think are easy, are pretty tricky. For example, I'm trying to run a Kaniko executor as a task, but that executor needs specific arguments. I can hard code those args, but that makes the task less re-usable, so I'd like a previous task to simply read a config file from source and output or set env variables for the subsequent task. Not sure how to do this. In the case of Kaniko, its really tricky because you don't have any shell or anything. Any suggestions?
Here's a sample task from their documentation that I've tweaked to kind of show what I'm trying to do.
kind: Task
name: example-task-name
- name: workspace
type: git
- name: pathToDockerFile
type: string
description: The path to the dockerfile to build
default: /workspace/workspace/Dockerfile
- name: builtImage
type: image
- name: ubuntu-example
image: ubuntu
args: "export FOO=bar"
- image:
command: ["echo $FOO"]
I tried to achieve the same and found a (hacky) solution:
You can make use of the concept of workspaces and write your variable value to a file. You can use this also to mix between different types of scripts (python and sh in this example):
- name: python-write-value
image: python:3.7-alpine
script: |
#!/usr/bin/env python3
value = "my_value_to_share"
f = open("/workspace/value.txt","w+")
- name: sh-read-value
image: ubuntu
script: |
value=$(cat /workspace/value.txt)
echo $value
There is no easy way to do this for now, but you can use task params and task-results.