String Template: is it possible to get the n-th element of a Java List in the template? - stringtemplate

In String Template one can easily get an element of a Java Map within the template.
Is it possible to get the n-th element of an array in a similar way?
According to the String Template Cheat Sheet you can easily get the first or second element:
You can combine operations to say things like first(rest(names)) to get second element.
but it doesn't seem possible to get the n-th element easily. I usually transform my list into a map with list indexes as keys and do something like
Is there some easier/more straightforward way?

Sorry, there is no mechanism to get a[i].

There is no easy way getting n-th element of the list.
In my opinion this indicates that your view and business logic are not separated enough: knowledge of what magic number 25 means is spread in both tiers.
One possible solution might be converting list of values to object which provides meaning to the elements. For example, lets say list of String represents address lines, in which case instead of map.("3") you would write address.street.


How to write xpath for following example?

For example, I have div tag that has two attributes.
class='hello#123' text='321#he#321llo#321'
<div> class='hello#123' text='321#he#321llo#321'></div>
Here, I want to write xpath for both class and text attributes but numbers may change dynamically. ie., "hello#123" may become "345" when we reload. "321#he#321llo#321" may become "567#he#456llo#321".
Note: Need to write xpath in single line not separately.
Assuming that you have the (corrected) two-attribute-HTML
<div class='hello#123' text='321#he#321llo#321'>...</div>
you can select it using the following, for example:
Using the contains() function
//div[contains(#class,'hello') and contains(#text,'#he#')]
This is quite specific and only applicable if the "hello" is always split in the same way
Using the translate() function to mask everything except the chars for "hello"
//div[translate(#class,'#0123456789','')='hello' and translate(#text,'#0123456789','')='hello']
This removes all # chars and digits and checks if the remaining string is "hello"
I guess combining these two approaches you will be able to create your own XPath expression fitting your needs. The patterns you provided were not fully clear, so this may only approach a good enough solution.

LabVIEW - How to clear an array after each iteration in a for loop

I'm trying to clear an array after each iteration of a for loop in LabVIEW, but the way I've implemented it has the values not going directly to what I want, but it changes with previous values in other parts of the array.
It isn't shown, but this code is inside of a for-loop that iterates through another numeric array.
I know that if I get the array to clear properly after each loop iteration, this should work. How do I do that? I'm a beginner at Labview but have been coding for awhile - help is appreciated!!!
[![labview add to array][2]][2]
It looks as if you're not quite used to how LabVIEW passes data around yet. There's no need to use lots of value property nodes for the same control or indicator within one structure; if you want to use the same data in more than one place, just branch the wire. Perhaps you're thinking that a LabVIEW control or indicator is equivalent to a variable in text languages, and you need to use a property node to get or set it. Instead, think of the wire as the variable. If you want to pass the output of one operation to the input of another, just wire the output to the input.
The indicators with terminals inside your loop will be updated with new values every loop iteration, and the code inside the loop should execute faster than a human can read those values, so once the loop has finished all the outputs except the final values will be lost. Is that what you intended, or do you want to accumulate or store them in some way?
I can see that in each loop iteration you're reading two values from a config file, and the section is specified by the string value of one element of the numeric array Array. You're displaying the two values in the indicators PICKERING and SUBUNIT. If you can describe in words (or pseudocode, or a text language you're used to) what manipulation of data you're actually trying to do in the rest of this code, we may be able to make more specific suggestions.
First of all, I'm assuming that the desired order of operations is the following:
Putting the value of Pickering into Array 2
Extracting from Array 2 the values to put in Pickering 1 and Pickering 2
Putting Array 2 back to its original value
If this is the case, with your current code you can't be sure that operation 1 will be executed be fore operation 2. In fact, the order of these operations can't be pre-determined. You must force the dataflow, for example by creating a sequence structure. You will put the code related to 1 in the first frame, then code related to operation 2 in the second.
Then, to put Array 2 back to it's original value I would add a third frame, where you force an empty array into the Value property node of Array 2 (the tool you use for pickering, but as input and not as output).
The sequence structure has to be inside the for loop.
I have never used the property node Reinit to default, so I can't help you with that.
Unfortunately I can't run Labview on this PC but I hope my explanation was clear enough, if not tell me and I will try to be more specific.

Build XPath using wildcard for changing strings

I am trying to build an XPath for a property that is constantly changing. The number prefix is bound to change sometimes.
which I can query using
Intended use: I would like to build the string to handle any number in the sub-string. Example: if the property changes to 'MainContent_DXEditor33_I' or 'MainContent_DXEditor8_IXYZ' - I still want to be able to find the element without having to rebuild
You can try to relax the predicate by using starts-with() :
//*[#starts-with(#id, "MainContent_DXEditor")]
You should try to identify a unique parent of the element or save xpath as a string that contains a variable.
These are the 2 possible solutions.
A general selector will return multiple elements, if you identify a unique parent then you are closer and after that you can select any first, second.. last if you have a list.

selecting first span value from a group in selenium

I would want to select the first instance of an element in a page where many number of such elements are present with 'ID' which will not be same always.
for example, visit, which lists lot of sports and odds, where I want to click on the first odds.
and the html structure would be like this,
I want to click on this first span value and proceed with some test case.
Any help on how to achieve this ?
There could be two approaches two the problem:
1. If you are sure you will always need only the first instance:
If not, then you have collection of elemets and you can access an of those
2. Also, you can first identify any closest enclosing div and then you can use the same snippet as above:
This one is a better approach if page is a bit dynamic in nature
Use #class attribute. If OddsR class you are intrested in is the 1st one on the page then just use Driver.FindElement(By.ClassName("OddsR")). Webdriver will pick the 1st occurence (no matter if there are more)
Have checked your link and I agree with alecxe, you should probably start with div. But i would suggest a simpler selector :
css = "div.MarketBd span.OddsR"
The above selector will always point to the first span of "OddsR" class within div of "MarketBd" class.
Thanks for the response.
I am finally able to click on the element, by this XPATH,
This clicks on the first occurrence of 'OddsR' values, without giving any index.

sorting and getting uniques

i have a string that looks like this
i want to be able to sort this list and get only the uniques. how do i do it in please provide code
A lot of your questions are quite basic, so rather than providing the code I'm going to provide the thought process and let you learn from implementing it.
Firstly, you have a string that contains multiple items separated by commas, so you're going to need to split the string at the commas to get a list. You can use String.Split for that.
You can then use some of the extension methods for IEnumerable<T> to filter and order the list. The ones to look at are Enumerable.Distinct and Enumerable.OrderBy. You can either write these as normal methods, or use Linq syntax.
If you need to get it back into a comma-separated string, then you'll need to re-join the strings using the String.Join method. Note that this needs an array so Enumerable.ToArray will be useful in conjunction.
You can do it using LINQ, like this:
Dim input = "apples,fish,oranges,bananas,fish"
Dim strings = input.Split(","c).Distinct().OrderBy(Function(s) s)
I'm not a VB.NET programmer, but I can give you a suggestion:
Split the string into an array
Create a second array
Cycle through the first array, adding any value that is not in the second.
Upon completion, your second array will have only unique values.