Can razorpages have a common base class beside pagemodel? -

Can I create a base class to use for several razorpages, as long as the base class inherits from PageModel? I have not seen any examples using this approach, but it would seem like a good way to setup dependencies that need to be injected. Rather than inject on each page model constructor, do it once in the base.

You can't inherit from multiple classes, c# allows inheriting from only one base class. But you still able to implement multiple interfaces beside the base PageModel.
As a workaround, your base class can inherit from another base class that has PageModel as base class and so on... but try not to avoid the kiss principle (see Programming principles)
public class MyBasePageModel : PageModel
// custom implementations...
Then apply to IndexModel:
public class IndexModel : MyBasePageModel
// ...


Can Abstract class be used that way or Should I use Interface?

I'm sure this question seems simple but I still want to ask. I was reading about abstract classes and found this real time example:
Let's suppose we are defining an iPhone class for Apple and then inheriting it to iPhone5 and iPhone5s sub-classes. Practically we don't want an object of iPhone class since we first need to know the type of iPhone. So the iPhone class should be an abstract class that contains some common behavior to all subclasses like Call(), SMS(). However, we can also add some abstract methods like Model() and Color() into the iPhone class that must be implemented in all the sub-classes depending upon the phone. Whenever we implement the iPhone class into sub classes, say iPhone5s, we don't need to write Call and SMS methods again for the class, we just need to implement the abstract methods.
But my friend told me that such example could be better using interface instead of abstract class. So my question is should I create an interface of iPhone class instead of abstract class, or this approach is good? Please help!
Interfaces and abstract classes serve different purposes. An interface is used to exclusively declare what the interface to a class must look like in order to qualify as an X. You'd use this to define what a phone must provide, e.g. a call(number) and sms(number, message) method.
An abstract class is an implementation "with blanks". An abstract class could implement an interface itself. You'd use an abstract iPhone class to implement your Phone interface; you add code which is common for all iPhones to that abstract class, and leave abstract methods which each particular iPhone model must implement itself.
interface Phone {
public function call(number);
public function sms(number, message);
abstract class iPhone implements Phone {
public function call(number) {
cellProvider = this.getCellProvider();
* Every iPhone model will have different hardware,
* must return instance of CellProviderInterface here.
abstract protected function getCellProvider();
class iPhone5S extends iPhone {
protected function getCellProvider() {
return this.qualcom12345Chip;

Under what scenarios a developer should inherit constructors and destructors of a parent class into child class?

As all private and public attributes and methods are inherited into a child class from its parent class then why would constructors and destructors be inherited into a child class?
Is there a real life scnario?
In most programming languages constructors and descructors are not inherited automatically. Usually base class can provide one set of constructors and child class can provide another set of constructors.
I think that in most cases abstract derived class should provide the same set of constructor as base class do (i.e. "inherit" constructors from the base class), but concrete derived class can resolve some of base class's constructor arguments and provide more usable set of constructors:
Consider following case. Let suppose we have a base class called BaseWCFProxy that requires string as endpoint name:
abstract class BaseWCFProxy
public BaseWCFProxy(string endpointName)
class ConcreteProxy : BaseWCFProxy
public ConcreteProxy() : base("ConcreteProxyEndPoint") {}
But you decide to add additional abstract class between BaseProxy and ConcreteProxy than you should provide the same set of constructors as base class:
class DualChannelBaseProxy : BaseWCFProxy
public DualChannelBaseProxy(string enpointName) : base(endpointName) {}
So the rule of thumb is: if you write a abstract child you should consider to "inherit" all base classes constructors. If you write a concrete child you can provide separate set of constructors that would be appropriate for your clients.
P.S. We don't have the same issue with destructors because there is no such notion like destructors overloading. And they're inherited by default: i.e. descendant can provide some additional logic but it definitely should call base version.

