How do you generate random token - raku

I want to be able to generate a string that contains letters and numbers in Raku. I can't find a module that works.
I want to be able to generate something like this:

say ("a".."z","A".."Z",0..9).flat.roll(8).join; # M9lldSFC
("a".."z","A".."Z",0..9) specifies the list of characters that you want to occur in your random string.
.flat makes sure the ranges will be flattened to their elements
.roll(8) selects a random element from the list 8 times.
.join concatenates the selected elements from the list into a single string


get each number in String and Compare in TCL/tk

I have string output:
1 4 2 1 4
I want to get each character in string to compare.
I did it to want to know whether the list is sorted yet.
It's not exactly clear to me what you are trying to achieve. Going by "to know whether the list is sorted", and assuming a list of integers, you can use tcl::mathop::< or tcl::mathop::<=, depending on whether you want to allow duplicate values:
if {[tcl::mathop::<= {*}$list]} {
puts "List is sorted"
} else {
puts "List is mixed up"
This will also work for ASCII comparison of strings. For more complex comparisons, like using dictionary rules or case insensitive, it's probably easiest to combine that with lsort along with the -indices option:
tcl::mathop::< {*}[lsort -indices -dictionary $list]
The -indices option returns the original index of each list element in sorted order. By checking if those indices are in incremental order, you know if the original list was already sorted.
Of course, if the point of the exercise was to avoid unnecessary sorting, then this is no use. But then again, bubble sort of an already sorted list is very fast and will basically do exactly the comparisons you described. So just sorting will probably be faster than first checking for a sorted list via a scripted loop.
To get each character in the string, do split $the_string "" (yes, on the empty string). That gives you a list of all the characters in the string; you can use foreach to iterate over them. Remember, you can iterate over two (or more) lists at once:
foreach c1 [split $the_string ""] c2 $target_comparison_list {
if {$c1 ne $c2} {
puts "The first not equal character is “$c1” when “$c2” was expected"
Note that it's rarely useful to continue comparison after a difference is found as the most common differences are (relative to the target string) insertions and deletions; almost everything after either of those will differ.

Freemarker: Removing Items from One Sequence from Another Sequence

This may be something really simple, but I couldn't figure it out and been trying to find an example online to no avail. I'm basically trying to remove items found in one sequence from another sequence.
Example #1
Items added to the cart is in one sequence; items removed from cart is in another sequence:
<#assign Added_Items_to_Cart = "AAAA,BBBB,CCCC,DDDD,EEEE,FFFF">
<#assign Deleted_Items_from_Cart = "BBBB,DDDD">
The result I'm looking for is: AAAA,CCCC,EEEE,FFFF
Example #2
What if the all items added to and deleted from cart are in the same sequence?
<#assign Cart_Activity = "AAAA,BBBB,BBBB,CCCC,DDDD,EEEE,DDDD,FFFF,Add,Add,Delete,Add,Add,Add,Delete,Add">
The result I'm looking for is the same: AAAA,CCCC,EEEE,FFFF
First things first: You ask about sequence but the data you are dealing with are strings.
I know you are using the string to work as a sequence (and it works), but sequences are sequences and strings are strings, and they have diferente ways of dealing with. I just felt this was important to clarify if someone who is starting to learn how to program get to this answer.
Some assumptions since you're providing strings with data separated by comma:
You want a string with data separated by comma as a result.
You know how to properly create strings with data separated by comma.
You dont have commas in your items names.
I'll give you the logic but not the code donne, as this can be a great chance for you to learn/practice freemarker (stackoverflow spirit, you know...)
You question is not about something specific of freemaker (it just happens to be the language you want to work with). Think about adding the logic tag to you question. :-)
Now to the answer on how to do what you want on a "string that is working as a sequence":
Example #1
Change your string to a real sequence :-)
1 - Use a built-in to split your string on commas. Do it for both Added_Items_to_Cart and Deleted_Items_from_Cart. Now you have two real sequences to work with.
2 - Create a new string tha twill be your result .
3 - Iterate over the sequence of added itens.
4 - For each item of the added list, you will check if the deleted list also contains this item.
4.1 - If the deleted list contains the item you do nothing.
4.2 - If the deleted list do not contains the item, you add that item to your string result
At the end of this nested iteration (thats another hint) you should get the result you're looking for.
Example #2
There are many ways of doing it and i'll just share the one that pops out of my mind right now.
I think it's noteworthy that in this approach you will always have an even sized list, as you always insert 2 infos each time: item and action.
So always the first half will be the 'item list' and the second half will be the 'action list'.
1 - Change that string to a sequence (yes, like on the other example).
2 - Get half of its size (in your example size = 16 so half of it is 8)
3 - Iterate over a range from 0 to half-1 (in your example 0 to 7)
4 - At each iteration you'll have a number. Lets call it num (yes I'm very creative):
4.1 - If at the position num + half you have the word "Add" you add the item of position num in your result string
4.2 - If at the position num + half you have the word "Delete" you remove the item of position num from your result string
And for the grand finale, some really usefull links that will help you in your freemarker life forever!!!
All built-ins from freemarker:
All directives from freemarker:
Freemarekr cheatsheet : special permutation of array

Let's says I have an array that consists of string like
array = "C-F-A-M"
Instead of common permutation's formulas like
**n! / (n-r)**
I want the result of array permutation is like this
My questions is, is there a formulas to create a permutation like that? In, is there a special method that can create a permutation?
I don't ask for a codes or something, I'm just asking about formulas.

String Template: is it possible to get the n-th element of a Java List in the template?

In String Template one can easily get an element of a Java Map within the template.
Is it possible to get the n-th element of an array in a similar way?
According to the String Template Cheat Sheet you can easily get the first or second element:
You can combine operations to say things like first(rest(names)) to get second element.
but it doesn't seem possible to get the n-th element easily. I usually transform my list into a map with list indexes as keys and do something like
Is there some easier/more straightforward way?
Sorry, there is no mechanism to get a[i].
There is no easy way getting n-th element of the list.
In my opinion this indicates that your view and business logic are not separated enough: knowledge of what magic number 25 means is spread in both tiers.
One possible solution might be converting list of values to object which provides meaning to the elements. For example, lets say list of String represents address lines, in which case instead of map.("3") you would write address.street.

How can I check for a certain suffix in my string?

I got a list of strings. And I want to check for every string in there. Sometimes, a string can have the suffix _anim(X) where X is an integer. If such string has that kind of suffix, I need to check for all other strings that have the same "base" (the base being the part without suffix) and finally group such strings and send them to my function.
So, given the next list:
My code would discover the base Man has a special suffix, and will then generate a new list grouping all Man objects and arrange them depending on the value inside parenthesis. The code is supposed to return
And send such list to my function for further processing.
My problem is, how can I check for the existence of such suffix, and afterwards, check for the value inside parenthesis?
If you know that the suffix is going to be _anim(X) every time (obviously, with X varying) then you can use a regular expression:
Regex.IsMatch(value, #"_anim\(\d+\)$")
If the suffix isn't at least moderately consistent, then you'll have to look into data structures, like Suffix Trees, which you can use to determine common structures in strings.