How do I navigate to another page within my Elm application? - elm

How do I navigate to another page within my Elm application?
Specifically, I am trying to navigate from the Home page to the Contributor page.
The Contributor page is located under my Domain folder.
The file structure is below:
- Home.elm
- Domain
- Contributor.elm
I thought I could do something like this:
a [href "Domain/Contributor.elm"] [text "click me!"]
or this:
a [href "Domain/Contributor.html"] [text "click me!"]
However, neither of these paths work.
The app that I'm working on is NOT a SPA.

You are using elm-live, which is a development server. It targets a single Elm source file as its entry point, so unless your Elm code is built as a single page application, you won't be able to do any navigation to another file (though there is nothing wrong with hard-coding href links that link elsewhere).
elm-live is also only for development. You wouldn't want to run it on a production server.
If you are trying to avoid a SPA and would rather have each Elm file represent the complete functionality for a single page, perhaps you could go with the default functionality of elm make, which generates an HTML file that contains inline javascript compiled from Elm code. This is, in essence, what drives the website. If you look at the source code, you'll see the html generated by the default elm make command, compiled against each Elm file "page" of the application.
On the other hand, if you are trying to build a SPA, #Bill's answer is a good starting point.

I don't believe you can do the sort of navigation you are trying to do within an Elm app without building a SPA. You are attempting to use the HTML href attribute to navigate. That attribute needs to be a real URL. Without using something like the Elm navigation package, you wont's have support for multiple routes.
Simple navigation in Elm is fairly straightforward. I wrote a blog post on this subject.
Also, here is the github repo that demonstrates the work in this post.


React-Redirect to external link with react-router-dom or <a> Tag

I am building a react blog app, I am using a functional component where I will be using some internal and external links both. For the internal links I am using Link from react-router-domwhich is working fine but for the external link I am not able to decide will an Link from react-router-dom works, which directs to the path of the external URL or an <a> tag should be fine.
The purpose of using react-router-dom is to navigate to application routes by making changes in the DOM and not reloading the whole page. This scenario is applicable to internal links.
When coming towards external links. It is something that is not the part of our application. We cannot render it our application context. So, a solution to that is using an a tag for external links.
Link is basically a wrapper of an tag with a lot of upside functionalities like,
A can know when the route it links to is active and
automatically apply an activeClassName and/or activeStyle when given
either prop.
The will be active if the current route is either the linked
route or any descendant of the linked route.
To have the link be active only on the exact linked route, use
instead or set the onlyActiveOnIndex prop.
Read the rest at
You can use the anchor tag if you plain something plain. use Link for ease of use.

Are links in Polaris embedded app supposed to not change url path?

I'm using Next.js with Polaris (from following their guide here). Using Link component imported from either Polaris or Next.js is not updating the url in the embedded app.
While the url path doesn't change, the view does change correctly (i.e. the component for the new path does render). Same result with breadcrumbs and url prop for ResourceList.
Is this expected behavior?
Ended up figuring this out after many variations of trying to make links work correctly.
Answer: no, that's not expected behavior and links should change url path for Shopify embedded apps.
For Polaris, in order to make links change the URL you will need to install this library (#shopify/react-shopify-app-route-propagator). There is enough instructions on the page to figure out how to install it.
Important note on library usage: AppProvider had to be in the parent component for this.context.polaris.appBridge to work correctly. All the logic for context needed to be in a child component. This issue might've been unique to just my case, but maybe not.

How to render a jade block(section) using links?

I was hoping someone had any insight on this basic approach. Sample scenario:
I have a dashboard template with menu links a(href "/page") and I want to click the links to render a different section/view on the template. I used block content...but does it need a specific route?
If I understand correctly, you want to update the content of the page on click of the link without the page getting refreshed.
In that case, no you can't do it using block content.
The purpose of block content is to apply inheritance in your templates.
The typical use of block content would be creating a layout and then creating more specific page from the layout. This is what the official documentation says.
The reason why you cannot do it because, jade is server side templating library. This resolves the block content on server. Once rendered in client, the html looses all the information that was specific to jade (which is obvious because its an html afterall).
What you can do here is
Create a /page.jade and make a ajax call to a service. That service should return an already compiled html string. Since you are using jade, you can easily use jade.compile(source, options) to template / generate html.
Jade API documentation here