Mapping inheritance in NHibernate 3.3

I have the inheritance described below :
public abstract class BaseEntity<TId> {....}
public abstract class ModelEntity : BaseEntity<Int32>{....}
public abstract class AuditableEntity : ModelEntity,IAuditable{....}
public class ApplicationUser : AuditableEntity{....}
public class SuperUser : ApplicationUser
I am using NHibernate 3.3 and I want to Create the mappings for that inheritance
public abstract class ModelEntityMap<TEntity> : ClassMapping<TEntity>
where TEntity : ModelEntity
public class AuditableEntityMap<TEntity> : ModelEntityMap<TEntity> where TEntity : AuditableEntity
{ ...}
public class ApplicationUserMap : AuditableEntityMap<ApplicationUser>
public class SuperUserMap : JoinedSubclassMapping<SuperUser>{...}
When the application starts and trys to set up the database it raises the following Exception :
Ambiguous mapping for SuperUser More than one root entities was found BaseEntity / ApplicationUser
Possible solutions
-Merge the mapping of root Entity in the one is representing the real root in the hierarchy
-Inject a IModelInspector with a logic to discover the real root-entity.
I was using Fluent nhibernate with the same inheritance and worked fine with SuperUserMap defined as
public class SuperUserMap : SubClassMap {...}
I am new to Nhibernate mapping by code and quite confused !!!
I believe there are two ways to solve this problem:
a) Using the concept of discriminator that identifies the type of the class stored and thereby the right object is retrieved from the database, in this case your class is mapped to a table that has all the columns plus the discriminator columns. Not sure how this works with multi-level inheritance but this is something that you can google.
b) take a look at this post on how he deals with inheritance: you might get some idea to solve your issue.
You can influence the decision whether an entity is a root entity by overriding the IsRootEntity logic of the model mapper that you use to create mappings.
Here's an example that defines the default NHibernate mapping-by-code behaviour:
var modelMapper = new ConventionModelMapper();
modelMapper.IsRootEntity((type, declared) =>
if (declared) return true; // Type has already been declared as root entity
return type.IsClass
&& typeof(object) == type.BaseType
&& modelMapper.ModelInspector.IsEntity(type);
You will have to tweak this decision logic to exclude the BaseEntity class as possible root entity.
I had this error with NHibernate 4.1.1 (May 2017), so I'm answering with how I solved it for future reference
In my case, I copied an existing mapping of an inheriting class, and forgot to change the parent mapping class to ClassMapping and encountered the same error
In other words, in your mapping class, check the parent class, make sure it is ClassMapping or JoinedSubclassMapping if it's a child class

Bridge Pattern - Composition or Aggregation?

I'm reading some books about Design Patterns and while some describe the relation between the abstraction and the implementation as a composition, some describe it as an aggregation. Now I wonder: is this dependant on the implementation? On the language? Or context?
The terms "composition" and "aggregation" mean more or less the same thing and may be used interchangeably. Aggregation may be used more frequently when describing container classes such as lists, dynamic arrays, maps, and queues where the elements are all of the same type; however, both terms may be found to describe classes defined in terms of other classes, regardless of whether those types are homogenous (all of the same type) or heterogenous (objects of different types).
To make this clearer:
class Car {
// ...
Engine engine;
Hood hood;
// The car is *composed* of an engine and a hood. Hence, composition. You are
// also bringing together (i.e. *aggregating*) an engine and hood into a car.
The relationship between abstraction and implementation typically implies inheritance, rather than composition/aggregation; typically the abstraction is an interface or virtual base class, and the implementation is a fully concrete class that implements the given interface. But, to make things confusing, composition/aggregation can be a part of the interface (because, for example, you may need to set/get the objects that are used as building blocks), and they are also an approach to implementation (because you might use delegation to provide the definition for methods in your implementation).
To make this clearer:
interface Car {
public Engine getEngine();
public Hood getHood();
public void drive();
// In the above, the fact that a car has these building blocks
// is a part of its interface (the abstraction).
class HondaCivic2010 implements Car {
public void drive(){ getEngine().drive(); }
// ...
// In the above, composition/delegation is an implementation
// strategy for providing the drive functionality.
Since you have tagged your question "bridge", I should point out that the definition of the bridge pattern is a pattern where you use composition rather than inheritance to allow for variation at multiple different levels. An example that I learned at college... using inheritance you might have something like:
class GoodCharacter;
class BadCharacter;
class Mage;
class Rogue;
class GoodMage : public GoodCharacter, Mage;
class BadMage : public BadCharacter, Mage;
class GoodRogue : public GoodCharacter, Rogue;
class BadRogue : public BadCharacter, Rogue;
As you can see, this kind of thing goes pretty crazy, and you get a ridiculous number of classes. The same thing, with the bridge pattern, would look like:
class Personality;
class GoodPersonality : public Personality;
class BadPersonality : public Personality;
class CharacterClass;
class Mage : public CharacterClass;
class Rogue : public CharacterClass;
class Character {
// ...
CharacterClass character_class;
Personality personality;
// A character has both a character class and a personality.
// This is a perfect example of the bridge pattern, and we've
// reduced MxN classes into a mere M+N classes, and we've
// arguably made the system even more flexible than before.
the bridge pattern must use delegation (aggregation/composition and not inheritance). from the gang-of-four book:
Use the Bridge pattern when
* you want to avoid a permanent binding between an abstraction and its implementation. This might be the case, for example, when the implementation must be selected or switched at run-time.
* both the abstractions and their implementations should be extensible by subclassing. In this case, the Bridge pattern lets you combine the different abstractions and implementations and extend them independently.
* changes in the implementation of an abstraction should have no impact on clients; that is, their code should not have to be recompiled.
* (C++) you want to hide the implementation of an abstraction completely from clients. In C++ the representation of a class is visible in the class interface.
* you have a proliferation of classes as shown earlier in the first Motivation diagram. Such a class hierarchy indicates the need for splitting an object into two parts. Rumbaugh uses the term "nested generalizations" [RBP+91] to refer to such class hierarchies.
* you want to share an implementation among multiple objects (perhaps using reference counting), and this fact should be hidden from the client. A simple example is Coplien's String class [Cop92], in which multiple objects can share the same string representation (StringRep).
Standard UML of Bridge pattern clears out all air around the confusion. Below is an explanation with a brief example to clear the air around this.
Apologies for this lengthy code, best way is to copy this code to Visual Studio to easily understand it.
Read through the explanation written at the end of code
interface ISpeak
void Speak();
class DogSpeak : ISpeak
public void Speak()
Console.WriteLine("Dog Barks");
class CatSpeak : ISpeak
public void Speak()
Console.WriteLine("Cat Meows");
abstract class AnimalBridge
protected ISpeak Speech;
protected AnimalBridge(ISpeak speech)
this.Speech = speech;
public abstract void Speak();
class Dog : AnimalBridge
public Dog(ISpeak dogSpeak)
: base(dogSpeak)
public override void Speak()
class Cat : AnimalBridge
public Cat(ISpeak catSpeak)
: base(catSpeak)
public override void Speak()
-- ISpeak is the abstraction that bot Dog and Cat has to implement
-- Decoupled Dog and Cat classes by introducing a bridge "Animal" that is composed of ISpeak
-- Dog and Cat classes extend Animal class and thus are decoupled from ISpeak.
Hope this clarifies

AutoMapping Custom Collections with FluentNHibernate

I am retrofitting a very large application to use NHibernate as it's data access strategy. Everything is going well with AutoMapping. Luckily when the domain layer was built, we used a code generator. The main issue that I am running into now is that every collection is hidden behind a custom class that derives from List<>. For example
public class League
public OwnerList owners {get;set;}
public class OwnerList : AppList<Owner> { }
public class AppList<T> : List<T> { }
What kind of Convention do I have to write to get this done?
I don't think you're going to be able to achieve this with a convention. You will have to create an auto mapping override and then do the following:
mapping.HasMany(l => a.owners).CollectionType<OwnerList>();