MVC5 MvcSiteMapProvider to display full sitemap

I successfully installed MvcSiteMapProvider, and got the breadcrumbs working and customizing the templates to generate Twitter Bootstrap navbar menu. Everything is honky dory. Now I'd like to have a view which sole purpose would be to display the whole sitemap hierarchy (in a tree structure, nodes would be clickable).
I've found traces of old ASP.NET sitemap solution to XSLT transform the sitemap XML file. That's not only a dead-end because it's old and doesn't look like a good idea, but I also take advantage of the annotation feature of MvcSiteMapProvider.
I don't use external DI framework.
I turn to here because my search attempts came out empty. I guess I could do something like the bootstrap navbar customization, creating some templates. But I'm sure I'm not the first one and I'd be happy to see some working code if there any out there.
Per the documentation:
Html.MvcSiteMap().SiteMap() - Can be used to generate a list of all pages in your sitemap
If that doesn't meet your needs, you could always build your own custom HTML helper to display the SiteMap per your requirements. Have a look at this answer for a demo showing how to create Next and Back links according to the document outline of the SiteMap.

Separate webapp for custom components in Moqui

I have read this in many places "You will eventually want to create your own runtime directory and keep it in your own source repository...". Can anyone tell me how to do that? What if I don't want to lose some of the OOTB components?
Currently I am just planning to have a separate webapp for custom developed components. Let's say, I want to have "ootb" mount point for the OOTB components and blank "" mount point for custom developed components. How should I do that? This is what I have tried without success:
<webapp name="webroot" http-port="8080" https-enabled="false">
<root-screen host=".*/ootb" location="component://webroot/screen/webroot.xml"/>
<webapp name="customroot" http-port="8080" https-enabled="false">
<root-screen host=".*" location="component://customroot/screen/customroot.xml"/>
If this does not work then one other solution that I can think of is to just have the "customroot" entry, and add the "webroot" as SubScreenItem in it. The "customroot" screen will just be blank, and my custom decorator will be present in the "customapps" screen which will be a counter part of the "apps" screen. And all my screens will use the "customapps" screen.
Although I haven't tried what I wrote above, but that somehow feels like a hack. I believe there should be some better way to do this.
And yes, I have read the article, I want to use localhost and there should be some way to do it with localhost too.
As explained in the other StackOverflow question you linked to (on the word "article") the webapp element used at runtime is selected based on the "moqui-name" context-param from the web.xml file for the webapp (in or out of a WAR file). Unless you are deploying multiple WAR files or other forms of webapps this is not useful.
What you are describing would be handled by adding subscreens in the screen hierarchy at the desired points. The general idea with the screen hierarchy in Moqui is that you can have root screens of "applications" mounted through various means (see the annotations on the subscreens element or the Making Apps with Moqui book for details on the 3 ways of doing this). Part of the point of this is to AVOID multiple webapps mounted in the servlet container because that makes things more complicated, including: handling authc and sessions, configuration and deployment, and so on.
Generally for an application in a component you'll want to use a database record to add a subscreen to an existing screen in the hierarchy, mainly from the "webroot" component. Here is an example of that from the example app in Moqui (this adds an "example" path elements under the "apps" path element, where the apps.xml screen is mounted under the root screen, putting it at /apps/example):
<moqui.screen.SubscreensItem screenLocation="component://webroot/screen/webroot/apps.xml"
subscreenName="example" userGroupId="ALL_USERS" menuTitle="Example" menuIndex="8" menuInclude="Y"
Here is an example from PopCommerce to mount the root screen of the application under the root screen instead of the "apps" screen (i.e. making it located at /popc instead of /apps/popc; note that this means the decoration in the apps.xml screen will not be used because it's not in the render path):
<moqui.screen.SubscreensItem screenLocation="component://webroot/screen/webroot.xml"
subscreenName="popc" userGroupId="ALL_USERS" menuTitle="POP Commerce" menuIndex="9" menuInclude="N"
I think I might have asked a confusing question, but thanks for your time David. If I try to rephrase my question, it would be: "How to have a decorator screen which will not use any HTML from the webroot or apps screens?"
I think I found the answer. I just added my customroot screen as SubScreenItem under webroot screen, and mentioned the attribute standalone="true" in it. Now my URL: localhost:8080/customroot/foo does not use anything mentioned in webroot or apps screens.
Just that, now if I want to have all my components to be at root level in URL like: localhost:8080/foo
I think the only way to do that would be to shift the OOTB components to some other URL like: localhost:8080/ootb/apps/AppList
To do that I will have to add webroot as SubScreenItem of the customroot screen, and replace the webapp entry of webroot with that of customroot.
Damn, I tried so hard and it still is confusing.